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Energy",,"Vol. 27",,"pp. 1257-1264",2002, "TATSURU MASUDA","Isolation of protease component from maize cysteine protease-cystatin complex: Release of cystatin is not crucial for the activation of the cyteine protease.",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 42","No. 7","pp. 710-716",2001, "TATSURU MASUDA","Monitoring of methyl jasmonate-responsive genes in Arabidopsis by cDNA macroarray: Self-activation of jasmonic acid biosynthesis and crosstalk with other phytohormone signaling pathways.",,"DNA Res.",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 153-161",2001, "TATSURU MASUDA","Two types of MGDG synthase genes, found widely in both 16:3 and 18:3 plants, differentially mediate galactolipid syntheses in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic tissues in Arabidopsis thaliana.",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",,"Vol. 98","No. 19","pp. 10960-10965",2001, "TATSURU MASUDA","Two distinct isopentenyl diphosphate isomerases in cytosol and plastid are differentially induced by environmental stresses in tobacco.",,"FEBS Lett.",,"Vol. 506",,"pp. 61-64",2001, "Suzuki, T.,Masuda, T.,Singh, D. P.,Tan,F.-C.,Tsuchiya, T.,Shimada, H.,Ohta, H.,Smith, A. G.,Takamiya, K.","Two types of ferrochelatase in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic tissues of cucumber; their difference in phylogeny, gene expression and localization.",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 277","No. 7","pp. 4731-4737",2001, "Masuda, T.,Polle, J. E. W.,Melis, A.","Regulation of de novo biosynthesis and distribution of Chl among the photosystems during recovery of the green alga Dunaliella salina from irradiance stress.",,"Plant Physiol.",,"Vol. 128",,"pp. 603-614",2001, "Kuroda, H.,Masuda, T.,Fusada, N.,Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.","Cytokinin-induced transcriptional activation of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase gene in cucumber.",,"J. Plant Res.",,"Vol. 114",,"pp. 1-7",2001, "TATSURU MASUDA","Accumulation of plant galactolipid affects cell morphology of Eschelichia coli.",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.",,"Vol. 286",,"pp. 114-118",2001, "TATSURU MASUDA","Expression of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase gene in fully green leaves of cucumber.",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 41","No. 2","pp. 226-229",2000, "TATSURU MASUDA","Identification of a novel light-inducible isoform of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase from Arabidopsis thaliana.",,"FEBS Lett.",,"Vol. 474",,"pp. 133-136",2000, "TATSURU MASUDA","NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in cucumber is encoded by a single gene and its expression is transcriptionally enhanced by illumination.",,"Photosynth. Res.",,"Vol. 64",,"pp. 147-154",2000, "Suzuki, T.,Masuda, T.,Inokuchi, H.,Shimada, H.,Ohta, H.,Takamiya, K.","Overexpression, enzymatic properties and localization of a ferrochelatase of cucumber",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 192-199",2000, "TATSURU MASUDA","A Cysteine Protease from maize isolated in a complex with cystatin.",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 41","No. 2","pp. 185-191",2000, "増田建,鈴木琢雄,高宮建一郎","光合成生物におけるクロロフィル・ヘム合成系の金属配位酵素",,"蛋白質 核酸 酵素","蛋白質 核酸 酵素","Vol. 45","No. 5","pp. 48-57",2000, "TATSURU MASUDA","Purification and some properties of pheophorbidase in Chenopodium album",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 104-108",1999, "TATSURU MASUDA","Cloning of chlorophyllase, the key enzyme in chlorophyll degradation: Finding of a lipase motif and induction by methyl jasmonate.",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",,"Vol. 96","No. 26","pp. 15362-15367",1999, "TATSURU MASUDA","Photosynthetic regulatory gene cluster in an aerobic photosynthetic bacterium, Roseobacter denitrificans",,"J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol.",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 129-134",1999, "Masuda, T.,Inoue, K.,Masuda, M.,Nagayama, M.,Tamaki, A.,Ohta, H.,Shimada, H.,Takamiya, K.","Magnesium insertion by magenesium chelatase in the biosynthesis of zinc bacterio-chlorophyll a in an aerobic acidophilic bacterium Acidiphilium rubrum",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 274",,"pp. 33594-33600",1999, "TATSURU MASUDA","Purification of a novel type of SDS-dependent protease in Maize using a monoclonal antibody",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 39","No. 1","pp. 106-114",1998, "TATSURU MASUDA","Growth, pigmentation, and expression of the puf and puc operons in a light-responding-repressor(SPB)-disrupted Rhodobacter sphaeroides(共著)",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 39","No. 4","pp. 411-417",1998, "TATSURU MASUDA","Cloning and expression of the Soybean chlH gene encoding a subunit of Mg-chelatase and localization of the Mg2-Concentration-dependent ChlH protein within the chloroplast",,"Plant Cell Physiol.",,"Vol. 39","No. 3","pp. 275-284",1998, "増田建","葉緑体チラコイド膜糖脂質の分子構築 -そのメカニズムと起源(共著)",,"蛋白質・核酸・酵素",,"Vol. 42","No. 16","pp. 2601-2612",1997, "TATSURU MASUDA","Nucleotide sequence and transcriptional analysis of the flanking region of the gene(spb)for the trans-acting factor that controls lightmediated expression of the puf operon in Rhodobacter sphaeroides(共著)",,"Plant Cell Physiology",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 558-567",1997, "TATSURU MASUDA","Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding cytochrome P450 CYP93A2(accession No. D86531)from soybean suspension-cultured cells(PGR97-087) (共著)",,"Plant Physiology",,"Vol. 114",,"pp. 748",1997, "TATSURU MASUDA","Cloning and sequencing of a chlD gene(accession No. AB003135)encoding a subunit of magnesium-chelatase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. 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Plant.",,"Vol. 100",,"pp. 647-652",1997, "増田建","高等植物の主要糖脂質の合成を担う糖脂質合成酵素 -その遺伝子クローニングがもたらすもの- (共著)",,"ブレインテクノニュース",,"Vol. 60",,"pp. 5-10",1997, "太田啓之,下嶋美恵,粟井光一郎,増田建,高宮建一郎","葉緑体チラコイド膜糖脂質の分子構築ーそのメカニズムと起源ー",,"蛋白質・核酸・酵素",,"Vol. 42","No. 16","pp. 2601-2612",1997, "TATSURU MASUDA","Expression of the puf operon in an aerobic photosynthetic bacterium,Roseobacter denitrificans(共著)",,"Plant Cell Physiology",,,"No. 37","pp. 153-159",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","Differential expression of two hemA mRNAs encoding glutamyl-tRNA reductase proteins in greening cucumber seedlings(共著)",,"Plant Physiology",,,"No. 110","pp. 1223-1230",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","Induction of a novel cytochrome P450(CYP93 family) by methyl jasmonate in soybean suspension-cultured cells(共著)",,"FEBS Letters",,,"No. 383","pp. 83-86",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","Enzyme activities for the chlorophyll synthesis in pigment-deficient variegated leaves of Euonymus japonicus",,"Plant Cell Physiology",,,"No. 37","pp. 481-487",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","A transcription factor with a leucine-zipper motif involved in light-dependent inhibition of expression of the puf operon in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides(共著)",,"Plant Cell Physiology",,,"No. 37","pp. 515-522",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","Cloning of the gene for the major structural lipid of plants and it's evolutionary origin (共著)",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 333-337",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","Light regulation of 5-aminolevulinic acid-synthesis system in cucumis sativus:light stimulates activity of glutamyl-tRNA reductase during greening",,"Plant Physiology and Biochemistry",,,"No. 34","pp. 11-16",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","Effects of light,developmental age and phytormones on the expression of the gene enooding NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in cucumber(Cucumis sativus L)(共著)",,"Plant Physiology and Biochemisty",,,"No. 34","pp. 17-22",1996, "TATSURU MASUDA","Studies on the Mechanism of Regulation of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Synthesis in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)",,,,,,,1995,Feb. "TATSURU MASUDA","A close relationship between increases in galactosyltransferase activity and the accumulation of galactolipids during plastid development in cucumber seedling(共著)",,"Plant Cell Physiol",,,"No. 36","pp. 1115-1120",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","Cloning subcellular localization and expression of chlI,a subunit of magnesium-chelatase in soybean(共著)",,"Biochem.Biophys. Res.Commun.",,,"No. 215","pp. 422-428",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","Stimulation of glutamyl-tRNA reductase activity by benzyladenine in greening cucumber cotyledons",,"Plant Cell Physiology",,,"No. 36","pp. 1237-1243",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","Purification and some properties of an SDS-activated protease in Zea mays(共著)",,"Photosynthesis:from Light to Biosphere",,,"No. V","pp. 981-984",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","Characterization and some properties of pheophorbidase Chenopodium album(共著)",,"Photosynthesis:from Light to Biosphere",,,"No. III","pp. 981-984",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","Light-Enhanced Gene Expression of NADPH-Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase in Cucumber(共著)",,"Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications",,"Vol. 210","No. 2","pp. 310-316",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","Breakdown of Chlorophylls by Soluble Proteins Extracted from Leaves of ┣DBChenopodium album(/)-┫DB(共著)",,"Journal of Plant Physiology",,"Vol. 145",,"pp. 416-421",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","UDP-Galactose : Diacylglycerol Galactosyltransferase in Cucumber Seedlings : Purification of the Enzyme and the Activation by Phosphatidic Acid(共著)",,"Plant Lipid Metabolism",,,,"pp. 152-155",1995, "TATSURU MASUDA","Nucleotide Sequences of cDNA Clones Encoding Ferrochelatase from Barley and Cucumber(共著)",,"Plant Physiology",,"Vol. 105",,"pp. 769-770",1994, "TATSURU MASUDA","Mechanism of benzyladenine-induced stimulation of the synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid in greening cucumber cotyledons : benzyladenine increases levels of plastid tRNA",,"Plant Cell Physiology",,"Vol. 35","No. 2","pp. 183-188",1994, "TATSURU MASUDA","A putative transcription factor binding to the upstream region of the ┣DBpuf(/)-┫DB operon in ┣DBRhodobacter sphaeroides(/)-┫DB(共著)",,"FEBS Letters",,"Vol. 328",,"pp. 41-44",1993, "TATSURU MASUDA","Accumulation of protoporphyrinIX in light-sensitive mutants of ┣DBEscherichia coli(/)-┫DB (共著)",,"FEBS Letters",,"Vol. 310","No. 3","pp. 246-248",1992, "TATSURU MASUDA","Sequence and Expression of tRNA┣D1Glu┫D1 gene of Cucumber Chloroplast Genome",,"Plant Physiology and Biochemistry",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 235-243",1992, "TATSURU MASUDA","Mechanism of stimulation of 5-aminolevulinic acid synthesis by benzyladenine in cucumber cotyledons",,"Research in Photosynthesis",,,"No. 3","pp. 43-46",1992, "TATSURU MASUDA","Inhibition of Heme Accumulation Correlates with Activity of Acifluorfen-Methyl",,"Pesticide Science",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 121-125",1991, "TATSURU MASUDA","Diphenyl Ether Herbicide-Decreased Heme Contents Stimulates 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Synthesis",,"Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 106-114",1990, "TATSURU MASUDA","Mechanism of Herbicidal Action and Soybean Selectivity of AKH-7088, A Novel Diphenyl Ether Herbicide(共著)",,"Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 219-226",1990, "TATSURU MASUDA","Action Mechanism of Diphenyl Ether Herbicides : Stimulation of 5-aminolevulinic Acid-Synthesizing System Acitivities(共著)",,"Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 230-238",1989, "TATSURU MASUDA","Action Mechanism of Diphenyl Ether Herbicides : Light-dependent O┣D22┫D2 Consumption in Diphenyl Ether-Treated Tobacco Cell Homogenate(共著)",,"Journal of Pesticide Science",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 495-499",1988, "増田建",,,,,,,,,