"Tomo Ogura,Shoichi Hirosawa,Akio Hirose,Tatsuo Sato","Effects of Microalloying Tin and Combined Addition of Silver and Tin on the Formation of Precipitate Free Zones and Mechanical Properties",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 52","No. 5","pp. 900-905",2011,Apr. "Tomo Ogura,Shoichi Hirosawa,Alfred Cerezo,Tatsuo Sato","Atom probe tomography of nanoscale microstructures within precipitate free zones in Al-Zn-Mg(-Ag) alloys",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 5714-5723",2010, "A.Serizawa,S.HIROSAWA,T.SATO","Three-Dimensional Atom Probe Characterization of Nanoclusters Responsible for Multistep",,"Metallurgical and materials transactions A.",,"Vol. 39A","No. 2","pp. 243-251",2008,Feb. "大村知也 廣澤渉一 里 達雄 鈴木義和","Al-Mg-Cu(-Ag)合金における析出相分解過程",,"まてりあ",,"Vol. 45","No. 12","pp. 861",2006,Dec. "廣澤渉一 里 達雄 G. J. Shiflet 松田健二","メルトスピニング法によって作製した Al-Ni-Gd 系金属ガラスのナノ組織観察",,"まてりあ",,"Vol. 45","No. 12","pp. 860",2006,Dec. "小宮良樹,廣澤渉一,里 達雄","3DAPによるAl-Zn合金の室温時効における溶質集合体のナノスケール解析",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 56","No. 11","pp. 662-666",2006,Nov. "廣澤渉一,大村知也,里 達雄,鈴木義和","Al-3%Mg-1%Cu合金の時効硬化およびナノ析出組織に及ぼすAg添加の影響",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 56","No. 11","pp. 673-679",2006,Nov. "廣澤渉一,中村文滋,里 達雄,星野敏春","アルミニウム合金中の原子間,原子-空孔間相互作用エネルギーの第一原理計算とマイクロアロイング元素の挙動予測",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 56","No. 11","pp. 621-628",2006,Nov. "小椋 智,廣澤渉一,里 達雄","Al-Zn-Mg(-Ag)合金の耐力および伸びに及ぼす粒界近傍の析出組織の影響",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 56","No. 11","pp. 644-650",2006,Nov. "A. Serizawa,S. Hirosawa,T. Sato","3DAP characterization of nanoclusters in Al-Mg-Si alloys","6th Japanese-Polish Joint Seminar on Materials Analysis","Abstract book. of 6th Japanese-Polish Joint Seminar on Materials Analysis",,,,"pp. 19-20",2006,Sept. "S. Hirosawa,G.J. Shiflet,T. Sato,K. Matsuda","HRTEM observation and 3DAP analysis of nano-scale microstructures in melt-spun Al-Ni-Gd metallic glasses","16th Int. Microscopy Congress","Proc. of 16th Int. Microscopy Congress",,,,"pp. 800",2006,Sept. "T.Ogura,S.Hirosawa,A.Cerezo,T.Sato","Quantitative Correlation between Strength, Ductility and Precipitate Microstructures with PFZ in Al-Zn-Mg(-Ag, Cu) Alloys",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 519-521",,"pp. 431-436",2006,July "Y.Komiya,S.Hirosawa,T.Sato","3DAP Analysis and Computer Simulation of Nanocluster Formation in the Initial Aging Stage of Al-Zn Alloys",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 519-521",,"pp. 437-442",2006,July "Y.Suzuki,T.Omura,S.Hirosawa,T.Sato","Formability and Bake-hardenability of Al-Mg-Cu Alloy Sheets by Asymmetric Warm Rolling",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 519-521",,"pp. 1505-1510",2006,July "G.Sha,A.Morley,S.Hirosawa,A.Cerezo,G.D.W.Smith,D.Ellis,T.Williams","Thermal ageing effect of pressure vessel steel",,"Proceedings of The Joint 19th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference and 50th International Field Emission Symposium",,,,"pp. 93-94",2006,July "G.Sha,S.Hirosawa,A.Morley,A.Cerezo,G.D.W.Smith,D.Ellis,T.Williams","Characterization of segregation and precipitation at grain boundaries in thermally aged pressure vessel steels",,"Proceedings of The Joint 19th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference and 50th International Field Emission Symposium",,,,"pp. 523-524",2006,July "S.Hirosawa,T.Omura,Y.Suzuki,T.Sato","Improvement of Bake-Hardening Response of Al-Mg-Cu Alloys by means of Nanocluster Assist Processing (NCAP) Technique",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 519-521",,"pp. 215-220",2006,July "A.Serizawa,S.Hirosawa,T.Sato","3DAP Characterization and Thermal Stability of Nano-Scale Clusters in Al-Mg-Si Alloys",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 519-521",,"pp. 245-250",2006,July "shoichi hirosawa","Nano-scale characterization of precipitate microstructures in low alloy steels and aluminum alloys by three-dimensional atom probe",,"Abstract of Tsinghua University - Tokyo Institute of Technology Nanotech Joint Symposium",,,,"pp. 13",2006,Mar. "廣澤渉一,里 達雄,A.Cerezo,G.D.W.Smith","3次元アトムプローブによる低合金鋼およびアルミニウム合金のナノ組織解析",,"日本鉄鋼協会第13回ヤングサイエンティストフォーラム「ツールとしての組織解析技術-I」講演論文集",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 13",2006,Mar. "廣澤渉一,里 達雄","ナノマテリアル工学大系 第2巻ナノ金属 第7章 第4節モンテカルロ法を用いた計算機シミュレーション",,,"(株)フジ・テクノシステム",,,"pp. 465-472",2006,Jan. "S. Hirosawa,Y. Oguri,T. Sato","Experimental and computational investigation of formation of precipitate free zones in an Al-Cu alloy",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 46","No. 6","pp. 1230-1234",2005,June "S. Hirosawa,T. Sato","Nano-scale clusters formed in the early stage of phase decomposition of Al-Mg-Si alloys",,"Materials Science Forum",,,"No. 475-479","pp. 357-360",2005, "T. Sato,S. Hirosawa","Control of nano-precipitates in age-hardenable aluminum alloys and their mechanical properties",,"Materials Science Forum",,,"No. 475-479","pp. 337-342",2005, "廣澤 渉一,里 達雄","モンテカルロ・シミュレーションによる合金の相分解挙動解析",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 54","No. 3","pp. 121-127",2004,Mar. "Shoichi Hirosawa","Formation mechanisms of precipitate free zones in age-hardenable Al alloys",,"Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys",,,,"pp. 666-671",2004, "T. Ogura,S. Hirosawa,T. Sato","Quantitative characterization of precipitate free zones in Al-Zn-Mg(-Ag) alloys by microchemical analysis and nanoindentation measurement",,"Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater.",,,"No. 5","pp. 491-496",2004, "T. Ogura,S. Hirosawa,T. Sato","Quantitative Analysis of the Vicinity of Grain Boundaries with Precipitate Free Zone in Al-Zn-Mg (-Ag) Alloys",,"Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys",,,,"pp. 1061-1066",2004, "F. Nakamura,S. Hirosawa,T. Sato","Effects of Si and Ge addition on the Al3Zr precipitates in an Al-0. 6mass%Zr Alloy",,"Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys",,,,"pp. 582-587",2004, "T.Sato,K.Hirose,S.Hirosawa","Nano-cluster Controlled Precipitation in Al-Cu and Al-Mg-Si Alloys Containing Microalloying Elements",,"Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys",,,,"pp. 956-962",2004, "Y.Suzuki,A.Hibino,T.Muramatsu,S.Hirosawa,T.Sato","Bake-Hardenability of Al-Mg-Cu-X (Ag,Zn,Si) Alloy Sheets",,"Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys",,,,"pp. 258-263",2004, "A.Cerezo,S.Hirosawa,I.Rozdilsky,G.D.W.Smith","Combined atomic-scale modelling and experimental studies of nucleation in the solid state",,"Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond.",,"Vol. A361",,"pp. 463-477",2003, "廣澤渉一,里 達雄","マイクロアロイングによるアルミニウム合金の微細組織制御技術 ―モンテカルロ計算機シミュレーションによる理論予測の可能性と問題点―",,"金属",,"Vol. 73","No. 3","pp. 191-195",2003, "Shoichi Hirosawa","Roles of Microalloying Elements on the Cluster Formation in the Initial Stage of Phase Decomposition of Al-Based Alloys",,"Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 2745-2755",2003, "S.Hirosawa,A.Cerezo,G.D.W.Smith","DAP analysis and computer simulation of phase decomposition in thermally aged low alloy steels",,"Proc. of 7th workshop on the Ultra-Steel: Requirements from New Design of Constructions",,,,"pp. 98-103",2003, "S.Hirosawa,T.Sato","Atomistic behavior of microalloying elements in phase decomposition of Al based alloys",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 396-402",,"pp. 649-654",2002, "S.Hirosawa,T.Sato","Development of Al based alloys by microalloying elements",,"Proc. of the 4th Japanese-Polish Joint Seminar on Materials Analysis",,,,"pp. 27-28",2002, "K.Hirose,S.Hirosawa,T.Sato","Effects of quenched-in excess vacancies and microalloying elements on phase decomposition of Al-Cu alloys",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 396-402",,"pp. 795-800",2002, "Shoichi Hirosawa","Monte Carlo computer simulation of the atomistic behavior of microalloying elements in Al-Li alloys",,"Modelling and Simulation in Materals Science and Engineering",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 129-141",2001, "J.Yokota,S.Hirosawa,T.Sato,A.Kamio","Computer simulation of the effects of trace-additional Cu and Mg elements on the delta' phase precipitation in an Al-Li alloy",,"Light Metals Review",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 24-29",2000, "Shoichi Hirosawa","Classification of the role of microalloying elements in phase decomposition of Al based alloys",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 1797-1806",2000, "横田純一,廣澤渉一,里 達雄,神尾彰彦","Al-Li合金のδ'相析出に及ぼすCuおよびMg微量添加の影響の計算機シミュレーション",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 49","No. 2","pp. 51-56",1999,Feb. "T.Sato,S.Hirosawa,A.Kamio","Role of microalloying elements in phase decomposition of Al based alloys",,"Proc. of Int. Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations (JIMIC-3)",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 161-164",1999, "shoichi hirosawa","Microstructure Evolution and Role of Microalloying Elements in Phase Decomposition of Al-Li-Cu Base Alloys",,,,,,,1998,Feb. "Shoichi Hirosawa,Tatsuo Sato,Junichi Yokota,Akihiko Kamio","Comparison Between Resistivity Changes and Monte Carlo Simulation for GP Zone Formation in Al-Cu Base Ternary Alloys",,"Materials Transactions, JIM",,"Vol. 39","No. 1","pp. 139-146",1998,Jan. "Shoichi Hirosawa","Effects of Mg addition on the kinetics of low-temperature precipitation in Al-Li-Cu-Ag-Zr alloys",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 242",,"pp. 195-201",1998, "Shoichi HIROSAWA,Tatsuo SATO,Akihiko KAMIO,Kazuhiro KOBAYASHI,Toshimasa SAKAMOTO","Effects of additional elements and quenching conditions on the T1 phase precipitation in Al-1.3%Li-5.5%Cu-0.13%Zr Alloys (Translation)",,"Light Metals Review",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 14-20",1997, "廣澤渉一,里 達雄,神尾彰彦,小林一徳,坂本敏正","Al-1.3%Li-5.5%Cu-0.13%Zr系合金におけるT1相の粒内析出に及ぼす微量添加元素および焼入れ条件の影響",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 46","No. 3","pp. 119-125",1996,Mar. "Shoichi Hirosawa","Low-temperature precipitation of Al-Li-Cu alloys containing additional elements",,"Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 217-222",,"pp. 839-844",1996, "Shoichi Hirosawa","Kinetics of low-temperature precipitation in Al-Li-Cu alloys containing additional elements",,"Int. Symp. on Advanced Materials and Technology for the 21st Century",,,,"pp. 31",1995, "Shoichi Hirosawa","Effects of Mg addition on precipitation hardening of Al-Li-Cu-Zr alloys containing Ag",,"Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 199-204",1994,