"Jianxia Cao,AKINORI NISHIHARA,Shijuan Wang","Effect of Instructor Inclusion Type and Course Complexity on Students’ Learning in Lecturer Video","10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers","Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers","Association for Computing Machinery",,,"pp. 181-188",2018,Oct. "Shijuan Wang","A practical study of effective instructional methods to develop technical creativity",,,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shijuan Wang","A Practical Study of Effective Instructional Methods to Develop Technical Creativity: Based on Cases of Chinese High Schools",,,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shijuan Wang","A practical study of effective instructional methods to develop technical creativity",,,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shijuan Wang,MASAO MUROTA","Effects of Instructional Methods on the Relationships between Personality Factors and Creative Performance","International Conference for Media in Education",,,,,,2017, "Shijuan Wang,MASAO MUROTA","Possibilities and limitations of integrating peer instruction into technical creativity education",,"Instructional Science","Springer link","Vol. 44","No. 6","pp. 501-525",2017, "Shijuan Wang,Masao Murota","Creativity Development Conception and Execution in Chinese High School ICT Classes",,"International Journal for Educational Media and Technology",,"Vol. 9","No. 1","pp. 68-79",2015,July "Shijuan WANG,Masao MUROTA,Xin DU","Creativity Development in a Chinese Ordinary High School Software Application Class","International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) 2014","Proceedings of International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) 2014",,,,"p. 13",2014,Aug. "Shijuan WANG,Masao MUROTA","3Cs Integration Analysis of Learning Activities in Chinese ICT Lesson Plans","日本教育工学会 第29回全国大会","日本教育工学会 第29回全国大会 講演論文集",,,,"pp. 1035-1036",2013,Sept. "Shijuan WANG,Masao MUROTA","Study of 3C-HEAT Integration Levels in Chinese ICT Lesson Plans","International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) 2013","Proc. of International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) 2013",,"Vol. B38",,"pp. 1-3",2013,Aug.