"Hao Wu","Study on Phase Transformations and Mechanical Properties of δ-pearlite in Carburized Fe?Cr Binary Alloy",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Hao Wu","Study on Phase Transformations and Mechanical Properties of δ-pearlite in Carburized Fe?Cr Binary Alloy",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Hao Wu","Study on Phase Transformations and Mechanical Properties of δ-pearlite in Carburized Fe?Cr Binary Alloy",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Hao Wu","Study on Phase Transformations and Mechanical Properties of δ-pearlite in Carburized Fe?Cr Binary Alloy",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "WU HAO,中田伸生","In-situ carbide transition from M23C6 to M7C3 via secondary eutectoid reaction in carburized Fe?Cr binary alloy","日本鉄鋼協会第184回秋季講演大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Hao Wu,Nobuo Nakada","δ-pearlite reaction by carburization in Fe-Cr binary alloy",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 62","No. 2"," 312-320.",2022,Feb. "Wu Hao,中田伸生","Fe-Cr二元系合金において浸炭処理によって形成するデルタパーライトの速度論","日本鉄鋼協会春季講演大会",,,,,,2021,Mar.