"Christian David C. Pangilinan,Winarto Kurniawan,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Effect of MnOx/TiO2 oxidation state on ozone concentration in a non-thermal plasma driven catalysis reactor",,"Ozone: Science & Engineering",," 38"," 2"," 156-162 (2016)",2015,Sept. "HIROFUMI HINODE,Nwe Ni Hlaing,Srimala Sreekantan,Radizali Othman,Swee-Yong Pung,Winarto Kurniawan,Aye Aye Thant,Abdul Rahman Mohamed,Chris Salim","Sol-gel hydrothermal synthesis of microstructured CaO-based adsorbents for CO2 capture",,"RSC Advances",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 6051-6060",2015,Jan. "Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE,Yan Shao","Utilization of sludge from Sidoarjo mudflow for zeolite synthesis",,"Advanced Materials Research",,"Vol. 1024",,"pp. 263-266",2014,Aug. "Yan Shao,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE","Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolites from Lake Sludge",,"Advanced Materials Research",,"Vol. 785-786",,"pp. 1117-1120",2014, "New Ni Hlaing,Srimala Sreekantan,Radzali Othman,Hirofumi Hinode,Chris Salim,Aye Aye That","Effect of Hydrothermal Temperature on CaCO3 Nanorods Structure and the CO2 Adsorption Capacity","The 2nd International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environments","Collection Abstracts",,,,"pp. 61",2013,Aug. "Phuong T.N. Nguyen,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Non-Hydrothermal Sol-Gel Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide/TiO2 Microspheres Photocatalysts","Fourth International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry","Book of Abstracts, SPC12+P6-40",,,,"pp. 114",2013,June "‘呦M–Ύ,“ϊ–μo—m•Ά,SALIMCHRIS","ή—Ώ‰ΘŠw",,"ƒVƒŠ[ƒYV‚΅‚’HŠw","’©‘q‘“X","Vol. 3",,,2013,June "Yang Yang,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE","Selective Catalytic Reduction of No by Propene using CeO2-TiO2 Catalyst","3rd Multidisciplinary Student Workshop 2011",,,,,"p. 37",2013, "Chandra Wahyu Purnomo,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Synthesis of pure Na-X and Na-A zeolite from bagasse fly ash",,"Microporous and Mesoporous Materials",,"Volume 162",,"Page 6-13",2012,Nov. "Chandra Wahyu Purnomo,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Effect of the activation method on the properties and adsorption behavior of bagasse fly ash-based activated carbon",,"Fuel Processing Technology",,"Volume 102",,"Page 132-139",2012,May "Joonho Lee,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Characterization and Modification of Mandarin Orange Peel Waste for Sorption Study","World Congress of International Solid Waste Association 2011","Proceedings of ISWA 2011",,,,,2011,Oct. "Trung Hieu Nguyen,Nattawut Bunsa,Susan M.Gallardo,Josephine Borja,Pallin Ngaotrakanwiwa,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","EFFECT OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON MONOCHLOROBENZENE DEGRADATION USING TiO2/AC","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2011",,,,,,2011,Oct. "Chandra Wahyu Purnomo,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Bagasse Fly Ash Utilization for Preparing Novel Adsorbents: Activated Carbon and Carbon-zeolite Composite","World Congress of International Solid Waste Association 2011","Proceedings of ISWA 2011",,,,,2011,Oct. "Shao Yan,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Heavy Metal Adsorption by Zeolite from Lake Sludge as Raw Marerial","3rd Multidisciplinary Student Workshop 2011",,,,,"p. 73",2011,Aug. "Chandra Wahyu Purnomo,Salim Chris,Hirofumi Hinode","Preparation of Advanced Material from Bagasse Fly Ash","3rd Multidisciplinary Student Workshop 2011",,,,,"p. 77",2011,Aug. "Hoang N. Nguyen,Pag-asa D. Gaspillo,Julius B. Maridable,Roberto M. Malaluan,Hirofumi Hinode,Chris Salim,Ha K. P. Huynh","Extraction of oil from Moringa oleifera kernels using supercritical carbon dioxide with ethanol for pretreatment: Optimization of the extraction process",,"Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification","Elsevier","Volume 50","No. 11-12","Page 1207-1213",2011,Aug. "ƒR ƒƒ“ƒzƒE,SALIM CHRIS,“ϊ–μo —m•Ά","The decomposition of nitrous oxide over rutile structure titania supported metal catalysts","3rd Multidisciplinary Student Workshop 2011",,,,,"p. 38",2011,Aug. "Chandra Wahyu Purnomo,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Bagasse Fly Ash",,"Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis",,"Vol. 91","No. 1","Page 257-262",2011,May "CHANDRA WAHYU PURNOMO,CHRIS SALIM,HIROFUMI HINODE","SOLID ACID CATALYST PREPARATION FROM BAGASSE FLY ASH BASED ACTIVATED CARBON","VENICE 2010 Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste","Proceedings VENICE 2010",,,,,2010,Nov. "Trung Hieu Nguyen,Nattawut Bunsa,Chris Salim,Josephine Borja,Susan Gallardo,Pailin Ngaotrakanwiwat,Hirofumi Hinode","Photocatalytic degradation of Monochlorobenzene using 10% n-Titania Activated carbon composite prepared via Sol-gel method","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010, Book of Abstracts",,,," CRE400",2010,Nov. "Yan Shao,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Utilization of Lake Sludge as Raw Material for Zeolite Synthesis","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010, Book of Abstracts",,,," EST672",2010,Nov. "W. Hu,C. Salim,H. Hinode","The decomposition of nitrous oxide over rutile structure titania supported silver catalysts","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010, Book of Abstracts",,,," CRE746",2010,Nov. "Chandra Wahyu Purnomo,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Solid acid catalysts preparation from biomass waste","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2010, Book of Abstracts",,,," CRE669",2010,Nov. "Wawan Budianta,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE,Hideki Ohta","In-situ Washing by Sedimentation Method for Contaminated Sandy Soil","25th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy","Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy",,"Vol. 15"," 15","pp. 157-168",2010,Oct. "Kerry CABRAL,Jurex GALLO,Chris SALIM,Hirofumi HINODE,Josephine BORJA,Susan GALLARDO","OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS USING BOX-BEHNKEN EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN FOR THE PHOTOCATALYTIC DECOLORIZATION OF AN ACID DYE IN AQUEOUS MEDIUM","The 5th Conference of the Engineering Research and Development for Technology","Proceedings of the 5th ERDT Conference",,,,,2010,Sept. "Carl Renan Estrellan,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE","Photocatalytic decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid by iron and niobium co-doped titanium dioxide",,"Journal of Hazardous Materials","Elsevier","Volume 179"," 1-3","page 79-83",2010,July "Long Q. Nguyen,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Roles of nano-sized Au in the reduction of NOx by propene over Au/TiO2: An in situ DRIFTS study",,"Applied Catalysis B: Environmental",,"Volume 96"," 3-4","Page 299-306",2010,June "Carl Renan Estrellan,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE","Photocatalytic activity of sol-gel derived TiO2 co-doped with iron and niobium",,"React. Kinet. Catal. Lett.","Springer","vol. 98",,"pp. 187-192",2009,Sept. "eden-gan mariquit,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE","The Effect of Ions in the Adsorption and Photocatalytic Oxidation of Humic Acid",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 42","No. 7","pp. 538 - 543",2009,July "HIROFUMI HINODE,Chris Salim,Ken Shiyou","Synthesis of Zeolites from Lake Sludge","1st Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop","Proceedings of 1st Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop in Tokyo Tech. 2009",," WB1-2",,,2009,July "Gao Peng,Chris Salim,HIROFUMI HINODE","The Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide over Rutile Structure Titania Supported Iron Catalysts","1st Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop","Proceedings of 1st Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop in Tokyo Tech. 2009",," WB1-2",,,2009,July "CHANDRA WAHYU PURNOMO,CHRIS SALIM,HIROFUMI HINODE","Synthesis of Activated Carbon with High Surface Area from Bagasse Fly Ash","The Second International Conference On Green Technology and Engineering (ICGTE) 2009","The Second International Conference On Green Technology and Engineering (ICGTE) 2009",,,,"page 443-447",2009,Apr. "Nguyen Long Quang,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Promotive Effect of MOx (M=Ce, Mn) Mechanically Mixed with Au/TiO2 on the Catalytic Activity for Nitrogen Monoxide Reduction by Propene",,"Topics in Catalysis",,"vol. 52","No. 6","p. 779 - 783",2009,Apr. "Winarto KURNIAWAN,Chris SALIM,Hirofumi HINODE","Development of Potassium-Modified Mordenite Catalyst for Soot Oxidation via Treatment Method and Impregnation Method",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 42","No. 3","pp. 212-218",2009, "CARL RENAN ESTRELLAN,CHRIS SALIM,HIROFUMI HINODE","Photocatalytic activity of sol-gel derived TiO2 co-doped with Fe and Nb","15th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering","15th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Proceedings",,"Volume 2",,"pp. 655-659",2008,Dec. "Guangzhe Li,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","1,3-Di-4-pyridylpropane-4,4'-oxydibenzoic acid (1/1)",,"Acta Crystallographica",,"Volume 64"," 12",,2008,Dec. "Nquyen Long Quang,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Ceria-added nano-sized gold on titania as a promising catalyst for reduction of NOx from automobilefs lean-burn exhaust","AOTULE(Asai-Oceania Top University League on Engineering) 2008 Postgraduate Conference",,,,,"p. 14",2008,Nov. "Carl Renan Estrellan,CHRIS SALIM,Hirofumi Hinode","Visible Light-induced Photocatalytic Water Decontamination using Fe:Nb co-doped TiO2","AOTULE(Asai-Oceania Top University League on Engineering) 2008 Postgraduate Conference",,,,,"p. 15",2008,Nov. "Eden G. Mariquit,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","The Role of Calcium Ions in the Photocatalytic Oxidation of Humic Acid at Neutral pH",,"The Annals of New York of Academy of Sciences","Willey-Blackwell USA","Vol. 1140",," 389-393",2008,Oct. "Anton Purnomo,Chris Salim,Susan Gallardo,Leonilla Abella,Hirofumi Hinode","Effect of Ceria Loading on the Carbon Formation during Low Temperature Methane Stream Reforming over Ni/CeO2/ZrO2 Catalyst",,"Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters",,"vol. 95",,"p. 221-229",2008,Oct. "³¨ΕΩΔΈΩΖ±άέ,SALIM CHRIS,“ϊ–μo—m•Ά","ƒAƒ‹ƒJƒŠˆ—ƒCƒ“ƒhƒlƒVƒAŽY“V‘Rƒ‚ƒ‹ƒfƒiƒCƒg‚Μ”Ž_‰»Šˆ«","‘ζ102‰ρG”}“’˜_‰ο“’˜_‰οA—\eW",,,,,"p. 26",2008,Sept. "BUDIANTA Wawan,SALIM Chris,HINODE Hirofumi,OHTA Hideki","Laboratory Experimental on In Situ Soil Washing for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Contaminated Sandy Soil by Sedimentation Method",,"‘ζ43‰ρ’n”ՍHŠwŒ€‹†”­•\‰οu‰‰˜_•ΆW",,,,"pp. 2227-2228",2008,July "Wawan Budianta,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode,Hideki Ohta","In situ Soil Washing on Metal-Contaminated Sandy Soil by Sedimentation Method: A New Approach on Soil Remediation",,"Philippine Engineering Journal",,"Vol. 27","No. 1","pp. 65-76",2008,June "Nguyen Long Quang,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Activity of Mechanical Mixtures of Au/TiO2 and MOx (M=Ce, Mn) for NOx Reduction by Propene",,"The International Symposium on Creation and Control of Advanced Selective Catalysis",,,,,2008,June "Nguyen Long Quang,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Performance of nano-sized Au/TiO2 for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by propene",,"Journal of Applied Catalysis A: General",,"vol. 347",,"p. 94 - 99",2008,June "Carl Renan Estrellan,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Development of visible light active TiO2 photocatalysts by metal co-doping","9th Spring Conference of JASID",,,,,,2008,June "Guangzhe Li,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Hydrothermal syntheses and crystal structures of two hybrid materials constructed from polyoxometalate clusters and metal?dipyridinecomplexes",,"Solid State Sciences",,"Volume 10"," 2","Page 121-128",2008,Feb. "EDEN G. MARIQUIT,CHRIS SALIM,HIROFUMI HINODE","Effect of Ionic Strength on the Adsorption and Photocatalytic Oxidation of Humic Acid at Neutral pH","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2007",,,,,,2007,Dec. "WINARTO KURNIAWAN,CHRIS SALIM,HIROFUMI HINODE","Activity of Mordenite-based Catalysts toward Soot Oxidation","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2007",,,,,,2007,Dec. "Carl Renan Estrellan,Carmela Centeno,Chris Salim,Leonila Abella,Susan M. Gallardo,Hirofumi Hinode","Influence of Humic Acids on the Photocatalytic Degradation of PCB 153 in Water Matrix","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2006 (RSCE 2006)","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. -",,,2006,Dec. "Carmela Centeno,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode","Evaluation of the photocatalytic activity of various titania for humic acid degradation","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2006 (RSCE 2006)","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. -",,,2006,Dec. "Chris SALIM,Ryuichi Egashira","Separation of Coal Tar Distillate by Solvent Extraction -Separation of Extract Phase Using Distillation-",,"Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute",,"Vol. 49","No. 6","pp. 326-334",2006,Nov. "Kurniawan Winarto,Salim Chris,Hirofumi Hinode","Activity of Acid-treated Zeolite and Bentonite Toward Soot Oxidation","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005, Book of Abstract",,"Vol. OCA38",,"pp. OCA38",2005,Dec. "Carl Renan Estrellan,Carmela Centeno,Chris Salim,Hirofumi Hinode,Leonila Abella,Susan Gallardo","Degradation Pathway of 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 153) in Water Using the UV-Peroxide System","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005, Book of Abstract",,"Vol. EW05",,"pp. EW05",2005,Dec. "Salim Chris,Saito Jun,Ryuichi Egashira","Separation of Coal Tar Fractions by Solvent Extraction -Extractants/Solvent Separation by Secondary Extraction-",,"Journal of The Japan Petroleum Institute",,"Vol. 48","No. 1","pp. 60-66",2005,Jan. "SALIMCHRIS","Process to Separate Coal Tar Fraction using Solvent Extraction",,,,,,,2005, "Salim Chris,Egashira Ryuichi","IMPROVEMENT OF SEPARATION IN SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF COAL TAR ABSORPTION OIL BY DISTILLATION OF THE AQUEOUS EXTRACT PHASE","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2004 (RSCE 2004)","Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. JS-254",,,2004,Dec. "SALIMCHRIS","—n”}’Šo–@‚π—p‚’‚½ƒR[ƒ‹ƒ^[ƒ‹‹zŽϋ–ϋ‚Μ‘e•ͺ—£ƒvƒƒZƒX (Rough Separation Process of Coal Tar Absorption Oil Using Solvent Extraction Method)",,,,,,,2002, "Ryuichi Egashira,Masazumi Nagai,Salim Chris","Separation of Nitrogen Heterocyclic Compounds Contained in Coal Tar Absorption Oil Fraction by Solvent Extraction","6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering","6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 1306",,,2001,Sept. "Egashira Ryuichi,Salim Chris","Solvent Extraction of Nitrogen Heterocyclic Compounds Contained in Coal Tar Absorption Oil Fraction -Improvement of Separation Performance by Addition of Aluminum Chloride to Solvent-",,"Sekiyu Gakkaishi (Journal of The Japan Petroleum Institute)",,"Vol. 44","No. 3","pp. 178-182",2001,May