"Shu Zhou,Tomohiro Nozaki,Xiaodong Pi","Boron Nanocrystals as High-Energy-Density Fuels",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics",," 51",," 025305(7pp)",2018,Jan. "Shu Zhou,Xiaodong Pi,Yi Ding,Firman Bagja Juangsa,Tomohiro Nozaki","Silicon Nanocrystals Doped with Boron and Phosphorous",,"Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook","Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)",,,"pp. 341-365",2017,July "Tomohiro Nozaki,Yi Ding,Zhou Shu,Firman B Juangsa,Yoshiki Muroya","Plasma synthesis of free-standing silicon nanocrystals for energy applications (Invited)","ISPlasma2017/IC-PLANTS2017",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Shu Zhou","Plasma Synthesis of Freestanding Doped Silicon Nanocrystals and Their Optical Properties",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Shu Zhou","Plasma Synthesis of Freestanding Doped Silicon Nanocrystals and Their Optical Properties",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "Shu Zhou","Plasma Synthesis of Freestanding Doped Silicon Nanocrystals and Their Optical Properties",,,,,,,2016,Sept. "S Zhou,Y Ding,M Sugaya,Xiaodong Pi,T Nozaki","Ligand-Free, Colloidal and Plasmonic Silicon Nanocrystals Heavily Doped with Boron",,"ACS Photonic",,"Vol. 3","No. 3","pp. 415-422",2016,Mar. "Y Ding,S Zhou,F B Juangsa,M Sugaya,X Zhang,Y Zhao,T Nozaki","Double-parallel-junction hybrid solar cells based on silicon nanocrystals",,"Organic Electronics",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 99-104",2016,Feb. "Zhenyi Ni,Xiaodong Pi,Shu Zhou,Bruno Grandidier,Tomohiro Nozaki,Christophe Delerue,Deren Yang","Size-Dependent Structures and Optical Absorption of Boron-Hyperdoped Silicon Nanocrystals",,"Advanced Optical Materials",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 700-707",2016,Feb. "Y Ding,S Zhou,Firman B Juangsa,M Sugaya,Y Asano,Xiaodan Zhang,Ying Zhao,T Nozaki","Optical, electrical, and photovoltaic properties of silicon nanoparticles with different crystallinities",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 107",,"pp. 233108",2015,Dec. "Michihiro Sugaya,Yi Ding,Shu Zhou,Tomohiro Nozaki","Study on silicon nanocrystals and polymer bulk heterojunction structures","9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas/68th Gaseous Electric Conference/33rd Symposium on Plasma Processing (ICRP-9/GEC-68/SPP-33)",,,,,,2015,Oct. "Tomohiro Nozaki,Ding Yi,Michihiro Sugaya,Shu Zhou","Si-nanocrystals/polymer blended solar cells","The 10th Asia-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Zhenyi Ni,Xiaodong Pi,Muhammad Ali,Shu Zhou,Tomohiro Nozaki,Deren Yang","Freestanding doped silicon nanocrystals synthesized by plasma",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 314006(13pp)",2015,July "Y Ding,R Gresback,S Zhou,X D Pi,T Nozaki","Silicon nanocrystals synthesized by very high frequency nonthermal plasma and their application in photovoltaics",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 314011(6pp)",2015,July "Asuka Miura,Shu Zhou,Tomohiro Nozaki,Junichiro Shiomi","Crystalline-Amorphous Silicon Nanocomposites with Reduced Thermal Conductivity for Bulk Thermoelectrics",,"ACS applied materials & interfaces",,"Vol. 7","No. 24","pp. 13484-13489",2015,June "三浦飛鳥,周 述,野崎智洋,塩見淳一郎","超低熱伝導率ナノ構造化バルクシリコン熱電材料の開発","第52回日本伝熱シンポジウム",,,,,,2015,June "Yi Ding,Shu Zhou,Sugaya Michihiro,Nozaki Tomohiro","Non-thermal plasma synthesis of silicon nanoparticles and its optical, electrical and photovoltaic properties","第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2015,Mar. "Shu Zhou,Xiaodong Pi,Zhenyi Ni,Qingbin Luan,Yingying Jiang,Chuanhong Jin,Tomohiro Nozaki,Deren Yang","Boron- and Phosphorus-Hyperdoped Silicon Nanocrystals",,"Particles & Particle Systems Characterization",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 213-221",2015,Feb. "Yi Ding,Shu Zhou,Michihiro Sugaya,Tomohiro Nozaki:","Oxygen passivation of silicon nanocrytals and its influences on trap states, carrier mobility, and hybrid solar cell performance","2015 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Solar Cell",,,,,,2015,Jan. "Shu Zhou,Xiaodong Pi,Zhenyi Ni,Yi Ding,Christophe Deleru,Deren Yang,Tomohiro Nozaki","Comparative Study on the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Boron- and Phosphorous-doped Silicon Nanocrystals",,"ACS Nano",,"Vol. 9","No. 1","pp. 378-386",2015,Jan. "Yi Ding,Michihiro Sugaya,Shu Zhou,Tomohiro Nozaki","Oxygen passivation of silicon nanocrytals: Its influences on trap states, carrier mobility, and hybrid solar cell performance","The 6th world Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion",,,,,,2014,Nov. "Yi Ding,Ryan Gresback,Riku Yamada,Shu Zhou,Xiaodong Pi,Tomohiro Nozaki","Parametric study of non-thermal plasma synthesis of silicon nanoparticles from chlorinated precursor",,"Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics",,"Vol. 47",," 485202(9pp)",2014,Nov. "Yi Ding,Michihiro Sugaya,Qiming Liu,Shu Zhou,Tomohiro Nozaki:","Oxygen Passivation of Silicon Nanocrystals: Influences on Trap States, Electron Mobility, and Hybrid Solar Cell Performance",,"Nano Energy",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 322-328",2014,Nov. "菅谷通宏,Shu Zhou,丁毅,野崎智洋","シリコンナノ粒子と半導体ポリマーのバルクヘテロジャンクション構造に関する基礎研究","熱工学コンファレンス",,,,,,2014,Nov. "Shu Zhou,Yi Ding,Xiaodong Pi,Tomohiro Nozaki","Doped Silicon Nanocrystals from Organic Dopant Precursor by a SiCl4-Based High Frequency Nonthermal Plasma",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 105",,"pp. 183110(5pp)",2014,Nov. "Yi Ding,Shu Zhou,Michihiro Sugaya,Tomohiro Nozaki","Effect of crystallinity on optical, electrical and photovoltaic properties of silicon nanoparticles synthesized by non-thermal plasma","第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2014,Sept. "菅谷通宏,Shu Zhou,丁毅,野崎智洋","シリコンナノ粒子の表面化学修飾とドーピング効果","第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2014,Sept. "Yi Ding,Ryan Gresback,Qiming Liu,Shu Zhou,Xiadong Pi,Tomohiro Nozaki","Development of Efficient Silicon Nanocrystal and Conjugated Polymer Hybrid Solar Cells",,"Nano Energy",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 25-31",2014,June "野崎智洋,Yi Ding,Shu Zhou,菅谷通宏,Ryan Gresback","シリコン量子ナノ構造を有するバルクヘテロジャンクション太陽電池の開発","第51回日本伝熱シンポジウム",,,,,,2014,May "Zhou Shu,Deren Yang,Tomohiro Nozaki,Xiaodong Pi","Hyperdoping silicon nanocrystals with boron and phosphorus","2014 MRS Spring meeting",,,,,,2014,Apr. "Yi Ding,Shu Zhou,Michihiro Sugaya,Tomohiro Nozaki","Performance promotion of silicon nanocrystal and conjugated polymer hybrid solar cells","第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2014,Mar. "Shu Zhou,Deren Yang,Tomohiro Nozaki,Xiaodong Pi","Non-thermal plasma synthesis of hyperdoped silicon nanocrystals","6th Int. Symp. on Adv. Plasma Sci. and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 7th Int. Conf. on Plasma-Nano Technol. & Sci.","招待講演",,,,,2014,Mar.