"杉山 茉莉絵,Wei Luo,早水 裕平","グラファイト電極表面における自己組織化ペプチドのへミン固定化能","第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2024,Sept. "Marie Sugiyama,Luo Wei,Ayhan Yurtsever,Takeshi Fukuma,Yuhei Hayamizu","Electrochemical activity of catalytic amyloids: self-assembly of (XH)4 peptides and hemin on graphite electrodes","IUPAB2024",,,,,,2024,June "Marie Sugiyama,Wei Luo,Yuhei Hayamizu","Electrochemical Activity of Molecular Hybrids: Self-Assembly of (XH)4 Peptides and Hemin on Graphite Electrodes","2023 MRS Fall Meeting",,,,,,2023,Nov. "杉山 茉莉絵,Wei Luo,早水 裕平","電極上でのペプチドとヘミンの自己組織化構造と電気化学的活性","第84回応用物理学会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Wei Luo,Chishu Homma,Yuhei Hayamizu","Rational Design and Self-Assembly of Histidine-Rich Peptides on a Graphite Surface",,"Langmuir",," 39"," 20"," 7057-7062",2023,May "Marie Sugiyama,Wei Luo,Yuhei Hayamizu","Self-assembly of molecular hybrids with (XH)4 peptides and hemin on graphite electrodes *Marie Sugiyama, Wei Luo, Yuhei Hayamizu","The 64th Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Chen Chen,Peiying Li,Wei Luo,Yoshiki Nakamura,Vanessa Seudo Dimo,Kohsuke Kanekura,Yuhei Hayamizu","Diffusion of LLPS Droplets Consisting of Poly (PR) Dipeptide Repeats and RNA on Chemically Modified Glass Surface",,"LANGMUIR.",,"Vol. 37","No. 18","pp. 635",2021,Apr. "Wei Luo","Histidine rich peptides self-assembling on graphite surface and their applications for electrocatalysis",,,,,,,, "Wei Luo","Histidine rich peptides self-assembling on graphite surface and their applications for electrocatalysis",,,,,,,, "Wei Luo","Histidine rich peptides self-assembling on graphite surface and their applications for electrocatalysis",,,,,,,,