"Zhang Weichen,Hideharu Takahashi,Yutaka Tamaura,Hiroshige Kikura","Study on Thermal Fluid Characteristics in Stone Heat Storage Tank","日本原子力学会 関東・甲越支部 第21回若手研究者・技術者研究討論会",,,,,,2023,Jan. "Weichen Zhang,Naruki Shoji,Hideharu Takahashi,Susumu Ozaki,Yutaka Tamaura,Tadashi Kawamoto,Hiroshige Kikura","Creation of Namie using Renewable Energy and Educational Support through Revitalizics (Example of Renewable Energy Utilization and Educational Support in Namie, Futaba District, Fukushima)","日本機械学会 2022 年度技術と社会部門講演会 技術と社会の関連を巡って:過去から未来を訪ねる",,,,,,2022,Dec. "ZHANG Weichen,沼田 恒範,長坂 秀雄,荘司 成熙,高橋 秀治,木倉 宏成","フィルタベントシステム高効率化におけるベンチュリノズルの流動特性に関する基礎研究","第32回環境工学総合シンポジウム2022",,,,,,2022,July "ZHANG Weichen,尾嵜 進,高橋 秀治,玉浦 裕,木倉 宏成","砂利蓄熱システムの温度躍層に関する基礎研究","日本機械学会第31回環境工学総合シンポジウム2021",,,,,,2021,July "Zhang Weichen,荘司 成熙,高橋 秀治,木倉 宏成","配管流におけるパルス超音波を用いた流動・配管欠陥 同時計測に関する基礎研究","日本機械学会 第98期 流体工学部門 講演会",,,,,,2020,Nov. "Zhang WEICHEN,Hideharu TAKAHASHI,Hiroshige KIKURA","Disaster-resistant Nuclear-Solar Energy Network System (Fundamental Study on Thermal Stratification of Heat Stone Storage System)","The 1st InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Zhang WEICHEN,Hideharu TAKAHASHI,Hiroshige KIKURA","Disaster-resistant Nuclear-Solar Energy Network System (Fundamental Study on Thermal Stratification of Heat Stone Storage System)","The 1st InfoSyEnergy Workshop for Education and Research Collaboration",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Zhang WEICHEN,Ryan Naldo PRATAMA,Rendy Silva RENATA,Hideharu TAKAHASHI,Yutaka TAMAURA,Hiroshige KIKURA","Verification of Simulator for Designing Stone Heat Storage Tank, Advanced Experimental Mechanics",,"Advanced Experimental Mechanics",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 61-66",2019,Aug. "Zhang WEICHEN,Ryan Naldo PRATAMA,Rendy Silva RENATA,Hideharu TAKAHASHI,Yutaka TAMAURA,Hiroshige KIKURA","Verification of Simulator for Designing Stone Heat Storage Tank","13th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics",,,,,,2018,Oct. "木倉宏成,高橋秀治,WEICHEN Zhang,竹下健二","リスク・コミュニケーション工学を活用した復興学による浪江町創成 I ?イノベーション・コースト構想の実現に向けて?","福島イノベーション・コースト構想「第2回福島復興学ワークショップ」",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Weichen ZHANG,Xingguo WANG,Ari HAMDANI,Hiroshige KIKURA","Monitoring of Velocity Profile and Wall Thickness in Pipe Flow using Ultrasonic Velocity Profile and Lamb Wave Technique","5th International Symposium on Materials and Reliability in Nuclear Power Plants & Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power plants in Asia-2017 & 3rd Asian Forum on Material Aging Issues in Nuclear System (5th IMRNPP & AWC 2017 & 3rd AF)",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Weichen Zhang","Fukushima Revitalizics: Performance Evaluation of High-powered Battery for Nuclear Decommissioning and Heat Storage",,,,,,,, "Weichen Zhang","Fukushima Revitalizics: Performance Evaluation of High-powered Battery for Nuclear Decommissioning and Heat Storage",,,,,,,,