"Sho Ho,Motonari Tanabu","Decision Support Service Framework for Japanese Floricultural Wholesale Markets","2010 7th International Conference on Services Systems and Services Management","Proceedings of ICSSSM'10","IEEE",,,"pp. 445-450",2010,June "Tetsuhiro Chujima,Junichi Iijima,Sho Ho","A Study on B2B Mobile Solutions in Japan","the 9th Asian eBusiness Workshop","Proceedings of the 9th Asian eBusiness Workshop",,,," 121-126",2009,Aug. "A Ruhan,Junichi Iijima,Sho Ho","A Study on Relationship between Organization Intelligence Quotient and Firm Performance ? A comparison study between Japan and China","The 8th Asian eBiz Workshop in conjunction with The 3rd IBM Service Science, Management and Engineering(SSME) Symposium","Proceedings of the 8th Asian eBiz Workshop",,,," NO.17",2008,Aug. "Kentarou Mishima,Junichi Iijima,Sho","Is Firm Valuation Affected by its Position in B-to-B Relation Network?","The 8th Asian eBiz Workshop in conjunction with The 3rd IBM Service Science, Management and Engineering(SSME) Symposium","Proceedings of the 8th Asian eBiz Workshop",,,," NO.19",2008,Aug. "Takuya Kumon,Junichi Iijima,Sho Ho","Recommendation Based on Referrer Information and Association Rule","The 8th Asian eBiz Workshop in conjunction with The 3rd IBM Service Science, Management and Engineering(SSME) Symposium","Proceedings of the 8th Asian eBiz Workshop",,,," NO.18",2008,Aug. "Tomoko Miyawaki,Junichi Iijima,Sho Ho","Measuring Function Points from VDM-SL Specifications","the 5th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM'08)","Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM'08)",,,," NO. 40",2008,June "H.Kim,J.Iijima,S.Ho","An Integrated Approach of Information Systems Development to Supporting Customer-Centric Business Process",,"Industrial Engineering & Management Systems","An Official Journal of APIEMS (The Asian Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society)","Vol. 6","No. 1","pp. 28-39",2007,June "Junichi Iijima,Sho Ho","Common structure and properties of filtering systems",,"Electronic Commerce Research and Applications","Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.","Vol. 6","No. 2","pp. 139-145",2007,June "包捷,飯島淳一","自治体Webサイトの成長段階モデル",,"オフィス・オートメーション学会誌",,"Vol. 27","No. 1","pp. 64-71",2006,Sept. "HanGook Kim,Junichi Iijima,Sho Ho","A Framework for Analysis of Systems Failure in Information Systems Integration",,"Industrial Engineering & Management Systems","An Official Journal of APIEMS (The Asian Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society)","Vol. 4","No. 2","pp. 207-217",2005,Dec. "Sho Ho,Junichi Iijima","Recognizing Surfing Styles based on Web Log and Web Site Structure Information","5th Asian eBusiness Workshop",,,,,,2005,Aug. "IIJIMA Junichi,HO Sho","Common Structure and Properties of Filtering Systems","PACIS2005",,,,,"pp. 387-391",2005,July "包捷,飯島淳一","Webサイトの構造を考慮したユーザ行動分析手法の提案","経営情報学会2005年度春季全国研究発表大会","経営情報学会2005年度春季全国研究発表大会予稿集",,,,,2005,June "包捷,飯島淳一","Webサイトコンテンツのパターンに関する一研究",,"オフィスオートメーション第50回全国大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 169-172",2005,May "包捷,飯島淳一","Webサイトにおける情報空間の定量的評価に関する一考察",,"オフィスオートメーション学会第49回全国大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 71-74",2004,Nov. "Xiaojun Ding,Iijima Junichi,Sho Ho","Unique Features of Mobile Commerce","4th Asian eBusiness Workshop","Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China","University of Electronic Science and Technology of China","Vol. 2","No. 3","pp. 205-210",2004,Aug. "Ho Sho,Iijima Junichi","Growth Model of Local Government Web Sites","4th Asian eBusiness Workshop","Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China","University of Electronic Science and Technology of China","Vol. 2","No. 3","pp. 156-161",2004,Aug. "包捷,飯島淳一","情報ポータル型WISの発展段階モデルに関する研究 ―自治体Webサイトを中心に",,"オフィスオートメーション学会第48回全国大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 189-192",2004,May "包捷,廣田伝次郎","自治体Webサイト開発・運用プロセスに関する一研究",,"経営情報学会秋季全国研究発表大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 94-97",2003,Nov. "DING Xiaojun,IIJIMA Junichi,Sho Ho","An Exploratory Study on Influential Factors of Online Consumer Behavior",,"Proceeding of the 3rd Asian eBusiness Workshop",,,,"pp. 3-14",2003,Aug. "Sho Ho,IIJIMA Junichi","A Study on Web Development Focused on Evolution",,"Proceeding of AusWeb03",,,,"pp. 540-542",2003,July "奥野行章,包捷,廣田伝次郎,飯島淳一","ユーザビリティに注目したウェブサイトの評価に関する一考察",,"オフィスオートメーション学会全国大会予稿集(春号)",,,,"pp. 145-148",2003,June "飯島淳一,Kim Hangook,包 捷","システム統合における障害発生に対する分析枠組みの提案",,"経営情報学会2003年春季全国研究発表大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 408-411",2003,June "包 捷,飯島淳一,戸田保一,小林隆,Byun Dae Ho,Kim Han Gook","顧客の視点にもとづくビジネスプロセスモデリング",,"経営情報学会2003年度春季全国研究発表大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 416-419",2003,June "包捷,飯島淳一","システム特性に基づくWIS の分類及び進化パタンに関する研究",,"経営情報学会秋季全国研究発表大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 158-161",2002,Nov. "Ho Sho,Iijima Junichi","A Study on Evolution Pattern of Web Information Systems",,"Proceedings of 2nd Asian e-Biz Workshop",,,,"pp. 401-411",2002,Aug. "Xiaojun Ding,Ho Sho,Iijima Junichi","E-commerce market in Japan & Comparison with Korea and China",,"Proceedings of 2nd Asian e-Biz Workshop",,,,"pp. 33-45",2002,Aug. "Sho Ho,IIJIMA Junichi","Issues and Concerns on Web Site Development",,"1st Asian e-Biz Workshop",,,,,2001,Aug. "IIJIMA Junichi,MORIGUCHI Katsuki,Sho Ho","Formulation and Implementation of Auction Site Generator",,"1st Asian e-Biz Workshop",,,,,2001,Aug. "包捷","分散オブジェクト技術を用いたDSSジェネレータに関する研究",,,,,,,1999,