"楊 棒,金 光秀,マレク・シュミット,牧野 俊晴,加藤 宙光,小倉 政彦,竹内 大輔,山崎 聡,水田 博,波多野 睦子,岩崎 孝之","ダイヤモンド JFET の高電界強度計測へ向けた量子センサアレイの形成","第32回ダイヤモンドシンポジウム",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Pham Xuan Thi,Masanobu Miyata,Huynh Van Ngoc,Pham Tien Lam,Nguyen Thanh Tung,Manoharan Muruganathan,Phan Trong Tue,Masashi Akabori,Dam Hieu Chi,Hiroshi Mizuta,Yuzuru Takamura,Mikio Koyano","Thermoelectric Properties and Carrier Localization in Ultrathin Layer of Nb-Doped MoS2",,"physica status solidi B","Wiley","Vol. 255",,"p. 1800125",2018,Aug. "国崎愛子,ムルガナタンマノハラン,水田博,小田俊理,岩崎孝之,波多野睦子,小寺哲夫","ダイヤモンド中の単一複合欠陥の探索に向けたスピン状態に関する第一原理計算","第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,"p. 15p-4F-25",2015,Sept. "X. Zhou,M. A. Rafiq,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Size effect on hopping conduction in silicon nanocrystals",,"AIP Conf. Proc",,"Vol. 199",,"pp. 321-322",2010,Jan. "H. Mizuta,Y. Tsuchiya,S. Oda","Hybrid Silicon Nanoelectromechanical Devices: Physics and Applications","UK-Japan Workshop on Novel Phenomena and Technologies in Semiconductor Nanostructures",,,,,,2010,Jan. "T. Nagami,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Uchida,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Scaling Analysis of Nanoelectromechanical Memory Devices",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 49",," in press",2010, "Gento Yamahata,Tetsuo Kodera,Hiroshi Mizuta,Ken Uchida,Shunri Oda","Electron transport through coupled Si quantum dots toward quantum information devices","G-COE PICE International Symposium on Silicon Nano Devices in 2030: Prospects by World's Leading Scientists",,,,,,2009,Oct. "T. Nagami,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Uchida,hiroshi mizuta,S. Oda","Scaling Analysis of NEMS Memory Devices","G-COE PICE International Symposium on Silicon Nano Devices in 2030",,,,,,2009,Oct. "H. Mizuta,M. A. G-. Ramirez,F. A. Hassani,M. A. Ghiass,Y. Tsuchiya,T. Nagami,B. Pruvost,J. Ogi,S. Sawai,S. Oda,M. Okamoto","Multi-scale Simulation of Hybrid Silicon Nano-electromechanical (NEM) Information Devices","8th International Conference on Global Research and Education ? Inter-Academia",,,,,,2009,Sept. "G. Yamahata,T. Kodera,H. Mizuta,K. Uchida,S. Oda,H. Mizuta","Control of Inter-dot Electrostatic Coupling by a Side Gate in Silicon Double Quantum Dot Operating at 4.5 K",,"Appl. Phys. Express.",,"Vol. 2","No. 9","pp. 095002",2009,Sept. "山端元音,小寺哲夫,水田 博,内田 建,小田俊理","トップゲートとサイドゲートによるシリコン結合量子ドットの静電結合制御","第70回応用物理学会学術講演会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "水田 博,土屋良重,小田俊理","ナノエレクトロメカニカル構造を有するシリコンナノ機能デバイス","第70回応用物理学会学術講演会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Xin Zhou,Ken Uchida,hiroshi mizuta,SHUNRI ODA","Electron transport in surface oxidized Si nanocrystal ensembles with thin film transistor structure",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 106",,"pp. 044511",2009,Aug. "Chuanbo Li,Kouichi Usami,Hiroshi Mizuta,SHUNRI ODA","Vapor-solid-solid radial growth of Ge nanowires",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 106",,"pp. 046102",2009,Aug. "Chuanbo Li,Kouichi Usami,T. Muraki,H. Mizuta,K. Uchida,S. Oda","The impacts of surface conditions on the vapor-liquid-solid growth of germanium nanowires on Si (100) substrate",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 041917 (3 pages)",2009,Aug. "Hiroshi Mizuta,M. A. G.-Ramirez,Y. Tsuchiya,T. Nagami,S. Oda","NEM ? MOS Co-integration for Fast & Nonvolatile Memory Applications","IEEE-NANO Satellite Workshop on Emerging Non-volatile Memory",,,,,,2009,July "D. Hippo,Y. Urakawa,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,N. Koshida,S. Oda","Spontaneous Emission Control of Silicon Nanocrystals by Silicon Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Structure Fabricated by Self-Aligned Two-Directional Electrochemical Etching Method",,"Materials Chemistry and Physics",,"Vol. 116",,"pp. 107-111",2009,July "G. Yamahata,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,K. Uchida,S. Oda","Electron transport through silicon serial triple quantum dots",,"Solid State Electronics",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 779-785",2009,July "Tomoyuki Kurihara,Yohei Nagahama,Daisuke Kobayshi,Hiroki Niikura,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Hiroshi Mizuta,Hiroshi Nohira,Ken Uchida,Shunri Oda","Engineering of Heterostructured Tunnel Barrier for Non-Volatile Memory Applications: Potential of Pr-based Heterostructured Barrier as a Tunneling Oxide","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2009,June "J. Ogi,T. Ferrus,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Uchida,D. A. Williams,S. Oda,Hiroshi Mizuta","Study of single-electron transport via suspended double silicon quantum dots","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2009,June "Xin Zhou,Ken Uchida,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Lateral conduction of Si nanorystals by thin film transistor structures","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2009,June "Xin Zhou,Ken Uchida,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Current oscillations observed for sparse Si nanorystal thin films","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2009,June "永見 佑,土屋良重,斎藤慎一,新井 唯,嶋田壽一,水田 博,内田 建,小田俊理","pn接合部でのトラップを介したトンネリングを考慮したNEMSメモリの","第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2009,Apr. "山端元音,土屋良重,水田 博,内田 建,小田俊理","シリコン量子ドットデバイスの制御性向上に関する検討","第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "小木 純,Thierry Ferrus,土屋良重,内田 建,David Williams,水田 博,小田俊理","Siナノブリッジチャネルに埋め込まれた結合二重量子ドット特性観測","第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "Benjamin Henri Jose Pruvost,K. Uchida,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Design optimization of NEMS switches for suspended-gate single-electron transistor applications",,"IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology",," 8 (2)",," 174-184",2009,Mar. "C. B. Li,K. Usami,G. Yamahata,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Position-Controllable Ge Nanowires Growth on Patterned Au Catalyst Substrate",,"Applied Physics Express",," 2 (1)",," 015004",2009,Jan. "Tasuku Nagami,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Shinichi Saito,Tadashi Arai,Toshikazu Shimada,hiroshi mizuta,SHUNRI ODA","Electro-Mechanical Simulation of Switching Characteristics for Nanoelectromechanical",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,,,,2009, "Xin Zhou,K. Uchida,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Carrier transport by field enhanced thermal detrapping in Si nanocrystals thin films",,,,,,,2009, "Benjamin Henri Jose Pruvost,Ken Uchida,hiroshi mizuta,SHUNRI ODA","Design of New Logic Architectures utilizing Optimized Suspended-Gate Single-Electron Transistors",,"IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology",,,,,2009, "MANOHARAN MURUGANATHAN,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,SHUNRI ODA,hiroshi mizuta","Silicon-on-Insulator-Based Radio Frequency Single-Electron Transistors Operating at Temperatures above 4.2 K",,"Nano Letters",,"Vol. 8 (12)",,"pp. 4648-4652",2008,Dec. "Muhammand Rafiq,Z. A. K. Durrani,hiroshi mizuta,A Colli,P Servati,A. C. Ferrari,W. I. Milne,SHUNRI ODA","Field-dependant hopping conduction in silicon nanocrystal films",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 104",,"pp. 123710 (3 pages)",2008,Dec. "H-J Cheong,A. Tanaka,D. Hippo,K. Usami,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Visible Electroluminescence from Spherical-shaped Silicon Nanocrystals",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 8137-8140",2008,Oct. "Gento. Yamahata,Ken. Uchida,Shunri. Oda,Yoshishige. Tsuchiya,Hiroshi. Mizuta","Enhanced tunnel conductance due to QCA cotunneling processes observed for silicon serial triple quantum dots",,,,,,,2008,Sept. "D. Hippo,Y. Nakamine,K. Urakawa,Y. Kawata,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,N. Koshida,S. Oda","Formation Mechanism of 100 nm-Scale Periodic-Structures in Silicon Using Magnetic-Field-Assisted Anodization",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 7398-7402",2008,Sept. "Yoshiyuki Kawata,Shunri Oda,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Hiroshi Mizuta","Detection of Single-Charge Polarisation in SiliconDouble Quantum Dots by Using Serially-ConnectedMultiple Single-Electron Transistors","ESSDERC2008",,,,,,2008,Sept. "Y. Kawata,Y.Tsuchiya,S.Oda,H. Mizuta","Study of Single-Charge Polarization on a Pair of Charge Qubits Integrated Onto a Silicon Double",,"IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 7","No. 5","pp. 617-623",2008,Sept. "M. Manoharan,Shunri Oda,Hiroshi Mizuta","Impact of channel constrictions on the formation of multiple tunnel junctions in heavily doped silicon single electron transistors",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 112107 (3 pages)",2008,Sept. "Saeed AKHTAR,Kouichi USAMI,Yoshishige TSUCHIYA,Hiroshi MIZUTA,Shunri ODA","Size-Dependent Structural Characterization of Silicon Nanowires",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 47","No. 6","pp. 5053-5056",2008,June "A.Tanaka,Y.Tsuchiya,kouichi usami,S Saito,T.Arai,H.Mizuta,S.Oda","Synthesis of Assembled Nanocrystalline Si Dots Film by the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 47 (5)",,"pp. 3731-3734",2008,May "J. Ogi,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Single-electron tunnelling via quantum dot cavities built on a silicon suspension nanobridge",,"Microelectronics Engineering",,"Vol. 85 (5-6)",,"pp. 1410-1412",2008,May "M. Manoharan,Benjamin Henri Jose Pruvost,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Impact of key circuit parameters onsignal-to-noise ratio characteristics for theradio-frequency single electron transistors",,"IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 7","No. 8",,2008,May "M. A. Rafiq,Z. A. K. Durrani,H. Mizuta,A Colli,P Servati,A. C. Ferrari,W. I. Milne,S. Oda","Room temperature single electron charging in single silicon nanochains",,"JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 053705 (4 pages)",2008,Mar. "M. Manoharan,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Shunri Oda,Hiroshi Mizuta","Stochastic Coulomb blockade in coupled asymmetric silicon dots formed by pattern-dependent oxidation",,,,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 092110 (3 pages)",2008,Mar. "Benjamin Henri Jose Pruvost,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Voltage-limitation-free analytical single-electron transistor model incorporating the effects of spin-degenerate discrete energy states",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 054508 (10 pages)",2008,Mar. "M. Manoharan,Yoshiyuki Kawata,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Shunri Oda,Hiroshi Mizuta","Strongly coupled multiple-dot characteristics in dual recess structured silicon channel",,"Applied Physics Letters",,,,,2008,Feb. "Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Bottom-up approach to silicon nanoelectronics",,"Microelectronics Journal",,"Vol. 39","No. 2","pp. 171-176",2008,Feb. "Yangdong ZHENG,Hiroshi MIZUTA,Shunri ODA","Theoretical Study of Nonequilibrium Electron Transport and Charge Distribution in a Three-site Quantum Wire",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 47 (1A)","No. 1A","pp. 371-382",2008,Jan. "Saeed Akhtar,Koichi Usami,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Vapor?Liquid?Solid Growth of Small- and Uniform-Diameter Silicon Nanowiresat Low Temperature from Si2H6",,,"Applied Physics Express","Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 014003 (3 pages)",2008,Jan. "Yangdong Zheng,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Nonequilibrium transport properties for a three-site quantum wire model",,"physica status solidi (c)",,"Vol. 5 (1)",,"pp. 56-60",2008,Jan. "Y. Kawata,M. Khalafalla,K. Usami,Y. Tsuchiya,,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Integration of tunnel-coupled double nanocrystalline silicon quantum dots with a multiple gate single-electron transistor Japanese",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 46 (7A)",,"pp. 4386-4389",2007,July "Tasuku Nagami,hiroshi mizuta,N.Momo,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,S. Saito,T. Arai,T. Shimada,S. Oda","Three-dimensional numerical analysis of switching properties of high-speed and non-volatile nanoelectromechanical memory",,"IEEE Trans. Electron Devices",,"Vol. 54 (5)",,"pp. 1132 - 1139",2007,May "S. Oda,S. Y. Huang,M. A. Salem,D. Hippo,H. Mizuta","ChargeStorage and Electron/Light Emission Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals",,"Physica E",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 59-63",2007,Apr. "B. Pruvost,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","3-D Design and Analysis of Functional NEMS-gate MOSFETs and SETs",,"IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 6 (2)",,"pp. 218-224",2007,Mar. "daihei hippo,Kei Urakawa,Yoshiyuki Kawata,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,hiroshi mizuta,Nobuyoshi Koshida,SHUNRI ODA","New Design Concept and Fabrication Process for Three-Dimensional Silicon Photonic Crystal Structures",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 46 (2)",,"pp. 633-637",2007,Feb. "Y. Kawata,M. Khalafalla,K. Unami,T. Tsuchiya,S. Oda,hiroshi mizuta","Tunnel-coupled double nanocrystalline Si quantum dots integrated into a single-electron transistor","2006 Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials",,,,,"pp. 812-813",2006,Sept. "M. Rafiq,H. Mizuta,S. Uno,Z. Durrani","Fabrication of vertical nanopillar devices","Int. COnf. on Micro- and Nano-Engineering 2006",,,,,"pp. not known",2006,Sept. "M. Manoharan,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Hybrid simulation of the RF-SET and its charge sensitivity analysis","2006 Int. COnf. on Solid State Devices and Materials",,,,,"pp. 736-737",2006,Sept. "M. Rafiq,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda,S. Uno,Z. Durrani,W. Milne","Hopping conduction in size-controlled Si nanocrystals",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 100","No. 1","pp. 014303 (4 pages)",2006,July "M. Khalafalla,H. Mizuta,S. Oda,Z. Durrani","Observation of quantum effects in the electron transport characteristics of a nanocrystalline silicon point contact transistor","28th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors",,,,,"pp. 203",2006,July "N. Momo,T. Nagami,S. Matsuda,Y. Tsuchiya,S. Saito,T. Arai,Y. Kimura,T. Shimada,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Fabrication and characterization of nanoscale suspended floating gates for NEMS memory","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. 109-110",2006,June "T. Nagami,N. Momo,Y. Tsuchiya,S. Saito,T. Arai,T. Shimada,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Electro-mechanical simulation of programming / readout characteristics for NEMS memory","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. 105-106",2006,June "B. Pruvost,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Design and analysis of functional NEMS-gate MOSFETs and SETs","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. 35-36",2006,June "M. Khalafalla,Z. A.K. Durrani,H. Ahmed,S. Oda,H. Mizuta","Observation of Interdot Coupling Phenomena in Nanocrystalline Silicon Point-Contact Structures",,"Current Applied Physics",,"Vol. *","No. 3","pp. 536-540",2006,June "Hea-Jeong Cheong,Daihei Hippo,Atsushi Tanaka,Kouichi Usami,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Od","Visible Electroluminescence from Size-Controlled Silicon Quantum Dots","CLEO/QELS 2006",,,,,,2006,May "A. Surawijaya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Observation and analysis of tunneling properties of single spherical nanocrystalline silicon quantum dot",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 45","No. 4B","pp. 3638-3641",2006,Apr. "J. Ogi,N. Momo,M. Khalafalla,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Fabrication and evaluation of Si nanobridge transistor","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. 123-124",2006,Apr. "S. Huang,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Nanocrystalline Silicon Memory Devices; Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices",,,"American Scientific Publishers",,,"pp. 1-64",2006, "H. Mizuta,S. Oda,S. Uno,N. Mori,N. Koshida","Electron Transport in Nacrystalline Silicon, Device Application of Silicon Nanocrystals and Nanostructures",,,"Springer",,,,2006, "M. A. Salem,H. Mizuta S. Oda,Y. Fu,M. Willandar","AFM current-imaging study for current density through nanocrystalline silicon dots embedded in SiO2",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. L88-L91",2005,Dec. "H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Bottom-up approach to silicon nanoelectronics","European Nano Systems ENS2005",,,,,"pp. 103-107",2005,Dec. "P. Walker,S. Uno,H. Mizuta","Simulation study of the dependence of submicron polysilicon thin film transistor output characteristics on grain boundary position",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 8322-8328",2005,Dec. "Muhammand Rafiq,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,hiroshi mizuta,SHUNRI ODA,S. Uno,Z. A. K. Durrani,W. I. Milne","Charge injection and trapping in silicon nanocrystals",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 87",,"pp. 182101(3 pages)",2005,Oct. "M. Rafiq,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda,S. Uno,Z. Durrani,W. Milne","Charge injection and trapping in silicon nanocrystals",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 87",,"pp. 182101",2005,Oct. "A. Surawijaya,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Room temperature negative differential conductance due to resonant tunneling through a single nanocrystalline-Si quantum dot","2005 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials",,,,,"pp. 180-181",2005,Sept. "M.A. Rafiq,Y. Tsuchiya,H. Mizuta,S. Uno,Z.A.K. Durrani,W.I. Milne","Temperature dependence of space charge limited current (SCLC) in thin films of silicon nanocrystals","2005 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials",,,,,"pp. 424-425",2005,Sept. "S. Oda,S-Y. Huang,M. A. Salem,H. Mizuta","Charge storage in silicon nanocrystals and device application","1st International Workshop on Semiconductor Nanocrystals",,,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 177-182",2005,Sept. "H. Mizuta","Physics and applications of silicon nanoelectromechanical information devices","FIS Conference on Future Integrated Systems",,,,,"pp. 30-31",2005,Aug. "A. Tanaka,G.Yamahata,Y.Tsuchiya,K.Usami,H.Mizuta,S.Oda","Formation of nanocrystalline silicon quantum dot arrays","12th International Conference on Composite / Nano Engineering",,,"Vol. 1",,,2005,Aug. "Yasuyoshi Kurokawa,Satoshi Higashijima,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Masakuni Okamoto,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Atomistic simulation of quantum transport in nanoscale silicon transistors","The 15th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Electron Devices",,,,,,2005,July "S. Higashijima,Y. Kurokawa,Y. Tsuchiya,M. Okamoto,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Atomistic simulation of quantum transport in nanoscale silicon transistors","15th Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Electron Devices",,,,,"pp. 19-20",2005,July "Hiroshi Mizuta,Katsuhiko Nishiguchi,Shunri Oda","Silicon Nanoelectronics, Ballistic Transport in Silicon Nanostructures",,,"CRC Press",,,"pp. 105-131",2005,July "Satoshi Higashijima,Yasuyoshi Kurokawa,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Masakuni Okamoto,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Ab-initio Method of designing artificial quantum bits","The 15th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Electron Devices",,,,,,2005,July "S. Uno,N. Mori,K. Nakazato,N. Koshida,H. Mizuta","Theoretical investigation of electron-phonon interaction in one-dimensional Si quantum dot array interconnected with silicon oxide layers",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 72",,"pp. 0353371 (11 pages)",2005,July "A. Tanaka,G.Yamahata,Y.Tsuchiya,K.Usami,H.Mizuta,S.Oda","Assembly of Nanocrystalline Silicon Quantum Dots based on a Colloidal Solution Method","5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology",,,,,"pp. TH-A3-5",2005,July "S. Higashijima,Y. Kurokawa,Y. Tsuchiya,M. Okamoto,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Ab-initio method of designing artificial quantum bits","15th Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Electron Devices",,,,,"pp. 25-26",2005,July "P. Walker,H. Mizuta","Energy-balance modeling of short channel single-GB thin film transistors","15th Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Electron Devices",,,,,"pp. 19-20",2005,July "神谷利夫,天川修平,水田博","実験化学講座28 ナノテクノロジーの化学 単一電子デバイス",,,"丸善株式会社","Vol. 28",,"pp. 212-250",2005,June "Satoshi Higashijima,Yasuyoshi Kurokawa,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Masakuni Okamoto,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Ab-Initio Calculations of Electronic States in Nano-Crystalline Si Quantum Dots","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2005,June "Yasuyoshi Kurokawa,Satoshi Higashijima,Yoshishige Tsuchiya,Masakuni Okamoto,Hiroshi Mizuta,Shunri Oda","Electric States and Quantum Transport in Si Nanorod Transistors","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,,2005,June "S. Huang,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Charge operation of nitrided nanocrystalline silicon dot memory devices","China International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology",,,,,"pp. -",2005,June "S. Huang,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Charging-storing-discharging process in nitrided nanocrystalline silicon dots","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. -",2005,June "S. Uno,N. Mori,K. Nakazato,N. Koshida,H. Mizuta","Reduction of acoustic phonon deformation potential in one-dimensional array of Si quantum dot interconnected with tunnel oxides",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 97","No. 11","pp. 113506 (6 pages)",2005,June "G. Yamahata,A. Tanaka,Y. Kawata,Y. Tsuchiya,S. Saito,T. Arai,hiroshi mizuta","Bottom-up fabrication of Si nanodot transistors usign the nc-Si dots solution","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. -",2005,June "T. Nagami,N. Momo,Y. Tsuchiya,S. Saito,T. Arai,T. Shimada,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Mechanical property analysis and structural optimization for NEMS memory devices","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. -",2005,June "M. Khalafalla,H. Mizuta,S. Oda,Z. A.K. Durrani","Variation of Electrostatic Coupling and Investigation of Current Percolation Paths in Nanocrystalline Silicon Cross Transistors","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. -",2005,June "S. Higashijima,Y. Kurokawa,Y. Tsuchiya,M. Okamoto,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Ab-initio calculations of electronic states in nano-crystalline Si quantum dots","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. -",2005,June "Y. Kurokawa,S. Higashijima,Y. Tsuchiya,M. Okamoto,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Electronic states and quantum transport in Si nanorod transistors","IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,,,,"pp. -",2005,June "黒川康良,東島賢,土屋良重,岡本政邦,水田博,小田俊理","第一原理計算によるシリコンナノロッドの量子輸送シミュレーション","平成17年春季 第52回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2005,Mar. "水田 博","LSI技術者のための親切な電磁気学 相対性理論と量子物理学(翻訳)",,,"丸善株式会社",,,"pp. 111-137",2005,Feb. "M. Khalafalla,H. Mizuta,Z. A.K. Durrani,H. Ahmed,S. Oda","Observation of Interdot Coupling Phenomena in Nanocrystalline Silicon Point-Contact Structure","2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology",,,,,"pp. 342",2005,Feb. "A. Tanaka,Y. Tsuchiya,K. Usami,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","High-Density Assembly of Nanocrystalline Silicon Quantum Dots","2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology",,,,,"pp. 111",2005,Feb. "M. Khalafalla,H. Mizuta,S. Oda,Z. A.K. Durrani","Variation of Electrostatic Coupling and Investigation of Current Percolation Paths in Nanocrystalline Silicon Cross Transistors","International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanostructures and Carrier Interactions",,,,,"pp. -",2005,Jan. "Y. Zheng,H. Mizuta,Y. Tsuchiya,M. Endo,D. Sato,S. Oda","In situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry study of HfO2 thin films grown by using the pulsed-source MOCVD",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 97",,"pp. 023527",2005,Jan. "黒川康良,東島賢,土屋良重,岡本政邦,水田博,小田俊理","第一原理シミュレーションによるシリコンナノロッドの電子状態解析","平成16年秋季 第65回応用物理学会学術講演会",,,,,,2004,Sept. "東島賢,黒川康良,土屋良重,岡本政邦,水田博,小田俊理","第一原理計算(SIESTA)を用いたナノ結晶Si量子ドットの電子状態解析","平成16年秋季 第65回応用物理学会学術講演会",,,,,,2004,Sept. "東島賢,黒川康良,土屋良重,岡本政邦,水田博,小田俊理","Ab-initio calculations of electronic states in Si nanodots and nanorods","2004 CREST Symposium on "Function Evolution of Materials and Devices based on Electron / Photon Related Phenomena",,,,,,2004,Sept. "H. Mizuta,Y. Furuta,T. Kamiya,Y.T. Tan,Z.A.K. Durrani,S. Amakawa,K. Nakazato,H. Ahmed","Nanosilicon for single-electron devices",,"Current Applied Physics",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 98-101",2004,Apr. "M. Khalafalla,H. Mizuta,Z.A.K. Durrani","Coherent states in a coupled quantum dot nanocrystalline silicon transistor",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 2262",2004, "M.A. Salem,H. Mizuta,S. Oda","Probing electron charging in nanocrystalline Si dots using Kelvin probe force microscopy",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 3262",2004, "P. Walker. H. Mizuta,S. Uno,Y. FUruta,D. Hasko","Improved off-current and subthreshold slope in aggressively scaled poly-Si TFTs with a single grain boundary in the channel",,"IEEE Trans. Electron Device",,"Vol. ED51",,"pp. 212",2004, "Shuhei Amakawa,K. Tsukagoshi,K. Nakazato,H. Mizuta,B. Alphenaar","Single-electron logic based on multiple-tunnel junctions",,"Mesoscopic Tunneling Devices, 2004","Research Signpost",,,"pp. 71-104",2004, "Z.A.K. Durrani,T. Kamiya,H. Mizuta","Electron transport in nanocrystalline silicon",,"Transworld Research Network","Transworld Research Network",,,"pp. 105-124",2004, "Yoshishige Tsuchiya,kouichi usami,hiroshi mizuta,SHUNRI ODA","Formation of an Ordered Array of nc-Si Dots by Using a Solution Droplet Evaporation Method",,"MRS Proceedings: Nanoparticles and Nanowire Building Blocks-Synthesis, Processing, Characterization and Theory",,"Vol. 818",,,2004, "M. Khalafallah,Z.A.K. Durrani,H. Mizuta","Double-gate control of electronic transport in nanoscale point-contact in neo-silicon",,"IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 2","No. 4",,2003, "S. Uno,K. Nakazato,S. Yamaguchi,N. Koshida,H. Mizuta","New insights in high-energy electron emission and underlying transport physics of nanocrystalline Si",,"IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 2","No. 4",,2003, "H. Mizuta,Y. Furuta,T. Kamiya,Y.T. Tan,Z.A.K. Durrani,S. Amakawa,K. Nakazato,H. Ahmed","Nanosilicon for single-electron devices",,"Current Applied Physics",,,,,2003, "H. Mizuta,Y. Furuta,T. Kamiya,Y. T. Tan,Z. A. K. Durrani,K. Nakazato,H. Ahmed","“Single-electron charging phenomena in nano/polycrystalline silicon point-contact transistors (Invited Paper)”, Polycrystalline Semiconductors VII – Bulk Materials, Thin Films, and Devices, T. Sameshima, T. Fuyuki, H.P. Strunk, J.H. Werner eds., in Series ‘Solid State Phenomena’",,"Scitech Publ., Uettikon am See, Switzerland","Scitech Publ., Uettikon am See, Switzerland",,,"pp. 419 – 429",2003, "T. Kamiya,Y. Furuta,Y. -T. Tan,Z. A. K. Durrani,H. Mizuta,H. Ahmed","Effects of oxidation and annealing temperature on grain boundary properties in polycrystalline silicon probed using nanometer-scale point-contact devices”, Polycrystalline Semiconductors VII – Bulk Materials, Thin Films, and Devices, T. Sameshima, T. Fuyuki, H.P. Strunk, J.H. Werner eds., in Series ‘Solid State Phenomena’",,"Scitech Publ., Uettikon am See, Switzerland","Scitech Publ., Uettikon am See, Switzerland",,,"pp. 351-354",2003, "T. Kamiya,Z.A.K. Durrani,H. Ahmed,T. Sameshima,Y. Furuta,H. Mizuta,N. Lloyd","Reduction of grain-boundary potential barrier height in polycrystalline silicon with hot H2O vapor annealing probed using point-contact devices",,"J. Vac. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. B 21",,"pp. 1000-1003",2003, "M. Ikeda,K. Nakazato,H. Mizuta,M. Green,D. Hasko,H. Ahmed","Frequency-dependent electrical characteristics of DNA using molecular dynamics simulation",,"Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 128-133",2003, "G. Evans,H. Mizuta","Negative differential conductance (NDC) in a two-island Coulomb blockade system",,"Physics of Semiconductors 2002 - Proceedings of 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, A. R. Long and J. H. Davies eds., in Series ‘Institute of Physics Conference Series Number 171’",,,,"pp. H228",2002, "Y. Furuta,H. Mizuta,K. Nakazato,T. Kamiya,Y. T. Tan,Z. A. K. Durrani,K. Taniguchi","Characterisation of tunnel barriers in polycrystalline silicon point-contact single-electron transistors",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 2675-2678",2002, "G. Evans,H. Mizuta","Analysis of negative differential conductance in a two-island Coulomb blockade system by a polytope approximation in phase space",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 91",,"pp. 3124-3129",2002, "天川修平,水田 博,K. Nakazato,H. Ahmed","Analysis of multi-phase clocked electron pumps consisting of single-electron transistors",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 89","No. 9","pp. 5001-5008",2001,May "H.-O. Müller,D. Williams,H. Mizuta","Design optimization of Coulomb blockade devices",,"VLSI Design ",,,"No. 13","pp. 193-198",2001, "H. Mizuta,M. Wagner,K. Nakazato","The role of tunnel barriers in Phase-state Low Electron-number Drive Transistors (PLEDTRs)",,"IEEE Trans. Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-48","pp. 1103-1108",2001, "H. Mizuta,H. -O. Müller,K. Tsukagoshi,D. Williams,Z. Durrani,A. Irvine,S. Amakawa,G. Evans,K. Nakazato,H. Ahmed","Nanoscale Coulomb blockade memory and logic devices (Invited Paper)",,"Nanotechnology ",,,"No. 12","pp. 155-159",2001, "Y. Furuta,H. Mizuta,K. Nakazato,Y. T. Tan,T. Kamiya,Z. A. K. Durrani,H. Ahmed,K. Taniguchi","Carrier transport across few grain boundaries in highly doped polycrystalline silicon ",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys",,,"No. 40","pp. L615-L617",2001, "G. Evans,H. Mizuta,H. Ahmed","Modelling of structural and electrical characteristics of randomly doped silicon nanowires in the Coulomb-blockade regime",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 40","pp. 5837-5840",2001, "D. M. Pooley,H. Ahmed,H. Mizuta,K. Nakazato","Single-electron charging phenomena in silicon nanopillars with and without silicon nitride tunnel barriers",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 90","pp. 4772-4776",2001, "H. Mizuta,H.-O. Muller,K. Tsukagoshi,D. Williams,Z. Durrani,A. Irvine,G. Evans,S. Amakawa,K. Nakazato,H. Ahmed","Nanoscale Coulomb blockade memory and logic devices",,"Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 155-159",2001, "H.-O. Müller,D. Williams,H. Mizuta,Z. A. K. Durrani","Simulating Si multiple tunnel junctions from pinch-off to ohmic conductance",,"Materials Science and Engineering ",,,"No. B74","pp. 36-39",2000, "H.-O. Müller,D. Williams,H. Mizuta","Coulomb blockade and disorder in 2D quantum dot arrays",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. ",,,"No. 39","pp. L723-L725",2000, "S. Amakawa,K. Hoh,M. Fujishima,H. Mizuta,K. Tsukagoshi","Scaling of single-electron tunneling current through ultrasmall tunnel junction",,"J. Phys: Condens. Matter ",,,"No. 12","pp. 7223-7228",2000, "A. Pepin,C. Vieu,H. Launois,M. Rosmeulen,M. van Rossum,H.-O. Müller,D. Williams,H. Mizuta,K. Nakazato","Fabrication of MOS-integrated metallic single-electron memories",,"Microelectronic Engineering",,,"No. 53","pp. 265-268",2000, "H.-O. Müller,H. Mizuta","Memory cell simulation on the nanometer scale",,"IEEE Trans. Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-47","pp. 1826-1830",2000, "H.-O. Müller,M. Boero,J. K. Vincent,J. C. Inkson,H. Mizuta,P. A. Mulheran","Origin of yield problems of single electron devices based on evaporated granular films",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,,"No. 75","pp. 1634-1636",1999, "H.-O. Müller,D. Williams,H. Mizuta,Z. A. K. Durrani,A. C. Irvine,H. Ahmed","Simulation of Si multiple tunnel junctions",,"Physica B",,,"No. 272","pp. 85-87",1999, "K. Katayama,H. Mizuta,H.-O. Müller,D. Williams,K. Nakazato","Design and analysis of high-speed random access memory with Coulomb blockade charge confinement",,"IEEE Trans. Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-46","pp. 2210-2216",1999, "D. M. Pooley,H. Ahmed,H. Mizuta,K. Nakazato","Coulomb blockade in silicon nano-pillars",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,,"No. 74","pp. 2191-2193",1999, "K. Yamaguchi,T. Teshima,H. Mizuta","Numerical analysis of an anomalous current assisted by locally generated deep traps in pn junctions",,"IEEE Trans. Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-46","pp. 1159-1165",1999, "K. Nakazato,K. Itoh,H. Mizuta,H. Ahmed","Silicon stacked tunnel transistor for high-speed and high-density random access memory gain cell",,"Electronics Letters ",,,"No. 35","pp. 848-850",1999, "H. Mizuta","Three-dimensional scattering matrix simulation of resonant tunnelling via quasi-bound states in vertical quantum dots (Invited Paper)",,"Microelectronics Journal ",,,"No. 30","pp. 1007-1017",1999, "H.-O. Müller,K. Katayama,H. Mizuta","Effects of disorder on the blockade voltage of two-dimensional quantum dot arrays",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 84","pp. 5603-5609",1998, "H. Mizuta","Three-dimensional S-matrix simulation of single-electron resonant tunnelling through random ionised donor states",,"VLSI DESIGN ",,,"No. 6","pp. 103-106",1998, "H. Mizuta","Numerical study of single-electron resonant tunnelling via a few ionised donors in laterally confined resonant tunnelling diodes",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 35","pp. 2012 - 2019",1996, "P. Jansen,H. Mizuta,K. Yamaguchi","Theoretical study of tunnelling current in the access region of various heterojunction field-effect transistor structures",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 76","pp. 3603-3607",1996, "Hiroshi Mizuta,Tomonori Tanoue","The Physics and Applications of Resonant Tunnelling Diodes",,"Cambridge University Press","Cambridge University Press",,,"pp. 1-239",1995, "C. J. Goodings,H. Mizuta,J. R. A. Cleaver","Electrical studies of charge build-up and phonon-assisted tunneling in double-barrier materials with very thick spacer layers",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 75","pp. 2291-2293",1994, "C. J. Goodings,H. Mizuta,J. R. A. Cleaver,H. Ahmed","Electron confinement in variable-area resonant tunnelling diodes using in-plane implanted gates",,"Surface Science ",,,"No. 305","pp. 363-368",1994, "C. J. Goodings,H. Mizuta,J. R. A. Cleaver,H. Ahmed","Variable-area resonant tunneling diodes using implanted in-plane gates",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 76","pp. 1276-1286",1994, "S. Ho,A. Moriyoshi,I. Ohbu,O. Kagaya,H. Mizuta,K. Yamaguchi","Theoretical analysis of transconductance enhancement caused by electron-concentration- dependent screening in heavily doped systems",,"IEICE Trans. Electron.",,,"No. E77-C","pp. 155-160",1994, "S. Ho,M. Oohira,O. Kagaya,A. Moriyoshi,H. Mizuta,K. Yamaguchi","Dynamic simulation of multiple trapping processes and anomalous frequency dependence in GaAs MESFETs",,"IEICE Trans. Electron.",,,"No. E77-C","pp. 187-193",1994, "Y. Ohkura,H. Mizuta,I. Ohbu,O. Kagaya,K. Katayama,S. Ihara","The electron mobility transition in n-GaAs heavily doped channel ",,"Semicond. Sci. Technol.",,,"No. 9","pp. 811-814",1994, "M. Wagner,H. Mizuta","Coherent-electron intrinxic multistability in a double-barrier tunnelling diode",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,,"No. 63","pp. 2268-2270",1993, "M. Wagner,H. Mizuta","Complex-energy analysis of intrinsic lifetimes of resonances in biased multiple quantum wells",,"Phys. Rev.",,,"No. B48","pp. 14393-14406",1993, "I. Ohbu,M. Takahama,H. Mizuta","Time dependence of the surface Fermi level of GaAs in atomosphere",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,,"No. 62","pp. 3279-3281",1993, "M. Wagner,H. Mizuta","Multistable charge build-up and a new switching principle in coherent-electron tunneling devices, ",,"Jpn. J Appl. Phys.",,,"No. 32","pp. L520-L523",1993, "水田博","Theoretical Study of Electron Transport in Nanometer-scale Compound Semiconductor Devices",,,,,,,1993, "C. Kusano,H. Mizuta,K. Mochizuki,H. Mizuta,K. Yamaguchi","Simulation of the effect of emitter doping on the delay time in AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors ",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. ",,,"No. 31","pp. L1650-L1653",1992, "H. Mizuta,C. J. Goodings,M. Wagner,S. Ho","Three-dimensional numerical simulation of multi-mode quantum transport in zero-dimensional resonant tunneling diodes",,"J. Phys.: Condens. Matter ",,,"No. 4","pp. 8783-8800",1992, "P. D. Rabinzohn,T. Usagawa,H. Mizuta,K. Yamaguchi","The new two-dimensional electron gas base HBT (2DEG-HBT): Two-dimensional numerical simulation",,"IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-38","pp. 222-231",1991, "H. Mizuta,C J. Goodings","Transient quantum transport simulation based on the statistical density matrix",,"J. Phys.: Condens. Matter",,,"No. 3","pp. 3739-3756",1991, "K. Hiruma,M. Mori,E. Yanakura,H. Mizuta,S. Takahashi","Improved performance of submicrometer-gate GaAs MESFET's with an Al0.3Ga0.7As buffer layer grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy",,"IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-36","pp. 314-318",1989, "H. Mizuta,K. Yamaguchi,M. Yamane,T. Tanoue,S. Takahashi","Two-dimensional numerical simulation of Fermi-level pinning phenomena due to DX centers in AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT's ",,"IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-36","pp. 2307-2314",1989, "H. Mizuta,T. Tanoue,S. Takahashi","A new triple-well resonant tunneling diode with controllable double-negative resistance",,"IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-35","pp. 1951-1956",1988, "C. Kusano,T. Tanoue,H. Mizuta,S. Takahashi","Multiple-valued logic application of a triple-well resonant tunneling diode",,"IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-35","pp. 2453",1988, "T. Tanoue,H. Mizuta,S. Takahashi","A Triple-well resonant tunneling diode for multiple-valued logic application",,"IEEE Electon Device Lett.",,,"No. EDL-9","pp. 365-367",1988, "H. Mizuta,K. Yamaguchi,S. Takahashi","Surface Potential Effect on Gate-Drain Avalanche Breakdown in GaAs MESFET's",,"IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices",,,"No. ED-34","pp. 2027-2033",1987, "A. Kotani,H. Mizuta,T. Jo,J. C. Parlebas","Theory of core photoemission spectra in CeO2",,"Solid State Commun.",,,"No. 53","pp. 805-810",1985, "H. Mizuta,A. Kotani","Theory of spin-polarized Auger electrons from ferromagnetic materials",,"J. Phys. Soc. Japan",,,"No. 54","pp. 4452-4461",1985, "A. Kotani,H. Mizuta","Theory of spin-polarized Auger electron spectra in ferromagnetic materials with particular attention to L23M23M23 Auger spectrum in Fe83B17",,"Solid State Commun. ",,,"No. 51","pp. 727-731",1984,