"Kiyoshi Kobayashi","Optical near field dressed by localized and coherent phonons",,"Journal of Microscopy",,"Vol. 229","Num. 2","pp. 228-232",2008,Feb. "Kiyoshi Kobayashi","Spatial Localization of an Optical Near Field in One-Dimensional Nanomaterial System",,"Physica E",,"Vol. 40","Num. 2","pp. 297-300",2007,Dec. "Kiyoshi Kobayashi","Near-field components and evaluation of the photoluminescence in Si nano-structure",,"Journal of Nanophotonics",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 011570-1-5",2007,Sept. "Kiyoshi Kobayashi","Spatial Localization of an Optical Near Field Dressed by Coherent Phonons",,"AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 893",,"pp. 859-860",2007,June "Kiyoshi Kobayashi","Tamper resistance in optical excitation transfer based on optical near-field interactions",,"Optics Letters",,"Vol. 32","No. 12","pp. 1761-1763",2007,June "Kiyoshi Kobayashi","Initial growth process of a Zn nanodot fabricated using nonadiabatic near-field optical CVD",,"Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 129-131",2007,Apr. "H. Yonemitsu,T. Kawazoe,K. kobayashi,M. Ohtsu","Nonadiabatic photochemical reaction and application to photolithography",,"Journal of Luminescence",,"Vol. 122-123",,"pp. 230-233",2007, "大津 元一,小林 潔","ナノフォトニクスの基礎",,,"オーム社",,,,2006,May "T. Kawazoe,K. kobayashi,M. Ohtsu","Near-field optical chemical vapor deposition using Zn(acac)2 with a non-adiabatic photochemical process",,"Applied Physics A",,"Vol. 84",,"pp. 247-251",2006, "Chapter 1: S. Sangu,K. kobayashi,A. Shojiguchi,T. Kawazoe,M. Ohtsu Chapter 3: T. Kawazoe,K. Kobayashi,S. Sangu,M. Ohtsu,A. Neogi,Chapter 4: M. Naruse,T. Kawazoe,T. Yatsui,S. Sangu,K. Kobayashi,M. Ohtsu","Progress in Nano-Electro-Optics V",,,"Springer",,,"pp. 1-62, 109-182",2006, "T. Kawazoe,K. kobayashi,K. Akahane,M. Naruse,N. Yamamoto,M. Ohtsu","Demonstration of nanophotonic NOT gate using near-field optically coupled quantum dots",,"Applied Physics A",,"Vol. 84",,"pp. 243-246",2006, "M. Naruse,T. Miyazaki,T. Kawazoe,S. Sangu,K. Kobayashi,F. Kubota,M.Ohtsu","Nanophotonic computing based on optical near-field interactions between quantum dots",,"IEICE Transactions on Electronics",,"Vol. E88-C","No. 9","pp. 1817-1823",2005, "T. Kawazoe,K. Kobayashi,M. Ohtsu","Anti-parallel dipole coupling of quantum dots with an optical near-field interaction",,"IEICE Transactions on Electronics",,"Vol. E88-C","No. 9","pp. 1845-1849",2005, "S. Sangu,K. Kobayashi,M. Ohtsu","Nanophotonic devices and fundamental functional operations",,"IEICE Transactions on Electronics",,"Vol. E88-C","No. 9","pp. 1824-1831",2005, "T. Kawazoe,K. Kobayashi,M. Ohtsu","Anti-parallel coupling of quantum dots with an optical near-field interaction",,"e-Journal of Science and Technology",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 55-59",2005, "Akira Shojiguchi,Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Suguru Sangu,Kazuo Kitahara,Motoichi Ohtsu","Progress in Nano-Electro-Optics III",,"Springer-Verlag","Springer-Verlag",,,"pp. 145-220",2005, "Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Suguru Sangu,Tadashi Kawazoe,Motoichi Ohtsu","Exciton dynamics and logic operations in a near-field optically coupled quantum-dot system",,"J. of Lumin.",,"Vol. 112","No. 1-4","pp. 117",2005, "Makoto Naruse,Tetsuya Miyazaki,Fumito Kubota,Tadashi Kawazoe,Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Suguru Sangu,Motoichi Ohtsu","Nanometric summation architecture based on optical near-field interaction between quantum dots",,"Opt. Lett.",,"Vol. 30","No. 2","pp. 201",2005, "Tadashi Kawazoe,Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Motoichi Ohtsu","Nonadiabatic photodissociation process using an optical near field",,"J. of Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 122","No. 02","pp. 024715",2005, "Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Tadashi Kawazoe,Motoichi Ohtsu","Importance of multiple-phonon interactions in molecular dissociation and nanofabrication using optical near fields",,"IEEE Trans. on Nanotech.",,"Vol. 4","No. 5","pp. 517-522",2005, "Tadashi Kawazoe,Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Motoichi Ohtsu","The optical nano-fountain: A biomimetic device that concentrates optical energy in a nanometric region",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 86","No. 10","pp. 103102",2005, "K. Kobayashi,S. Sangu,T. Kawazoe,M. Ohtsu","Erratum to: Exciton dynamics and logic operations in a near-field optically coupled quantum-dot system",,"J. of Lumin.",,"Vol. 114","No. 3-4","pp. 315-316",2005, "T. Kawazoe,S. Maruyama,K. Kobayashi,M. Ohtsu","Observation of Faraday rotation and magnetic circular dichroism in an optical near-field probe coated with Fe",,"IEICE Transactions on Electronics",,"Vol. E88-C","No. 9","pp. 1850-1852",2005, "Motoichi Ohtsu,Kiyoshi Kobayashi","Optical Near Fields",,"Springer-Verlag","Springer-Verlag",,,,2004, "Suguru Sangu,Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Akira Shojiguchi,Motoichi Ohtsu","Logic and functional operations using a near-field optically coupled quantum-dot system",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 69","No. 11","pp. 115334",2004, "大津 元一,小林 潔","近接場光の基礎",,"オーム社","オーム社",,,,2003, "Kiyoshi Kobayashi,Suguru Sangu,Motoichi Ohtsu","Progress in Nano-Electro-Optics I",,"Springer-Verlag","Springer-Verlag",,,"pp. 119-157",2003, "小林潔","Tensor correlation in nuclei and its high momentum behavior",,,,,,,1982,