"Heise, W.,Bertrand, E.,Caldwell, T.G.,Ogawa, Y.,Bannister, S.,Bennie, S.,Hart, R.,Palmer, N.,Tseng,K-H,Fukai, M.,Ishikawa, M.,Seki, K.,Nishizawa, T.,McGrath, J.","Plate coupling at the northern Hikurangi margin: new results from magnetotellurics","Jpgu 2023",,,,,,2023,May "M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura,S.B. Tank,M.K. Tun?er,?. Bar??,C. ?elik,E.T. ?ift?i,N. Oshiman","Periodic variations in crustal resistivity and their relation to the 1999 ?zmit earthquake","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "Kaya-Eken T,Ogawa Y,Usui Y,Kasaya T,Tun?er MK,Honkura Y,Oshiman N,Matsushima M,Siripunvaraporn W","3D lithospheric structure beneath the Marmara Sea by Magnetotellurics, Electromagnetic Induction workshop","EMIW 2022",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yasuo Ogawa,Nurhasan,Sabri B?lent Tank,Naoto Ujihara,Yoshimori Honkura,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Correction to: Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu?Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests",,"Earth, Planets and Space","Springer Nature"," 74",,,2022,May "石須慶一,小川康雄,布原 啓史,土屋範芳,市來雅啓,長谷英彰,神田径,坂中伸也,本藏義守,日野裕太,関香織,Kuo Hsuan Tseng,山谷祐介,茂木透","MT法による超臨界地熱貯留層の調査","JPGU 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Keiichi Ishizu,Yasuo Ogawa,Keishi Nunohara,Noriyoshi Tsuchiya,Masahiro Ichiki,Hideaki Hase,Wataru Kanda,Shinya Sakanaka,Yoshimori Honkura,Yuta Hino,Kaori Seki,Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yusuke Yamaya,Toru Mogi","Estimation of spatial distribution and fluid fraction of a potential supercritical geothermal reservoir by magnetotelluric data: a case study from Yuzawa geothermal field, NE Japan",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth","American Geophysical Union","Volume 127","Issue 2",,2022,Feb. "Keiichi Ishizu,Yasuo Ogawa,Keishi Nunohara,Noriyoshi Tsuchiya,Masahiro Ichiki,Hideaki Hase,Wataru Kanda,Shinya Sakanaka,Yoshimori Honkura,Yuta Hino,Kaori Seki,Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yusuke Yamaya,Toru Mogi","Estimation of spatial distribution and fluid fraction of a potential supercritical geothermal reservoir by magnetotelluric data: a case study from Yuzawa geothermal field, NE Japan",,"AGU 2021 Fall meeting",,,,,2021,Dec. "T?lay Kaya-Eken,Yasuo Ogawa,Yoshiya Usui,Takafumi Kasaya,M. Kemal Tun?er,Yoshimori Honkura,Naoto Oshiman,Masaki Matsushima,Weerachai Siripunvaraporn","3D Electromagnetic Imaging Beneath the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Marmara Sea",,,,,,,2021,Aug. "R. Yudi Utomo,Y. Asawa,S. Okada,A. Yoshimori,J. Bajorath,H. Nakamura","Development of curcumin-based amyloid β aggregation inhibitors for Alzheimer's disease using the SAR matrix-approach","The International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS-2021)","Bioorg. Med. Chem.",," 46,"," 116357",,2021,Feb. "Yoshiya Usui,??Makoto Uyeshima,??Tsutomu Ogawa,??Ryokei Yoshimura,??Naoto Oshiman,??Satoru Yamaguchi,??Hiroaki Toh,??Hideki Murakami,??Koki Aizawa,??Toshiya Tanbo,??Yasuo Ogawa,??Tadashi Nishitani,??Shin’ya Sakanaka,??Masaaki Mishina,??Hideyuki Satoh,??Tada‐nori Goto,??Takafumi Kasaya,??Toru Mogi,??Yusuke Yamaya,??Ichiro Shiozaki,??Yoshimori Honkura","Electrical resistivity structure around the Atotsugawa fault, central Japan, revealed by a new 2-D inversion method combining Wideband-MT and Network-MT datasets",,"J. Geophys. Res., Solid Earth",,,,,2021,Feb. "K. Umedera,T. Morita,A. Yoshimori,K. Yamada,A. Katoh,H. Koji,H. Nakamura","Synthesis of Three-Dimensional (3D) (Di)azatricyclododecene Scaffold and its Application to Peptidomimetics",,"Chem. Eur. J",,,,,2021,Jan. "Yasuo Ogawa,Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Nurhasan,S. Bulent Tank,Naoto Ujihara,Yoshimori Honkura,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Active Volcanic Edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, imaged by Magnetotellurics: Hydrothermal Implications for Volcanic Unrests","2020 AGU Fall meeting",,,,,,2020,Dec. "Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yasuo Ogawa,Nurhasan,Sabri B?lent Tank,Naoto Ujihara,Yoshimori Honkura,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu?Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests",,"Earth, Planets and Space","Springer Nature","Volume 72",,,2020,Oct. "Yoshiya Usui,Makoto Uyeshima,Tsutomu Ogawa,Ryokei Yoshimura,Naoto Oshiman,Satoru Yamaguchi,Hiroaki Toh,Hideki Murakami,Koki Aizawa,Toshiya Tanbo,Yasuo Ogawa,Tadashi Nishitani,Shin'ya Sakanaka,Masaaki Mishina,Hideyuki Satoh,Tada-nori Goto,Takafumi Kasaya,Toru Mogi,Yusuke Yamaya,Ichiro Shiozaki,Yoshimori Honkura","Resistivity structure around the Atotsugawa fault system revealed by inversion schemes combining Wideband- and Network-MT methods","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2020,July "Kara?, M.,Tank, S.B.,Ogawa, Y.,Oshiman, N.,Matsushima, M.,Honkura, Y.","Probing the relationship between electrical conductivity and creep through upper crustal fluids along the western part of the North Anatolian Fault with three-dimensional magnetotellurics",,"Tectonophysics",,,,,2020,July "Kuo Hsuan Tseng,Yasuo Ogawa,Nurhasan Nurhasan,Sabri B?lent Tank,Yoshimori Honkura,Naoto Ujihara,Akihiko Terada,Yoshiya Usui,Wataru Kanda","Anatomy of Active Volcanic Edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, by Magnetotellurics: Hydrothermal Implications for Volcanic Unrests","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020",,,,,,2020,July "Ichiki, M.,Ogawa, Y.,Kaida, T.,Demachi, T.,Hirahara, S.,Honkura, Y.,Ichihara, H.,Kanda, W.,Kono, T.,Koyama, T.,Matsushima, M.,Nakayama, T.,Suzuki, S.,Toh, H.,Uyeshima, M.","A mantle wedge flow model as revealed by three-dimensional electrical resistivity image beneath northeastern Japan","2015 AGU Fall Meeting",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Masahiro Ichiki,Yasuo Ogawa,Toshiki Kaida,Takao Koyama,Makoto Uyeshima,Tomotsugu Demachi,Satoshi Hirahara,Yoshimori Honkura,Wataru Kanda,Toshio Kono,Masaki Matsushima,Takashi Nakayama,Syuichi Suzuki,Hiroaki Toh","Electrical image of subduction zone beneath northeastern Japan",,"Journal of Geophysical Research",,,,,2015,Dec. "Matsushima, M.,Y. Honkura,M. Kuriki,Y. Ogawa","Circularly polarised electric fields associated with seismic waves generated by blasting",,"Geophy. J. Int.",,"Vol. 193",," 664-677",2013,July "T. Kaya,T. Kasaya,S. B. Tank,Y. Ogawa,M. K. Tuncer,N. Oshiman,Y. Honkura,M. Matsushima","Electrical characterization of the North Anatolian Fault Zone underneath the Marmara Sea, Turkey by ocean bottom magnetotellurics",,"Geophysical Journal International",,"Vol. 193","No. 2","p. 664-677",2013,May "Kuriki, M.,Matsushima, M.,Ogawa, Y.,Honkura, Y.","Spectral peaks in electric field at resonance frequencies for seismically excited motion of ions in the Earth's magnetic field",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 65","no. 1"," 57",2013,Jan. "Y. Honkura,N. Oshiman,M. Matsushima,S. Baris,M. K. Tuncer,S. B. Tank,C. Celik,E. T. Ciftci","Rapid changes in the electrical state of the 1999 Izmit earthquake rupture zone",,"Nature Communications",,"Vol. 4",,,2013, "Mayu Kuriki,Masaki Matsushima,Yasuo Ogawa,Yoshimori Honkura","Spectral peaks in electric field at resonance frequencies for seismically excited motion of ions in the Earth's magnetic field",,"Earth Planets Space",," 63"," 6"," 503-507",2011,Sept. "Pinar, A.,S. B. Ucer,Y. Honkura,N. Sezgin,A. Ito,S. Baris,D. Kalafat,M. Matsushima,S. Horiuchi","Spatial variation of stress field along the fault rupture zone of the 1999 Izmit earthquake",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 62","No. 3","pp. 237-256",2010,Mar. "本藏義守","Two electrical conductors beneath Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, imaged by audiomagnetotellurics and their implications for hydrothermal system",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 58","No. 8","pp. 1053-1059",2010,Jan. "Honkura, Y.,Y. Ogawa,M. Matsushima,S. Nagaoka,N. Ujihara,T. Yamawaki","A model for observed circular polarized electric fields coincident with the passage of large seismic waves",,"J. Geophys. Res.",,"Vol. 114",,,2009,Oct. "R. Yoshimura,N. Oshiman,M. Uyeshima,H. Toh,T. Uto,H. Kanezaki,Y. Mochido,K. Aizawa,Y. Ogawa,T. Nishitani,S. Sakanaka,M. Mishina,H. Satoh,T. Goto,T. Kasaya,S. Yamaguchi,H. Murakami,T. Mogi,Y. Yamaya,M. Harada,I. Shiozaki,Y. Honkura,S. Koyama,S. Nakao,Y. Wada,Y. Fujita","Magnetotelluric Transect of the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone, Central Japan: A Clear Correlation between Strain Accumulation and Resistivity Structure",,"Geophys. Res. Lett.",,"vol. 36","no. 20"," L20311",2009,Oct. "F. Takahashi,H. Tsunakawa,M. Matsushima,N. Mochizuki,Y. Honkura","Effects of thermally heterogeneous structure in the lowermost mantle on the geomagnetic field strength",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 272","No. 3-4","pp. 738-746",2008,Aug. "F. Takahashi,M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura","Scale variability in convection-driven MHD dynamos at low Ekman number",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 167","No. 3-4","pp. 168-178",2008,Apr. "Pinar, A.,Y. Honkura,K. Kuge,M. Matsushima,N. Sezgin,M. Yilmazer,Z. Ogutcu","Source mechanism of the 2000 November 15 Lake Van earthquake (Mw = 5.6) in eastern Turkey and its seismotectonic implications",,"Geophysical Journal International",,"Vol. 170","# 2"," 749-763",2007,Aug. "Futoshi Takahashi,Masaki Matsushima,Yoshimori Honkura","A numerical study on magnetic polarity transition in an MHD dynamo model",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 59","No. 7","pp. 665-673",2007,July "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Source Mechanism of the November 15, 2000 Lake Van Earthquake (Mw=5.6) in Eastern Turkey and Its Seismotectonic Implications",,"Geophys. J. Int.",,"Vol. 170",,"pp. 749-763",2007, "F. Takahashi,M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura","Simulations of a quasi-Taylor state geomagnetic field including polarity reversals on the Earth Simulator",,"Science",,"Vol. 309",,"pp. 459-461",2005,July "S. B. Tank,Y. Honkura,Y. Ogawa,M. Matsushima,N. Oshiman,M. K. Tuncer,C. Celik,E. Tolak,A. M. Isikara","Magnetotelluric imaging of the fault rupture area of the 1999 Izmit (Turkey) earthquake",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 150",,"pp. 213-225",2005, "M. Uyeshima,Y. Ogawa,Y. Honkura,S. Koyama,N. Ujihara,T. Mogi,Y. Yamaya,M. Harada,S. Yamaguchi,I. Shiozaki,T. Noguchi,Y. Kuwaba,Y. Tanaka,Y. Mochido,N. Manabe,M. Nishihara,M. Saka,M. Serizawa","Resistivity imaging across the source region of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake (M6.8), central Japan (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 441-446",2005, "F. Takahashi,M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura","Simulations of quasi-Taylor state geomagnetic field including polarity reversals on the Earth Simulator (jointly authored)",,"Science",,"Vol. 309",,"pp. 459-461",2005, "S. B. Tank,Y. Honkura,Y. Ogawa,M. Matsushima,N. Oshiman,M. K. Tuncer,C. Celik,E. Tolak,A. M. Isikara","Magnetotelluric imaging of the fault rupture area of the 1999 Izmit (Turkey) earthquake (jointly authored)",,"Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors",,"Vol. 150",,"pp. 213-225",2005, "S. Baris,J. Nakajima,A. Hasegawa,Y. Honkura,A. Ito,S. B. Ucer","Three-dimensional structure of Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs in the upper crust of the Marmara region, NW Turkey (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 1019-1038",2005, "N. Ujihara,Y. Honkura,Y. Ogawa","Electric and magnetic field variations arising from the seismic dynamo effect for aftershocks of the M7.0 earthquake of 26 May 2003 off Miyagi Prefecture, NE Japan (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 115-124",2004, "Y. Honkura,H. Sato,N. Ujihara","Seismic dynamo effects associated with the M7.0 earthquake of 26 May 2003 off Miyagi Prefecture and the M6.2 earthquake in northern Miyagi Prefecture, NE Japan (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 109-114",2004, "Y. Ogawa,Y. Honkura","Mid-crustal electrical conductors and their correlations to seismicity and deformation at Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central Japan (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 1285-1291",2004, "Tank, S. B.,Y. Honkura,Y. Ogawa,N. Oshiman,M. K. Tuncer,C. Celik,E. Tolak,A. M. Isikara","Resistivity structure in the western part of the fault rupture zone associated with the 1999 Izmit earthquake and its seismogenic implication (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 437-442",2003, "Tank, S. B.,Y. Honkura,Y. Ogawa,N. Oshiman,M. K. Tuncer,M. Matsushima,C. Celik,E. Tolak,A. M. Isikara","Resistivity structure in the western part of the fault rupture zone associated with the 1999 Izmit earthquake and its seismogenic implication",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 437-442",2003, "Pinar, A.,K. Kuge,Y. Honkura","Moment tensor inversion of recent small to moderate sized earthquakes: implications for seismic hazard through tectonics acting beneath the Marmara Sea, northwestern Turkey (jointly authored)",,"Geophys. J. Int.",,"Vol. 153",,"pp. 133-145",2003, "Takahashi, F.,Matsushima, M.,Honkura, Y.","Dynamo action and its temporal variation inside the tangent cylinder in MHD dynamo simulations",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 140",,"pp. 53-71",2003, "F. Takahashi,M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura","Dynamo action and its temporal variation inside the tangent cylinder in MHD dynamo simulations (jointly authored)",,"Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors",,"Vol. 140",,"pp. 53-71",2003, "U. R. Christensen,J. Aubert,P. Cardin,E. Dormy,S. Gibbons,G. A. Glatzmaier,E. Grote,Y. Honkura,et al.","A numerical dynamo bechmark (jointly authored)",,"Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors",,"Vol. 128",,"pp. 25-34",2002, "Ogawa, Y.,S. Takakura,Y. Honkura","Resistivity structure across Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line and its implications for concentrated deformation (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 54",," 1115-1120",2002, "F. Takahashi,J. S. Katayama,M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura","Effects of boundary layers on magnetic field behavior in an MHD dynamo model (jointly authored)",,"Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors",,"Vol. 128",,"pp. 149-161",2002, "Oshiman, N.,Y. Honkura,M. Matsushima,S. Baris,C. Celik,M. K. Tuncer,A. M. Isikara","Deep resistivity structure around the fault associated with the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake, Turkey (jointly authored)",,"Seismotectonics at the Convergent Plate Boundary","Seismotectonics at the Convergent Plate Boundary",,,"pp. 293-303",2002, "A. Nakamura,A. Hasegawa,A. Ito,B. Ucer,S. Baris,Y. Honkura,T. Kono,S. Hori,R. Pektas,T. Komut,C. Celik,A. M. Isikara","P-wave velocity structure of the crust and its relationship to the occurrences of the 1999 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake and aftershocks (jointly authored)",,"Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 330-338",2002, "A. Ito,B. Ucer,S. Baris,A. Nakamura,Y. Honkura,T. Kono,S. Hori,A. Hasegawa,R. Pektas,A. M. Isikara","Aftershock activity of the 1999 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake revealed from microearthquake observations (jointly authored)",,"Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 418-427",2002, "S. Baris,A. Ito,S. Ucer,Y. Honkura,N. Kafadar,R. Pektas,T. Komut,A. M. Isikara","Microearthquake activity before the Izmit earthquake in the eastern Marmara region, Turkey (1 January 1993 - 17 August 1999), Turkey (jointly authored)",,"Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 394-405",2002, "M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura,N. Oshiman,S. Baris,M. K. Tuncer,S. B. Tank,C. Cerik,F. Takahashi,M. Nakanishi,R. Yoshimura,et al.","Seimoelecromagnetic effect associated with the Izmit earthquake and its aftershocks (jointly authored)",,"Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 350-360",2002, "Y. Iio,S. Horiuchi,S. Baris,C. Celik,J. Kyomen,B. Ucer,Y. Honkura,A. M. Isikara","Aftershock distribution in the eastern part of the aftershock region of the 1999 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake (jointly authored)",,"Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 411-417",2002, "K. Tadokoro,M. Ando,S. Baris,K. Nishigami,M. Nakamura,S. B. Ucer,A. Ito,Y. Honkura,A. M. Isikara","Monitoring of fault healing after the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, earthquake (jointly authored)",,"J. Seismology",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 411-417",2002, "Ogawa, Y.,S. Takakura,Y. Honkura","Resistivity structure across Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line and its implications for concentrated deformation",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 54","No. 12",,2002, "Oshiman, N.,R. Yoshimura,T. Kasaya,Y. Honkura,M. Matsushima,S. Baris,C. Celik,M. K. Tuncer,A. M. Isikara","Deep resistivity structure around the fault associated with the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake, Turkey",,"Seismotectonics in Convergent Plate Boundary",,,,"pp. 293-303",2002, "Y. Honkura,M. Matsushima,N. Oshiman,M. K. Tuncer,S. Baris,A. Ito,Y. Iio,A. M. Isikara","Small electric and magnetic signals observed before the arrival of seismic wave",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. e9-e12",2002, "Honkura, Y.,M. Matsushima,N. Oshiman,M. K. Tuncer,S. Baris,A. Ito,Y. Iio","Small electric and magnetic signals observed before the arrival of seismic wave (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 54",," e9-e12",2002, "Matsushima, M.,Y. Honkura,N.Oshiman,S.Baris,M.K.Tuncer,S.B.Tank,C.Celik,F. Takahashi,M.Nakanishi,R.Yoshimura,R.Pektas,T.Komut,E.Tolak,A.Ito,et al.","Seismoelectromagnetic effect associated with the Izmit earthquake and its aftershocks",,"Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America",,"Vol. 92","No. 1","pp. 350-360",2002, "H. Murakami,T. Hashimoto,N. Oshiman,S. Yamaguchi,Y. Honkura,N. Sumitomo","Electrokinetic phenomena associated with the water injection experiment at Nojima earthquake fault in Awaji Island (jointly authored)",,"The Island Arc",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 244-251",2001, "本蔵義守,長屋好治,黒木英州","磁気異常の分布から見た駿河湾の異常構造と東海地震(共著)",,"月刊地球",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 178-182",2001, "本藏義守","糸静線北部の広帯域MT法探査(共著)",,"月刊地球",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 337-340",2001, "N. Oshiman,Y. Sasai,Y. Ishikawa,Y. Honkura","Long-term geomagnetic changes observed in association with earthquake swarm activities in the Izu Peninsula, Japan (jointly authored)",,"Annali di Geofisica",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 261-272",2001, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Magnetotelluric imaging of fluid in intraplate earthquake zones, NE Japan back (jointly authored)",,"Geophys. Res. Lett.",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 3741-3744",2001, "F. Takahashi,J. S. Katayama,M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura","Effects of boundary layers on magnetic field behavior in an MHD dynamo model",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 128",,"pp. 149-161",2001, "Y. Ogawa,M.Mishina,T.Goto,H.Satoh,N.Oshiman,T.Kasaya,Y.Takahashi,T.Nishitani,S.Sakanaka,M.Uyeshima,Y.Takahashi,Y. Honkura,M.Matsushima","Magnetotelluric imaging of fluids in intraplate earthquake zones, NE Japan back arc",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 3741-3744",2001, "A. Pinar,Y. Honkura,K. Kuge","Seismic activity triggered by the 1999 Izmit earthquake and its implications for the assessment of future seismic risk (jointly authored)",,"Geophys. J. Int.",,"Vol. 146",,"pp. F1-F7",2001, "Y. Honkura,A. M. Isikara,N. Oshiman,A. Ito,B. Ucer,S. Baris,M. Tuncer,M. Matsushima,R. Pektas,C. Celik,B. Tank,F. Takahashi,M. Nakanishi,R. Yo","Preliminary results of multidisciplinary observations before, during and after the Kocaeli (Izmit) earthquake in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (jointly authored)",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 52",,"pp. 293-298",2000, "本蔵義守,伊東明彦,大志万直人","観測網のなかでおこった地震(共著)",,"科学",,"Vol. 70",,"pp. 109-112",2000, "Y. Honkura,A. M. Isikara,N. Oshiman,A. Ito,B. Ucer,S. Baris,M.K. Tuncer,M. Matsushima,R. Pektas,C. Celik,S.B. Tank,F. Takahashi,M. Nakanishi,et al.","Preliminary results of multidisciplinary observations before, during and after the Kocaeli (Izmit) earthquake in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 52",,"pp. 293-298",2000, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Some characteristics of magnetic field behavior in a model of MHD dynamo thermally driven in a rotating spherical shell (jointly authored)",,"Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors",,"Vol. 111",,"pp. 141-159",1999, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Effects of seamounts on an interplate earthquake at the Suruga trough, Japan (jointly authored)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 51",,"pp. 449-454",1999, "J. S. Katayama,M. Matsushima,Y. Honkura","Some characteristics of magnetic field behavior in a model of MHD dynamo thermally driven in a rotating spherical shell",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 111",,"pp. 141-159",1999, "本藏義守","東北地方中部地域の電気伝導度構造(共著)",,"地震",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 357-376",1998, "本藏義守","注水実験時の電磁気観測(共著)",,"月刊地球(号外)",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 54-58",1998, "本藏義守","電磁場変動による地殻中の水の流動の検知",,"月刊地球(号外)",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 223-225",1998, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electromagnetic response of the mantle to long-period geomagnetic variations over the globe(共著)",,"Earth Planets Space",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 651-662",1998, "本藏義守","地球ダイナモのシミュレーション",,"パリティ",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 100-102",1998, "本藏義守","東北地方中部地域の電気伝導度構造(共著)",,"地震",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 357-376",1998, "Y. Honkura,M. Matsushima","Electromagnetic response of the mantle to long-period geomagnetic variations over the globe",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 50","No. 8","pp. 651-662",1998, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Studies of the georesistivity structure in the central part of the Northeastern Japan Arc(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1601-1617",1997, "本藏義守","岩波講座(地球惑星科学10)地球内部ダイナミクス(共著)",,"岩波書店","岩波書店",,,,1997, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","An audiomagnetotelluric view of the Atera fault(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1065-1071",1997, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Preliminary magnetotelluric modeling in the Nikko Volcanic Area-potential break of fluid trap by volcanic intrusion-(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1065-1071",1997, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Geomagnetic changes correlated with crustal movement in the north-eastern part of the Izu Peninsula, Japan(jointly authored)",,"Annali di Geofisica",,"Vol. 60",,"pp. 479-494",1997, "Ogawa, Y.,YOSHIMORI HONKURA","An audiomagnetotelluric view of the Atera fault",,"J.Geomag.Geoelectr.",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1065-1071",1997, "Ogawa, Y.,YOSHIMORI HONKURA,F. Ohtani,H. Kuroki,Y. Mitsuhata","Preliminary magnetotelluric modeling in the Nikko volcanic region -potential break of fluid trap by volcanic intrusion",,"J.Geomag.Geoelectr.",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1073-1078",1997, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","A Rupture model for the 1967 Mudurmu Valley, Turkey earthquake and its implication for seismotectonics in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone(jointly authored)",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 29-32",1996, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Variations of the electric potential in the vicinity of the Nijima fault during the activity of aftershocks of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Physics of the Earth",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 397-403",1996, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Behaviour of the electric potential during the activity of aftershocks of the M7.2 earthquake, Japan with special reference to SES of VAN(jointly authored)",,"A Critical Review of VAN, World Scientific Publishing Company",,,,"pp. 303-313",1996, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Probability of earthquake occurrence in Greece with special reference to the VAN predictions(jointly authored)",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 1417-1420",1996, "Y. Honkura,H. Tsunakawa,M. Matsushima","Variations of the electric potential in the vicinity of the NoJima fault during the activity of aftershocks of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake",,"Journal of Physics of the Earth",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 397-403",1996, "Y. Honkura,H. Tsunakawa,M. Matsushima","Behaviour of the electric potential during the activity of aftershocks of the M7.2 earthquake, Japan with special reference to SES of VAN",,"A Critical Review of VAN",,,,"pp. 303-313",1996, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Simulation of fluid flow in the Earth's outer core : application of a lattice gas method(jointly authored)",,"The Earth's Central Part : Its Structure and Dynamics, Terra Scientific Publishing Company",,,,"pp. 181-213",1995, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Magnetization structure of the Unzen Volcano determined from blimp-borne magnetic survey data(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 231-236",1995, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","On truncation levels in spherical harmonic expansion of magnetic and velocity fields in an MHD dynamo model(jointly authored)",,"The Earth's Central Part : Its Structure and Dynamics, Terra Scientific Publishing Company",,,,"pp. 105-122",1995, "本藏義守","地球核内の流体運動と磁場(共著)",,"シミュレーション",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 271-278",1995, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electrical conductivity anomalies in North and East China and the Philippine Sea(jointly authored)",,"Geology and Geophysics of the Philippine Sea, Terra Scientific Publishing Company",,,,"pp. 51-58",1995, "Y. Tanahashi,Y. Honkura,M. Matsushima","On truncation levels in spherical harmonic expension of magnetic and velocity fields in an MHD dynamo model",,"The Earth's Central Part: Its Structure and Dynamics",,,,"pp. 105-122",1995, "Y. Honkura,M. Matsushima,N. Oshiman,Y. Sasai,M. Ohno,Y. Tanaka,T. Yamamoto,K. Ikeda,Y. Wakino","Magnetization structure of the Unzen volcano determined from blimp-borne magnetic survey data",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 47","No. 2","pp. 231-236",1995, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Audio-frequency magnetotelluric imaging of an active strike-slip fault (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 403-408",1994, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Local magnetic anomalies associated with active faults in the Beppu bay, sowthwest Japan(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 501-512",1994, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Rupture process of the 1992 Erzincan earthquake and its implication for seismotectonics in eastern Turkey(jointly authored)",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 1971-1974",1994, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","An attempt of searching for a change in the distribution of the geomagnetic total intensity over the site of submarine eruption in the northeastern Izu region, central Japan(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 557-567",1994, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Two-dimensional forward modeling for the COPROD2 MT data(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 957-962",1993, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Estimation of electric fields in the conducting Earth's crust for oscillating electric current dipole sources and implications for anomalous electric fields associated with earthquakes(jointly authored)",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 224",,"pp. 257-263",1993, "本藏義守","MHD ダイナモにおける磁場極性の逆転(共著)",,"月刊地球",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 92-95",1993, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Tectonic structure of Tanna active fault derived from detailed gravity and magnetic surveys(jointly authored)",,"Butsuri-Tansa",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 552-568",1993, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Numerical estimation of the sea effect on the distribution of induction arrows in the Japanese island arc(jointly authored)",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 81",,"pp. 215-229",1993, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Effects of an inhomogeneous temperature distribution at the CMB on polarity reversals of the Earth's magnetic field(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 1591-1604",1993, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Magnetic field reversal resulting from a dynamo process in a spherical shell(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 931-941",1992, "本藏義守","核流体運動におけるマントルの役割(共著)",,"月刊地球",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 351-355",1992, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Reexamination of fluid motion in the Earth's core derived from geomagnetic field data-Is the Omega-effect really strong in the core? -(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 521-553",1992, "本藏義守","日本列島の地震(共著)",,"鹿島出版会","鹿島出版会",,,,1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","An attempt of geomagnetic field measurement with a radio-controlled blimp in the vicinity of the Tanna fault(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 951-956",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Further evidence for anomalous magnetic structure along the active fault in western Turkey(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 937-950",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Magnetic anomalies related to active folds in the North Anatolian Fault Zone(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 813-823",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Magnetometer array observation in the north-eastern Izu region after the Teisi Knoll seafloor eruption in 1989(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Physics of the Earth",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 321-328",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","A strategy of tectonomagnetic observation for monitoring possible precursors to earthquakes in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey(jointly authored)",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 193",,"pp. 359-368",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Multidisciplinary research on fault activity in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone(jointly authored)",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 193",,"pp. 347-357",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Geological evidence for the last two faulting events on the North Anatolian fault zone in the Mudurnu Valley, western Turkey(jointly authored)",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 193",,"pp. 335-345",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Microseismic activity around the western extension of the 1967 Mudurnu earthquake fault(jointly authored)",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 193",,"pp. 327-334",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","A magnetic anomaly map in the Japanese region with special reference to tectonic implications(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 71-76",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electrical conductivity structure beneath the Ryukyu trench-arc system and its relation to the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 1-20",1991, "本藏義守","琉球島孤海溝系の電気伝導度構造(共著)",,"月刊地球(号外)",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 118-120",1991, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Microseismic activity and spatial distribution of Coda-Q in the westernmost part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey(jointly authored)",,"Bulletin Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Univ.",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 41-56",1990, "本藏義守","重力・地磁気の観測と異常の検出",,"日本リモートセンシング学会誌",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 125-129",1990, "本藏義守","フォッサマグナ地域の磁気的構造とキュリー点深度",,"地学雑誌",,"Vol. 99",,"pp. 63-75",1990, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Large-scale fluid motion in the Earth's outer core estimated from non-dipole magnetic field data (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 963-1000",1989, "本藏義守","外核の流体運動のメカニズムについて(共著)",,"月刊地球(号外)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 58-61",1989, "本藏義守","地球磁場からみた外核の流体運動(共著)",,"月刊地球(号外)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 53-57",1989, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Anisotropy in electromagnetic field variations and its implication for lateral inhomogeneity of the electrical conductivity structure (jointly authored)",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 278-286",1989, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","A portable ELF-MT system for shallow resistivity sounding (jointly authored)",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 270-277",1989, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Low seismicity, low coda-Q and discontinuities of the upper crust in the vicinity of the Iznik-Mekece Fault, the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey (jointly authored)",,"Bulletin Earthquake Reseacrh Institute, Univ. Tokyo",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 327-348",1988, "本藏義守","上部マントルの電気伝導度構造とマグマ起源",,"火山",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 203-212",1988, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Time-dependent pattern of core motion inferred from fluctuations of standing and drifting non-dipole fields (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 1511-1522",1988, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Lower bound for the electrical conductivity of the Earth's outer core (jointly authored)",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 689-692",1988, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Fluctuation of the non-dipole field and its implication for the process of geomagnetic polarity reversal in the Cox model (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geophysical Research",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 11631-11642",1988, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Fluctuation of the standing and the drifting parts of the earth's magnetic field (jointly authored)",,"Geophysical Journal",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 35-50",1988, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Elimination of the regional coast effect AND A LOCAL RESISTIVITY STRUCTURE INthe Noboribetsu geothermal area, southwestern Hokkaido",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 767",1987, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electric and magnetic anomalies at the Atotsugawa fault and their implications for fault activity (jointly authored)",,"Journal of geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 143-158",1987, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Fluctuations of magnetic fields in coupled-disk dynamo models and their implications for geomagnetic secular variations (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 611-632",1986, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Local anomaly in magnetic and electric field variations due to a crustal resistivity change associated with tectonic activity (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 1001-1014",1986, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Estimation of the probability of earthquake occurrence on the basis of logistic models : high probability of an earthquake of M(]J0236[)6.5 near the arc junction off Northeast Japan (jointly authored)",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 709-712",1986, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","A perturbed disk dynamo model and polarity reversals of the earth's magnetic field (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 1147-1155",1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Contamination due to the tidal movement of sea-water in tectonomagnetic data (jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 97",,"pp. 801-816",1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Solid Earth Geomagnetism (共著)",,"D. Reidel Publishing Company","D. Reidel Publishing Company",,,,1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Some results from measurements of the geomagnetic field and the electrical resistivity in the Izu-Tokai region, Japan",,"Earthquake Prediction Research",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 365-378",1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Perturbation of induced electric currents by surface conductivity inhomogeneity with spe-cial reference to anomalous behavior of short-period geomagnetic variations in the Kanto Plain, Japan",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 627-641",1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Magnetic anomalies in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone and their implications for active fault structure(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 541-560",1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Statistical nature of polarity reversals of the magnetic field in coupled-disk dynamo models(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 455-497",1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Magnetic anomalies and low ground resistivity as possible indicatiors of active fault loca-tion : preliminary results of electric and magnetic observations from the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 169-187",1985, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Search for earthquake precursors from electric and magnetic observations in the Izu Penin-sula, Japan(jointly authored)",,"Proc. Inter. Symp. on Continental Seismicity and Earthquake Prediction, Seismol. Press Beijing",,,,"pp. 411-421",1984, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Local changes in the geomagnetic total intensity associated with crustal uplift in the Izu Peninsula, Japan(jointly authored)",,"Earthquake Prediction Research",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 209-219",1983, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Changes in the amplitude of short-period geomagnetic variations as observed in associ-ation with crustal uplift in the Izu Peninsula, Japan(jointly authored)",,"Earthquake Prediction Research",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 115-125",1983, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Peninsula effects in central Japan and their relation to the electrical conductivity struc-ture",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 39-56",1983, "本藏義守","海洋底の深部電気伝導度構造",,"物理学会誌",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 340-347",1981, "本藏義守","地球電磁気学の最近の発展(共著)",,"物理学会誌",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 340-347",1981, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electrical conductivity structure beneath the northeastern Philippine Sea as inferred from the island effect on Minami-daito Island(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomag-netism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 365-377",1981, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Current Research in Earthquake Prediction I(jointly authored)",,"D. Reidel Publishing Company","D. Reidel Publishing Company",,,,1981, "本藏義守","海洋地域における上部マントルの電気伝導度",,"月刊地球",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 354-361",1980, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Changes in the geomagnetic field associated with earthquakes in the Izu Peninsula, Japan(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 721-739",1980, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Surveys of the geomagnetic total intensity in the Tokai District(1) : secular changes dur-ing the period from 1971 to 1978(jointly authored)",,"Bulletin Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 449-481",1980, "本藏義守","地震予知I-電磁気学的アプローチ(共著)",,"学会出版センター","学会出版センター",,,,1980, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Time-dependence of electromagnetic transfer functions and their association with tectonic activity(jointly authored)",,"Geophysical Surveys",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 97-114",1980, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electrical conductivity structure beneath the central part of Japan as inferred from magnetotelluric fields at the Yatsugatake Magnetic Observatory(jointly authored)",,"Bulletin Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 491-501",1979, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Observations of short-period geomagnetic variations at Nakaizu(2) : changes in trans-fer functions associated with the Izu-Oshima-Kinkai earthquake of 1978",,"Bulletin Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 477-490",1979, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electrical conductivity anomalies in the earth",,"Geophysical Surveys",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 225-253",1978, "本藏義守","岩波講座(地球科学1)地球(共著)",,"岩波書店","岩波書店",,,,1978, "本藏義守","中伊豆における自然電位観測(1)(共著)",,"地震研究所彙報",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 939-942",1978, "本藏義守","中伊豆における地磁気・地電流の異常と1978年伊豆大島近海地震との関係について",,"地震研究所彙報",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 931-937",1978, "本藏義守","中伊豆における地磁気短周期変化観測(1)(共著)",,"地震研究所彙報",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 925-930",1978, "本藏義守","草津白根火山における全磁力測定(共著)",,"地震研究所彙報",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 607-612",1978, "本藏義守","浅間山の電磁気学的調査(第1報)(共著)",,"地震研究所彙報",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 523-532",1978, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","A preliminary study of the use of magnetotelluric fields for earthquake prediction(jointly authored)",,"Acta Geodaet. , Geophys. et Montanist. Acad. Sci. Hung.",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 33-36",1977, "本藏義守","地震予知のための測定-電磁気現象の測定",,"計測自動制御学会誌",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 707-714",1977, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Recent conductivity anomaly studies in Japan(jointly authored)",,"Acta Geodaet. , Geophys. et Montanist. Acad. Sci. Hung.",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 53-64",1977, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Geomagnetic depth sounding and magnetotelluric results from a seismically active region northeast of Quebec City(jointly authored)",,"Canadian Journal of Earth Science",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 256-267",1977, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Perturbation of the electric current by a resistivity anomaly and its application to earth-quake prediction",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 47-57",1976, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Changes in magnetic and telluric fields in a seismically active region of eastern Canada : preliminary results of earthquake prediction studies",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 219-230",1976, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Partial melting and electrical conductivity anomalies beneath the Japan and Philippine Seas",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 128-134",1975, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Electrical conductivity anomalies beneath the Japan arc",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 147-171",1974, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Geomagnetic variation anomaly on Hachijo-jima Island(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 23-37",1974, "本藏義守","Electrical Conductivity Structure Beneath the Islands of Japan as Revealed by Geomagnetic Variation Anomalies",,,,,,,1974, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Recent Japanese studies on conductivity anomalies(jointly authored)",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiours",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 203-212",1973, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Island effect and electrical conductivity structure beneath Miyake-jima Island",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 167-179",1973, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Core motion as inferred from drifting and standing non-dipole fields(jointly authored)",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 223-230",1972, "YOSHIMORI HONKURA","Geomagnetic variation anomaly on Miyake-jima Island",,"Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 307-333",1971,