"Ibrahim Mohammed Alrougy","Effect of chemical additives and electrode modification on carrier behavior in organic solar cells studied by using spectroscopic technique",,,,,,,2021,June "Ibrahim Mohammed Alrougy","Effect of chemical additives and electrode modification on carrier behavior in organic solar cells studied by using spectroscopic technique",,,,,,,2021,June "Ibrahim Mohammed Alrougy","Effect of chemical additives and electrode modification on carrier behavior in organic solar cells studied by using spectroscopic technique",,,,,,,2021,June "Ibrahim M. Alrougy,Dai Taguchi,Takaaki Manaka","Effect of 1,8-diiodeoctanece additive on the charge carriers behavior in the PCPDTBT:PC71BM BHJ films investigated by using electric-field-induced optical second-harmonic generation measurement",,"J Mater Sci: Mater Electron",," 32"," 2845",,2021,Jan. "Ibrahim Alrougy,Dai Taguchi,Takaaki Manaka","Investigation of 1,8-Diiodooctane (DIO) Additive Effect on Carrier Transport in Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell by EFISHG","Compound Semiconductor Week 2019 (CSW 2019)",,,,,,2019,May "Ibrahim M Alrougy,Dai Taguchi,Takaaki Manaka","Spectroscopic study of electric field induced optical second harmonic generation from PCPDTBT and PC71BM thin films",,"IEICE Trans Electron",," E102-C",," 119",2019,Feb. "Ibrahim Alrougy,Dai Taguchi,Takaaki Manaka","Investigation of PEDOT: PSS Insertion Effect on Carrier Transport in PCPDTBT: PC71BM Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell by EFISHG","2018 International conference on solid state devices and materials",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Ibrahim Alrougy,Dai Taguchi,Takaaki Manaka","Spectroscopic study of electric field induced optical second harmonic generation from PCPDTBT and PC71BM thin films","10th International symposium on Organic Molecular Electronics (ISOME 2018)",,,,,,2018,June