"Jibao Liu,Dhimas Dwinandha,Mohamed Elsamadony,Rongjun Gao,Qing Long Fu,Jibao Liu,Manabu Fujii","Interpretable Machine Learning and Reactomics Assisted Isotopically Labeled FT-ICR-MS for Exploring the Reactivity and Transformation of Natural Organic Matter during Ultraviolet Photolysis",,"Environmental Science and Technology",,"Vol. 58","No. 1","pp. 816-825",2024,Jan. "Jibao Liu,Ning Wang,Manabu Fujii,Zhen Bao,Jinyi Wei,Zhineng Hao,Qing long Fu,Rongjun Gao,Jingfu Liu,Yuansong Wei","Insights into the roles of DOM in humification during sludge composting: Comprehensive chemoinformatic analysis using FT-ICR mass spectrometry",,"Chemical Engineering Journal",,"Vol. 475","No. null","pp. null",2023,Nov.