"â–{ ‘,Gupta Vipul,—« ˜®·,ˆÀ“¡GŽ÷,ŠÚ–ìs•½,‹àŽq—T¶,“’ã^l,Έ䗺•½,”G–Ø —,ŽRŒû—Y‹P,”¼“c G","R‰ŠÇ–òƒTƒŠƒ`ƒ‹Ž_‚ªŽ¦‚·¶‘Ì“àì—pƒƒJƒjƒYƒ€‚̉ðÍ","“ú–{‰»Šw‰ï”N‘æ97t‹G”N‰ï",,,,,,2017,Mar. "â–{ ‘,Vipul Gupta,—« ˜®·,ˆÀ“¡ GŽ÷,ŠÚ–ì s•½,‹àŽq —T¶,“’ã ^l,Îˆä —º•½,”G–Ø —,ŽRŒû —Y‹P,”¼“c G","R‰ŠÇ–òƒTƒŠƒ`ƒ‹Ž_‚̶‘Ì“àì—p‹@\‚̉ðÍ","“ú–{ƒPƒ~ƒJƒ‹ƒoƒCƒIƒƒW[Šw‰ï‘æ‚X‰ñ”N‰ï",,,,,,2014,June "Vipul Gupta,Shujie Liu,Hideki Ando,Ryohei Ishii,Shumpei Tateno,Yuki Kaneko,Masato Yugami,Satoshi Sakamoto,Yuki Yamaguchi,Osamu Nureki,Hiroshi Handa","Salicylic acid induces mitochondrial injury by inhibiting ferrochelatase heme biosynthesis activity",,"Mol. Pharmacol.",,"Vol. 84","No. 6","pp. 824-833",2013,Nov. "T. Sengoku,O. Nureki,A. Nakamura,S. Kobayashi,S. Yokoyama","Structural basis for RNA unwinding by the DEAD-box protein Drosophila Vasa",,"Cell",,"Vol. 125",,"pp. 287-300",2006, "K. Tomita,R. Ishitani,S. Fukai,O. Nureki","Complete crystallographic analysis of the dynamics of CCA-addition",,"Nature",,"Vol. 443",,"pp. 956-960",2006, "K. Watanabe K,O. Nureki,S. Fukai,Y. Endo,H. Hori","Functional categorization of the conserved basic amino acid residues in TrmH [tRNA (Gm18) methyltansferase] enzymes",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 281",,"pp. 34630-34639",2006, "T. Numata,Y. Ikeuchi,S. Fukai,H. Adachi,H. Matsumura,K. Takano,S. Murakami,T. Inoue,Y. Mori,T. Sasaki,T. Suzuki,O. Nureki","Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of tRNA thiolation enzyme MnmA from Escherichia coli complexed with tRNAGlu",,"Acta Crystallographica F",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 368-371",2006, "T. Yanagisawa,R. Ishii,R. Fukunaga,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama","Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase from the methanogenic archaeon Methanosarcina mazei",,"Acta. Crystallograph. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun.",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 1031-1033",2006, "K. Suto,Y. Shimizu,K. Watanabe,T. Ueda,S. Fukai,O. Nureki,K. Tomita","Crystal structure of leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA-protein transferase and its complex with aminoacyl-tRNA analog",,"EMBO J.",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 5942-5950",2006, "T. Numata,Y. Ikeuchi,S. Fukai,T. Suzuki,O. Nureki","Snapshots of tRNA sulfuration via an adenylated intermediate",,"Nature",,"Vol. 442",,"pp. 419-424",2006, "T. Numata,S. Fukai,Y. Ikeuch,T. Suzuki,O. Nureki","Structural basis for sulfur relay to RNA mediated by heterohexametric TusBCD complex",,"Structure",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 357-366",2006, "H. Oshikane,K. Sheppard,S. Fukai,Y. Nakamura,R. Ishitani,T. Numata,L. R. Sherrer,L. Feng,E. Schmitt,M. Panvert,S. Blanquet,Y. Mechulam,D. Söll,O. Nureki","Structural basis of RNA-dependent recruitment of glutamine to the genetic code",,"Science",,"Vol. 312",,"pp. 1950-1954",2006, "T. Tsukazaki,H. Mori.,S. Fukai,T. Numata,A. Perederina,H. Adachi,H. Matsumura,K. Takano,S. Murakami.,T. Inoue.,Y. Mori.,T. Sasaki.,D. G. Vassylyev.,O. Nureki,K. Ito","Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction of SecDF, a translocon-associated membrane protein, from Thermus thermophilus",,"Acta Crystallographica F",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 376-380",2006, "R. Fukunaga,R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama","Crystallization of leucyl-tRNA synthetase complexed with tRNALeu from the archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii",,"Acta Crystallographica F",,"Vol. 61",,"pp. 30-32",2005, "K. Watanabe,O. Nureki,S. Fukai,R. Ishii,H. Okamoto,S. Yokoyama,Y. Endo,H. Hori","Roles of conserved amino acid sequence motifs in the SpoU (TrmH) RNA methyltransferase family",,"J Biol Chem.",,"Vol. 280",,"pp. 10368-10377",2005, "K. Nakanishi,Y. Ogiso,S. Fukai,O. Nureki","Structural basis for anticodon recognition by methionyl-tRNA synthetase",,"Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 931-932",2005, "K. Nakanishi,S. Fukai,Y. Ikeuchi,A. Soma,Y. Sekine,T. Suzuki,O. Nureki","Structural basis for lysidine formation by ATP pyrophosphatase accompanied with a lysine-specific loop and a tRNA-recognition domain",,"Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 7487-7492",2005, "K. Nakanishi,O. Nureki","Recent progress of structural biology of tRNA processing and modification",,"Mol. Cells",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 157-166",2005, "N. Fujikawa,H. Kurumizaka,O. Nureki,Y. Tanaka,M. Yamazoe,S. Hiraga,S. Yokoyama","Structural and biochemical analyses of hemimethylated DNA binding by the SeqA protein",,"Nucleic Acids Res.",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 82-92",2004, "K. Tomita,S. Fukai,R. Ishitani,T. Ueda,N. Takeuchi,D. G. Vassylyev,O. Nureki","Structural basis for template-independent RNA polymerization",,"Nature",,"Vol. 430",,"pp. 700-704",2004, "O. Nureki,K. Watanabe,S. Fukai,R. Ishii,Y. Endo,H. Hori,S. Yokoyama","Deep knot structure for construction of active site and cofactor binding site of tRNA modification enzyme",,"Structure",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 593-602",2004, "T. Sengoku,O. Nureki,N. Dohmae,A. Nakamura,Yokoyama S","Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the helicase domains of Vasa complexed with RNA and an ATP analogue.",,"Acta Crystallographica D",,"Vol. 60",,"pp. 320-322",2004, "R. Fukunaga,S. Fukai,R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama","Crystal structures of the CP1 domain from thermus thermophilus isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase and its complex with L-valine",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 279",,"pp. 8396-8402",2004, "Y. Kise,S. W. Lee,S. G. Park,S. Fukai,T. Sengoku,R. Ishii,S. Yokoyama,S. Kim,O. Nureki","A short peptide insertion crucial for angiostatic activity of human tryptophanyl–tRNA synthetase",,"Nature Struct. & Mol. Biol.",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 149-156",2004, "S. Fukai,O. Nureki,S. Skine,A. Shimada,D. G. Vassylyev,S. Yokoyama","Mechanism of molecular interactions for tRNAVal recognition by valyl-tRNA synthetase",,"RNA",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 100-111",2003, "R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,N. Nameki,N. Okada,S. Nishimura,S. Yokoyama","Alternative tertiary structure of tRNA for recognition by a posttranscriptional modification enzyme.",,"Cell",,"Vol. 113",,"pp. 383-394",2003, "N. Fujikawa,H. Kurumizaka,O. Nureki,T. Terada,M. Shirouzu,T. Katayama,S. Yokoyama","Structural basis of the replication origin recognition by the DnaA protein",,"Nucleic Acids Res.",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 2077-2086",2003, "T. Kobayashi,O. Nureki,R. Ishitani,A. Yaremchuk,M. Tukalo,S. Cusack,K. Sakamoto,S. Yokoyama","Structural basis for orthogonal tRNA specificities of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetses for genetic-code expansion",,"Nature Struct. Biol.",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 425-432",2003, "R. Ishii,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama","Crystal structure of the tRNA processing enzyme RNase PH from Aquifex aeolicus",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 278",,"pp. 32397-32404",2003, "K. Saito,H. Ogiso,R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,S. Fukai,M. Yamanaka,J.-H. Kim,M. Shirouzu,S. Yokoyama","The Activation Mechanisu of the Epidermal Growth Factor Reseptor",,"The Japnese Peptide Society",,,,"pp. 93-96",2003, "Y. Katsura.,M. Shirouzu,H. Yamaguchi.,R. Ishitani.,O. Nureki,S. Kuramitsu.,H. Hayashi.,S. Yokoyama","The Crystal Structure of a Putative Aspartate Aminotransferase Belonging to Subgroup IV",,"Proteins",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 487-492",2003, "M. S. Tawaramoto,S. Y. Park,Y. Tanaka,O. Nureki,H. Kurumizaka,S. Yokoyama","Crystal structure of the human CENP-B dimerization domain at 1.65 A resolution",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 278",,"pp. 51454-51461",2003, "N. Ito,O. Nureki,M. Shirouzu,S. Yokoyama,F. Hanaoka","Crystal structure of the Pyrococcus horikoshii DNA primase-UTP complex: implications for the mechanism of primer synthesis",,"Genes Cells",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 913-923",2003, "M. Okabe,K. Tomita,R. Ishitani,R. Ishii,N. Takeuchi,F. Arisaka,O. Nureki*,S. Yokoyama (*corresponding author)","Divergent evolution of trinucleotide polymerization revealed by an archaeal CCA-adding enzyme structure",,"EMBO J.",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 5918-5927",2003, "C. Polyvarpo,A. Ambrogelly,B. Ruan,D. Tumbla-Hansen,S. F. Ataide,R. Tshitani,S. Yokoyama,O. Nureki,M. Ibba,D. Söll","Activation of the pyrrolysine suppressor tRNA requires formation of ternary complex with class I and class II lysyl-tRNA synthetases",,"Mol. Cell.",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 287-294",2003, "S. Sekine,O. Nureki,S. Bernier,R. Chênevert,J. Lapointe,D. G. Vassylyev,S. Yokoyama","ATP-binding by glutamyl-tRNA synthetase is switched to the productive mode by tRNA binding",,"EMBO J.",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 1-13",2003, "W. Kagawa,H. Kurumizaka,S. Fukai,R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,T. Shibata,S. Yokoyama","Crystal structure of the human Rad52 protein and its implications for homologous recombination",,"Mol. Cell",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 359-371",2002, "T. L. Hendrickson,T. K. Nomanbhoy,V. Crécy-Lagard,S. Fukai,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama,P. Schimmel","Mutation Separation of two pathways for editing by a class I tRNA synthetase",,"Mol. Cell",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 353-362",2002, "R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,S. Fukai,T. Kijimoto,N. Nameki,M. Watanabe,H. Kondo,M. Sekine,N. Okada,S. Nishimura,S. Yokoyama","Crystal structure of archaeosine tRNA-guanine transglycosylase",,"J. Mol. Biol.",,"Vol. 318",,"pp. 665-677",2002, "T. Terada*,O. Nureki*,R. Ishitani,A. Amblogelly,M. Ibba,D. Söll,S. Yokoyama (*equal contribution)","Functional convergence of two lysyl-tRNA synthetases with unrelated topologies",,"Nature Struct. Biol.",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 257-262",2002, "O. Nureki,M. Shiruuzu,K. Hashimoto,R. Ishitani,T. Terada,M. Tamakoshi,T. Oshima,M. Chijimatsu,K. Takio,D. G. Vassylyev,T. Shibata,Y. Inoue,S. Kuramitsu,S. Yokoyama","An enzyme with a deep trefoil knot for the active-site architecture",,"Acta Crystallographica D",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 1129-1137",2002, "H. Ogiso,R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,S. Fukai,M. Yamanaka,J. ÐH. Kim,K. Saito,M. Shirouzu,S. Yokoyama","Crystal structure of human epidermal growth factor in complex with the extracellular domains of the receptor",,"Cell",,"Vol. 110",,"pp. 775-787",2002, "Y. Tanaka*,O. Nureki*,H. Kurumizaka*,S. Fukai,S. Kawaguchi,M. Ikuta,J. Iwahara,T. Okazaki,S. Yokoyama (*equal contribution)","DNA kink at the contact site with an arginine-rich helix of human centromere protein B",,"EMBO J.",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 6612-6618",2001, "T. Nakama,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama","Structural basis for the recognition of isoleucyl-adenylate and an antibiotic, mupirocin, by isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 276",,"pp. 47387-47393",2001, "A. Shimada,O. Nureki,M. Goto,S. Takahashi,S. Yokoyama","Structural and mutational studies of the recognition of the arginine tRNA-specific major identity element, A20, by arginyl-tRNA synthetase",,"Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA",,"Vol. 98",,"pp. 13537-13542",2001, "S. Sekine,A. Shimada,O. Nureki,J. Cavarelli,D. Moras,D. G. Vassylyev,S. Yokoyama","Crucial role of the HIGH-loop lysine for the catalytic activity of arginyl-tRNA synthetase",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 276",,"pp. 3723-3726",2001, "S. Sekine,O. Nureki,A. Shimada,D. G. Vassylyev,S. Yokoyama","Structural basis for anticodon recognition by discriminating glutamyl-tRNA synthetase",,"Nature Struct. Biol.",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 203-206",2001, "R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,T. Kijimoto,M. Watanabe,H. Kondo,N. Nameki,N. Okada,S. Nishimura,S. Yokoyama","Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of archaeosine tRNA-guanine transglycosylase from Pyrococcus horikoshii",,"Acta Crystallographica D",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 1659-1662",2001, "N. Ito,O. Nureki,M. Shirouzu,S. Yokoyama,F. Hanaoka","Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a DNA primase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii",,"J. Biochemistry",,"Vol. 130",,"pp. 727-730",2001, "T. Kigawa,E. Yamaguchi-Nunokawa,K. Kodama,T. Matsuda,T. Yabuki,Natsuko Matsuda,R. Ishitani,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama","Selenomethionine incorporation into a protein by cell-free synthesis",,"J. Struc. Func. Gen.",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 87-104",2001, "K. Kurimoto,S. Fukai,O. Nureki,Y. Muto,S. Yokoyama","Crystal structure of human AUH protein, a single-stranded RNA-binding homologue of enoyl-CoA hydratase",,"Structure",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 1253-1263",2001, "A. Shimada,O. Nureki,N. Dohmae,K. Takio,S. Yokoyama","Gene cloning, expression, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray analysis of Thermus thermophilus arginyl-tRNA synthetase",,"Acta Crystallographica D",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 272-275",2000, "S. Fukai,O. Nureki,S. Sekine,A. Shimada,J. Tao,D. G. Vassylyev,S. Yokoyama","Structural basis for double-sieve discrimination of the cognate L-valine from L-isoleucine and L-threonine by the complex of tRNAVal and valyl-tRNA synthetase",,"Cell",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 793-803",2000, "I. Sugiura,O. Nureki,Y. Ugaji-Yoshikawa,S. Kuwabara,A. Shimada,M. Tateno,B. Lober,R. Giegé,D. Moras,S. Yokoyama,M. Konno","The 2.0 Å crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus methionyl-tRNA synthetase reveals two RNA-binding modules",,"Structure",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 197-208",2000, "M. Kukimoto,O. Nureki,M. Shirouzu,T. Katada,Y. Hirabayashi,H. Sugiya,S. Furuyama,S. Yokoyama,M. Hara-Yokoyam","Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the extracellular domain of the cell surface antigen CD38 complexed with ganglioside",,"J. Biochemistry",,"Vol. 127",,"pp. 181-184",2000, "O. Nureki,D. G. Vassylyev,M. Tateno,A. Shimada,T. Nakama,S. Fukai,M. Konno,T. L. Hendrickson,P. Schimmel,S. Yokoyama","Proofreading by isoleucyl-transfer RNA synthetase",,"Science",,"Vol. 283",,"pp. 459",1999, "S. Sekine,O. Nureki,M. Tateno,S. Yokoyama","The identity determinants required for the discrimination between tRNAGlu and tRNAAsp by glutamyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli.",,"Eur. J. Biochem.",,"Vol. 261",,"pp. 354-360",1999, "N. Handa,O. Nureki,K. Kurimoto,I. Kim,H. Sakamoto,Y. Shimura,Y. Muto,S. Yokoyama","Structural basis for recognition of the tra mRNA precursor by the Sex-lethal protein",,"Nature",,"Vol. 398",,"pp. 579-585",1999, "Y. Mechulam,E. Schmitt,L. Maveyraud,C. Zelwer,O. Nureki,S. Yokoyama,M. Konno,S. Blanquet","Crystal structure of Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase highlights species-specific features",,"J. Mol. Biol.",,"Vol. 294",,"pp. 1287-1297",1999, "O. Nureki,D. G. Vassylyev,M. Tateno,A. Shimada,T. Nakama,S. Fukai,M. Konno,T. L. Hendrickson,P. Schimmel,S. Yokoyama","Enzyme structure with two catalytic sites for double-sieve selection of substrate",,"Science",,"Vol. 280",,"pp. 578-582",1998, "S. Sekine,O. Nureki,K. Sakamoto,T. Niimi,M. Tateno,M. Go,T. Kohno,A. Brisson,J. Lapointe,S. Yokoyama","Major identity determinants in the "augmented D helix" of tRNAGlu from Escherichia coli",,"J. Mol. Biol.",,"Vol. 256",,"pp. 685-700",1996, "O. Nureki,D. G. Vassylyev,K. Katayanagi,T. Shimizu,S. Sekine,T. Kigawa,T. Miyazawa,S. 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