"Takayuki Miki,Masahiro Hashimoto,Hiroki Takahashi,Masatoshi Shimizu,Sae Nakayama,Tadaomi Furuta,Hisakazu Mihara","De novo designed YK peptides forming reversible amyloid for synthetic protein condensates in mammalian cells",,"Nat. Commun.",,"vol. 15",,"pp. 8503",2024,Oct. "Masahiro Hashimoto,Takayuki Miki,Hiroki Takahashi,Sae Nakayama,Tadaomi Furuta,Hisakazu Mihara","Intracellular bottom-up reconstruction of liquid droplet by fusion of YK amphiphilic peptide tag","The 60th Japanese Peptide Symposium",,,,,,2023,Nov. "三木卓幸,橋本匡浩,三原久和","細胞内でタンパク質を集積させるペプチドタグの開発",,"バイオサイエンスとインダストリー",,"Vol. 80","No. 2","pp. 120-121",2022,Mar. "Takayuki Miki,Keigo Kajiwara,Sae Nakayama,Masahiro Hashimoto,Hisakazu Mihara","Effects of Hydrophobic Residues on the Intracellular Self-Assembly of De Novo Designed Peptide Tags and Their Orthogonality",,"ACS Synthetic Biology",,,,,2022,Mar. "橋本 匡浩,三木 卓幸,中井 太一,丹羽 達也,三原 久和","細胞内で自己集合するペプチドタグ開発1:クラスター形成を伴う蛋白質間相互作用解析",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "三木 卓幸,高橋 広樹,橋本 匡浩,梶原 圭悟,中山 彩恵,三原 久和","細胞内で自己集合するペプチドタグ開発2:蛋白質高次構造体の設計と構築","日本化学会第102春季年会",,,,,,2022,Mar. "Hisakazu Mihara","Construction of Functional Peptides Based on De Novo Design Approaches",,"Peptide Science 2021","The Japanese Peptide Society",,,"pp. 1-2",2022,Mar. "Takayuki Miki,Masahiro Hashimoto,Taichi Nakai,Hisakazu Mihara","A guide-tag system controlling client enrichment into Y15 peptide-based granules for an in-cell protein recruitment assay",,"Chemical Communications","Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 57",,"p. 11338",2021,Oct. "Takayuki Miki,Masahiro Hashimoto,Taich Nakai,Keigo Kajiwara,Hisakazu Mihara","Intracellular reconstitution and analysis of protein complexes by Yn self-assembling peptide tag","The 58th Japanese Peptide Symposium",,,,,,2021,Oct. "Hiroki takahashi,Takayuki Miki,Taichi Nakai,Masahiro Hashimoto,Hisakazu Mihara","DEVELOPMENT OF AMPHIPHILIC YK PEPTIDE TAGS FOR BOTTOM-UP CONSTRUCTION OF LIQUID-LIQUID PHASE SEPARATION","The 58th Japanese Peptide Symposium",,,,,,2021,Oct. "三木 卓幸,橋本 匡浩,高橋 広樹,梶原 圭悟,中山 彩恵,中井 太一,三原 久和","両親媒性ペプチドによる細胞内での蛋白質高次構造体の形成","第15回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Jyh Yea Chia,Takayuki Miki,Hisakazu Mihara,Hiroshi Tsutsumi","Biofunctional supramolecular hydrogels fabricated from a short self-assembling peptide modified with bioactive sequences for the 3D culture of breast cancer MCF-7 cells",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 116345",2021,Sept. "筧 翔太,瀬古 健太,三木 卓幸,三原 久和","Hisタグ融合hDM2を標的としたNi(II)錯体修飾ファージディスプレイ法の確立","第15回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム",,,,,,2021,Sept. "橋本 匡浩,三木 卓幸,中井 太一,三原 久和","Yn設計ペプチドによる細胞内でのクラスター形成を伴う蛋白質間相互作用解析","第15回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム",,,,,,2021,Sept. "堤 浩,三原 久和","薬剤−ペプチドコンジュゲートとペプチド創薬",,"CSJカレントレビュー39.生体分子と疾患:ヘルスサイエンスの切り札としての化学","化学同人",,,"pp. 162-169",2021,Aug. "Takayuki Miki,Taichi Nakai,Masahiro Hashimoto,Keigo Kajiwara,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Intracellular artificial supramolecules based on de novo designed Y15 peptides",,"Nature Communications",,"Vol. 12",,,2021,June "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Kunifumi Tanaka,Jyh Yea Chia,Hisakazu Mihara","Short self‐assembling peptides with a urea bond: A new type of supramolecular peptide hydrogel materials",,"Peptide Science",,"Vol. 113","No. 2",,2021,Mar. "Masahiro Hashimoto,Takayuki Miki,Iou Ven Chang,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Selection of fluorescent biosensors against galectin-3 from an NBD-modified phage library displaying designed α-helical peptides",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",," 37",," 127835",2021,Feb. "Teerapat Anananuchatkul,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Takayuki Miki,Hisakazu Mihara.","hDM2 Protein-Binding Peptides Screened from Stapled alpha-Helical Peptide Phage Display Libraries with Different Types of Staple Linkers.",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 30",," 127605",2020,Nov. "三木卓幸,三原久和","自己組織化ペプチドの設計と利用",,"相分離生物学の全貌","東京化学同人",,,,2020,Nov. "Yusuke Maeda,Toshiki Sawada,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Hideya Yuasa,Hisakazu Mihara","Affinity Control of Monosaccharide Conjugated Peptides against Lectins with a Set of Amino Acid Substitutions on α?Helical Structure",,"Bioconjugate Chem.",,"Vol. 31","No. 11","pp. 2533−2540",2020,Oct. "H. Tsutsumi,D. Matsubara,H. Mihara.","Functionalization of Self-assembling Peptide Materials Using Molecular Recognition of Supramolecular Peptide Nanofibers.",,"Polymer Journal",,"Vol. 52",," 913",2020,May "Teerapat Anananuchatkul,Iou Ven Chang,Takayuki Miki,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Construction of a Stapled α?Helix Peptide Library Displayed on Phage for the Screening of Galectin-3-Binding Peptide Ligands",,"ACS Omega","ACS Publications","Vol. 5",,"p. 5666-5674",2020,Mar. "Kazuto Fukunaga,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Self-Assembling Peptides as Building Blocks of Functional Materials for Biomedical Applications.",,"Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan","The Chemical Society of Japan","Vol. 92","No. 2","pp. 391-399",2019,Feb. "H.Tsutsumi,M. Kawamura,H. Mihara","Osteoblastic Differentiation on Hydrogels Fabricated from Ca2+-Responsive Self-Assembling Peptides Functionalized with Bioactive Peptides",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 3126-3132",2018,Apr. "A. Syahir,K. Kajikawa,H. Mihara","Signal Enhancement Strategies for Refractive Index-Sensitive Nanobiosensor",,"Protein Peptide Lett.",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 34-41",2018,Jan. "H.Tsutsumi,T. Shirai,H. Ohkusa,H. Mihara","Gold Nanoparticles Conjugated with Glycopeptides for Lectin Detection and Imaging on Cell Surface",,"Protein & Peptide Letters",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 84-89",2018,Jan. "堤 浩,三原久和","化学修飾ペプチドファージライブラリの構築と標的タンパク質に対するリガンドスクリーニング",,"ペプチド医薬品のスクリーニング・安定化・製剤化技術","技術情報協会",,,"pp. 67-73",2017,Dec. "堤 浩,三原久和","ペプチド立体構造の設計と機能",,"医療・診断をささえるペプチド科学−再生医療・DDS・診断への応用−","シーエムシー出版",,,"pp. 73-81",2017,Oct. "I.V. Chang,H.Tsutsumi,H. Mihara","Screening for Concanavalin A Binders from a Mannose-modified α-Helix Peptide Phage Library",,"Molecular BioSystems",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 2222-2225",2017,Sept. "Kenji Usui,Masayasu Mie,Takashi Andou,Hisakazu Mihara,Eiry Kobatake","Fluorescent and luminescent fusion proteins for analyses of amyloid beta peptide aggregation",,"Journal of Peptide Science",,"Vol. 23","No. 7-8","pp. 659-665",2017,July "堤浩,澤田敏樹,三原久和","自己集合性ペプチドナノファイバーを用いたナノバイオ材料の創製",,"Kobunshi Ronbunshu","公益社団法人 高分子学会","Vol. 74","No. 3","pp. 162-171",2017,May "Kazuto Fukunaga,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Cell Differentiation on Disk- and String-Shaped Hydrogels Fabricated from Ca(2+) Rresponsive Self-Assembling Peptides.",,"Biopolymers",,"Vol. 106","No. 4","pp. 476-83",2016,July "堤浩,三原久和","自己組織化現象を利用したペプチド性足場材料の開発",,"再生医療用足場材料の開発と市場",,,,"pp. 24-35",2016,Mar. "Megumi Kawamura,Kazuto Fukunaga,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Cell Proliferation and Differentiation on Functionalized Self-Assembling Peptide Hydrogels.","The 52th Japanese Peptide Symposium","Peptide science","The Japanese Peptide Society",,," 275-276",2016,Mar. "Amir Syahir,Kinya Tomizaki,Kotaro Kajikawa,Hisakazu Mihara","Anomalous Reflection of Gold: A Novel Platform for Biochips",,"Peptide Microarrays-Method and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology","Humana Press","Vol. 1352",,"pp. 97-110",2016, "Kenji Usui,Kinya Tomizaki,Hisakazu Mihara","A Cell Microarray Format: A Peptide Release System Using a Photo-Cleavable Linker for Cell Toxicity and Cell Uptake Analysis",,"Peptide Microarrays-Method and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology","Humana Press","Vol. 1352",,"pp. 199-210",2016, "堤浩,三原久和","生体分子解析・細胞解析に向けた設計ペプチドチップ",,"バイオチップの基礎と応用-原理から最新の研究・開発動向まで-",,,,"pp. 143-152",2015,Oct. "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Kazuhiko Nakano,Hisakazu Mihara","Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitory Peptides Screened from a Structured Designed β-Loop Peptide Library Displayed on Phage",,"Molecular BioSystems",,"Vol. 11","No. 10","pp. 2713-2716",2015,June "Amir Syahir,Kenji Usui,Kin-ya Tomizaki,Kotaro Kajikawa,Hisakazu Mihara","Label and Label-free Detection Techniques for Protein Microarrays",,"Microarrays",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 228-244",2015,Apr. "Kenji Usui,Kikuchi,Masayasu,Eiry,Hisakazu","Cellular differentiation assessments by measuring the degree of cellular internalization and membrane adsorption using designed peptides",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 24","No. 17","pp. 4129-4131",2014,Sept. "Ji Yang,Tadaomi Furuta,Minoru Sakurai,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","A Computational Study of the Interaction of Amphiphilic α-Helical Cell-Penetrating Peptides with Heparan Sulfate",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"vol. 87","no. 10","pp. 1074-1082",2014,July "Ji Yang,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Tadaomi Furuta,Minoru Sakurai,Hisakazu Mihara","Interaction of Amphiphilic α-Helical Cell-Penetrating Peptides with Heparan Sulfate",,"Org. Biomol. Chem.",,"vol. 12","no. 26","pp. 4673-4681",2014,Apr. "Toshiki Sawada,Sungmin Kang,junji watanabe,Hisakazu Mihara,Takeshi Serizawa","Hybrid Hydrogels Composed of Regularly Assembled Filamentous Viruses and Gold Nanoparticles",,"Acs Macro Letters",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 341-345",2014,Apr. "Hyejin Park,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Cell-Selective Intracellular Drug Delivery Using Doxorubicin and α-Helical Peptides Conjugated to Gold Nanoparticles",,"Biomaterials",,"Vol. 35","No. 10","pp. 3480-3487",2014,Mar. "Amir Syahir,Kotaro Kajikawa,Hisakazu Mihara","Enhanced refractive index sensitivity for anomalous reflection of gold to improve performance of bio-molecular detection",,"Sensors and Actuators B (Chemical)",,"Vol. 190",," 357-362",2014,Jan. "Kazuto Fukunaga,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofibers Promoting Cell Adhesion and Differentiation",,"Biopolymers",,"Vol. 100","No. 6","pp. 731-737",2013,Nov. "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Self-Assembly of Designed Peptides and Their Nanomaterials Applications",,"Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 122-150",2013,Nov. "Kanako Arai,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","A Monosaccharide-Modified Peptide Phage Library for Screening of Ligands to Carbohydrate-Binding Proteins",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 23","No. 17","pp. 4940-4943",2013,Sept. "Hyejin Park,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Cell Penetration and Cell-Selective Drug Delivery Using ?-Helix Peptides Conjugated with Gold Nanoparticles",,"Biomaterials",,"Vol. 34","No. 20","pp. 4872-4879",2013,July "Jeffrey Cross,KIKUO KISHIMOTO,Masahiko Hara,Hisakazu Mihara","Overview on the "Tokyo Institute of Technology International Research Opportunities Program (TiROP)" - Season One: 2012","ASEE 120th Annual Conf. & Exhibition","2013 Asee Annual Conference","ASEE",,"# 5156","p. 10",2013,June "Kenji Usui,T. Kikuchi,M. Mie,EIRY KOBATAKE,Hisakazu Mihara","Systematic screening of the cellular uptake of designed alpha-helix peptides",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 2560-2567",2013,May "T. Sawada,Hisakazu Mihara,Takeshi Serizawa","Peptides as New Smart Bionanomaterials: Molecular-Recognition and Self-Assembly Capabilities",,"Chemical Record",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 172-186",2013,May "Takashi Kakiyama,K. Usui,K. Y. Tomizaki,M. Mie,EIRY KOBATAKE,Hisakazu Mihara","A peptide release system using a photo-cleavable linker in a cell array format for cell-toxicity analysis",,"Polymer Journal",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 535-539",2013,May "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hisakazu Mihara","Soft Materials Based on Designed Self-Assembling Peptides: from Design to Application",,"Molecular Biosystems",,"Vol. 9","No. 4","pp. 609-617",2013,Apr. "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hiroyuki Ohkusa,Hyejin Park,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,HIDEYA YUASA,Hisakazu Mihara","Gold Nanoparticles Conjugated with Monosaccharide-modified Peptide for Lectin Detection",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 22","No. 22","pp. 6825-6827",2012,Sept. "Amir Syahir,Kotaro Kajikawa,Hisakazu Mihara","Sensitive Detection of Small Molecule-Protein Interactions on a Metal-Insulator-Metal Label-Free Biosensing Platform",,"Chemistry An Asian Journal",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 1867-1874",2012,May "T. Sawada,M. Tsuchiya,T. Takahashi,Hiroshi Tsutsumi,H. Mihara","Cell-Adhesive Hydrogels Composed of Peptide Nanofibers Responsive to Biological Ions",,"Polymer Journal",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 651-657",2012,Apr. "T. Sawada,H. Mihara","Dense surface functionalization using peptides that recognize differences in organized structures of self-assembling nanomaterials",,"Molecular Biosystems",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 1264-1274",2012,Feb. "Kenji Usui,Takashi Kakiyama,K. Tomizaki,M. Mie,EIRY KOBATAKE,Hisakazu Mihara","Cell fingerprint patterns using designed alpha-helical peptides to screen for cell-specific toxicity",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 6281-6284",2011,Nov. "T. Sawada,K. Ishiguro,T. Takahashi,H. Mihara","A novel beta-loop scaffold of phage-displayed peptides for highly specific affinities",,"Molecular Biosystems",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 2558-2562",2011,June "T. Sawada,K. Ishiguro,T. Takahashi,H. Mihara","A Novel Peptide Array Using a Phage Display System for Protein Detection",,"Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 508-509",2011,Apr. "土谷正樹,澤田敏樹,高橋 剛,三原久和","機能性バイオマテリアル構築を目的としたカルシウムイオン応答性自己組織化ペプチドナノファイバーの構築","第91日本化学会春季年会",,,,,,2011,Mar. "古木隆生,清水天平,S. Charkrabortee,畑中理恵,高橋剛,黄川田隆洋,奥田隆,三原久和,A. Tunnacliffe,櫻井実","グループ3LEAタンパク質の22-merモデルペプチドが示すタンパク質凝集抑制効果",,"低温生物工学会誌",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 139-142",2011, "M. Suzuki,T. Takahashi,J. Sato,M. Mie,EIRY KOBATAKE,Hisakazu Mihara","Designed Short Peptides that Form Amyloid-Like Fibrils in Coassembly with Amyloid beta-Peptide (A beta) Decrease the Toxicity of A beta to Neuronal PC12 Cells",,"Chembiochem",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 1525-1530",2010,July "Takao Furuki,Tempei Shimizu,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Hisakazu Mihara,Takahiro Kikawada,Takashi Okuda,Minoru Sakurai","Model Study of the Desiccation-induced Vitrification of Group-3 Late Embrogenesis Abundant Proteins",,"Cryobiol. Cryotech.",," 56"," 1"," 27-30",2010,June "A. Syahir,H. Mihara,K. Kajikawa","A New Optical Label-Free Biosensing Platform Based on a Metal-Insulator-Metal Structure",,"Langmuir",,"Vol. 26","No. 8","pp. 6053?6057",2010,Apr. "Tempei Shimizu,Yasushi Kanamori,Takao Furuki,Takahiro Kikawada,Takashi Okuda,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Hisakazu Mihara,Minoru Sakurai","Desiccation-induced structuralization and glass formation of Group3 LEA protein model peptides",,"Biochemistry",," 49",," 1093-1104",2010, "M. Nakamura,M. Mie,Hisakazu Mihara,M. Nakamura,EIRY KOBATAKE","Construction of a Multi-Functional Extracellular Matrix Protein That Increases Number of N1E-115 Neuroblast Cells Having Neurites",,"Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials",,"Vol. 91B",,"pp. 425-432",2009,Oct. "Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Kosuke Tada,HISAKAZU MIHARA","RNA aptamers selected against amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) inhibit the aggregation of Aβ",,"Molecular Biosystems","Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 5",,"pp. 986-991",2009,Sept. "Syahir Amir,梶川浩太郎,三原久和","金属・絶縁体・金属(MIM)構造をセンシング基盤に用いた分子間相互作用の検出",,,,,,,2009,Sept. "Toshiki Sawada,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Hisakazu Mihara","Affinity-Based Screening of Peptides Recognizing Assmbly Stated of Self-Assembling Peptide Nanomaterials",,"Journal of the American Chemical Society",,"Vol. 131",,"pp. 14434-14441",2009,Sept. "臼井健二,三重正和,三原久和,小畠英理","アミロイドβペプチドの局在と凝集の解析が可能な発光・蛍光タンパク質の構築","日本化学会 第89春季年会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "高橋 剛,三原久和","アミロイドタンパク質をはかる",,"バイオ研究のフロンティア2.酵素・タンパク質をはかる・とらえる・利用する","工学図書",,,"pp. 54-64",2009,Feb. "Kenji Usui,Kin-ya Tomizaki,Hisakazu Mihara","A Designed Peptide Chip: Protein Fingerprinting Technology with a Dry Peptide Array and Statistical Data mining",,"Peptide Microarrays, Methods in Molecular Biology","Humana Press","Vol. 570",,"pp. 273-284",2009,Feb. "Amir Syahir,Kin-ya Tomizaki,Kotaro Kajikawa,Hisakazu Mihara","Poly(amidoamine)-Dendrimer-Modified Gold Surfaces for Anomalous Reflection of Gold To Detect Biomolecular Interactions",,"Langmuir",,"Vol. 25","No. 6","pp. 3667-3674",2009,Feb. "Mariejoy Therese Jumawid,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Toshimasa Yamazaki,Hiroshi Ashigai,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Selection and structural analysis of de novo proteins from an α3β3 genetic library",,"Protein Science","The Protein Society","Vol. 18",,"pp. 384-398",2009,Jan. "臼井健二,富崎欣也,三原久和","プロテインチップデバイス",,"超分子サイエンス","エヌ・ティー・エス",,,"pp. 1067-1075",2009, "Tsuyoshi Takahashi,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Peptide and Protein Mimetics Inhibiting Amyloid β-Peptide Aggregation",,"Accounts of Chemical Research","American Chemical Society","Vol. 41","No. 10","pp. 1309-1318",2008,Oct. "M. Nakamura,M. Mie,Hisakazu Mihara,M. Nakamura,EIRY KOBATAKE","Construction of multi-functional extracellular matrix proteins that promote tube formation of endothelial cells",,"Biomaterials",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 2977-2986",2008,July "Ryuichi Uozumi,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Design of beta-Hairpin Peptides Having Nucleobase Amino Acids (NBAs) and",,"Peptide Science 2007 (S. Aimoto & S. Ono, Eds.)","The Japanese Peptide Society",,,"pp. 471-472",2008,Mar. "Kin-ya Tomizaki,Kenji Usui,Hisakazu Mihara","Proteins:Array-Based Techniques",,"Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology","John Wiley & Sons, Inc",,,"pp. 144?158",2008, "三原久和,梶原将,湯浅英哉,小畠英理","バイオ系のための基礎化学問題集",,"バイオ系のための基礎化学問題集","講談社サイエンティフィック",,,,2008, "T. Takahashi,K. Ohta,H. Mihara","Embedding the Amyloid β-Peptide Sequence in Green Fluorescent Protein Inhibits Aβ Oligomerization",,"ChemBioChem",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 985-988",2007,Aug. "高橋 剛,三原久和","生体反応を司るらせん・たんぱく質のらせん構造",,"化学と教育",,"Vol. 55","No. 7","pp. 356-359",2007,July "三原久和","タンパク質分析用バイオチップ",,"ケミカルエンジニアリング",,"Vol. 52","No. 6","pp. 421-427",2007,June "富崎欣也,三原久和","タンパク質検出チップ",,"未来材料",,"Vol. 7","No. 6","pp. 28-38",2007,June "高橋 剛,松村幸子,三原久和","アミロイドβペプチド(Aβ)を標的とした人工タンパク質・ペプチドの設計とAβ集",,"生物物理",,"Vol. 47","No. 4","pp. 228-234",2007,Apr. "柿山喬,富崎欣也,臼井健二,三重正和,小畠英理,三原久和","細胞アッセイのための光切断型ペプチドアレイの構築","日本化学会 第87春季年会",,,,,,2007,Mar. "S. Watanabe,K. Kajikawa,H. Mihara","Interactions Between Peptides Containing Nucleobase Amino Acids and T7 Phages Displaying S. cerevisiae Proteins",,"Peptide Science",,"Vol. 88","No. 2","pp. 131-140",2007,Feb. "富崎欣也,三原久和","プロテインチップの開発 新しいDNAチップの科学と応用",,,"講談社サイエンティフィック",,,"pp. 171-183",2007, "S. Watanabe,K.-Y. Tomizaki,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,K. Usui,K. Kajikawa,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Interactions Between Peptides Containing Nucleobase Amino Acids and T7 Phages Displaying S. cerevisiae Proteins",,"Biopolymers (Peptide Science)",,"Vol. 88","No. 2","pp. 131-140",2007, "K. Usui,K.-Y. Tomizaki,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Screening of α-Helical Peptide Ligands Controlling a Calcineurin-Phosphatase Activity",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 167-171",2007, "三原久和,小畠英理,馬場嘉信","ナノバイオ計測の実際",,,"講談社",,,,2007, "三原久和,高橋剛,富崎欣也","とことんやさしい タンパク質の本、東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科編、29.ペプチドは小さなタンパク質、46.人工タンパク質の分子設計、51.プロテインチップでタンパク質を検出",,,"日本工業新聞社",,,"pp. 72-73、110-111、122-123",2007, "J. Sato,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,H. Oshima,S. Matsumura,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Design of Peptides That Form Amyloid-like Fibrils Capturing Amyloid β1-42 Peptides.",,"Chem. Eur. J.",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 7745-7752",2007, "K.-Y. Tomizaki,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Phosphate-Mediated Molecular Memory Driven by Two Different Protein Kinases as Information Input Elements",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 129",,"pp. 8345-8352",2007, "T. Shimizu,Y. Kanamori,T. Furuki,T. Okuda,T. Kikawada,T. Takahashi,H. Mihara,M. Sakurai","Model study of the desiccation-induced structural transformations of Group-3 Late Embryogenesis Abundant (G3LEA) proteins",,"Cryobiol. Cryotech.",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 101-105",2007, "富崎欣也,三原久和","ペプチドチップ",,"マイクロアレイ・バイオチップの最新技術","シーエムシー出版",,,"pp. 240-252",2007, "Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Yana Dewi,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Utilization of L-α-Nucleobase Amino Acids (NBAs) as a Protein Engineering Tool: Construction of NBA Modified HIV-1 Protease Analogues and Enhancement of Dimerization Induced by Nucleobase Interaction",,"ChemBioChem",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 729-732",2006,May "三原久和","ポストゲノム時代はケミカルライブラリーが活躍する",,"化学",,"Vol. 61","No. 4","pp. 34-35",2006, "S. Sano,K.-Y. Tomizaki,K. Usui,H. Mihara","A PNA-DNA hybridization chip approach for the detection of beta-secretase activity",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 503-506",2006, "T. Kawasaki,K. Asaoka,H. Mihara,Y. Okahata","Nonfibrous β-Structured Aggregation of an Aβ Model Peptide (Ad-2α) on GM1/DPPC Mixed Monolayer",,"Surfaces J. Colloid Interface Sci.",,"Vol. 294",,"pp. 295-303",2006, "K. Usui,K.-Y. Tomizaki,T. Ohyama,K. Nokihara,H. Mihara","A Novel Peptide Microarray for Protein Detection and Analysis Utilizing a Dry Peptide Array System",,"Mol. BioSyst.",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 113-121",2006, "B. Gyurcsik,H. Haruki,T. Takahashi,H. Mihara,K. Nagata","Binding Modes of the Precursor of Adenovirus Major Core Protein VII to DNA and Template Activating Factor I: Implication for the Mechanism of Remodeling of the Adenovirus Chromatin",,"Biochemistry",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 303-313",2006, "T. Takahashi,D. Yana,H. Mihara","Utilization of L-alpha-Nucleobase Amino Acids (NBAs) as Protein Engineering Tools: Construction of NBA-Modified HIV-1 Protease Analogues and Enhancement of Dimerization Induced by Nucleobase Interaction",,"ChemBioChem",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 729-732",2006, " S. Matsumura,S. Uemura,H. Mihara","Metal-triggered Nanofiber Formation of His-containing beta-Sheet Peptide",,"Supramolec. Chem.",,"Vol. 18","No. (5)","pp. 397-403",2006, "K. Usui,K.-Y. Tomizaki,H. Mihara","Protein-fingerprint data mining of a designed alpha-helical peptide array",,"Mol. BioSyst.",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 417-420",2006, "Tsuyoshi Takahashi,K. Ohta,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Construction of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Variants That Interact with Amyloid β-Peptide.","The Japanese Peptide Society","Peptide Science 2006",,,,"pp. 9",2006, "K.-Y. Tomizaki,HISAKAZU MIHARA","Rational design of homogenous protein kinase assay platforms that allow both fluorometric and colorimetric signal readouts",,"Mol. BioSyst.",,"vol. 2",,"pp. 580-589",2006, "K. Usui,T. Ojima,K.-Y. Tomizaki,H. Mihara","A Designed Glycopeptide Array for Characterization of Sugar-Binding Proteins Toward a Glycopeptide Chip Technology",,"NanoBiotechnology",," 1",,"pp. 191-200",2005, "K.-Y. Tomizaki,H. Mihara","A Novel Fluorescence Sensing System Using Photochromism-Based Assay (P-CHROBA) Technique for Detection of Target Proteins",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 2732 - 2740",2005, "S. Matsumura,S. Uemura,H. Mihara","Construction of Biotinylated Ppeptide Nanotubes for Arranging Proteins",," Mol. BioSyst.",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 146-148",2005, "Y. Nagai,T. Nakanishi,H. Okamoto,K. Takeda,Y. Furukawa,K. Usui,H. Mihara","IR Study on Stacking Manner of Peptide Nanorings in Peptide Nanotubes",," Jpn J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 44","No. 19","pp. 7654-7661",2005, "H. Okamoto,T. Yamada,H. Miyazaki,T. Nakanishi,K. Takeda,K. Usui,I. Obataya,H. Mihara,H. Azehara,W.Mizutani,K. Hashimoto,H. Yamaguchi,Y.Hirayama ","Difference in Self-Assembling Morphology of Peptide Nanorings",,"Jpn J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 8240-8248",2005, "S. Watanabe,K. Usui,K.-Y. Tomizaki,K. Kajikawa,H. Mihara","Anomalous Reflection of Gold Applicable for a Practical Protein-detecting Chip Platform",," Mol. BioSyst.",," 1",,"pp. 363-365",2005, "K. Usui,T. Ojima,K.-Y. Tomizaki,H. Mihara","A Designed Glycopeptide Array for Characterization of Sugar-Binding Proteins Toward a Glycopeptide Chip Technology",,"NanoBiotechnology",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 191-200",2005, "K.-Y. Tomizaki,K. Usui,H. Mihara","Protein-Detecting Microarrays: Current Accomplishments and Requirements",,"ChemBioChem",,"Vol. 6",," 782-799",2005, "三原久和","図解高分子新素材のすべて, ペプチド工学",,"工業調査会",,,,"pp. 106-109",2005, "富崎欣也,三原久和","設計ペプチドを用いた次世代タンパク質検出システム",,"化学と工業",,"Vol. 58","No. 11","pp. 1321-1324",2005, "K.-Y. Tomizaki,J. Xu,H. Mihara","A Chromism-Based Assay (CHROBA) Technique for in situ Detection of Protein Kinase Activity",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 1731-1735",2005, "H. Mihara,S. Matsumura,T. Takahashi","Construction and Control of Self-Assembly of Amyloid and Fibrous Peptides",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 78",,"pp. 572-590",2005, "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Hiroshi Ikeda,Hisakazu Mihara,Akihiko Ueno","Enantioselective Ester Hydrolysis Catalyzed by β-Cyclodextrin Conjugated with β-Hairpin Peptides",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 14","No. 3","pp. 723-726",2004,Feb. "富崎欣也,三原久和","図解バイオ活用技術のすべて,5-2プロテインチップ",,"(東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科編)工業調査会","(東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科編)工業調査会",,,"pp. 164-167",2004, "三原久和訳","ケミカルバイオロジーの基礎,生命科学の新しいコンセプト",,"化学同人","化学同人",,,,2004, "高橋 剛,三原久和","図解バイオ活用技術のすべて,6-2自己組織化ペプチド",,"(東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科編)工業調査会","(東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科編)工業調査会",,,"pp. 164-167",2004, "K. Nokihara,T. Ohyama,K. Usui,K. Yoneyama,M. Takahashi,H. Mihara","Development of Peptide-chips Focusing on a High Throughput Protein-detection System",,"Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Libraries",,,,"pp. 83-88",2004, "Hideo Miyanishi,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,HISAKAZU MIHARA","De Novo Design of Peptides with L-alpha-Nucleobase Amino Acids and Their Binding Properties to the P22 boxB RNA and Its Mutants",,"Bioconjugate Chemistry",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 694-698",2004, "高橋 剛,三原久和","新しいタンパク質をデノボ創成する",,"化学",,"Vol. 59(11)",,"pp. 64?65",2004, "軒原清史,大山貴史,臼井健二,米村耕一,富崎欣也,三原久和","ペプチドアレイを用いたプロテインチップの実用化を目指した研究",,"高分子論文集",,"Vol. 61(10)",,"pp. 523-532",2004, "H. Tsutsumi,H. Ikeda,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Enantioselective ester hydrolysis catalyzed by beta-cyclodextrin conjugated with beta-hairpin peptides",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 723-726",2004, "Y. Takahashi,H. Mihara","Construction of a chemically and conformationally self-replicating system of amyloid-like fibrils",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem.",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 693-699",2004, "K. Usui,T. Ojima,M. Takahashi,K. Nokihara,H. Mihara","Peptide Arrays with Designed Secondary Structure for Protein Characterization Using Fluorescent Fingerprint Patterns",,"Biopolymers",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 129–139",2004, "K. Usui,M. Takahashi,K. Nokihara,H. Mihara","Peptide Arrays with Designed alpha-Helical Structure for Characterization of Proteins from FRET Fingerprint Patterns",,"Molecular Diversity",," 8",,"pp. 209-218",2004, "S. Matsumura,S. Uemura,H. Mihara","Fabrication of Nanofibers with Uniform Morphology by Self-Assembly of Designed Peptides",,"Chem. Eur. J.",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 2789-2794",2004, "H. Miyanishi,T. Takahashi,H. Mihara","De Novo Design of Peptides with L-α-Nucleobase Amino Acids and Their Binding Properties to the P22 boxB RNA and its Mutants",,"Bioconjugate Chem.",,"Vol. 15(4)",,"pp. 694-698",2004, "H. Kodama,S. Matsumura,T. Yamashita,H. Mihara","Construction of a protein array on amyloid-like fibrils using coassembly of designed peptides",,"Chem. Commun.",,,," 2876-2877",2004, "K. Usui,T. Ojima,M. Suzuki,M. Takahashi,K. Nokihara,H. Mihara","Designed Peptide Microarrays and Protein Characterization Using Fingerprint Patterns",,"Peptide Science 2003",,,,"pp. 111-112",2004, "T. Takahashi,K. Tada,H. Oshima,S. Matsumura,H. Mihara","Construction of the Artificial Peptides and RNA Targeting Amyloid",,"Peptide Science 2003",,,,"pp. 455-456",2004, "K. Usui,M. Takahashi,T. Ojima,M. Suzuki,K. Nokihara,E. Tamiya,H. Mihara","Peptide Microarrays Using Structure-Based Peptide Libraries for Protein Chips",,"Peptides, Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics",,,,"pp. 258-259",2004, "上村 忍,松村幸子,菊地 円,三原久和","βシートペプチドによるナノスケールファイバーの構築",,"高分子加工",,"Vol. 53(7)",,"pp. 313-318",2004, "H. Mihara,M. Takahashi,K. Usui,T. Ojima,K. Nokihara","Structure-Designed Peptide Microarrays for Protein-Detection",,"Peptide Science 2002",,,,"pp. 109-110",2003, "H. Okamoto,T. Nakanishi,Y. Nagai,K.Takeda,I. Obataya,H. Mihara,H. Azehara,W. Mizutani","Theoretical Prediction and AFM Observations of the Protein Nanotube Consisting of Homo-L-Amino Acid Penta-Peptide Nanorings",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 42",,"pp. 676-679",2003, "S. Furukawa,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Sensing Behavior of Fluorescent Cyclodextrin/Peptide Hybrids Bearing a Macrocyclic Metal Complex",,"Macromol. Rapid Commun.",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 202-206",2003, "M. Takahashi,K. Nokihara,H. Mihara","Construction of a Protein-Detection System Using a Loop Peptide Library with a Fluorescence Label",,"Chemistry & Biology",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 53-60",2003, "M. A. Hossain,K. Takahashi,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Novel Peptides Bearing Pyrene and Coumarin Units with or withoutβ-Cyclodextrin in Their Side Chains Exhibit Intramolecular Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 125","No. 37","pp. 11178-11179",2003, "T. Yamashita,Y. Takahashi,T. Takahashi,H. Mihara","Inhibition of Peptide Amyloid Formation by Cationic Peptides with Homologous Sequences",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 4051-4054",2003, "S. Matsumura,T. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Complementary nucleobase interaction enhances peptide-peptide recognition and self-replicating catalysis",,"Chem. Eur. J.",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 4829-4837",2003, "三原久和","テーラーメイドバイオテクノロジー",,"化学装置",,,"No. 4","pp. 30-31",2003, "臼井健二,三原久和","プロテインチップ",,"化学装置",,,"No. 4","pp. 36-38",2003, "三原久和","ペプチドアミロイド繊維状構造体の構築と制御",,"オレオサイエンス",,"Vol. 3","No. 5","pp. 233-239",2003, "臼井健二,三原久和","ペプチドマイクロアレイ:ペプチドライブラリを用いた新規プロテインチップの創成",,"Bioベンチャー",,,"No. 7-8"," 99-102",2003, "H. Mihara,M. Takahashi,K. Usui,T. Ojima,A. Ueno,K. Nokihara","Protein-Detection Systems using Structure-Based Peptide Libraries and Microarrays",,"Peptides 2002",,,,"pp. 564-565",2003, "H. Miyanishi,T. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","De Novo Design of Peptides containing L-α-Nucleobase Amino Acids and their Recognition of Hairpin RNA",,"Peptides 2002",,,,"pp. 570-571",2003, " I. Obataya,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design and Synthesis of Three-alpha-Helix Proteins that Bind Small Ligands in a Cavity",,"Peptides 2002",,,,"pp. 832-833",2003, "H. Mihara,S. Matsumura,A. Ueno","Template-Directed Ligation Enhanced by Complementary Interaction using Nucleobase Amino Acids",,"Peptides 2002",,,," 566-567",2003, "H. Miyanishi,T. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","De Novo Design of α-Helical Peptide with Nucleobase Amino Acids that Specifically Recognize a Hairpin RNA",,"Peptide Science 2002",,,," 369-370",2003, " K. Usui,M. Takahashi,A. Ueno,K. Nokihara,H. Mihara","Microarrays with alpha-Helical Peptides for Protein Detection using a FRET Technique",,"Peptides 2002",,,,"pp. 646-647",2003, "M. A. Hossain,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer in a Novel Cyclodextrin-Peptide Conjugate for Detecting Steroid Molecules",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 4305-4308",2003, "K. Usui,M. Takahashi,A. Ueno,K. Nokihara,H. Mihara","Construction of a Protein-Detection System using Designed Peptides with Fluorescent Labels",,"Peptide Science 2001",,,,"pp. 405-406",2002, "M. Tsuruzono,I. Obataya,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design and Peroxidase-like Activity of 3α-Helix Hemoproteins",,"Peptide Science 2002",,,,"pp. 367-368",2002, "Y. Takahashi,T. Yamashita,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Complementary Assembly of Heterogenous Peptides into Amyloid Fibrils and Their Catalytic Function",,"Peptide Science 2001",,,,"pp. 353-354",2002, "A. Ueno,T. Shimizu,H. Mihara,K. Hamasaki,K. Pitchumani","Supramolecular Chemistry of Cyclodextrin-Peptides: Azobenzene-Tagged Prptide",,"J. Inclusion Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem.",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 49-52",2002, "M. A. Hossain,K. Takahashi,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Molecular-Responsive Fluorescent Sensors of a-Helix Peptides Bearing alpha-Cyclodextrin, Pyrene and Nitrobenzene Units in Their Side Chains",,"J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem.",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 271-277",2002, "T. Toyoda,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Fluorescent Cyclodextrin/Peptide Hybrids with a Novel Guest-Responsive Chemosensor in the Peptide Side Chain",,"Macromol. Rapid Commun.",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 905-908",2002, "三原久和","機能性ポリペプチド:タンパク質のデノボデザイン",,"化学フロンティア4, 生命化学のニューセントラルドグマ 化学同人","化学フロンティア4, 生命化学のニューセントラルドグマ 化学同人",,,"pp. 000-000",2001, "三原久和","ポリペプチドの立体構造転移とアミロイド繊維への自己組織化",,"機能材料",,"Vol. 21","No. 10","pp. 11月17日",2001, "S. Matsumura,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of Two-Stranded a-Helix Peptides with L-a-Nucleobase Amino Acids",,"Peptide Science 2000","Peptide Science 2000",,,"pp. 363-364",2001, "T. Takahashi,I. Kumagai,K.Hamasaki,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design of Peptides with L-a-Nucleobase Amino Acids and Their Selective Recognition of RNA ",,"Peptide Science 2000","Peptide Science 2000",,,"pp. 81-82",2001, "H. Mihara,Y. Takahashi","Self-Assembly of Polypeptides into Amyloid Fibrils with Structural Transitions",,"Trans. Material Res. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 473-478",2001, "M. A. Hossain,K. Hamasaki,K. Takahashi,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Guest-Induced Diminishment in Fluorescence Quenching and Molecule Sensing Ability of A Novel Cyclodextrin-Peptide Conjugate",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 123",,"pp. 7435-7436",2001, "M. Sakamoto,T. Kamachi1,I. Okura1,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Photoinduced Hydrogen Evolution with Peptide DendrimerミMulti-Zn(II)-Porphyrin, Viologen and Hydrogenase",,"Biopolymers",,"Vol. 59",,"pp. 103-109",2001, "T. Takahashi,K. Hamasaki,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of Peptides with Nucleobase Amino Acids: Design and Synthesis of the Nucleobase-Conjugated Peptides Derived from HIV-1 Rev and their Binding Properties to HIV-1 RRE RNA ",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem.",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 991-1000",2001, "小幡谷育夫,三原久和","ペプチド立体構造の設計",,"シリーズ・ニューバイオフィジックスII,共立出版","シリーズ・ニューバイオフィジックスII,共立出版",,,"pp. 000-000",2001, "馬場嘉信,三原久和,浜地格,杉本直己","テーラーメイド・バイオケミストリーの目指すもの",,"化学",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 12-18",2001, "I. Obataya1,S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design and Synthesis of 3a-Helix Peptides Forming a Cavity for a Fluorescent Ligand",,"Biopolymers",,"Vol. 59",,"pp. 65-71",2001, "M. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Multi-Peptide-Metalloporphyrin Assembly on a Dendrimer Template and Photoinduced Electron Transfer Based on the Dendrimer Structure",,"Chem. Eur. J.",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 2449-2458",2001, "I. Kumagai,T. Takahashi,K. Hamasaki,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","HIV Rev Peptides Conjugated with Peptide Nucleic Acids and Their Efficient Binding to RRE RNA",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 1169-1172",2001, "Y. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Heterogeneous Assembly of Complementary Peptide Pairs into Amyloid Fibrils with Structural Transition from a-Helix to b-Sheet",,"ChemBioChem",,"Vol. 2",," 75-79",2001, "G. Balasundaram,T. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of Peptide Conjugates with Peptide Nucleic Acids Containing an Anthracene Probe and Their Interactions with DNA",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem.",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 1115-1121",2001, "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Keita Hamasaki,Hisakazu Mihara,Akihiko Ueno","Rate Enhancement and Enantioselectivity in Ester Hydrolysis Catalysed by Cyclodextrin-Peptide Hybrids",,"Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions 2",,,"No. 9","pp. 1813-1818",2000,Aug. "Hiroshi Tsutsumi,Keita Hamasaki,Hisakazu Mihara,Akihiko Ueno","Cyclodextrin-Peptide Hybrid as a Hydrolytic Catalyst Having Multiple Functional Groups",,"Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 10","No. 8","pp. 741-743",2000,Apr. "T. Takahashi,I. Kumagai,K. Hamasaki,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design and Synthesis of Peptides Containing Nucleobase Amino Acids and their Interaction with RNA ",,"Peptide Science 1999",,,,"pp. 397-398",2000, "三原久和","ファージディスプレイ法と化学法を融合させた人工タンパク質の合成",,"高分子",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 847-848",2000, "I. Obataya,T. Kotaki,S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design, Synthesis and Peroxidase-like Activity of 3a-helix Proteins Covalently Bound to Heme",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 2719-2722",2000, "HISAKAZU MIHARA","Peptides Undergoing Secondary Structural Transition and Self-assembly into Amyloid Fibril Based on Structural Complementarity ",,"Peptide Science 1999",,,,"pp. 57-60",2000, "M. A. Hossain,K. Hamasaki,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Association and Guest-induced Dissociation of a Novel α-Helix Peptide Bearing Pyrene and γ-Cyclodextrin in the Side Chains ",,"Chem.Lett.",,,,"pp. 252-253",2000, "M. A. Hossain,T. Kanai,S. Matsumura,K. Hamasaki,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Association of α-Helix Peptides that have γ-Cyclodextrin in the Side Chain, and Induction of Dissociation of the Association Dimer by External Stimulant Molecules",,"J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2",,,,"pp. 1527-1533",2000, "I. Obataya,S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design and synthesis of 3α-helix bundle peptide possessing a hydrophobic cavity",,"Peptide Science 1999",,,,"pp. 361-362",2000, "M. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Recognition of porphyrin or protein using peptides derived from antibody CDR",,"Peptide Science 1999",,,,"pp. 395-396",2000, "I. Kumagai,T. Takahashi,K. Hamasaki,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of HIV Rev Peptides Containing Peptide Nucleic Acid that Bind HIV RRE IIB RNA ",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 377-379",2000, "T. Takahashi,K. Hamasaki,I. Kumagai,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design of a Nucleobase-Conjugated Peptides that Recognizes HIV-1 RRE IIB RNA with High Affinity and Specificity ",,"Chem. Commun.",,,,"pp. 349-350",2000, "H. Tsutsumi,K. Hamasaki,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Cyclodextrin-Peptide Hybrid as a Hydrolytic Catalyst Having Multiple Functional Groups",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 741-743",2000, "S. Matsumura,S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of α-Helix Peptides with β-Cyclodextrin and Dansyl Units and Their Conformational and Molecular Sensing Properties",,"Chem. Eur. J.",,"Vol. 6","No. 10","pp. 1781-1788",2000, "K. Tomizaki,Y. Tsunekawa,H. Akisada,H. Mihara,N. Nishino","Design and Characterization of Flavoemzyme Models in the Course of Chemical Evolution of Four-α-Helix Bundle Polypeptides",,"J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2",,,,"pp. 813-822",2000, "T. Toyoda,S. Matsumura,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Guest-responsive Excimer Emission in an α-Helix Peptide Bearing γ-Cyclodextrin and Two Naphthalene Units",,"Macromol. Rapid Commun.",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 485-488",2000, "S. Matsumura,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Peptides with Nucleobase Moieties as a Stabilizing Factor for a Two-Stranded α-Helix",,"Chem.Commun.",,,"No. 17","pp. 1615-1616",2000, "C. Matsumoto,K. Hamasaki,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","A High-Throughput Screening Utilizing Intramolecular Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer for the Discovery of the Molecules that Bind HIV-1 TAR RNA Specifically",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 1857-1861",2000, "H. Tsutsumi,K. Hamasaki,H. Mihara,A. Ueno","Rate Enhancement and Enantioselectivity in Ester Hydrolysis Catalysed by Cyclodextrin-Peptide Hybrids",,"J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2",,,,"pp. 1813-1818",2000, "M. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of α-Helical Peptide Dendrimers Conjugated with Multimetalloporphyrins:Photoinduced Electron Transfer on Dendrimer Architechture",,"Chem. Commun.",,,,"pp. 1741-1742",2000, "Y. Takahashi,T. Yamashita,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of Peptides that Undergo Structural Transition from α-Helix to β-Sheet and Amyloid Fibril Formation by the Introduction of N-Terminal Hydrophobic Amino Acids",,"Tetrahedron",,"Vol. 56","No. 36","pp. 7011-7018",2000, "Y. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Mutational Analysis of Designed Peptides that Undergo Structural Transition from α Helix to β Sheet and Amyloid Fibril Formation",,"Structure",,"Vol. 8","No. 9","pp. 915-925",2000, "M. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Peptide Design Based on an Antibody Complementarity-Determining Region (CDR): Construction of Porphyrin-Binding Peptides and Their Affinity Maturation by a Combinatorial Method",,"Chem. Eur. J.",,"Vol. 6","No. 17","pp. 3196-3203",2000, "H. Kuribayashi,T. Takahashi,K. Nagata,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of Two-Stranded α-Helix Peptides Based on Influenza Virus M1 Protein Selectively Bound to RNA",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. 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Obataya,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Regulation of alpha/beta-Folding of a Designed Peptide by Haem Binding",,"Chem.Commun.",,,,"pp. 1111-1112",1999, "Y. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Optimization of Hydrophobic Domains in Peptides that Undergo Transformation from α-Helix to β-Fibril",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem.",,"Vol. 7","No. 1","pp. 177-185",1999, "Y. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Self-catalytic Conversion of Peptides from alpha-Helix to beta-Structural Amyloid ",,"Peptides Science-Present and Future ",,,,"pp. 104-106",1999, "Y. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Conformational Self Replication of Peptide: Conversion from alpha-Helix to beta-Fibril of Designed Coiled-Coil Peptide ",,"Peptides 1998",,,,"pp. 308-309",1999, "S. Matsumura,S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Construction of Cyclodextrin-Peptide Conjugates and Their Molecular Sensing Properties   ",,"Peptides Science-Present and Future",,,,"pp. 116-117",1999, "S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","De Novo Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Heme-Conjugated Two-alpha-Helix Peptides ",,"Peptide Science 1998",,,,"pp. 89-92",1999, "I. Obataya,S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Peptide Nanosphere: Formation of Nanoparticles of Two-alpha-Helix Peptides Induced by Heme-Binding",,"Peptides 1998",,,,"pp. 310-311",1999, "Y. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","An alpha-to-beta Structural Transition and Amyloidgenesis of Peptides: Effects of Amino Acid Substitution on Self-replicating Organization ",,"Peptide Science 1998",,,,"pp. 409-412",1999, "S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Molecular-Assembly of Heme-Binding Two-alpha-Helix Peptide",,"Peptides 1998",,,,"pp. 306-307",1999, "T. Haruyama,S. Sakamoto,H. Mihara,M. Aizawa","Electron Transfer of Flavin-pendant α-Helical Peptides Self-Assembled on an Electrode",,"Electrochemistry",,"Vol. 67","No. 12","pp. 1221-1223",1999, "M. Takahashi,A. Ueno,T.Uda,H. Mihara","Construction of Porphyrin-Binding Peptides Mimicking Anti Heme Monoclonal Antibody",,"Peptides Science-Present and Future",,,,"pp. 113-114",1999, "I. Obataya,S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Self-Assembly of Heme-Conjugated Two-alpha-Helix Peptides",,"Peptides Science-Present and Future",,,,"pp. 110-112",1999, "S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Heme-Conjugated Two-alpha-Helix Peptides",,"Peptides Science-Present and Future",,,,"pp. 107-109",1999, "H. Kuribayashi,T. Takahashi,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Interaction of Basic Peptides Derived from Influenza Virus M1 Protein with DNA/RNA ",,"Peptide Science 1998",,,,"pp. 413-416",1999, "S. Sakamoto,A. Ueno,H. Mihara","Annealing of Two-a-Helix Structure by Metal Ion Binding Regulated with Trifluoroethanol",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 9","pp. 867-868",1998, "M. Takahashi,A. Ueno,T. Uda,H. Mihara","Design of Novel Porphyrin-Binding Peptides Based on Antibody CDR",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem. 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