"S. Ideta,T. Yoshida,I. Nishi,A. Fujimori,Y. Kotani,K. Ono,Y. Nakashima,S. Yamaichi,T. Sasagawa,M. Nakajima,K. Kihou,Y. Tomioka,C. H. Lee,A. Iyo,H. Eisaki,T. Ito,S. Uchida,R. Arita","Dependence of Carrier Doping on the Impurity Potential in Transition-Metal-Substituted FeAs-based Superconductors",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 110",," 107007",2013,Apr. "S. Yamaichi,T. Katagiri,T. Sasagawa","Uniaxial Pressure Effects on the Transport Properties in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Single Crystals",,"Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications",," 494",," 62",2013,Apr.