"Ahmet Canbolat,Kazuhiko Fukawa","Joint interference suppression and multiuser detection schemes for multi-cell wireless relay communications: A three-cell case",,"IEEE Trans. Commun.","IEEE","Vol. 66","No. 4","pp. 1399-1410",2018,Apr. "Ahmet Ihsan CANBOLAT,Kazuhiko FUKAWA","A Joint Interference Suppression and Multiuser Detection Scheme Based on Eigendecomposition for Three-Cell Multiple Relay Systems",,"IEICE TRANS. COMMUN",,"vol. E100?B","no. 10","pp. 1939-1945",2017,Oct. "Ahmet Canbolat","CO-CHANNEL INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION SCHEMES FOR MULTI-CELL WIRELESS RELAY COMMUNICATIONS",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Ahmet Canbolat","CO-CHANNEL INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION SCHEMES FOR MULTI-CELL WIRELESS RELAY COMMUNICATIONS",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Ahmet Canbolat","CO-CHANNEL INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION SCHEMES FOR MULTI-CELL WIRELESS RELAY COMMUNICATIONS",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Ahmet Canbolat","CO-CHANNEL INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION SCHEMES FOR MULTI-CELL WIRELESS RELAY COMMUNICATIONS",,,,,,,2017,Sept. "Ahmet Ihsan Canbolat,Kazuhiko Fukawa","A joint MMSE interference suppression and multiuser detection scheme for multi-cell wireless relay communications","2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2017-Spring","IEEE",,,,"pp. 1-5",2017,June "Ahmet Ihsan Canbolat,Kazuhiko Fukawa","Joint Interference Suppression and Multiuser Detection for Three-Cell Multiple Relay Communications","The 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017)",,,,,,2017,June "Ahmet Ihsan CANBOLAT,Kazuhiko FUKAWA","A Linear Combining Scheme to Suppress Interference in Multiple Relay Systems",,"IEICE TRANS. COMMUN",," E99-B"," NO.8","pp. 1867?1873",2016,Aug. "Ahmet Ihsan Canbolat,Mamadu Bah,K. Fukawa,H. Suzuki",""Interference Suppression Schemes by Linear Combining for Wireless Multiuser Relay Communications","IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication(PIMRC)","IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication(PIMRC),",,,,"pp. xxx-xxx",2014,Sept.