"Mohamed Elsamadony,Manabu Fujii,Masahiro Ryo,Francesco Fuso Nerini,Kaoru Kakinuma,Shinjiro Kanae","Preliminary quantitative assessment of the multidimensional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Sustainable Development Goals",,"Journal of cleaner production","Elsevier","Volume 372",," 133812",2022,Oct. "Shiena Okada,Khanal Rajendra,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Masahiro Ryo","Monitoring land cover change of a river-floodplain system using high resolution satellite images.",,"Landscape and Ecological Engineering",,"Vol. 15","No. 1","pp. 63-74",2019,Jan. "山崎雅貴,梁政寛,吉村千洋,城山理沙","河川の洪水・渇水の周期性と魚類種数の関係:循環統計を用いた評価.",,"土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 74","No. 4","pp. I295-I300.",2018,Feb. "Masahiro Ryo,Chihiro Yoshimura,Yuichi Iwasaki","Importance of antecedent environmental conditions in modeling species distributions.",,"Ecography",,,,,2018,Feb. "松前大樹,吉村千洋,梁政寛","陸域観測技術衛星(ALOS)を活用した相模川低地部の河道形状変化の推定.",,"応用生態工学",,,,,2017, "梁政寛,吉村千洋,岩崎雄一","河川魚類の個体数に影響を及ぼす多様な環境要因の相対的重要度の評価:繁殖時期に着目して.",,"土木学会論文集",," Ser. B1"," 72",,2016,Apr. "山崎雅貴,梁政寛,吉村千洋,城山理沙","循環統計を用いた世界の主要河川での洪水・渇水発生時期と魚類種数の関係性の評価","応用生態工学会 第19回大会",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Hiroki Matsumae,Chihiro Yoshimura,Masahiro Ryo","Estimation of geomorphological changes in plain area of Sagami River using land observing satellite Daichi","応用生態工学会 2015年度国際シンポジウム",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Masahiro Ryo","Distributed Modeling of Flow Regime for Fish Conservation on a River Network",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Masahiro Ryo","Distributed Modeling of Flow Regime for Fish Conservation on a River Network",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Masahiro Ryo","Distributed Modeling of Flow Regime for Fish Conservation on a River Network",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "梁政寛","河川網における魚類保全に向けた分布型流況モデルの構築",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Masahiro Ryo,Yuichi Iwasaki,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra","Evaluation of spatial pattern of altered flow regimes on a river network using a distributed hydrological model.",,"PLOS ONE?",,"Vol. 10","No. 7"," e0133833",2015, "Masahiro Ryo,Yuichi Iwasaki,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra","Evaluation of spatial variability of flow regime alteration using distributed hydrological model","International Symposium on Environmental Flow and Water Resources Management","Proceedings of International Symposium on Environmental Flow and Water Resources Management",,,,"pp. 1-8",2014,Oct. "Hiroki Matsumae,Chihiro Yoshimura,Masahiro Ryo","Evaluation Spatiotemporal Pattern of Riverine Geomorphology Based on Satellite Imageries","International Symposium on Environmental Flow and Water Resources Management","Proceedings of International Symposium on Environmental Flow and Water Resources Management",,,,"pp. 17-22",2014,Oct. "梁政寛,岩崎雄一,吉村千洋,SAAVEDRA VALERIANOOLIVER CRISTIAN","河川ネットワークにおける改変さ れた流況の空間パターン評価","応用生態工学会 第18回大会",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Masahiro Ryo,Yuichi Iwasaki,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Pengzhe Sui","Can Dams Mitigate Altered Stream Flow Characteristics? - A Case Study in Sagami River, Japan, Using a Distributed Hydrological Model","11th Annual Meeting AOGS2014","Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society,AOGS 2014",,,,,2014,July "Ryo, M.,Saavedra O. C. V.,Kanae, S.,Dang, T.","Temporal downscaling of daily gauged precipitation by application of a satellite product for flood simulation in a poorly gauged basin and its evaluation with multiple regression analysis",,"Journal of Hydrometeorology","American Meteorological Society","Vol. 15","No. 2","pp. 563-580",2014,Apr. "Masahiro Ryo,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Pengzhe Sui","Longitudinal trends of flow regimes altered by dams in the lowland section of Sagami River.?","第58回水工学講演会","土木学会論文集B1(水工学)",,"Vol. 70(4)","No. ?","pp. 31-36",2014,Mar. "梁政寛,吉村千洋,隋鵬哲,SAAVEDRA VALERIANOOLIVER CRISTIAN","河川において支流のダム操作は主流の流況改変を増幅するか,軽減するか??相模川宮ヶ瀬ダムの評価事例?","第61回日本生態学会大会",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Shiena Okada,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Masahiro Ryo","Estimation of land cover and water depth distribution of a river-floodplain system using high resolution satellite image","The International Conference on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program of NRCT, JSPS, and ERDT.","Proceeding of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program",,,,"pp. 9-16",2013,Nov. "Akira Ikeda,Masahiro Ryo,Chihiro Yoshimura","Spatial extension of population model for riverine fish.","The International Conference on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program of NRCT, JSPS, and ERDT.","Proceeding of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program",,,,"pp. 156-164",2013,Nov. "Masahiro Ryo,Oliver Saavedra,Chihiro Yoshimura,Pengzhe Sui","Natural mitigation effect of tributaries on altered flow regimes at the major confluence in Sagami River, Japan.","The International Conference on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program of NRCT, JSPS, and ERDT.","Proceeding of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program",,,,"pp. 31-38",2013,Nov. "Shiena Okada,Chihiro Yoshimura,Oliver Saavedra,Takeo Tadono,Ryo Masahiro,Manabu Fujii","Estimation of Habitat structure of river-floodplan system using high","第1回ALOS-2 PIワークショップ",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Pengzhe Sui,Akito Iwasaki,Masahiro Ryo,Oliver Saavedra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Modelling basin-scale distribution of fish population density for habitat","International Society for River Science (ISRS): 3rd Biennial Symposium",,,,,,2013,Aug. "Pengzhe Sui,Akito Iwasaki,Masahiro Ryo,Oliver Saavedra,Chihiro Yoshimura","Development of a Spatially Distributed Model of Fish Population Density for Habitat Assessment of Rivers","European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013",,,,,,2013,Apr. "Yuichi Iwasaki,Masahiro Ryo,Pengzhe Sui,Chihiro Yoshimura","Evaluating the relationship between basin-scale fish species richness and ecologically relevant flow characteristics in rivers worldwide",,"Freshwater Biology",,,,,2012,Oct. "Saavedra OCV,T. Koike,M. Ryo,S. Kanae","Real time flood control using quantitative precipitation forecast and ensemble approach",,"Rainfall Forecasting","Ed. Wong TSW, Nova Science",,,"pp. 233-276",2012,Mar. "Oliver Saavedra,T Koike,Masahiro Ryo,Shinjiro Kanae,Chihiro Yoshimura","Real time flood control using precipitation forecast and hydrological modeling","The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment and Seminar of NRCT-JSPS Asian Core Program","Thai Environmental Engineering Journal",,,,,2012,Jan. "岩崎雄一,梁政寛,隋 鵬哲,吉村千洋","世界の河川を対象とした流況指標と魚類種数の関係","環境科学会2011年会",,,,,,2011,Sept. "梁政寛,岩崎雄一,吉村千洋","世界の河川を対象とした流況の評価と魚類の種多様性との関係解析",,"水工学論文集",,," 55"," S1459-S1464",2011,Mar.