"大橋匠,藤崎真生子,?木聡太,伊藤浩之,竹田謙一","持続可能なタンパク質供給システムに向けたトランジションデザイン","動物の行動と管理学会2024年度大会",,,,,,2024,Sept. "Sota Takagi,Yusuke Numazawa,Kentaro Katsube,Wataru Omukai,Miki Saijo,Takumi Ohashi","Theorizing the socio-cultural dynamics of consumer decision-making for participation in community-supported agriculture",,"Agricultural and Food Economics",,"Volume 12","Number 22",,2024,July "Takumi Ohashi,Honoka Hayashi,Sota Takagi,Miyaji Yu,Ryota Izawa,Miki Saijo","Towards Accident Prevention: An Aspiration Risk Warning System for Older Adults During Meals","13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022) and the Affiliated Conferences",,,,,,2022,July "Sota Takagi,Honoka Hayashi,Yoji Morishita,Kohei Hamaya,Takumi Ohashi,Miki Saijo","Designing an Abnormal Posture Warning System using a Pose Estimation Model for Meal Assistance for Older Adults","2021 International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (FAIML 2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug.