"Toyohiko Yano,Junichi Yamane,Katsumi Yoshida,Shuhei Miwa,Masahiko Ohsaka","Low temperature liquid-phase-assisted sintering of Si3N4 ceramics as an inert matrix for confinement of minor actinides",,"IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Engineer.",,"Vol. 9",," 012024",2011,Apr. "Toyohiko Yano,Junichi Yamane,Katsumi Yoshida,Shuhei Miwa,Masahiko Ohsaka","Low temperature liquid-phase-assisted sintering of Si3N4 ceramics as an inert matrix for confinement of minor actinides","Actinides 2009","Abst. Actinides 2009",,," 4P33","pp. 370-371",2009,July "Toyohiko Yano,Junichi Yamane,Katsumi Yoshida","Low Temperature Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics and Its Applicability as an Ineart Matrix of the Transuranium Elements for Transmutation of Minor Actinides",,"Key Engineering Mater.",,"Vol. 403",,"pp. 23-26",2009, "Junichi Yamane,Masamitsu Imai,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Syuhei Miwa,Masahiko Osaka","Characterization of Silicon Nitride Ceramics Sintered at Lower Temperatures with CeO2, UO2 or PuO2 as a Simulant for Minor Actinides",,"Abst. 21st Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Jpn.",,," 1P05","p. 367",2008,Sept. "Junichi Yamane,Masamitsu Imai,Toyohiko Yano","Fabrication and Basic Characterization of Silicon Nitride Ceramics as an Inert Matrix",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50","No. 2-6","pp. 621-624",2008,Mar. "Toyohiko Yano,Junichi Yamane,Katsumi Yoshida","Low Temperature Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics and Its Applicability as an Inert Matrix of the Transmutation of Minor Actinides","2nd International Symposium on SiAlONs and Non-Oxides","Abst. 2nd Int. Symp. on SiAlONs and Non-Oxides",,,,"pp. 5",2007,Dec. "山根純一,今井雅三,吉田克己,矢野豊彦","不活性マトリックスへの応用を目的とした窒化ケイ素セラミックス作製と焼結条件の改善","日本セラミックス協会第20回秋季シンポジウム","セラミックス協会第20回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集",,,"No. 2P1-17","pp. 411",2007,Sept. "Junichi Yamane,Masamitsu Imai,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano","Compatibility of Silicon Nitride Inert Matrix with Reprocessing Method","The 2nd Tokyo Tech-MIT Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (TM-INES2)","Abst. 2nd Tokyo Tech-MIT Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems",,,"No. P-21","p. 73",2007,July "Junichi Yamane,Masamitsu Imai,Toyohiko Yano","Fabrication and Basic Characterization of Silicon Nitride as an Inert Matrix","Inter-COE International Symposium on Energy System","Abstract of Inter-COE International Symposium on Energy System",,,,"p. 62",2006,Oct.