"竹添秀男,高西陽一,大塚洋子,Suzaki G,西村涼","Low Threshold Defect-mode Lasing from a Multi-layered Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Structure",,"Opt. Express",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 12909-12914",2019,Feb. "竹添秀男,高西陽一,大塚洋子,Suzaki G,西村涼","Low Threshold Defect-mode Lasing from a Multi-layered Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Structure",,"Opt. Express",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 12909-12914",2019,Feb. "Satoshi Aya,Yuji Sasaki,Hideo Takezoe,Ken Ishikawa,Kenji Ema,Takaaki Hikima,Masaki Takata,Fumito Araoka","Thermodynamically Anchoring-Frustrated Surface to Trigger Bulk Discontinuous Orientational Transition",,"Langmuir",,"Vol. 32",," 10545-10550",2016,Sept. "Michiru Uehara,HIDEO TAKEZOE,Nata?a Vaupoti?,Damian Pociecha,Ewa Gorecka,Yoshio Aoki,Junko Morikawa","Thermal diffusivity anisotropy measured by a temperature wave method in the homologous series of (p-alkoxybenzylidene)-p′-octylaniline (nO.8)",,"The Journal of Chemical Physics","AIP","vol. 143",," 074903",2015,Aug. "上原みちる,森川淳子,竹添秀男","温度波熱分析法を用いたシッフ塩基液晶の熱拡散率測定","第35回熱物性シンポジウム","第35回日本熱物性シンポジウム講演論文集",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. A306",2014,Nov. "S. Aya,S. Ogino,Yoshihiro Hayashi,K. Okano,D. Pociecha,K. V. Le,F. Araoka,S. Kawauchi,E. Gorecka,N. Vaupoti?,H. Takezoe,K. Ishikawa","Structure-sensitive Bend Elastic Constants Between Piconewton and Subnanonewton in Diphenylacetylene-core-based Liquid Crystals",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 90",,"pp. 042506 1-6",2014,Oct. "上原みちる,謝暁晨,竹添秀男,森川淳子","液晶p-butyloxybenzylidene octylaniline (BBOA)における熱拡散率異方性の測定","2014年 日本液晶学会討論会","2014年 日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集",,,,,2014,Sept. "Satoshi Aya,Haruki Obara,Damian Pociecha,Fumito Araoka,Kunihiko Okano,Ken Ishikawa,Ewa Gorecka,Takashi Yamashita,Hideo Takezoe","Highly Elastic Liquid Crystals with a Sub-nanonewton Bending Elastic Constant Mediated by the Resident Molecular Assemblies",,"Advanced Materials",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 1918-1922",2014, "S. Aya,Y. Sasaki,D. Pociecha,F. Araoka,E. G?recka,K. Ema,I. Mu?evi?,H. Orihara,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Stepwise heat-capacity change at an orientation transition in liquid crystals",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 89",," 022512 1?5",2014, "増子史織,荒岡史人,小暮亮雅,宮島大吾,相田卓三,竹添秀男","有機デバイスへの応用を目指した軸性強誘電性カラムナー液晶薄膜の作製及び表面観察","2013年 日本液晶学会討論会",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Takahiro Ueda,Shiori Masuko,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","A General Method for the Enantioselective Formation of Helical Nanofilaments",,"Angewandte Chemie",,"vol. 52",,"pp. 6863",2013,July "Fumito Araoka,Shiori Masuko,Akinori Kogure,Daigo Miyajima,Takuzo Aida,Hideo Takezoe","High-Optical-Quality Ferroelectric Film Wet-Processed from a Ferroelectric Columnar Liquid Crystal as Observed by Non-linear-Optical Microscopy",,"Advanced Materials",,"vol. 25",,"pp. 4014",2013,June "Takuya Ikeda,Satoshi Aya,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Osamu Haba,Koichiro Yonetake,Yuichi Momoi,Hideo Takezoe","Novel Bistable Device Using Anchoring Transition and Command Surface",,"Applied Physics Express",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 061701 1-3",2013,May "Huanqi Cao,Hideo Takezoe,Ken Ishikawa","Titanium?Aluminum Bilayer Cathode for Small-Molecular Organic Solar Cells with Prolonged Life upon Exposure to Air",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 52",,"pp. 040202",2013,Mar. "J. Morikawa,T. Hashimoto,A. Kishi,Y. Shinoda,K. Ema,H. Takezoe","Critical anomalies in thermal diffusivity of liquid crystalline terephthal-bis-(4- n - butylaniline)",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 87",,"p. 022501",2013,Feb. "Fumito Araoka,Go Sugiyama,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Highly Ordered Helical Nanofilament Assembly Aligned by a Nematic Director Field",,"Advanced Functional Materials",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 2701-2707",2013,Jan. "Lopamudra Chakraborty,Nirmalangshu Chakraborty,Dipika Debnath Sarkar,Nandiraju V. S. Rao,Satoshi Aya,Khoa Van Le,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Damian Pociecha,Ewa Gorecka,Hideo Takezoe","Unusual temperature dependence of smectic layer structure associated with the nematic?smectic C phase transition in a hockey-stick-shaped four-ring compound",,"J. MATER. CHEM. C",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 1562-1566",2013,Jan. "Satoshi Aya,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Evolution of the discontinuous anchoring transition under an electric field",,"Physical Revew E",,"Vol. 87",,"pp. 012507 (3)",2013,Jan. "Guksik Lee,Rebecca J. Carlton,Fumito Araoka,Nicholas L. Abbott,Hideo Takezoe","Amplification of the Stereochemistry of Biomolecular Adsorbates by Deracemization of Chiral Domains in Bent-Core Liquid Crystals",,"Advanced Materials",,"Volume 25",,"pp. 245-249",2013,Jan. "Hyeon-Cheol Jeong,Satoshi Aya,Sungmin Kang,Fumito araoka,ken ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Are chiral dopants with higher twisting power advantageous to induce wider temperature range of the blue phases?",,"Liquid crystals",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 951-958",2013, "H.-C. Jeong,K. V. Le,S.-W. Choi,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe,M. -J Gim,S. -T Hur","Transition between widened BPs by light irradiation using photo-active bent-core liquid crystal with chiral dopant",,"J. MATER. CHEM.",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 4627-4630",2012,Oct. "I. Seo. E.-H. Sohn,J.-C. Lee,K. Song,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Molecular surface structure of comb-like poly(oxyethylene) with alkyl sulfonyl side chains studied by sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy",,"Liq. Cryst",,"Vol. 39",," 323-33",2012,Sept. "A. Eremin,U. Kornek,S. Stern,R. Stannarius,F. Araoka,H. Takezoe,H. Nadashi,W. Weissflog,A. Jakli","Pattern-stabilized "decorated" polar liquid crystal fibers",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",," 109",," 017801",2012,Sept. "N. Koizumi,G. Shanker,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,C. V. Yelamaggad,H. Takezoe","Interplay between polarity and chirality in the electric-field-responsive columnar phase of a dipeptide derivative",,"NPG Asia Mater.",,"Vol. 4",," e11-1-7",2012,Sept. "謝,K. V. Le,Y. Sasaki,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Critical behavior in electric-field-induced anchoring transition in a liquid crystal",,"Phys. Rev.",,"Vol. 86",," 0107012(R)-1-4",2012,Sept. "Tatipamula A. Kumar,Khoa V. Le,Satoshi Aya,Sungmin Kang,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Surajit Dhara,Hideo Takezoe","Anchoring Transition in a Nematic Liquid Crystal doped with Chiral Agents",,"Phase Transitions",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 888-899",2012,June "D. Miyajima,F. Araoka,H. Takezoe,J. Kim,Kenichi Kato,M. Takata,T. Aida","Ferroelectric Columnar Liquid Crystal Featuring Confined Polar Groups Within Core?Shell Architecture",,"Science",," 336",," 209",2012,Apr. "Shiori Masuko,Fumito Araoka,Akinori Kogure,Daigo Miyajima,Akinori Kogure,Daigo Miyajima,Takuzo Aida,Hideo Takezoe","Direct Observation of Polarization Switching in the Axially Ferroelectric Columnar Liquid Crystal by means of Scanning Probe Microscopy","1st Asia Conference on Liquid Crystals",,,,,,2012, "Y. Sasaki,H. Nagayama,F. Araoka,H. Yao,H. Takezoe,K. Ema","Distinctive Thermal Behavior and Nanoscale Phase Separation in the Heterogeneous Liquid-Crystal B4 Matrix of Bent-Core Molecules",,"Physical Review Letters","American Physical Society","Vol. 107",," 237802",2011,Dec. "Guksik Lee,Rebecca J. Carlton,Fumito Araoka,Nicholas L. Abbott,Hideo Takezoe","Enantioselectivity control of chiral separated domains in an achiral bent-core liquid crystal film with a biological molecule","2011 Tsinghua Univ. -Tokyo Tech.- Jingdezhen Ceramic Inst. Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials",,,,,,2011,Oct. "S. Aya,Y. Sasaki,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,K. Ema,H. Takezoe","Isotropic-nematic transition at surface of a liquid crystal embedded in aerosol network",,"Phys. Rev. E",," 83",," 061714-1-5.",2011,Sept. "L. Guo,K. Gomola,E. Gorecka,D. Pociecha,S. Dhara,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Transition between two orthogonal polar phases in symmetric bent-core liquid crystals",,"Soft Matter,",,"Vol. 7",," 2895-2899",2011,Sept. "Choi, H.,Suzushi Nishimura,T. Toyooka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Analysis of cavity-mode lasing characteristics from a resonator with broadband cholesteric liquid-crystal bragg reflectors",,"Advanced Functional Materials",,"Vol. 21","No. 18","pp. 3430-3438",2011,Sept. "Suzushi Nishimura,W. H. Koo,S. Y. Boo,S. M. Jeong,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,T. Toyooka,H. Takezoe","Controlling bucking structure by UV/ozone treatment for light extraction from organic light emitting diodes",,"Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications",,"Vol. 12","No. 7","pp. 1177-1183",2011,Sept. "K. V. Le,S. Aya,Y. Sasaki,H. Choi,F. Araoka,K. Ema,J. Mieczkowski,A. Jakli,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Liquid Crystalline amorphous blue phase and its large electrooptical Kerr effect",,"J. Mater. Chem",,"Vol. 21",," 2855-2857",2011,Sept. "S. K. Varshney,H. Nagayama,V. Prasad,H. Takezoe","Room temperature columnar phase: Influence of 2-ethylhexane peripheral chain on the mesomorphism of polyalkynylbenzene based disc-shaped molecules",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 1321-1329",2011,Sept. "Sung-Taek Hur,Min-Jun Gim,Hyun-Jong Yoo,Suk-Won Choi,Hideo Takezoe","Investigation for correlation between elastic constant and thermal stability of liquid crystalline blue phase I",,"Soft Matter",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 8800-8803",2011,Sept. "D. Miyajima,F. Araoka,H. Takezoe,J. Kim,K. Kato,M. Takata,T. Aida","Electric-field-responsive handle for large-area orientation of discotic columnar liquid crystalline molecules in millimeter-thick films",,"Angew. Chemie Int. Ed.",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 7865-7869",2011,Sept. "H. Takezoe","Spontaneous achiral symmetry breaking in liquid crystalline phases",,"Topics in Current Chemistry",,"Vol. 318",,"pp. 303-330",2011,Sept. "Y. Sasaki,K. Ema,K. V. Le,H. Takezoe,S. Dhara,B. K. Sadashiva","Calorimetric study of the effect of bent-shaped dopant molecules on the critical behavior at the nematic-smectic-Ad phase transition",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 83",,"pp. 061701-1-9",2011,Sept. "T. A. Kumar,K. V. Le,J. K. Kim,H. Takezoe,S. Dhara","Alignment of Unconventional nematic liquid crystals",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 917-924",2011,Sept. "Y. Sasaki,Y. Setoguchi,H. Nagayama,H. Yao,H. Takezoe,K. Ema","Calorimetric studies on isotropic-B4 phase transition in the mixture of bent-shaped and rod-like molecules",,"Physica E",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 779-781",2011,Sept. "T. A. Kumar,H. Takezoe,S. Dhara","Perfluoropolymer as planar alignment layer for liquid crystal mixtures",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 040203-1-3",2011,Sept. "S. K. Varshney,V. Prasad,HIDEO TAKEZOE","Room-temperature discotic cholesteric and nematic phases: Influence of 3,7-dimethyloctane peripheral chain on the molecular self-assembly of radial polyalkylbenzoate",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 53-60",2011,Sept. "レ バンコア,竹添秀男","バナナ形ネマチック液晶の2軸性",,"液晶","日本液晶学会","Vol. 15",,"pp. 125-131",2011,Sept. "竹添秀男","アキラル分子が巨大キラリティを作り出す",,"液晶","日本液晶学会","Vol. 15",,"pp. 110-116",2011,Sept. "竹添秀男","コレステリック液晶レーザー発振",,"最新フォトニクスポリマー材料と応用技術;小池康博、平坂雅男 監修","CMC出版",,,,2011,Sept. "A.V. Emelyanenko,謝,Y. Sasaki,F. Araoka,K. Ema,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Two transitions between isotropic and nematic phases in confined liquid crystals",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 84",," 041701-1-4",2011,Sept. "H. Nagayama,Y. Sasaki,F. Araoka,K. Ema,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Discrete and sequential formation of helical nanofilaments in mixtures consisting of bent- and rod-shaped molecules",,"Soft Matter",,"Vol. 7",," 8766-8769",2011,Sept. "L. Guo,E. Gorecka,D. Pociecha,N. Vaupotic,M. Cepic,R. Amaranatha Reddy,K. Gornik,F. Araoka,N. A. Clark,D. M. Walba,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Ferroelectric behavior of orthogonal smectic phase made of bent-core molecules",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 84",," 031706-1-8",2011,Sept. "W. H. Koo,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,S. M. Jeong,S. Nishimura,T. Toyooka,H. Takezoe","Simultaneous extraction of ITO/organic and substrate waveguide modes from buckled organic light emitting diodes",,"Appl. Phys. Express",,"Vol. 4",," 032101-1-3",2011,Sept. "S. Aya,K. V. Le,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Nano-size-induced optically isotropic nematic phase",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 50",," 051703-1-5",2011,Sept. "F. Araoka,G. Sugiyama,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Electric-field controllable optical activity in the nano-segregated system composed of rod- and bent-core liquid crystals",,"Opt. Mater. Express",,"Vol. 1",," 27-35.",2011,Sept. "T. A. Kumar,V. S. S. Sastry,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe,N. V. Madhusudana,S. Dhara","Effect of Electric Field on Defects in a Nematic Liquid Crystal with Variable Surface",,"Liq. Cryst.",," 38",," 971-979",2011,Sept. "永山 裕貴,佐々木 裕司,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,江間 健司,竹添 秀男","屈曲型分子と棒状分子の混合系における相転移挙動","2010年日本液晶学会討論会",,,,,,2011,Sept. "Guksik Lee,Seng Kue Lee,Fumito Araoka,Junji Watanabe,Hideo Takezoe","Synthesis and Characterization of seven-aromatic ring containing bent-core liquid crystals","13th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC 2011)",,,,,,2011,Aug. "Guksik Lee,Hyeon-cheol Jeong,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Jong Gun Lee,Mojca Cepic,Kyung-Tae Kang,Hideo Takezoe","Anchoring transition of bent-rod liquid crystal dimers on different surfaces","2011 International Symposium on Molecular System",,,,,,2011,May "W. H. Koo,S. M. Jeong,S. Nishimura,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,T. Toyooka,H. Takezoe","Polarization conversion in surface-plasmon-coupled emission from organic light emitting diodes using spontaneously formed buckles",,"Adv. Mater.",,"Vol. 23",," 1003-1007",2011,Mar. "Satoshi Aya,Sasaki Yuji,Fumito Araoka,Kenji Ema,Ken Ishikawa,Alexander V. Emelyanenko,Hideo Takezoe","Observation of Two Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transitions Near a Surface",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS",,"Vol. 106",,"page 117801",2011,Mar. "Guksik Lee,Hyeon-cheol Jeong,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Jong Gun Lee,Kyung-Tae Kang,Mojca Cepic,Hideo Takezoe","Anchoring transition of bent-rod liquid crystal dimers on different surfaces","2nd Tokyo Tech - EPFL Workshop on Materials",,,,,,2011,Mar. "H. G. Kim,J. S. Jang,S.-T. Hur,S.-W. Choi,S. S. Kim,H. Takezoe,K. Ishikawa","Thin-film field-effect transistors of copper phthalocyanine on a rubbed polyethersulfone",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 519",," 2011-2014",2011,Mar. "F. Araoka,S. Aya,K. V. Le,H. Takezoe","Optical isotropic phases towards display application","SPIE Photonic West","Proc. SPIE",," 7956",," 79560K",2011, "F. Araoka,H. Takezoe","Towards highly-efficient liquid crystal microlasers","SPIE Photonic West","Proc. SPIE",," 7935",," 79350A",2011, "N. Y. Ha,S. M. Jeong,S. Nishimura,H. Takezoe","Color-temperature tunable white reflector using bichiral liquid crystal films",,"OPTICS EXPRESS",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 26339-26344",2010,Dec. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Makoto Uchimura,Yo Watanabe,Fumito Araoka,渡辺順次,Gen-ichi Konishi","Development of Laser Dyes to Realize Low Threshold in Dye-doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Lasers",,"Adv. Mater.",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 4473-4478.",2010,Oct. "P. Sathyanarayana,T. Arun Kumar,V. S. S. Sastry,M. Mathews,Q. Li,H. Takezoe,S. Dhara","Rotational viscosity of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal",,"APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 091702-1-3.",2010,Sept. "レ バン コア,Taushanoff Stefanie,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,Jakli Antal,竹添 秀男","バナナ形液晶の形成するアモルファスブルー相","2010年日本液晶学会討論会",,,,,,2010,Sept. "謝 暁晨,レ バン コア,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","ナノサイズ効果による光学的等方性ネマチック相の出現と電気光学応物答",,,,,,,2010,Sept. "宮島 大吾,荒岡 史人,竹添 秀男,相田 卓三","強誘電性カラムナー液晶の開発","2010年日本液晶学会討論会",,,,,,2010,Sept. "竹添 秀男,キム ジンキ,レ バン コア,ダーラ スラジット,荒岡 史人,石川 謙","含色素ネマチック液晶を用いた光、および電場駆動型双安定デバイス","2010年日本液晶学会討論会",,,,,,2010,Sept. "F. Araoka,T. Otani,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Spectral blue shift via intermolecular interactions in the B2 and B4 phases of a bent-shaped molecule",,"Phys. Rev. E,",,"Vol. 82",," 041718-1-5",2010,Sept. "L. Guo,S. Dhara,B. K. Sadashiva,S. Radhika,R. Pratibha,Y. Shimbo,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Polar switching in the SmAdPA Phase composed of asymmetric bent-core molecules",,"Phys. Rev. E,",,"Vol. 81",," 011703-1-6",2010,Sept. "竹添秀男,渡邊陽,荒岡史人","有機色素液晶レーザ ?実用化を目指した低閾値化の試み―",,"光アライアンス,",,"Vol. 21 (2010)",,"pp. 5-9.",2010,Aug. "Yo Watanabe,Makoto Uchimura,Fumito Araoka,Gen-Ichi Konishi,Junji Watanabe,Hideo Takezoe","Lowering The Lasing Threshold of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Laser: New Approach From Ideal Laser Dyes","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2010,July "Satoshi Aya,Khoa Van Le,Fumito Araoka,Hideo Takezoe,Ken Ishikawa","Optically Isotropic Nematic Phase With a Wide Temperature Range Due To Nanosize Effect","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2010,July "Ulrike Kornek,Stephan Stern,Ralf Stannarius,Alexey Eremin,Fumito Araoka,Lingfeng Guo,Hideo Takezoe,Antal J?kli,Hajnalka N?dasi,Wolfgang Weissflog","Polar Order in Film- and Fibre- Geometries of Polarization-Modulated PhaseAntiferroelectric liquid crystals -interplay of simplicity and complixity-","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2010,July "Hiroki Nagayama,Yuji Sasaki,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Kenji Ema,Hideo Takezoe","Phase Transition in Mixtures Consisting of Bent-Core and Rod Molecules","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2010,July "Lingfeng Guo,Kinga Gomola,Fumito Araoka,Damian Pociecha,Ewa Gorecka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Optically uniaxial smectic A phase with antiferroelectric behaviourSyntheses and Mesogenic Properties of Dimers and Trimers Consisting of Triphenylene Donor and Anthraquinone Acceptor","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2010,July "Daigo Miyajima,Fumito Araoka,Hideo Takezoe","A New Approach For The Alignment Of Discotic Columnar Liquid Crystals With The Combination Of Amide And Electric Field","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,2010,July "Hideo Takezoe,Satoshi Aya,Khoa Van Le,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Stefanie Taushanoff,Antal J?kli","Optical Isotropic Phases for Display Application","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2010,July "Y. Sasaki,K. Ema,K. V. Le,H. Takezoe,S. Dhara,B. K. Sadashiva","Critical behavior at transitions from uniaxial to biaxial phases in a smectic liquid-crystal mixture",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW E?",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 011709-1-6.",2010,July "Naomi Koizumi,Ken Ishikawa,Fumito Araoka,Hideo Takezoe,G Shanker,C. V. Yelamaggad","Antiferroelectric Switching Accompanied With Electro-Clinic Effect in a Discotic Columnar Phase of a Dipeptide Derivative",,,,,,,2010,July "HIDEO TAKEZOE,D. Miyajima,Fumito Araoka,J. Kim,K. Kato,M. Takata,T. Aida","Columnar liquid crystal with a spontaneous polarization along the columnar axis",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 132",,"pp. 8530-8531.",2010,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE,JIN KI KIM,Van Khoa Le,Dhara Surajit,Ken Ishikawa,Fumito Araoka","Heat-driven and electric-field-driven bistable devices using dye-doped nematic liquid crystals",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 107",,"pp. 123108-1-4.",2010,June "H. Choi,J. Kim,S. Nishimura,T. Toyooka,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,J. W. Wu,H. Takezoe","Broad-band Cavity-mode Lasing from Dye-doped Nematic Liquid Crystal Sandwiched by Broad-band",,"ADVANCED MATERIALS",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 2680-2684.",2010,June "Y. Takanishi,Y. Ohtsuka,G. Suzaki,S. Nishimura,H. Takezoe","Low threshold lasing from dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal multi-layered structures",,"OPTICS EXPRESS",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 12909-12914",2010,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE,WONHOE KOO,Hongje Yun,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Soon Moon Jeong,T. TOYOOKA,S Nishimura","Spontaneously buckled microlens for improving outcoupled organic electroluminescence",,"Appl. Phys. Exp.",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 082501-1-3.",2010,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,H. Monobe,,Y. Shimizu,V. Prasad","Non-symmetrical discotic liquid crystalline dimers: molecular design, synthesis and mesomorphic properties",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 607-615",2010,May "Na Young Ha,Soon Moon Jeong,HIDEO TAKEZOE,S Nishimura","Colour- and reflectance-tunable multiple reflectors assembled from three polymer films",,"Adv. Mater.",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 1617-1621.",2010,Apr. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Reiri Kougo,Fumito Araoka,Y Uchida,R. Tamura,Ken Ishikawa","Second-harmonic generation in a paramagnetic all-organic chiral smectic liquid crystal",,"Appl. Phys. Exp.",,"Vol. 3 .",,"p. 041701",2010,Apr. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Na Young Ha,Soon Moon Jeong,S Nishimura","Polarization-independent multiple selective reflections from bi-chiral liquid crystal films",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 96",,"p. 153301.",2010,Apr. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Ewa Gorecka,M. Cepic","Antiferroelectric liquid crystals ?interplay of simplicity and complixity ?",,"Rev. Mod. Phys.",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 897-937.",2010,Mar. "Hongje Yun,Wonhoe Koo,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","Buckling現象によるマイクロレンズを用いたOrganic Light Emitting Diodeの光取出効率の向上","第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2010,Mar. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,Hiroki Nagayama,V. Prasad","Syntheses and Mesogenic Properties of Dimers and Trimers Consisting of Triphenylene Donor and Anthraquinone Acceptor",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 517",,"pp. 97-112.",2010,Mar. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,T. Arun Kumar,P. Sathyanarayana,V. S. S. Sastry,N. M. Madhusudana,Dhara Surajit","Electric Field Induced Inverse Freedericksz Transition in a Nematogen with weak surface anchoring",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 011701-1-6",2010,Feb. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Masanao Goto,Ken Ishikawa","Carrier transport simulation in a model liquid crystalline system with the biaxial Gay?Berne potential",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 132",,"pp. 054506-1-10.",2010,Feb. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,WONHOE KOO,Soon Moon Jeong,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,S Nishimura,T. TOYOOKA","Light extraction from organic light emitting diodes enhanced by spontaneously formed buckles",,"Nature Photonics",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 222-225.",2010,Feb. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,P. Sathyanarayana,M. Mathew,V. S. S. Sastry,B. Kundu,Van Khoa Le,Dhara Surajit","Splay bend elasticity of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal",,"Phys. Rev. E (rapid) 81 (2010) 010702(R)-1-4.",,"Vol. 81",,"pp. 010702(R)-1-4.",2010,Jan. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Lingfeng GUO,Dhara Surajit,B. K. Sadashiva,S. Radhika,R. Pratibha,YOSHIO SHIMBO,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa","Electrooptic and Dielectric Characterization of SmAdPA Phase of a Asymmetric Bent Core Liquid Crystal",,"Phys. Rev. E .",,"Vol. 81",,"pp. 011703-1-6",2010,Jan. "Soon Moon Jeong,Jin Ki Kim,Yoshio Shimbo,Fumito Araoka,Surajit Dhara,Na Young Ha,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Perfluoropolymer surface for shock-free homeotropic alignment of smectic liquid crystals",,"Adv. Mater.",," 22",," 34",2010,Jan. "Hiroki Nagayama,Sanjay Kumar Varshney,Masanao Goto,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Veena Prasad,Hideo Takezoe","Spontaneous Deracemization of Disc-like Molecules in the Columnar Phase",,"Angewandte Chemie International Edition",,"Vol. 49",,"p. 445",2010,Jan. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,G. Lee,Hyeoncheol Jeong,Fumito Araoka,K.-T. Kang,Ken Ishikawa,M. Cepic","Anchoring transition of bent-rod dimer liquid crystals on different surfaces",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 883-892.",2010, "Y. Haketa,S. Sasaki,N. Ohta,H. Masunaga,H. Ogawa,N. Mizuno,F. Araoka,H. Takezoe,H. Maeda","Oriented salts: dimension-controlled charge-by-charge assemblies from planar receptor-anion complexes",,"ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION??",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 10079-10083",2010, "竹添秀男,具?會,鄭旬紋,西村涼","省エネ型有機光ダイオードの開発",,"月刊ディスプレイ,",,"Vol. 10 (2010)",,"pp. 34-38.",2010, "竹添秀男","バナナ形液晶の物理と化学",,"液晶 ?構造制御と機能化の最前線?","シーエムシー出版、"," (2010)",," 86-93",2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Y. Sasaki,KENJI EMA,Van Khoa Le,Dhara Surajit,B. K. Sadashiva","Thermal fluctuations of bent-shaped molecules in the smectic-A2 background",,"Phys. Rev. E",,,,,2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,Hiroki Nagayama,D. S. Shankar Rao","Synthesis and liquid crystalline properties of β-bromopentakis(alkoxy) triphenylene: Reactivity of VOCl3, MoCl5 and FeCl3 as oxidants",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 528",,"pp. 38-48.",2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Na Young Ha,M.H. Song,Soon Moon Jeong,Byoungchoo Park","Tuning laser light from liquid crystal lasers",,"Liquid Crystal Microlasers, Chap. 4. Ed. L. Blinov and R. Bartolino",," (2010)",,"pp. 67-87.",2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Kinga Gomola,Lingfeng GUO,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Damian Pociecha","Optically Uniaxial Antiferroelectric Smectic Phase in Asymmetrical Bent-core Compounds Containing 3-Aminophenol Central Unit",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 7944-7952.",2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. Taushanoff,Van Khoa Le,J. Williams,R. J. Twieg,B. K. Sadashiva,A. J?kli","Stable amorphous blue phase of bent-core nematic liquid crystals doped with a chiral material",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 5893-5898.",2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,H. Choi,J. Kim,RYO NISHIMURA,T. TOYOOKA,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,J. W. Wu","Broad-band Cavity-mode Lasing from Dye-doped Nematic Liquid Crystal Sandwiched by Broad-band Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Bragg Reflectors",,"Adv. Mater",,,,,2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,Hiroki Nagayama,V. Prasad","Octasubstituted dibenzochrysenes: discotic liquid crystals with a twisted core",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 1409-1415.",2009,Dec. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,V. Prasad,D. S. Shankar Rao","π-Conjugated Triphenylene Twins Exhibiting Polymesomorphism Including the Nematic Phase",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 515",,"pp. 16-38.",2009,Dec. "荒岡史人,竹添秀男","ポリマー材料による液晶レーザーデバイスの発振特性改善",,"光学",," 38",," 610",2009,Dec. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Dhara Surajit,Ken Ishikawa","Thermotropic Uniaxial Nematic Liquid Crystal with Half-Strength Disclinations: Defect-Antidefect Production and Correlation",,"J. Phys. Condens. Mater. 21 (2009) 505103-1-5.",," 21",," 505103-1-5.",2009,Dec. "Y. Watanabe,M. Uchimura,F. Araoka,Gen-ichi Konishi,J. Watanabe,H. Takezoe","Extremely low threshold in a pyrene-doped distributed feedback cholesteric liquid crystal laser",,"Appl. Phys. Expr.",,"vol. 2",,"p. 102501",2009,Nov. "H. S. Jeong,S. Tanaka,D. K. Yoon,S.-W. Choi,Y. H. Kim,S. Kawauchi,F. Araoka,H. Takezoe,H.-T. Jung","Spontaneous Chirality Induction and Enantiomer Separation in Liquid Crystals composed of Achiral Rod-Shaped 4-Arylbenzoate Esters",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"vol. 131",,"p. 15055",2009,Nov. "宮島 大吾,荒岡 史人,竹添 秀男,相田 卓三","電場応答性を有するディスコティックカラムナー液晶の開発","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Nov. "Surajit Dhara,Jin Ki Kim,Soon Moon Jeong,向後 伶利,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","Anchoring transitions of transversely polar liquid-crystal molecules on perfluoropolymer surfaces","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Nov. "K. V. Le,F. Araoka,K. Fodor-Csorba,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Flexoelectric effect in a bent-core mesogen",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 36",,"p. 1119",2009,Nov. "荒岡 史人,竹添 秀男","液晶フォトニックデバイス",,"化学工業",," 60",,,2009,Oct. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Suk-Won Choi","Chirooptical properties in azobenzene molecule-doped side-chain polymeric films",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 517",,"pp. 6142-6145.",2009,Sept. "Daigo Miyajima,Fumito Araoka,Hideo Takezoe,Takuzo Aida","Synthesis of new bowlic liquid crystals responsive to electric field","12th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC'09)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "J. K. Kim,F. Araoka,S. M. Jeong,S. Dhara,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Bistable device using anchoring transition of nematic liquid crystals",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 95",,"p. 063505",2009,Sept. "Won Hoe Koo,Soon Moon Jeong,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Suzushi Nishimura,Takehiro Toyooka,Hideo Takezoe","Light extraction from organic light emitting diodes enhanced by using spontaneously formed buckles","1st Asian Conference on Organic Electronics(A-COE)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "李 国植,ジヨンヒヨンチヨル,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,Kang Kyung-Tae,竹添 秀男","非対称アキラル屈曲型液晶におけるアンカーリング転移","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Reiri Kogo,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe,Yoshiaki Uchida,Rui Tamura","Phase-matched SHG in a paramagnetic all-organic chiral smectic liquid crystal","12th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC'09)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "渡邊 陽,内村 真,小西 玄一,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","ピレン誘導体を用いたコレステリック液晶レーザーの評価","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "永山 裕貴,Sanjay Kumar Varshney,後藤 正直,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,Veena Prasad,竹添 秀男","カラムナー相におけるアキラルな円盤状分子が示す自発的なキラル分掌","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "向後 伶利,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男,内田 幸明,田村 類","強誘電性有機ラジカル液晶の位相整合SHG","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "大谷 健人,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","アキラル屈曲形液晶のB4相中でナノ偏析したアキラル棒状分子による光学活性の増強","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "大谷 健人,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","屈曲形分子液晶の呈するキラル相における円偏光二色性とラマン分光測定","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Lingfeng Guo,Kinga Gomola,Surajit Dhara,Ewa Gorecka,新保 仁男,荒岡 史人,Damian Pociecha,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","Transition between two orthogonal polar phases in symmetric bent-core liquid crystals","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "小泉 奈緒美,永山 裕貴,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男,G. Shanker,C.V.Yelamaggad","アミノ酸カラムナー液晶における電傾効果の発現","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Suk-Won Choi","Photoinduced chirality in a photochromic stilbene-molecule-doped polymeric liquied crystal film",,"Physica E,",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 1648-1650.",2009,Sept. "Soon Moon Jeong,Jin Ki Kim,新保 仁男,荒岡 史人,Surajit Dhara,Na Young Ha,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","Perfluoropolymer surface for stable homeotropic alignment of smectic liquid crystals","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Taketo Otani,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","B2 and B4 phases of a bent-core molecule studied by circular dichroism and Raman spectroscopy","12th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC'09)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Hiroki Nagayama,Sanjay Kumar Varshney,Masanao Goto,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Veena Prasad,Hideo Takezoe","Spontaneous chiral segregation of achiral disk-like molecules in the columnar phase","12th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC'09)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,H. C. Jung,S. K. Lee,G. Lee,H. J. Shin,S. J. Park,J. G. Lee,渡辺順次,K.-T. Kang","Synthesis of tripod-shaped liquid crystals with sp3 nitrogen at the apex",,"Bull. Kor. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 1946-1950.",2009,Sept. "Khoa Van Le,Fumito Araoka,Katalin Fodor-Csorba,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Flexoelectric effect in a bent-core mesogen","12th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC'09)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Naomi Koizumi,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe,Govindaswamy Shanker,Channabasaveshwara V.Yelamaggad","Electro clinic effect in a discotic columnar phase of a dipeptide derivative","12th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC'09)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Shingo Tanaka,Nandor Eber,K. Fodor-Csorba,A. Vajda,A. Bukaaka","Electroconvection in nematic mixtures of bent-core and calamitic molecules",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 80",,"pp. 021702-1-8.",2009,Aug. "T. Otani,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Enhanced Optical Activity by Achiral Rod-like Molecules Nano-segregated in the B4 Structure of Achiral Bent-core Molecules",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"vol. 131",,"p. 12368",2009,July "K. Shibata,Y. Watakabe,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe,H. Wada,T. Mori","(Tetrathiafulvalene)tetracyanoquinodimethane as a contact material for n-channel and ambipolar organic transistors",,"Appl. Phys. Exp.",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 051801-1-3",2009,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Polarization-tunable electroluminescence using phase retardation based on photonic bandgap liquid crystal",,,,,,,2009,June "Surajit Dhara,Jin Ki Kim,Soon Moon Jeong,向後 伶利,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","Anchoring transitions of transversely polar liquid-crystal molecules on perfluoropolymer surfaces",,"Phys. Rev. E",," 79",," 060701(R)-1-4.",2009,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Dhara Surajit,JIN KI KIM,Soon Moon Jeong,Reiri Kougo,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa","Anchoring transition of transversely polar liquid-crystal molecules on perfluoropolymer surfaces",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 060701(R)-1-4.",2009,June "S. Dhara,J. K. Kim,S. M. Jeong,R. Kogo,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Anchoring transition of transversely polar liquid-crystal molecules on perfluoropolymer surfaces",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"vol. 79",,"p. 060701(R)",2009,May "Masanao Goto,Yoshimasa Bando,takashi shirahata,Takehiko Mori,HIDEO TAKEZOE,Ken Ishikawa","High Carrier Mobility in Mesophase of a Dithienothiophene Derivative",,"Appl. Phys. Exp.",,"Vol. 2","No. 4","p. 041502",2009,Apr. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Van Khoa Le,M. Mathew,M. Chambers,J. Harden,Q. Li,A. J?kli","Electro-optic technique to study biaxiality of liquid crystals with positive dielectric anisotropy: The case of a bent-core material",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 030701(R)1-4.",2009,Mar. "宮島 大吾,田代 健太郎,荒岡 史人,竹添 秀男,相田 卓三","ディスコティックカラムナー液晶の電場配向","第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "荒岡 史人,竹添 秀男","液晶フォトニックデバイス","日本化学会第89春季年会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Byoungchoo Park,M KIM,S. W. Kim,W. Jang,Y. Kim,E. H. Choi,Y. H. Seo,G. S. Cho,S. O. Kang","Electro-controllable omni-directional laser emissions from a helical polymeric network composite film",,"Adv. Mater.",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 771-775",2009,Feb. "F. Araoka,M. Abe,T. Yamamoto,H. Takezoe","Large Faraday Rotation in a pi-conjugated Poly(aryleneethynylene) Thin Film",,"Appl. Phys. Expr.",,"Vol. 2",,"p. 011501",2009,Jan. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,T. Yoshino,K. Shibata,H. Wada,Yoshimasa Bando,Ken Ishikawa,Takehiko Mori","Organic field-effect transistors based on solution-processible debenzotetrathiafulvalene derivatives",,"Chem. Lett. 38 (2009) 200-201.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 200-201.",2009,Jan. "D. Miyajima,K. Tashiro,F. Araoka,H. Takezoe,J. Kim,K. Kato,M. Takata,T. Aida","Liquid crystalline corannulene responsive to electric field",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 131",,"p. 44",2009,Jan. "Kinga Gomola,HIDEO TAKEZOE,Lingfeng GUO,Ewa Gorecka,Damian Pociecha,J. Mieczkowski,Ken Ishikawa","First symmetrical banana compounds exhibiting SmAPR mesophase and unique transition between two orthogonal polar phases",,"Chem. Commun. 2009, 6592-6594.",,,"# 2009","p. 6592-6594.",2009, "竹添秀男","液晶レーザ光を操る",,"高分子",,"Vol. 58(2009)",,"pp. 548-552",2009, "竹添秀男,荒岡史人","高分子液晶材料を用いたフォトニックレーザーデバイス",,"光学38 (2009) 610-615.",,"Vol. 38 (2009)",,"pp. 610-615.",2009, "竹添秀男,荒岡史人","液晶フォトニックデバイス",,"化学工業",,"Vol. 60 (2009)",,"pp. 23-27.",2009, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Kinga Gomola,Lingfeng GUO,Dhara Surajit,YOSHIO SHIMBO,Ewa Gorecka,Damian Pociecha,J. Mieczkowski","Syntheses and characterizations of novel asymmetric bent-core mesogens exhibiting polar smectic phases",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 4240-4247.",2009, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,Y Uchida,R. Tamura,N. Ikuma,S. Shimono,J. Yamauchi,,YOSHIO SHIMBO,Y. Aoki,H. Nohira Aoki,H. Nohira","Magnetic-field-induced molecular alignment in the achiral liquid crystal spin-labeled by a nitroxyl group in the mesogen core",,"J. Mater. Chem.",," 19",," 415-418",2009, "M. Goto,Y. Watakabe,H. Takezoe,K. Ishikawa","Anisotropic and Enhanced FET Performance in Rubbing-Aligned CuPc Thin Film Transistor with Top Gate Structure",,"Mater. Res. Soc. Symp Proc.",," 1091E",," AA11-18",2008,Nov. "田中 慎吾,荒岡 史人,竹添 秀男,Aniko Vajda,Eber Nandor","屈曲型分子と棒状分子の混合液晶による電気対流効果","2008年液晶討論会",,,,,,2008,Sept. "小泉 奈緒美,後藤 正直,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男,横川 美保,向井 秀知,太田 和親","Pc2Tb誘導体の分極反転挙動",,"日本液晶学会討論会",,,,,2008,Sept. "H. Wada,T. Taguchi,B. Noda,T. Kambayashi,T. Mori,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Air stability of n-channel organic transistors based on Nickel coordination compounds",,"Org. Elect.",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 759-766.",2008,July "Lu Shi,Seng Kue Lee,Masatoshi Tokita,Hideo Takezo,Junji watanabe","Chiral Memory on Transition between Weakly Birefringent B2 Phase and Electric-Field-Induced Highly Birefringent B2 Phase in a Banana-shaped Molecule","BANANA’07 International Symposium on Banana Liquid Crystals",,,,,,2008,July "K. Sonoyama,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Lowering Threshold by Energy Transfer between Two Dyes in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Distributed Feedback Lasers",,"Appl. Exp. Lett.",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 032002-1-3",2008,July "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Toward practical application of cholesteric liquid crystals to tunable lasers",,,,,,,2008,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Simultaneous red, green, and blue lasing emissions in a single-pitched cholesteric liquid crystal system",,"Adv. Mater.",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 2503-2507",2008,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE","08-12) Alternating twist structures formed by electroconvection in the nematic phase of an achiral bent-core meolecule",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 041708-1-5",2008,June "Khoa Van Le,Fumito Araoka,Surajit Dhara,B. K. Sadashiva,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Determination of Bend Flexoelectric Coefficient of Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals","The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2008,June "Soon Moon Jeong,Na Young Ha,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Polarization-tunable distributed feedback laser","The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2008,June "Taketo Otani,Shin Matsumoto,Yoichi Takanishi,Yuji Sasaki,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Kenji Ema,Junji Watanabe,Keiki Kishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Phase behavior of binary mixtures formed by bent-core and rod-like achiral molecules","The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2008,June "Hyeon Su Jeong,Dong Ki Yoon,Hee-Tae Jung,Shingo Tanaka,Suk Won Choi,Fumito Araoka,Hideo Takezoe","Spontaneous chiral domain formation in achiral rod-like molecules bearing an ester linkage","The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2008,June "Shingo Tanaka,Surajit Dhara,B. K. Sadashiva,Yoshio Shimbo,Yoichi Takanishi,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Alternative twist structures formed by electroconvection in the nematic phase of an achiral bent-core molecule","The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2008,June "S. M. Jeong,F. Araoka,Y. Machida,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Enhancement of normally-directed light outcoupling from organic light-emitting diodes using nano-imprinted low-refractive-index layer",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 083307-083309",2008,June "N. Y. Ha,Y. Ohtsuka,S. M. Jeong,S. Nishimura,G. Suzaki,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Fabrication of a simultaneous red-green-blue reflector using single-pitched cholesteric liquid crystals",,"Nature Materials",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 43-47",2008,June "N. Y. Ha,S. M. Jeong,S. Nishimura,G. Suzaki,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Simultaneous red, green, and blue lasing emissions in a single-pitched cholesteric liquid crystal system",,"Adv. Mater.",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 2503-2507",2008,June "T. Manabe,K. Sonoyama,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Toward practical application of cholesteric liquid crystals to tunable lasers",,"J. Mater. Chem",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 3040-3043",2008,June "S. M. Jeong,N. Y. Ha,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Electro-tunable polarization of surface-emitting distributed feedback laser with nematic liquid crystals",,"Appl. Phys. Lett",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 171105-1-3.",2008,June "S. M. Jeong,F. Araoka,Y. Machida,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Enhancement of Light Extraction from Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Two-Dimensional Hexagonally Nano-Imprinted Periodic Structures Using Sequential Surface Relief Grating",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 4566-4571",2008,June "S. M. Jeong,N. Y. Ha,M. G. Chee,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Enhanced linearly-polarized lasing emission from nano-imprinted surface-emitting distributed feedback laser based on polymeric liquid crystals",,"Appl. Phys. Lett",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 221101-1-3",2008,June "S. Tanaka,S. Dhara,B. K. Sadashiva,Y. Shimbo,Y. Takanishi,F. Araoka,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Alternative twist structures formed by electroconvection in the nematic phase of an achiral bent-core meolecule",,"Phys. Rev. E,",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 041708-1-5",2008,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Kerr constant and third-order nonlinear optic susceptibility measurements in a liquid crystal composed of bent-shaped molecules",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 78",,"pp. 050701(R) 1-4",2008,June "S. Dhara,F. Araoka,M. Lee,K. V. Le,L. Guo,B. K. Sadashiva,K. Song,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Kerr constant and third-order nonlinear optic susceptibility measurements in a liquid crystal composed of bent-shaped molecules",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 78",,"pp. 050701(R) 1-4.",2008,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Enhanced linearly-polarized lasing emission from nano-imprinted surface-emitting distributed feedback laser based on polymeric liquid crystals",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 221101-1-3",2008,June "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Electro-tunable polarization of surface-emitting distributed feedback laser with nematic liquid",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 171105-1-3",2008,June "K. Shibata,Y. Watakabe,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe,H. Wada,T. Mori","(Tetrathiafulvalene)(tetracyanoquinodimethane) as a Contact Material for n-Channel and Ambipolar Organic Transistors",,"Appl. Phys. Exp.","IPAP","Vol. 1","No. 5","p. 051801",2008,May "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Enhancement of normally-directed light outcoupling from organic light-emitting diodes using nano-imprinted low-refractive-index layer",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 083307-1-3",2008,Mar. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Lowering Threshold by Energy Transfer between Two Dyes in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Distributed Feedback Lasers",,"Appl. Exp. Lett.",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 032002-1-3",2008,Mar. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Enhancement of normally-directed light outcoupling from organic light-emitting diodes using nano-imprinted low-refractive-index layer",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 083307-1-3",2008,Mar. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Discotic liquid crystals: synthesis and characterization of radial polyalkynylbenzene derivatives",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 81",,"pp. 163-167",2008,Mar. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Fabrication of a simultaneous red-green-blue reflector using single-pitched cholesteric liquid crystals",,"Nature Mater.",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 43-47",2008,Feb. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Fabrication of a simultaneous red-green-blue reflector using single-pitched cholesteric liquid crystals",,"Nature Mater.",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 43-47",2008,Feb. "Koji Shibata,Ken Ishikawa,HIDEO TAKEZOE,TAKEHIKO MORI","Contact Resistance of Dibenzotetrathiafulvalene-Based Organic Transistors with Metal and Organic Electrodes",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 92",,"p. 03305",2008,Jan. "Seng Kue Lee,Masatoshi Tokita,Hideo Takezoe,Junji Watanabe","Effect of Molecular Structure on Smectic Phase Structures in Two Homologues Series of Bent-Shaped Molecules with Asymmetric CentralNaphthalene Core",,"Ferroelectrics",,"Vol. 365",,"p. 1",2008, "竹添秀男","屈曲形液晶を用いた新規液晶ディスプレイモード",,"液晶",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 342-348",2007,Nov. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Dependence of lasing threshold power on excitation wavelength in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals",,"Opt. Commun.",,"Vol. 2008",,"pp. 408-411",2007,Nov. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Air stability of n-channel organic transistors based on Nickel coordination compounds",,"Org. Elect.",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 759-766",2007,Nov. "Sungmin Kang,Masatoshi Tokita,yoichi takanishi,HIDEO TAKEZOE,junji watanabe","Structure of a B6-like phase formed from bent-core liquid crystals determined by microbeam X-ray diffraction",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 76",,"p. 042701",2007,Oct. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Carrier transport simulation of anomalous temperature dependence in nematic liquid crystals",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 040701(R)-1-4",2007,Oct. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Usufulness of substrate cleaning with carbon dioxide for organic electronic devices",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. L910-L912",2007,Oct. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Position-sensitive cholesteric liquid crystal dye laser covering a full visible range",,,,"Vol. 36",,"pp. L874-L876",2007,Sept. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Polar structures in the binary mixtures of bent-core liquid crystals showing ferroelectric and antiferroelectric B2 phases",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 031702-1-7",2007,Sept. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Three relaxation processes from an electric-field-induced polar structure in a columnar liquid crystalline urea derivative",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 75",,,2007,Sept. "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Experimental Investigation on the Pretilt Angle in a Binary Liquid Crystal Composed of Highly Polar Molecules",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 5920-5923",2007,Sept. "Seng Kue Lee,Yu Naito,Lu Shi,Masatoshi Tokita,Hideo Takezoe,Junji Watanabe","Mesomorphic behaviour in bent-shaped molecules with side wings at different positions of a central naphthalene core",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 935-943",2007,Sept. "Seng Kue Lee,L. Shi,Masatoshi Tokita,HIDEO TAKEZOE,junji watanabe","Interesting features on electric field-induced transformation of dark chiral phase to highly birefringent B2 phase with SmCAPA","International Symmposium on Banana Liquid Crystals-Polarity, Chirality, Biaxiality and Frustration",,,,,,2007,Sept. "Seng Kue Lee,Lu Shi,Masatoshi Tokita,Hideo Takezoe,Junji watanabe","Chirality transfer between weakly birefringent and electric-field-induced highly birefringent B2 phases in a bent-core mesogen",,"J. Phys. Chem. B",,"Vol. 111","No. 30","pp. 8698",2007,Sept. "Y. Wang,T. Manabe,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,G. Shao,A. Orita,J. Otera,H. Takezoe","ependence of lasing threshold power on excitation wavelength in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals",,"Opt. Commun.",,"Vol. 280",,"pp. 408-411.",2007,July "K. Sonoyama,高西 陽一,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","Position-sensitive cholesteric liquid crystal dye laser covering a full visible range",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. L874-L876",2007,July "後藤 正直,竹添 秀男,石川 謙","Carrier transport simulation of anomalous temperature dependence in nematic liquid crystals",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 040701(R)-1-4",2007,July "薄田 真,M. Kamei,竹添 秀男,石川 謙","Usufulness of substrate cleaning with carbon dioxide for organic electronic devices",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. L910-L912",2007,July "B. Noda,和田 拓,K. Shibata,T. Yoshino,M. Katsuhara,I. Aoyagi,T. Mori,T. Taguchi,T. Kambayashi,石川 謙,竹添 秀男","Crystal structures and transistor properties of phenyl-substituted tetrathiafulvalene derivatives",,"Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 424009-1-10",2007,July "Y. Hoshino,S.-W. Choi,T. Izumi,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,J. Watanabe,H. Takezoe","Chirality induced by circularly polarized light in liquid crystalline twin dimmers with azo linkages",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 465",,"p. 153-163",2007,July ", Y,Niigawa,K. Nishida,W. J. Kim,S. K. Lee,S. Heo,J. G. Lee,F. Araoka,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,K.-T. Kang,M. Cepic,H. Takezoe","Polar structures in the binary mixtures of bent-core liquid crystals showing ferroelectric and antiferroelectric B2 phases",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 031702-1-7",2007,July "Y. Okada,S. Matsumoto,F. Araoka,M. Goto,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,S. Nakahara,K. Kishikawa,H. Takezoe","Three relaxation processes from an electric-field-induced polar structure in a columnar liquid crystalline urea derivative",,"Phys. Rev.E",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 041701-1-6",2007,July "S.-W.Choi,Sungmin Kang,yoichi takanishi,Ken Ishikawa,junji watanabe,HIDEO TAKEZOE","Intrinsic chiral domains enantioselectively segregated from twisted nematic cells of bent core mesogens",,"Chirality","Wiley Interscience","Vol. 19",,"pp. 250-254",2007,May "S.-W. Choi,S. Kawauchi,S. Tanaka,J. Watanabe,H. Takezoe","Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectroscopic Study on Circularly-Polarized-Light-Induced Chiral Domains in the B4 phase of a Banana Mesogen",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 1018-1019",2007, "S.-W. Choi,S. Kawauchi,N. Y. Ha,H. Takezoe","Photoinduced chirality in azobenzene-containing polymer systems",,"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 3671-3681",2007, "S. M. Jeong,N. Y. Ha,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe,S. Nishimura,G. Suzaki","Defect mode lasing from a double-layered dye-doped polymeric cholesteric liquid crystal films with a thin rubbed defect layer",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 90",,"pp. 261108-1-3",2007, "K. Shibata,H. Wada,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe,T. Mori","(Tetrathiafulvalene)(tetracyanoquinodimethane) as a low-contact-resistance electrode for organic transistors",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 90",,"pp. 193509-1-3",2007, "S. M. Jeong,Y. Ohtsuka,N. Y. Ha,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe,S. Nishimura,G. Suzaki","Highly circularly polarized electroluminescence from organic light-emitting diodes with wide-band reflective polymeric cholesteric liquid crystal films",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 90",,"pp. 211106-1-3",2007, "Seng Kue Lee,Masatoshi Tokita,Yoshio Shimbo,Kyung-Tae Kang,Hideo Takezoe,Junji Watanabe","Ferroelectric and antiferroelectric behavior in chiral bent-shaped molecules with an asymmetric naphthalene core",,"Bull. Korean Chem. Soc",,"Vol. 28","No. 12","pp. 2241",2007, "Seng Kue Lee,Yu Naito,Lu Shi,Masatoshi Tokita,Hideo Takezoe,Junji Watanabe","Mesomorphic behaviour in bent-shaped molecules with side wings at different positions of central naphthalene core",,"Liq.Cryst",,"Vol. 34","No. 8","pp. 935",2007, "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Crystal structures and transistor properties of phenyl-substituted tetrathiafulvalene derivatives",,"Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 424009-1-10",2007, "Jeong Soon Moon,Na Young Ha,Yoichi Takanishi,Ken Ishikawa,HIDEO TAKEZOE,Suzushi Nishimura,Goro Suzaki","Defect mode lasing from a double-layered dye-doped polymeric cholesteric liquid crystal films with a thin rubbed defect layer",,"日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集",,,," 62-62",2007, "junji watanabe,Y. Hoshino,S.-W. Choi,T. Izumi,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,J. Watanabe,H. Takezoe","Chirality induced by circularly polarized light in liquid crystalline twin dimmers with azo linkages",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 465",,"pp. 153-163",2007, "junji watanabe,S. Kawauchi,S.-W. Choi,K. Fukuda,K. Kishikawa,J. Watanabe,H. Takezoe","Why achiral rodlike compound with ester group amplifies chiral power in chiral mesophase",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 750-751",2007, "Suk-Won Choi,Susumu Kawauchi,Shingo Tanaka,Junji Watanabe,Hideo Takezoe","Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectroscopic Study on Circularly Polarized Light-Induced Chiral Domains in the B4 Phase of a Bent Mesogen",,"Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 36","No. 8","pp. 1018-1019",2007, "HANA YOUNG,大塚洋子,Jeong Soon Moon,西村涼,Suzuki Goroh,Takanishi Youichi,Ishikawa Ken,竹添秀男","Fabrication of simultaneous RGB reflector using single-pitched cholesteric liqid crystals and its electro-optical application",,"日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集2007",,,,"p. 58",2007, "竹添秀男","屈曲形液晶を用いた新規液晶ディスプレイモード",,"液晶",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 267-273",2007, "Jeong Soon Moon,Youko Ohtsuka,Na Young Ha,Yoichi Takanishi,Ken Ishikawa,HIDEO TAKEZOE,Suzushi Nishimura,Goro Suzaki","Highly circularly polarized electroluminescence from organic light-emitting diodes with wide-band reflective polymeric cholesteric liquid crystal films",,"日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集",,,," 59-59",2007, "S. K. Varshney,C. V. Yelamaggad,H. Takezoe","Indo-substituted triphenylene-based discogens: by metal-mediated oxidative cross-coupling",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 787-790",2007, "M. Ashizawa,R. Kato,Y. Takanishi,H. Takezoe","Synthesis and solution-processed field effect transistors of liquid crystalline oligothiophenes",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 708-709",2007, "高西陽一,大塚洋子,真鍋貴信,竹添秀男,須崎 吾郎,西村涼","含色素多層コレステリック液晶構造におけるレーザー発振の低閾値化",,,,,,"pp. 64-64",2007, "Masao Koike,Chu-Chun Yen,Yuqing Liu,Hitoshi Tsuchiya,Masatoshi Tokita,Susumu Kawauchi,Hideo Takezoe,Junji Watanabe","Unusual Nematic Liquid Crystal with Polar Cs Symmetry Formed from Aromatic Polyesters with Head-Tail Character",,"Macromolecules",,"Vol. 40","No. 7","pp. 2524-2531",2007, "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Mesomorphic behaviour in bent-shaped molecules with side wings at different positions of central naphthalene core",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 935-943",2007, "Y. Okada,F. Araoka,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,S. Nakahara,K. Kishikawa,H. Choi,J. W. Wu,H. Takezoe","Electro-optic Kerr effect in the isotropic phase above the columnar phase of a urea derivative",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 050701(R)-1-4",2007, "高西陽一,竹添秀男","有機色素レーザー",,"O Plus E",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 485-491",2007, "M. Koike,C.-C. Yen,Y. Liu,H. Tsuchiya,M. Tokita,S. Kawauchi,H. Takezoe,J. Watanabe","Unusual nematic liquid crystal with polar Cs symmetry formed from aromatic polyesters with head-tail character",,"Macromolecules",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 2524-2531",2007, "K. Takekoshi,Y. Sasaki,K. Ema,H. Yao,Y. Takanishi,H. Takezoe","Quasi-two-dimensional Ising critical behavior of de Vries liquid crystals observed in the heat capacity and dielectric response",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 031704-1-6",2007, "N. Y. Ha,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Simultaneous RGB reflections from single-pitched cholesteric liquid crystal films with Fibonaccian defects",,"Opt. Express",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 1024-1029",2007, "S. M. Jeong,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,S. Nishimura,G. Suzaki,H. Takezoe","Sharply directed emission in microcavity organic light-emitting diodes with a cholesteric liquid crystal film",,"Opt. Commun.",,"Vol. 273",,"pp. 167-172",2007, "S.-W. Choi,Y. Takanishi,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Defect-free twisted-nematic cells with low pretilt using chiral polyimide surfaces",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 90",,"pp. 033115-1-3",2007, "M. G. Chee,M. H. Song,D. Kim,H. Takezoe,I. J. Chung","Lowering lasing threshold in chiral nematic liquid crystal structure with different anisotropies",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. L437-L439",2007, "HIDEO TAKEZOE","Nanomaterials -Research towards Application-",,,"Elsevier",,,"pp. 137-170",2006,Sept. "suk-won choi,Sungmin Kang,ken ishikawa,yoichi,junji watanabe,H. Takezoe","Intrinsic Chirality in a Bent-core Mesogen Induced by Extrinsic Chiral Structures",,"Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 6503-6506",2006,Sept. "suk-won choi,Sungmin Kang,Yoichi Takanishi,Ken Ishikawa,Junji Watanabe,hideo takezoe","Preferential chirality prepared from achiral banana-shaped molecule using twisted cell configurations",,,,,,,2006,July