"桜田雄,亀島欣一,磯部敏宏,中島章,岡田清","イブプロフェンを保持した層状複水酸化物の作製と放出性能の制御","日本セラミックス協会2010年年会","日本セラミックス協会2010年年会講演予稿集",,,,"p. 155",2010,Jan. "桜田雄,亀島 欣一,磯部 敏宏,中島 章,岡田 清","「イブプロフェン/層状複水酸化物の作製とイブプロフェン放出挙動の調査」","第53回粘土科学討論会","第53回粘土科学討論会 講演要旨集",,,,"p. 196-197",2009,Sept. "Shunsuke SUZUKI,Akira NAKAJIMA,Yuu SAKURADA,Munetoshi SAKAI,Naoya YOSHIDA,Ayako HASHIMOTO,Yoshikazu KAMESHIMA,Kiyoshi OKADA","Mass Dependense of Rolling/Slipping Ratio in Sliding Acceleration of Water Droplets on a Smooth Fluoroalkylsilane coating",,"J. Japan Soc. Colour Mater.",,"Vol. 82","No. 1","pp. 3-8",2009,Jan. "Y.Sakurada,Y. Kameshima,T. Isobe,A. Nakajima,K. Okada","“Preparation and controlled release of various drug/LDH compounds”","Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering 2008 Postgraudate Conference",,,,,,2008,Nov. "Y. Sakurada,A. Nakajima,M. Sakai,Y. Kameshima,K. Okada","“Effect of Tilt Angle and Viscosity on the Internal Fluidity of Droplets Sliding on Hydrophobic Silane Coatings’’","Joint Conference of the 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC2) and the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology of Solid Surface and Interface (STSI1),",,,,,,2008,May "S. Suzuki,A. Nakajima,M. Sakai,Y. Sakurada,Y. Kameshima,K. Okada","“Direct Evaluation of Sliding Motion of Water Droplets on Hydrophobic Silane Coatings’’","Joint Conference of the 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC2) and the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology of Solid Surface and Interface (STSI1),",,,,,,2008,May "桜田雄,中島章,鈴木俊介,磯部敏宏,酒井宗寿,亀島欣一,岡田清","「撥水表面を転落する液滴の内部流動に及ぼす表面構造と液体粘度の影響」","2008年度色材協会研究発表会","2008年度色材協会研究発表会講演予稿集",,,,"pp. 220-221",2008, "Y. Sakurada,S. Suzuki,M. Sakai,A. Nakajima,Y. Kameshima,K. Okada","“Effect of Liquid Viscosity on the Internal Fluidity of a Droplet Sliding on a Fluoroalkylsilane Coating”",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 37","No. 7","pp. 688-689",2008, "S. Suzuki,A. Nakajima,M. Sakai,Y. Sakurada,N. Yoshida,A. Hashimoto,Y. Kameshima,K. Okada","Sliding and Roliling Ratio of Sliding Acceleration for a Water Droplet Sliding on Fluoroalkylsolane Coatinggs of Different Roughness",,"Chem.Lett.",,"Vol. 37","No. 1","p. 58-59",2008, "桜田雄,中島章,酒井宗寿,亀島欣一,岡田清","「フルオロシランコーティング表面を転落する液滴の内部流動に及ぼす液滴粘度の効果」","第24回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会","第24回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 37",2008,