"Minoru Masujima,Yoshitoshi Tanaka","What are the Reasons Why Japanese Enterprises File So Many Patent Applications without Request for Examination?","Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2011","Proceedings of PICMET '11: Technology Management in the Energy Smart World",,,,"pp. 1558-1566",2011,Aug. "Minoru Masujima,Yoshitoshi Tanaka","Why Japan boasts of the most patent applications in the world",,"International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 185-201",2011,Jan. "Minoru Masujima,Yoshitoshi Tanaka","Why Japan boasts of the most patent applications in the world",,"Private Law","IAITL",,,"pp. 538-554",2010,Dec.