"Kenji Kobayashi,Kaichiro Sawada,Hiroki Yamamoto,Shuichi Wada,Hidetoshi Saiga,Hiroki Nishida","Maternal macho-1 is an intrinsic factor that makes cell response to the same FGF signal differ between mesenchyme and notochord induction in ascidian embryos",,"Development","The Company of Biologists Ltd","Vol. 130","No. 21","pp. 5179-5190",2003,Nov. "Keisuke Kondoh,Kenji Kobayashi,Hiroki Nishida","Suppression of macho-1-directed muscle fate by FGF and BMP is required for formation of posterior endoderm in ascidian embryos",,"Development","The Company of Biologists Ltd","Vol. 130","No. 14","pp. 3205-3216",2003,July "西田宏記,沢田佳一郎","ホヤ胚発生過程における中胚葉パターニング",,"細胞工学",,"Vol. 21","No. 1","pp. 98-105",2002, "Tomioka, M.,Miya, T.,Nishida, H.","Repression of zygotic gene expression in the putative germline cells in ascidian embryos.",,"Zool. 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W.,Kawashima, T.,Kawashima, S.,Sasakura, Y.,Ishikawa, H.,Kawamura, H.,Kanehisa, M.,Nishikata, T.,Nishida, H.","Maternal genetic information stored in fertilized eggs of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.",,"Biology of Ascidian",,,,"pp. 165-177",2001, "Makabe, K.W.,Nishida,H. 他25名","Large-scale cDNA analysis of the maternal genetic information in the egg of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, for the gene expression catalog during development.",,"Development",,"Vol. 128",,"pp. 2555-2567",2001, "Sebastien Darras,Hiroki Nishida","The BMP/CHORDIN antagonism controls sensory pigment cell specification and differentiation in the ascidian embryo.",,"Dev. Biol.",,"Vol. 236",,"pp. 271-288",2001, "Sebastien Darras,Hiroki Nishida","The BMP signaling pathway is required together with the FGF pathway for notochord induction in the ascidian embryo.",,"Development",,"Vol. 128",,"pp. 2629-2638",2001, "Takeshi KAWASHIMA,Shuichi KAWASHIMA,Minoru KANEHISA,Hiroki NISHIDA,Kazuhiro W. MAKABE","MAGEST: Maboya gene expression patterns and expression sequence tags",,"Nucleic Acid Research",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 133-135",2000, "Gil Jung KIM,Atsuko YAMADA,Hiroki NISHIDA","An FGF signal from endoderm and localized factors in the posterior-vegetal egg cytoplasm pattern the mesodermal tissues in the ascidian embryo",,"Development",,"Vol. 127",,"pp. 2853-2862",2000, "Toshio HIRANO,Hiroki NISHIDA","Developmental fates of larval tissues after metamorphosis in the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. II. Origin of endodermal tissues of the juvenile",,"Development, Genes and Evolution",,"Vol. 210",,"pp. 55-63",2000, "Hiroki NISHIDA,Kazuhiro W. MAKABE","Maternal information and localized maternal mRNA in eggs and early embryos of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi",,"Invertebrate Reproduction and Development",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 41-49",1999, "Gil Jung KIM,Hiroki NISHIDA","Suppression of muscle fate by cellular interaction is required for mesenchyme formation during ascidian embryogenesis",,"Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 214",,"pp. 9-22",1999, "Tohru ISETO,Hiroki NISHIDA","Ultrastructual studies on the centrosome-attracting body: Specific electron-dense matrix and implications of it's role in unequal cleavage",,"Development Growth and Differentiation",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 601-609",1999, "Yuki NAKATANI,Hiroki NISHIDA","Duration of Competence and inducing capacity of blastomeres in notochord induction during ascidian embryogenesis",,"Development Growth and Differentiation",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 449-453",1999, "Atsuko YAMADA,Hiroki NISHIDA","Distinct parameters are involved in controlling the round of cell division in each tissue during ascidian embryogenesis",,"Journal of Experimental Zoology",,"Vol. 284",,"pp. 379-391",1999, "Takahito NISHIKATA,Taku HIBINO,Hiroki NISHIDA","The centrosome-attracting body, microtubule system, and posterior egg cytoplasm are involved in positioning of cleavage planes in the ascidian embryos",,"Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 209",,"pp. 72-85",1999, "Hiroki NISHIDA,Junji MOROKUMA,Takahito NISHIKATA","Maternal cytoplasmic factors for generation of unique cleavage patterns in animal embryos",,"Current Topics in Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 1-37",1999, "Takuya OKA,Reiko AMIKIRA,Satoru KOBAYASHI,Hiroki NISHIDA","Localization of mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA in myoplasm of the early ascidian embryos",,"Development Growth and Differentiation",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 1-8",1999, "Gaku KUMANO,Hiroki NISHIDA","Maternal and zygotic expression of the endoderm-specific alkaline phosphatase gene in embryos of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.",,"Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 198",,"pp. 245-252",1998, "Taku HIBINO,Takahito NISHIKATA,Hiroki NISHIDA","Centrosome-attracting body: A novel structure closely related to unequal cleavages in the ascidian embryo.",,"Development Growth and Differentiation",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 85-95",1998, "William R. BATES,Hiroki NISHIDA","Developmental roles of nuclear complex factors released during oocyte maturation in the ascidians Halocynthia roretzi and Boltenia villosa.",,"Zoological Science",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 69-76",1998, "Gil Jung KIM,Hiroki NISHIDA","Monoclonal antibodies against differentiating mesenchyme cells in larvae of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.",,"Zoological Science",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 553-559",1998, "西田宏記 他17人","ホヤの生物学",,"東京大学出版会","東京大学出版会",,,,1998, "Sawako HORI,Takashi SAITOH,Midori MATUMOTO,Kazuhiro W. MAKABE,Hiroki NISHDA","A Notch homologue from Halocynthia roretzi is preferentially expressed in the central nervous system during ascidian embryogenesis",,"Development, Genes and Evolution",,"Vol. 207",,"pp. 371-380",1997, "Toshio HIRANO,Hiroki NISHIDA","Developmental fates of larval tissues after metamorphosis in ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. I. Origin of mesodermal tissues of the juvenile",,"Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 192",,"pp. 199-210",1997, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Cell lineage and timing of fate restriction, determination and gene expression in ascidian embryos",,"Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 359-365",1997, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Cell-fate specification by localized cytoplasmic determinants and cell interactions in ascidian embryos",,"International Review of Cytology",,"Vol. 176",,"pp. 245-306",1997, "西田宏記 他9名","知覚のセンサー - 生物の巧みなシグナルのやりとり",,"吉岡書店","吉岡書店",,,,1997, "Hiroki NISHIDA,Gaku KUMANO","Analysis of temporal expression of the endoderm-specific alkaline phosphatase during development of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.",,"Development Growth and Differentiation",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 119-203",1997, "Satoshi KAWAMINAMI,Hiroki NISHIDA","Induction of trunk laferal cells, the blood cell precursors, during ascidian embryogenesis",,"Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 181",,"pp. 14-20",1997, "Yuki NAKATANI,Hiroki NISHIDA","Ras is an essential component for notochord formation during ascidian embryogenesis",,"Mechanisms of Development",,"Vol. 68",,"pp. 81-89",1997, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Vegetal Egg Cytoplasm Promotes Gastrulation and is Responsible for Specifiction of Vegetal Blastomeres in Embryos of the Ascidian Halocynthia Roretzi.",,"Development",,,"No. 122","pp. 1271-1279",1996, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Determination at last Cell Cycle befre Fate Restriction",,"Zoological Science",,,"No. 13","pp. 15-20",1996, "Atsuko YAMADA,Hiroki NISHIDA","Distribution of cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi",,"Development, Genes and Evolution",,,"No. 206","pp. 297-304",1996, "Gaku KUMANO,Hideyoshi YOKOSAWA,Hiroki NISHIDA","Biochemical evidence for membrane-bound endoderm-specific alkaline phosphatase in larvae of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.",,"Eur. 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W. MAKABE,S. FUJIWARA,H. NISHIDA,N. SATOH","Failure of muscle myosin heavy-chain gene expression in quarter ascidian embryos developed from the secondary muscle lineage cells (共著)",,"Zoological Science",,,"No. 9","pp. 569-573",1992, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Regionality of egg cytoplasm that promotes muscle differentiation in ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi.",,"Development",,,"No. 116","pp. 521-529",1992, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Induction of brain and sensory pigment cells in the ascidian embryo analyzed by experiments with isolated blastomeres.",,"Development",,,"No. 112","pp. 389-395",1991, "西田宏記 他6人","個体の生涯 I.",,"岩波書店","岩波書店",,,,1990, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Determinative mechanisms in secondary muscle lineages of ascidian embryos",,"Development",,,"No. 108","pp. 559-568",1990, "N. SATOH,T. DENO,H. NISHIDA,T. NISHIKATA,K. MAKABE","Cellular and Molecular mechanisms of muscle cell differentiation in ascidian embryos",,"International Review of Cytology",,,,"pp. 122",1990, "西田宏記 他16人","細胞コミュニティーの形成",,"丸善","丸善",,,,1989, "Hiroki NISHIDA,Noriyuki SATOH","Determination and regulation in the pigment cell lineage of the ascidian embryos",,"Developmental Biology",,,"No. 132","pp. 355-367",1989, "HIROKI NISHIDA","Cell lineage analysis in ascidian embryos by intercellular injection of a tracer enyzme. III. Up to the tissue restricted stage",,"Developmental Biology",,,"No. 121","pp. 526-541",1987, "西田宏記","Studies on cell lineage during ascidian embryogenesis",,,,,,,1987,