"Kazunobu Fukuhara,Hirofumi Ida,Takahiro Ogata,Madoka Takahashi,Yasunori Kotani,Motonobu Ishii","Biological motion perception in tennis serves by using computer graphics: a comparison between successful and unsucessful perfromance","NASPA 2012 Conference","Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology",,"Volume 34"," Suppliment NASPA 2012 Conference Abstracts"," S84",2012,June "小谷泰則,大上淑美,高橋まどか,福原和伸,島本好平,井田博史,石井源信","右前部島皮質がつなぐ注意と情動の脳内ネットワーク",,"日本スポーツ心理学会第37回大会研究発表抄録集2011",,,,"pp. 58-59",2011,Nov. "Ida H,Fukuhara K,Takahashi M,Ogata T,Ishii M,Inoue T","Anticipatory cue in tennis: Does 3D display elicit different motor performance from 2D in virtual ball catching?",,"Progress in Motor Control VIII, Cincinnati, OH, USA.",,,,,2011,July "高橋まどか,福原和伸,井田博史,石井源信","バトントワリング熟練選手のキャッチングにおける視線行動",,"人間工学",,"Vol. 46","No. 1","pp. 31-36",2010, "井田 博史,福原 和伸,高橋 まどか,石井 源信,井上 哲理","没入型3次元ヴァーチャルリアリティ環境におけるテニス打球に対する知覚, スポーツ心理学研究",,,,"Vol. 37","No. 1","p. 1-11.",2010, "Takahashi, M.,Ida, H.,Ishii, M","The Effect of Experience on Visual Search Pattern Differences in a Spinning Baton Catching Task, the 12th ISSP world congress of sport psychology, Posters Abstracts",,,,,,"p. 173",2009, "Ida, H.,Inoue, T.,Fukuhara, K.,Takahashi,Ishii, M.","Discrimination of Stroked Tennis Ball in a Stereoscopic Immersive Virtual Environment, 4th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology",,,,,,"p. 359-363",2009, "井田博史,井上哲理,高橋まどか,福原和伸,石井源信","テニス学習支援に向けた没入型ヴァーチャルリアリティ空間での打球映像提示. 第20回日本バイオメカニクス学会大会,宮城県柴田郡. 8月.",,,,,,,2008,Aug. "Takahashi, M.,Ida, H.,Inoue, T.,Ishii, M.","The stereoscopic effect of a spinning baton flight. In Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, pp. 671. Seoul, Korea. July.",,,,,,"pp. 671",2008, "Ida, H.,Fukuhara, K.,Takahashi, M.,Shikanai, N.,Ishii, M.,Inoue, T.","Effect of user’s viewpoint on the perception of tennis ball flight in a immersive 3D virtual environment, the 12th ISSP world congress of sport psychology, Oral Abstracts",,,,,,"p. 108",2008,