"Fang Xi,Takeshi Mishima,Haruo Yokota","Cache-Conscious Data Access for DBMS in Multicore Environments",,"IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems","IEICE","Vol. E98-D","No. 5","pp. 1001-1012",2015,May "Fang Xi,Takeshi Mishima,Haruo Yokota","PM-DB: Partition-based Multi-instance Database System for Multicore Platforms","17th International Conference of Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2015)","Proc. of ICEIS2015","INSTICC",,,"pp. 128-138",2015,Apr. "Fang Xi","A Research on Efficient and Scalable DBMS for Many-core Based Platform",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Fang Xi","A Research on Efficient and Scalable DBMS for Many-core Based Platform",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Fang Xi","A Research on Efficient and Scalable DBMS for Many-core Based Platform",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Fang Xi,Takeshi Mishima,Haruo Yokota","Query Partitioning for Mixed Workloads in Multicore Environments",,"DBSJ Journal","DBSJ","Vol. 13","No. 1","pp. 57-63",2015,Mar. "中澤 正和,西 方,荒堀 喜貴,横田 治夫","メニーコア環境における関係表分割アルゴリズムを用いたハッシュ結合演算の評価","第7回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム","第7回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム論文集",,,,,2015,Mar. "Fang Xi,Takeshi Mishima,Haruo Yokota","Optimizing Concurrent Query Execution on Modern Multisocket Multicore Platform","2014 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops",,,,,"pp. 125-130",2014,Oct. "Fang Xi,Takeshi Mishima,Haruo Yokota","CARIC-DA: Core Affinity with a Range Index for Cache-Conscious Data Access in a Multicore Environment","The 19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications","DASFAA 2014","Springer 2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Vol. 8422",,"pp. 282-196",2014,Apr. "Fang Xi,Takeshi Mishima,Haruo Yokota","A performance study of core-memory location effects for relational joins on multi-core computers","第5回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム",,,,,,2013, "西方,三島健,横田治夫","A Database System Performance Study with Micro Benchmarks on a Many-core System","第4回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (第10回日本データベース学会年次大会)",,,,,,2012,Mar.