"Chawapun Suttinont","Construction of engineered extracellular matrix proteins for regulation of cellular functions",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "Chawapun Suttinont","Construction of engineered extracellular matrix proteins for regulation of cellular functions",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "Chawapun Suttinont","Construction of engineered extracellular matrix proteins for regulation of cellular functions",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "Chawapun Suttinont,Yasumasa Mashimo,Masayasu Mie,EIRY KOBATAKE","Delivery of bFGF for Tissue Engineering by Tethering to the ECM.",,"BioMed research international",,"Vol. 2015",,"pp. 208089",2015,Aug. "Chawapun Suttinont","Construction of engineered extracellular matrix proteins for regulation of cellular functions",,,,,,,,