"佐藤節子,濱口幸久","ウニ卵における均等分裂と不等分裂について","日本動物学会第89回札幌大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "佐藤節子,濱口幸久,清本正人","ウニ卵の分裂過程における表層の変化","日本動物学会第82回大会","日本動物学会",,,,,2011,Sept. "福田翔太,佐藤節子,濱口幸久","イトマキヒトデ減数第一分裂における形態変化を引き起こす張力について","第21回日本バイオイメージング学会学術集会","日本バイオイメージング学会",,,,,2011,Aug. "佐藤節子,濱口幸久","ウニ卵の分裂過程における微絨毛の変化","日本動物学会第81回大会","日本動物学会",,,,,2010,Sept. "福田翔太,佐藤節子,濱口幸久","イトマキヒトデ減数第一分裂における細胞表層の収縮の伝播","日本動物学会第81回大会","日本動物学会",,,,,2010,Sept. "濱口幸久,佐藤節子,清本正人","ウニ受精卵開口放出の解析","第20回日本バイオイメージング学会学術集会","日本バイオイメージング学会",,,,,2010,Sept. "濱口幸久,佐藤節子,清本正人","ウニ受精卵透明層の半透性の解析","第19回日本バイオイメージング学会学術集会","日本バイオイメージング学会",,,,,2009,Sept. "福田翔太,佐藤節子,濱口幸久","イトマキヒトテ?減数第一分裂における細胞表層の収縮の伝播","日本動物学会第80回大会","日本動物学会",,,,,2009,Sept. "Setsuko K. Satoh,Akifumi Tsuchi,Ryohei Satoh,Hiromi Miyoshi,Miyako S. Hamaguchi,Yukihisa","Change in actin filaments and tensions of the oocyte cortex during polar body formation of Asterina pectinifera","The 62th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Cell Biology","Japan Society for Cell Biology",,,,,2009,June "yukihisa hamaguchi,Setsuko K. Satoh","Quantitative Analysis of Cortical Actin Filaments during Polar Body Formation in Starfish Oocytes",,"Cell Structure and Function",,"Vol. 32","No. 1","p. 29-40",2007,June "Yukihisa Hamaguchi,Numata, T.,Setsuko K. Satoh","Quantitative analysis of cortical actin filaments during polar body formation in the starfish oocytes",,"Cell Struct. Funct.",,"Vol. 32",,"Page 29-42",2007, "Miyoshi H,Setsuko K. Satoh,Yamada E,Hamaguchi Y","Temporal change in local forces and total force all over the surface of the sea urchin egg during cytokinesis.",,"Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton",,"Vol. 63","No. 4","Page 208-221",2006,Apr. "Miyoshi, H.,S. K. Satoh,E. Yamada,Y. Hamaguchi","Temporal change in local forces and total force all over the surface of the sea urchin egg during cytokinesis.",,"Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 208-221",2006, "Kitajima, A.,Y. Hamaguchi","Determination of first cleavage plane: The relationships between the orientation of the mitotic apparatus for first cleavage and the position of meiotic division-related structures in starfish eggs.",,"Develop. Biol.",,"Vol. 280",,"pp. 48-58",2005, "Hiromi Miyoshi,Setsuko K. Satoh,Eio Yamada,Yukihisa Hamaguchi","Intracellular pressure and tensions at the surface of sea urchin eggs during cytokinesis","Cytokinesis, The American Society for Cell Biology","The American Society for Cell Biology",,,,,2004,July "Satoh, S. K.,Numata, T.,Hamaguchi, M. 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Matoba,Y. Matsumoto,T. Hongo,K. Kiritaka,H. Sugino,Y. Nagamatsu,Y. Hamaguchi,S. Ikegami","Molecular characterization of a novel nucleolar protein in starfish oocytes which is phosphorylated before and during oocyte maturation.",,"Eur.J. Biochem.",,"Vol. 267",,"pp. 295-304",2000, "Matuliene, J.,R. Essner,J. Ryu,Y. Hamaguchi,P. W. Baas,T. Haraguchi,Y. Hiraoka,R. Kuriyama","Function of a minus-end-directed kinesin-like motor protein in mammalian cells.",,"J. Cell Sci.",,"Vol. 112",,"pp. 4041-4050",1999, "濱口幸久","細胞分裂のバイオイメージング",,"「バイオイメージングの最先端」先端医療シリーズ4","「バイオイメージングの最先端」先端医療シリーズ4",,,"pp. 142-146",1999, "yukihisa hamaguchi","Displacement of cleavage plane in the sea urchin egg by locally applied taxol.",,"Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 211-219",1998, "Saiki, T.,Y. Hamaguchi","Aster-forming abilities of the egg, polar body, and sperm centrosomes in early development.",,"Dev. 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