"Kouichi Yasuda,Lv Peiling","Verification of a Model for estimating Internal Stress in Ceramic Laminates","The 7th International Conference on Science and Technology of advanced Ceramics",,"Abstract of The 7th International Conference on Science and Technology of advanced Ceramics","Vol. 7","No. PP-077",,2013,June "Kouichi Yasuda,Lv peiling","A Model for Stress Histry of Ceramic Laminates during Sintering",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 761",,"pp. 73-77",2013,Apr. "Lv Peiling,Yang Hanxiao,Camille Gazeau,Kouichi Yasuda","Estimation of stress generated during co-sintering of porous and dense alumina layers",,"Journal of the ceramics society of japan",,"Vol. 121","No. 4","pp. 338-343",2013,Apr. "Lv Peiling,Yang Hanxiao,Camille Gazeau,Kouichi Yasuda","Co-sintering of 3-layered Laminate of Porous Alumina and Dense Alumina","International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for high quality Advanced Materials","Abstrtact of the 4th International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for high quality Advanced Materials",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 98",2012,Sept. "Lv Peiling,Yang Hanxiao,Kouichi Yasuda","Co-sintering of a 3-layered ceramics structure",,"The 6th Interenational Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics",,,," 1P-S-P54",2012,June "Lv Peiling,C. Gazeau,T. Shiota,K.Yasuda","Application of Fractography Technique to Porous Alumina","日本セラミックス協会2011年年会","日本セラミックス協会2011年年会講演予稿集","日本セラミックス協会",,,"p. 89",2011,Mar. "Lv Peiling,KOUICHI YASUDA,tadashi shiota","Co-sintering between dense alumina and porous alumina","2011 Japan-Taiwan symposium on polyscale technologies for biomedical engineering and environmental sciences","2011 Japan-Taiwan symposium on polyscale technologies for biomedical engineering and environmental sciences abstract book","research institute of science and technology(RIST)",,,"p. 25",2011,Mar. "C. Gazeau,L. Peiling,T. Shiota,K. Yasuda","The Influence of Pore Size on 3-Point Bending Strength of Porous Alumina","第49回セラミックス基礎科学討論会","第49回セラミックス基礎科学討論会講演要旨集","日本セラミックス協会基礎科学部会",,,,2011,Jan.