"Guanghao Jin,James Lin,Toshio Endo","Efficient Utilization of Memory Hierarchy to Enable the Computation on Bigger Domains for Stencil Computation in CPU-GPU Based Systems","IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (ICHPCA-2014)","Proc. of IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (ICHPCA-2014)",,,,,2014,Dec. "Toshio Endo,Guanghao Jin","Software Technologies Coping with Memory Hierarchy of GPGPU Clusters for Stencil Computations","IEEE Cluster Computing (CLUSTER2014)","Proc. of IEEE Cluster Computing (CLUSTER2014)",,,,"pp. 132-139",2014,Sept. "Guanghao Jin,Toshio Endo","Data Management and Loop Controlling to Surpass Memory Capacity of GPU in OpenACC Framework","GTC Technology Conference Japan",,,,,,2014,July "GUANGHAO JIN","Optimization Methods for Efficient Utilization of Memory Hierarchy for Algorithms with Temporal Dependences on GPU Clusters",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "GUANGHAO JIN","Optimization Methods for Efficient Utilization of Memory Hierarchy for Algorithms with Temporal Dependences on GPU Clusters",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "GUANGHAO JIN","Optimization Methods for Efficient Utilization of Memory Hierarchy for Algorithms with Temporal Dependences on GPU Clusters",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Guanghao Jin,Toshio Endo,Satoshi Matsuoka","A Parallel Optimization Method for Stencil Computation on the Domain that is Bigger than Memory Capacity of GPUs","IEEE Cluster Computing (CLUSTER2013)","Proc. of IEEE Cluster Computing (CLUSTER2013)",,,,"pp. 1-8",2013,Sept. "Guanghao Jin,Toshio Endo,Satoshi Matsuoka","A Multi-level Optimization Method for Stencil Computation on the Domain that is Bigger than Memory Capacity of GPU","The Third International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES)","Proc. of The Third International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES)",,,,"pp. 1080-1087",2013,May "金 光浩,遠藤 敏夫,松岡 聡","GPUメモリ容量を超える問題規模に対応する高性能ステンシル計算法","ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングとアーキテクチャの評価に 関する北海道ワークショップ(HOKKE-20)","情報処理学会研究報告","情報処理学会","Vol. 2012-ARC-194/HPC-137",,,2012,Dec.