"Saya Onai,Nathan Cohen,Takamichi Nakamoto","Demo of olfactory game using paired odors to increase the odor range, enabling immersive olfactory experience in VR environments","ICAT-EGVE2022",,,,,"pp. 31-32",2023,Dec. "小内彩椰,中本高道,Nathan Cohen","嗅覚ディスプレイを用いた香り調合による匂い印象変化","第30回香り・味と生体情報研究会",,,,,,2023,Feb. "Saya Onai,Cohen Nathan,Takamichi Nakamoto","The Aromatic Garden Exploring new ways to interactively interpret narratives combining olfaction and vision including temporal change of scents using olfactory display","SIGGRAPH Asia",,,,,,2021,Dec. "N.Cohen,S.Onai,T.Nakamoto","The Aromatic Garden - Exploring a new way to interactively engage with narrative environments combining olfaction and vision","the Renewable Futures 2021 conference",,,,,,2021,Nov. "小内 彩椰,伊関 方晶,中本 高道,Nathan Cohen","香りによる情景想起の基礎的研究","電子情報通信学会総合大会",,,,,,2021,Mar.