"竹村晃一,片野達貴,河添理央,Insung Seo,飯盛拓嗣,小森文夫,小澤健一,間瀬一彦,合田義弘,平山博之,中辻寛","SiC(0001)基板上に成長したグラフェンへのFeインターカレーション","日本物理学会2023年春季大会",,,,,,2023,Mar. "Insung Seo,Kan Nakatsuji,Hiroyuki Hirayama,Yoshihiro Gohda","Electronic structure and interactions of In thin film on Si(111)√3×√3-B","14th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '22",,,,,,2022,Oct. "T. Ogino,I. Seo,H. Tajiri,M. Nakatake,S. Takakura,Y. Sato,Y. Hasegawa,Y. Gohda,K. Nakatsuji,H. Hirayama","Intrinsic superconductivity of two monolayer thick Indium film","The 22nd International Vacuum Congress",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Insung Seo,Kan Nakatsuji,Hiroyuki Hirayama,Yoshihiro Gohda","Interfacial Structures of In Double Layers on Si(111)√3×√3-B Substrates","The 22nd International Vacuum Congress",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Insung Seo,Kan Nakatsuji,Hiroyuki Hirayama,Yoshihiro Gohda","Electronic structure of In ultrathin films adsorbed on Si(111)√3×√3-B surfaces","European Conference on Surface Science 35",,,,,,2022,Aug. "Ogino, T.,Insung Seo,Tajiri, H.,Nakatake, M.,Takakura, S.-I.,Sato, Y.,Hasegawa, Y.,Yoshihiro Gohda,Kan Nakatsuji,HIROYUKI HIRAYAMA","Superconductivity in a two monolayer thick indium film on Si(111) 3 × 3 -B",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 106","No. 4",,2022,July "Insung Seo,Kan Nakatsuji,Hiroyuki Hirayama,Yoshihiro Gohda","Structural and Electronic Properties of In Double Layers on Si(111)√3×√3-B","The 2022 MRS Spring Meeting",,,,,,2022,May "I. Seo,K. Nakatsuji,H. Hirayama,Y. Gohda","First-principles study of In double layers on Si(111) √3 × √3 -B substrates","The 9th International Symposium on Surface Science",,,,,,2021,Dec. "K. Sugawara,I. Seo,S. Yamazaki,K. Nakatsuji,Y. Gohda,H. Hirayama","Effective quantum-well width of confined electrons in ultrathin Ag(111) films on Si(111)7x7 substrates",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 704",,"p. 121745 (6 pages)",2020,Oct. "I. Seo,S. Yokota,Y. Imai,Y. Gohda","First-principles Calculations on High-temperature Desorption Loss from Iridium",,"Comput. Mater. Sci.",," 184",," 109897",2020,July "Insung Seo,Shunsuke Yokota,Yousuke Imai,Yoshihiro Gohda","First-principles calculations on IrO3 desorbability at high temperatures","ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting",,,,,,2020,Mar. "Insung Seo,横田俊介,今井庸介,合田義弘","イリジウムとその合金における表面脱離消耗の評価","日本物理学会 第75回年次大会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "I. Seo,S. Yokota,Y. Imai,Y. Gohda","Forecasting of IrO3 Desorbability from Iridium Alloys by First-principles Study","Materials Research Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Dec. "I. Seo,S. Yokota,Y. Imai,Y. Gohda","IrO3 Desorbability of Iridium Alloys at High Temperatures from Thermodynamical Perspective","ASIAN-22",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Insung Seo,Yoshihiro Gohda","First-principles study of IrO3 desorption from iridium surfaces and temperature dependence","Nano Korea 2019",,,,,,2019,July "I. Seo,S. Yokota,Y. Imai,Y. Gohda","First-principles study of iridium oxide desorption from iridium low-index surfaces at high temperature","APS March Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Mar. "I. Seo,S. Yokota,Y. Imai,Y. Gohda","First-principles Study of Ir Desorption from Its Low-index Surfaces","The 21st Asian Workshop on First-principles Electronic Structure Calculations",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Insung Seo,横田俊介,今井鷹介,合田義弘","Ir(110)表面における高温酸化過程の第一原理計算","日本物理学会2018年秋季大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Insung Seo","Magnetic properties of rare-earth magnet compounds studied from first principles",,,,,,,, "Insung Seo","Magnetic properties of rare-earth magnet compounds studied from first principles",,,,,,,, "Insung Seo","Magnetic properties of rare-earth magnet compounds studied from first principles",,,,,,,,