"Yusuke Shimoyama,Brendan Ng","Effect of mixing rule and activity coefficient model on prediction of solid - liquid - gas equilibria for carbon dioxide + organic compound mixtures using Peng-Robinson equation of state and GE type mixune rule",,"Fluid Phase Equilibria","Elsevier"," 357",," 30-35",2013,Nov. "下山裕介,Ng Brendan","超臨界二酸化炭素を利用したコンタクトレンズDDSの作製","化学工学会第44回秋季大会","化学工学会第44回秋季大会講演要旨集",,,," J308",2013,Sept. "坂部淳一,Ng Brenda,下山裕介,内田博久","空孔理論に基づく状態方程式を用いた超臨界二酸化炭素に対する溶解度の推算","化学工学会第44回秋季大会","化学工学会第44回秋季大会講演要旨集",,,," J106",2013,Sept. "横崎祐太,NgBrendan,坂部淳一,下山裕介","超臨界二酸化炭素を用いた眼科ドラッグデリバリーシステムの作製と薬物放出の挙動解明","第15回化学工学会学生発表会",,,,,,2013,Mar. "Yusuke Shimoyama,Ng Brendan","Prediction of solid ? liquid ? gas equilibria for carbon dioxide + organic compound system using Peng-Robinson equation of state and GE type mixing rule","2012 AIChE annual meeting",,,,,,2012,Oct. "Brendan Ng,Yusuke Shimoyama","Solid-liquid-gas equilibirum prediction for carbon dioxide mixture using cubic equation of state with molecular surface charge density","分離技術会年会2012",,,,,,2012,June "Yusuke Shimoyama,Brendan Ng","Prediction of solid-vapor and solid-vapor-liquid equilibria for supercritical CO2 mixtures using molecular surface charge density",,,,,,,2011,Nov. "Brendan Ng,Yusuke Shimoyama","Solubility and SLVE prediction for organic compounds in CO2 with COSMO method","化学工学会第43回秋季大会",,,,,,2011,Sept. "Brendan Ng,Yusuke Shimoyama","Prediction model for solubility and melting point of organic compounds in supercritical CO2","3rd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,,,2011,Aug. "Brendan Ng,Yusuke Shimoyama,Akira Ito","Melting point depression modeling for organic compound in CO2 with COSMO method","化学工学会第76年会",,,,,,2011,Mar.