"Yasuaki Kaneda","A Study of Robust Estimation and Control under Outliers",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yasuaki Kaneda","A Study of Robust Estimation and Control under Outliers",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Yasuaki Kaneda","A Study of Robust Estimation and Control under Outliers",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "山北昌毅,金田泰昌","l1正則化を用いたロバストカルマンフィルタの高速アルゴリズム","第1回制御部門マルチシンポジウム","第1回制御部門マルチシンポジウム 予稿集",,,,,2014, "Yasuaki Kaneda,Irizuki Yasuharu,Masaki Yamakita","Design Method of Robust Kalman Filter via l1 Regression and Its Application for Vehicle Control with Outliers","38th Annual Conf. on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)","Proc. of 38th Annual Conf. on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)",,,,,2013,Sept. "Yasuaki Kaneda,Yasuharu Irizuki,Masaki Yamakita","Design Method of Robust Kalman FIlter for Multi Output Systems Based on Statistics","ACC 2013","Proc. of ACC 2013",,,,,2013, "金田,入月,山北","ロバストUKFとそのパラメータ設計手法",,"システム制御情報学会",,"Vol. 26","No. 5","pp. 182/184",2013, "Yasuaki Kaneda,Yasuharu Irizuki,Masaki Yamakita","Robust Unscented Kalman Filter via l1 Regression and Design Method of Its Parameters","ASCC 2013","Proc. of ASCC 2013",,,,,2013, "金田泰昌,入月康晴,山北昌毅","外れ値を含むセンサ情報に対する微分推定","第56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会","第56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会",,,,"pp. 641--642",2012,Sept. "Yasuaki Kaneda,Teruyoshi Sadahiro,Masaki Yamakita","Reduction of Discretizatoin Errors of Dynamics with Variable Structures and Its Realization using FPGA","IEEE Conf. on Control Application (CCA) (2012) )","Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Control Application (CCA) (2012) (to appear)",,,,,2012,Sept. "金田,入月,貞弘,山北","可変構造を持つダイナミクスの離散化誤差低減とFPGAを用いた実現",,"電気学会論文誌(掲載決定)",,,,,2012,Sept. "Y.Kaneda,T.Sadahiro,M. Yamakita","FPGA Implementation of Digital Differentiator Using Richardson Extrapolation and High Sampling Rate Acting Like Fractional Delay","SICE 2011",,,,,,2011,Sept.