"Shigekazu Ito,Yasuhiro Ueta,Thi Thu Trang Ngo,Daisuke Hashizume,Jun-ichi Nishida,Yoshiro Yamashita,Koichi Mikami","Direct Arylations for Study of the Air-Stable P?Heterocyclic Biradical: From Wide Electronic Tuning to Characterization of the Localized Radicalic Electrons",,"J. AM. CHEM. SOC.",,"Vol. 135","No. 46","pp. 17610-17616",2013,Nov. "Y. Lu,A. Bolag,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Chracterization of 1,3,2-Diazboroine Derivatives for Organic Thin-film Transistors",,"Synth. Metals",,,,,2010,Oct. "Y. Fujisak,Y. Nakajima,D. Kumaki,T. Yamamoto,S. Tokito,T. Kono,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Air-stable n-Type Organic Thin-film Transistor Array and High Gain Complementary Inverter on Flexible Substrate",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 97","No. 13","pp. 133303",2010,Sept. "K. Shoji,J. Nishida,D. Kumaki,S.Tokito,Y.Yamashita","Synthesis and FET Characteristics of Phenylene-vinylene and Anthracene-vinylene Compounds Containing Cyano Groups",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 20","No. 31","pp. 6472-6478",2010,June "M. Mamada,D. Kumaki,J. Nishida,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Novel Semiconducting Quinone for Air-Stable n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors",,"ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces",,"Vol. 2","No. 5","pp. 1303-1307",2010,Apr. "T. Kono,D. Kumaki,J. Nishida,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Dithenylbenzobis(thiadiazole) Based Organic Semiconductors with Low LUMO Levels and Narrow Energy Gaps",,"Chem. Commun.,",,"Vol. 46","No. 19","pp. 3265-3267",2010,Apr. "K. Omata,M. Mamada,J. Nishida,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Organic Field-Effect Transistors Based on π-Extended Dibenzotetrathiafulvalene Analogues with Thiophene Spacers",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 83","No. 5","pp. 575-581",2010,Mar. "山下敬郎","有機トランジスタを与える複素環系有機半導体材料",,"化学と工業",,"Vol. 84","No. 1","pp. 22-30",2010,Jan. "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","A Two-dimentional Ladder-type Network in the 2:1 Co-crystal of 1,2,5-Thiadiazole-3,4-dicarboxylic Acid and 4,4’-Bipyridine",,"Struct. Chem.",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 107-111",2010,Jan. "西田純一,山下敬郎","含窒素複素環を活用した新規な有機FET材料の開発",,"化学工業",,"Vol. 60","No. 11","pp. 875-882",2009,Nov. "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","An Usymmetrical Tetrathiafulvalene with a Fused 1,2,5-Thiadiazole Ring and Methylthio Groups",,"Molecules",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 4266-4274",2009,Nov. "Y. Fujisaki,M. Mamada,D. Kumaki,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Low-voltage and hysteresis-free N-type organic thin film transistor and complementary inverter with bilayer gate insulator",,"Jpn J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 111504",2009,Oct. "Y. Yamashita","Highlight Review, Development of High-performance n-Type Organic Field-effect Transistors Based on Nitrogen Heterocycles",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 38","No. 9","pp. 870-875",2009,Sept. "J. Nishida,A. Amada,S. Murakami,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis of n-Type Semiconductors Based on Heterocycles and Application to FET Devices",,"J. Photopolymer Sci.",,"Vol. 22","No. 5","pp. 675-676",2009,Sept. "K. Ono,J. Hashizume,H. Yamaguchi,M. Tomura,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electron-Accepting Property of BF2 Complex of a Dihydroxydione with a Perfluorotetracene Skeleton",,"Org Lett.",,"Vol. 11","No. 19","pp. 4326-4329",2009,Sept. "A. Bolag,M. Mamada,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Field-Effect Transistors Based on Tetraphenyldipyranylidenes and the Sulfur Analogues",,"Chem. Mater.",,"Vol. 21","No. 19","pp. 149-152",2009,Aug. "M. Mamada,Y. Yamashita","Triclinic polymorph of dibenzotetrathiafulvalene",,"Acta Cryst.",,"Vol. E65",,"p. o2083",2009,July "Yoshiro Yamashita","Organic Semiconductors for Organic Field-effect Transistors",,"Sci.Technol. Adv. Mater.",,"Vol. 10",,"page 024313",2009,July "M. Akhtaruzzaman,S. Ohmi,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita,H. Ishiwara","Study on Stability of Pentacene-Based Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Diodes in Air Using Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics",,"Japan J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 48",,"p. 04C178-1-3",2009,June "山下敬郎","低分子有機半導体の合成",,"低分子有機半導体の高性能化 小野昇 監修","サイエンス&テクノロジー",,,"pp. 67?79",2009,June "T. Kojima,J. Nishida,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","New n-Type Field-effect Transistors Based on Pyrimidine-containing Compounds with Trifluoromethylphenyl Groups",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 38","No. 5","pp. 428-429",2009,Apr. "M. Mamada,J. Nishida,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Anthraquinone Derivatives Affording n-Type Organic Thin Film Transistors",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 16","pp. 2177 ? 2179",2009,Apr. "J. Nishida,Y. Fujiwara,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Physical Properties of 7,14-Disubstituted Pentacene-5,12-diones Containing a Methylenequinoid Structure",,"Org. Lett",,"Vol. 11","No. 8","pp. 1813-1816",2009,Apr. "K. Aoki,H. Akutsu,J. Yamada,S. Nakatsuji,T. Kojima,Y. Yamashita","The First Organic Radical Compounds Exhibiting n-Type FET Properties",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 38","No. 2","pp. 112-113",2009,Feb. "K. Ono,H. Yamaguchi,K. Taga, K.,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Properties of BF3 Complexes to Dihydroxydiones to Tetracene and Perylene:Novel Electron Acceptors Showing n-Type Semiconducting Behavior",,"Org Lett",,"Vol. 11","No. 1","pp. 149-152",2009,Jan. "山下敬郎","トロピリウムイオン類の物性",,"トロポノイド化学?トロポン、トロポロン、トロピリウムイオンの化学","アイピーシー、",,,"pp. 323?338",2008,Oct. "K. Ono,T. Hiei,M. Tajika,K. Taga,K. Saito,M. Tomura,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis of 6,13-Dithienylpentacenes by Photolysis of their Endoperoxides",,"Lett. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 522-526",2008,Sept. "T. Kojima, J. Nishida, S. Tokito, Y. Yamashita","Development of Organic Electronic Devices Using Boronate Esters and Related Heterocycles,",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 37","No. 11","pp. 1122-1123",2008,Sept. "S. Takizawa, J. Nishida, Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Properties of New Platinum Complexes with 2-Phenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridine Ligands",,"J. Photopolymer Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 21","No. 3","pp. 355-356",2008,July "山下敬郎","有機トランジスタ材料の評価と応用IIー低分子材料II",,"有機トランジスタ材料の評価と応用II","シーエムシー出版",,,"pp. 21-31",2008,July "M. Mamada, J. Nishida, D. Kumaki, S. Tokito and Y. Yamashita","High Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors Based on [2,2']Bi[naphtho[2,3-b]thiophenyl] with a Simple Structure",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 18","No. 29","pp. 3442-3447",2008,June "M. Mamada, J. Nishida, S. Tokito, Y. Yamashita","Preparation, Characterization and Field-effect Transistor Performance of Bezo[1,2-d:4,5-d’]bisthiazole Derivatives",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 37","No. 7","pp. 766-767",2008,June "T. Ikegami, I. Kawayama, M. Tonouchi, S. Nakao, Y. Yamashita, H. Tada","Planar-type Spin-valves Based on Organic Materials with La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 Electrodes",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 153304-1?153304-3",2008,Apr. "T. Nakagawa, D. Kumaki, J. Nishida, S. Tokito, Y. Yamashita","High Performance n-Type Field-Effect Transistors Based on Indenofluorenedione and Diindenopyrazinedione Derivatives",,"Chem. Mater.",,"Vol. 20","No. 8","pp. 2615-2617",2008,Apr. "山下敬郎,西田純一","有機トランジスタを高性能化させる新しい材料ーヘテロ環縮合構造を利用した有機半導体材料の開発",,"化学",,"Vol. 63","No. 1","pp. 74-75",2008,Jan. "Masashi Mamada,Jun-ichi Nishida,Daisuke Kumaki,Shizuo Tokito,Yoshiro Yamashita","n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors with High Electron Mobilities Based on Thiazole-thiazolothiazole Conjugated Molecules",,"Chem. Mater.",,"Vol. 19","No. 22","pp. 5404-5409",2007,Nov. "山下敬郎","電子共役系有機材料の創製・機能開発・応用ー有機トランジスタ材料",,,"シーエムシー出版",,,"pp. 303-313",2007,Nov. "Takahiro Kojima,Jun-ichi Nishida,Shizuo Tokito,Yoshiro Yamashita","High-performance n-Type Organic Field-effect Transistors Based on Co-oligomers Containing a Trifluoromethylphenylthiazolyl Group and a Biphenylene Core",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 36","No. 10","pp. 1198-1199",2007,Oct. "Katsuhiko Ono,Hiroaki Totani,Takao Hiei,Akira Yoshino,Katsuhiro Saito,Katsuya Eguchi,Masaaki Tomura,Jun-ichi Nishida,Yoshiro Yamashita","Photooxidation and Reproduction of Pentacene Derivatives Substituted by Aromatic Groups",,"Tetrahedron",,"Vol. 63","No. 39","pp. 9699-9704",2007,Sept. "Yoshiro Yamashita,Satoshi Shimono,Takahiro Kono,Daisuke Kumaki,Jun-ichi Nishida,Shizuo Tokito","High Performance n-Type FETs Based on Heterocyclic Ring Systems with Trifluoromethylphenyl Groups",,"Proceedings of SPIE",,"Vol. 6658",,"pp. 66580N1-66580N8",2007,Aug. "Shin-ya Takizawa,Jun-ichi Nishida,Toshimitu Tsuzuki,Shizuo Tokito,Yoshiro Yamashita","Phosphorescent Iridium Complexes Based on 2-Phenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridine Ligands: Tuning of Emission Color Toward the Blue Region, and Application to Polymer Light-Emitting Devices",,"Inorg. Chem",,"Vol. 46","No. 10","pp. 4308-4319",2007,May "Shinya Takizawa,Yuka Sasaki,M. Akhtaruzzaman,Hidenori Echizen,Jun-ichi Nishida,Takeshi Iwata,Shizuo Tokito,Yoshiro Yamashita","Synthesis, Characterization and Electroluminescence Properties of New Iridium Complexes Based on Cyclic Phenylvinylpyridine Derivatives: Tuning of Emission Colour and Efficiency by Structural Contorl",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 17","No. 9","pp. 841-849",2007,Apr. "Takahiro Kojima,Jun-ichi Nishida,Shizuo Tokito,Hirokazu Tada,Yoshiro Yamashita","Organic Field-Effect Transistors Based on Heterocyclic Co-Oligomers Containing a Pyrazine Ring",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 14","pp. 1430-1432",2007,Apr. "Takahiro Kono,Daisuke Kumaki,Jun-ichi Nishida,Tomo Sakanoue,Motoyasu Kakita,Hirokazu Tada,Shizuo Tokito,Yoshiro Yamashita","High-Performance and Light-Emitting n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors Based on Dithienylbenzothiadiazole and Related Heterocycles",,"Chem. Mater.",,"Vol. 19","No. 6","pp. 1218-1220",2007,Mar. "S. Ando,D. Kumaki,Jun-ichi Nishida,H. Tada,Y. Inoue,S. Tokito,Yoshiro Yamashita","Synthesis, Physical Properties and Field-Effect Transistors of Novel Thiazolothiazole/Phenylene Co-Oligomers",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 17","No. 6","pp. 553-558",2007,Mar. "Katsuhiko Ono,Mayuko Wakida,Rohei Hosokawa,Katsuhiro Saito,Jun-ichi Nishida,Yoshiro Yamashita","Synthesis and Properties of Acene Dimers Linked by a 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Spacer,",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 72",,"pp. 85-90",2007,Feb. "Daisuke Kumaki,Shinji Ando,Satoshi Shimono,Yoshiro Yamashita,Tokiyoshi Umeda,Shizuo Tokito","Significant Improvement of Electron Mobility in Organic Thin-Film Transistors Based on Thiazolothiazole Derivatives by Employing Self-Assembled Monolayer",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 90","No. 5","pp. 053506",2007,Jan. "S. Ando,J. Nishida,H. Tada,Y. Inoue,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Physical Properties and Field-Effect Transistors Based on Novel Thiazolothiazole/Hheterocyclic and Thiazolothiazole/Phenylene Co-oligomers",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 156",," 327-331",2006, "Naraso,J. Nishida,D. Kumaki,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","High Performance n- and p-Type Field-Effect Transistors Based on Tetrathiafulvalen Derivatives",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 128","No. 30","pp. 9598-9599",2006, "S. Takizawa,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Phosphorescence Color Tunable Iridium Complexes with Ligands of 2-Phenyimidazo[1,2-a]pyridine Derivatives",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 455",,"pp. 381-385",2006, "J. Nishida,S. Murakami,H. Tada,Y. Yamashita","n-Type and Ambipolar FET Characteristics Using Pyrazinophenanthrolines Linked with Oligothiophenes ,",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 35","No. 10","pp. 1236-1237",2006, " A. Ohta,T. Numae,Y. Yamashita,K. Fujimori","Novel 9,10-Bis(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-9,10-dihydroanthracene Derivatives Bridged by a Crown Ether Unit at the 1,8-Positions: A New Type of Redox-Switchable Hosts Undergoing Reversible Structural Changes",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 67","No. 2","pp. 665-678",2006, "S. Takizawa,H. Echizen,J. Nishida,T. Tsuzuki,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Finely Tuned Blue Phosphorescent Iridium Complexes Based on 2-Phenypyridine Derivatives and Application to Polymer Organic Light-Emitting Device",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 35","No. 7","pp. 748-749",2006, "山崎陽太郎,山下敬郎","第5版実験化学講座28 ナノテクノロジーの化学",,,"丸善",,,,2005,Sept. "S. Ando,J. Nishida,E. Fujiwara,H. Tada,Y. Inoue,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Novel p-and n-Type Organic Semiconductors with an Anthracene Unit",,"Chem. Mater.",,"Vol. 17","No. 6","pp. 1261-1264",2005, "Naraso,J. Nishida,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","TTF Derivatives Containing Fused-Pyrazine Rings for Novel Donor-Acceptor Systems",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 153",,"pp. 389-392",2005, "Md. Akhtaruzzaman,N. Kamata,J. Nishida,S. Ando,H. Tada,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis, Characterization and FET Properties of Novel Dithazolylbenzothiadiazole Derivatives",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 24","pp. 3183-3185",2005, "S. Takizawa,.J. Nishida,T. Tsuzuki,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Iridium Complexes with Ligands of 2-Phenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridine derivatives, and Application to OrganicLight-Emitting Diode",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 9","pp. 1222-1223",2005, "J. Nishida,H. Echizen,H. Iwata,Y. Yamashita","Preparation and Electroluminescent Characteristics of a Series of Electron Rich Cyclometalated Phenylpyridine Ir(III) Complexes with a Diphenylamino Group",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 10","pp. 1378-1379",2005, "S. Ando,R. Murakami,J. Nishida,H. Tada,Y. Inoue,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors with Very High Electron Mobilities Based on Thiazole Oligomers with Trifluoromethylphenyl Groups",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 127","No. 43","pp. 14996-14997",2005, "C. Kitamura,K. Saito,N. Kawatsuki,A. Yoneda,Y. Yamashita","Crystal Structure of (1,3-Butadiyne-1,4-dyly)-4,4-bis[3-n-hexyl-2-thienyl]ethynyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole]",,"Anal. Sci.",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. x155-x156",2005, "E. Fujiwara,M. Takada,Y. Yamashita,H. Tada","Field-Effect Transistors Based on Single Crystalline Wires of Bis(1,2,5-thiadiazolo)-p-quinobis(1,3-dithiole)",,"Jpn. J. Applied. Phys.",,"Vol. 44","No. 2A","pp. L82 - L84",2005, "J. Nishida,A. Maruyama,T. Iwata,Y. Yamashita","Preparation, Characterization and Electroluminescence Characteristics of a-Diimine-type Platinum(II) Complexes with Perfluorinated Phenyl Groups as Ligands",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 4","pp. 592-593",2005, "Naraso,J. Nishida,S. Ando,J. Yamaguchi,K. Itaka,H. Koinuma,H. Tada,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","High Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors Based on p-Extended Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 127","No. 29","pp. 10142-10143.",2005, "S. Ando,J. Nishida,H. Tada,Y. Inoue,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","High Performance n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors Based on pi-Electronic Systems with Trifluoromethylphenyl Groups",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 127","No. 15","pp. 5336-5337",2005, "M. Osada,T. Kumagai,M. Sugimoto,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Novel TTF Vinylogues Containing Phenyl Groups at the Vinyl Positions",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 152",,"pp. 429-432",2005, "T. Suzuki,S. Miyanari,H. Kawai,K. Fujiwara,T. Fukushima,T. Miyashi,Y. Yamashita","Pyrazino-tetracyanonaphthoquinodimethanes: Sterically Deformed Electron Acceptors Affording Zwitterionic Radicals",,"Tetrahedron",,"Vol. 60","No. 9","pp. 1997-2003",2004, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","4,5-Diiodo[1,2,5]thiadiazolotetrathiafulvalene",,"Acta Cryst.",,"Vol. E60",,"pp. o63-o65",2004, "Yoshiro Yamashita","TTF Chemistry",,"KODANSHA, Springer","KODANSHA, Springer",,,"pp. 287-310",2004, "Y. Morioka,J. Nishida,E. Fujiwara,H. Tada,Y. Yamashita","Novel Field-Effect Transistors Based on Bis(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene) Compounds with a Conjugated Spacer Group",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 12","pp. 1632-1633",2004, "Y. Ono,Y. Okazaki,M. Ohkita,K. Saito,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Properties of Pyrazino[2,3-g]quinoxaline Derivatives. Fluorescent Materials with Electron-Withdrawing Heterocycles",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 63","No. 10","pp. 2207-2210",2004, "S. Kato,T. Matsumoto,T. Ishii,T. Thiemann,M. Shigeiwa,H. Gorohmaru,S. Maeda,Y. Yamashita,S. Mataka","Strongly Red-Fluorescent Novel Donor-p Bridge-Acceptor-p Bridge-Donor (D-p-A-p-D) Type 2,1,3-Benzothiadiazoles with Enhanced Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Sections",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 20","pp. 2342-2343",2004, "Y. Morioka,N. Yoshizawa,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Novel Donor-p-Acceptor Compounds Containing 1,3-Dithiol-2-ylidene and Tetracyanobutadiene units",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 9","pp. 1190-1191",2004, "S. Ando,J. Nishida,E. Fujiwara,H. Tada,Y. Inoue,S. Tokito,Y. Yamashita","Characterization and Field-Effect Transistor Performance of Heterocyclic Oligomers Containing a Thiazolothiazole Unit",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 9","pp. 1170-1171",2004, "J. Nishida,T. Miyagawa,Y. Yamashita","Novel Thiophene Oligomers Containing a Redox Active Hexaarylethane Unit",,"Org. Lett.",,"Vol. 6","No. 15","pp. 2523-2526",2004, "M. C. R. Delgado,V. Hernadez,J. T. L. Navarrete,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Combined Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of Narrow-Bandgap Heterocyclic Cooligomers Containing Alternating Aromatic-Donor and o-Quinonoid-Acceptor Units, , , 108, 8, (2004).",,"J. Phys. Chem. B",,"Vol. 108","No. 8","pp. 2516-2526",2004, "M. Akhtaruzzaman,M. Tomura,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Dipyridylbenzothiadiazole and Bisbenzothiadiazole Derivatives",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 69","No. 9","pp. 2953-2958",2004, "S. Ando,J. Nishida,Y. Inoue,S. Tokito, Y,Yamashita","Synthesis, Physical Properties, and Field-Effect Transistors of Novel Thiophene/Thiazolothiazole Co-Oligomers",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 14","No. 12","pp. 1787-1790",2004, "J. Nishida,Naraso,S. Murai,E. Fujiwara,H. Tada,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Preparation, Characterization and FET Properties of Novel Dicyanopyrazinoquinoxaline Derivatives",,"Org. Lett.",,"Vol. 6","No. 12","pp. 2007-2010",2004, "T. Kumagai,M. Tomura,J. Nishida,.,Y. Yamashita","Preparation, Structure and Properties of Novel 1,3-Dithiole-2-ylidene Derivatives Containing Bis(ethynylpyridine) Units",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 44","No. 36","pp. 6845-6848",2003, "Md. Akhtaruzzaman,M. Tomura,K. Takahashi,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Unusual Hydrogen Bonding Networks Consisted of pi-Extended 4,4ユ-Bipyridines and Chloranilic Acid",,"Supramolecular Chemistry",,"Vol. 15","No. 4","pp. 239-243",2003, "M. Akhtaruzzaman,M. Tomura,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Linear Molecules with Ethynylpyridine and Bisbenzothiadiazole Units",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 137",,"pp. 873-874",2003, "Y. Yamashita,K. Suzuki,M. Tomura","Novel Electron Acceptors Containing Thiadiazole and Thiophene Units",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 133",,"pp. 341-343",2003, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Unsymmetrical Tetrathiafulvalene with a Fused 1,2,5-Thiadiazole Ring and an Ethylenedioxy Group",,"Acta Cryst. Sect. E59",,,,"pp. o145-o147",2003, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Crystal Structure of 4,7-Dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole, C6H2Br2N2S",,"Z. Kristallogr. NCS",,"Vol. 218",,"pp. 555-556",2003, "M. Tomua,Y. Yamashita","(1,3-Dithio-2-ylidene)propanedinitrile",,"Acta Cryst. Sect. E",,"Vol. 59",,"pp. o1941-o1943",2003, "C. Kitamura,K. Saito,M. Ouchi,A. Yoneda,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Crystal Structures of 4,7-Bis(2-thienylethynyl)-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole",,"J. Chem. Research (S)",,,,"pp. 511-513",2002, "M. Takada,H. Graaf,Y. Yamashita,H. Tada","BTQBT Thin Films; A Promising Candidate for High Mobility Organic Transistors",,"J. Applied. Phys. Jpn.",,"Vol. 41","No. 2"," L4-L6",2002, "M. Tachibana,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita,K. Yoshizawa","Small Bandgap Polymers Involving Tricyclic Nonclassical Thiophene as a Building Block",,"J. Phys. Chem.",,"Vol. 106","No. 14","pp. 3549-3556",2002, "T. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Bis(tetra-n-butylammonium) Bis(2-dicyanomethylene-4,5-dimercapto-1,3-dithiole)-Nickel(II)",,"Acta Cryst.",,"Vol. E58","No. 4","pp. m133-m135",2002, "M Tomura,M Akhtaruzzaman,K Suzuki,Y Yamashita","4,7-Diiodo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole and 7,7'-diiodo-4,4'-bis(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)",,"Acta Cryst.",,"Vol. C58","No. 7","pp. o373-o-375",2002, "C. Kitamura,K. Saito,M. Nakagawa,M. Ouchi,A. Yoneda,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Properties of a New Ethyne-linked Donor/acceptor Pentamer",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 43","No. 18","pp. 3373-3376",2002, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura,M. Uruichi,K. Yakushi","Synthesis and Properties of p-Extended TTF Analogues, and Their Cation Radical and Dication Salts",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 376",,"pp. 19-24",2002, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura,K. Imaeda","Nonplanar BEDT-TTF Derivatives Fused with Tetrahydrofuran Rings Affording Cation Radical Salts with Unusual Crystal Structures",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 380",,"pp. 203-207",2002, "M. B. Zaman,K. Oudatchin,M. Akhtaruzzaman,Y. Yamashita,J. A. Ripmeester","Organic/Inorganic Supramolecular Channel Frameworks Containing a Photosensitive Azobenzene as an Inclusion Compound",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 20","pp. 2322-2323",2002, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura ","Preparation and Structures of Dication Salts of Phenyl Substituted TTF Vinylogues",,"J. Solid State Chem.",,"Vol. 168",,"pp. 427-432",2002, "Md. Akhtaruzzaman,M. Tomura,M. B,Zaman,J. Nishida,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Characterization of New Linear p-Conjugated Molecules Containing Bis(ethynylpyridine) Units with a Benzothiadiazole Spacer",," J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 67","No. 22","pp. 7813-7818",2002, "T. Okamoto,M. Kozaki,D. Shiomi,K. Sato,T. Takui,Y. Mizuno,H. Yoshino,K. Murata,Y. Yamashita,K. Okada","Synthesis and Properties of Benzooxazinophenooxazine and the Related Compounds",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 120",,"pp. 933-934",2001, "S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Novel Synthetic Approaches to Multifunctional p-Conjugated Oligomers for Molecular Scale Electronics, S. Tanaka and Y. Yamashita",,"Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 739",2001, "T. Suzuki,T. Tsuji,T. Okubo,A. Okada,Y. Obana,T. Fukushima,T. Miyashi,Y. Yamashita","Preparation, Structure, and Amphoteric Redox Properties of p-Phenylenediamine-type Dyes Fused with a Chalcogenadiazole Unit",,"J. Org. Chem., 66, 8954-8960 (2001).",,"Vol. 66","No. 26","pp. 8954-8960",2001, "T. Okamoto,M. Kozaki,Y. Yamashita,K. Okada","Benzoxazinophenoxazines: Neutral and Charged Species",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 42","No. 43","pp. 7591-7594",2001, " M. B. Zaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Crystal Engineering Using Anilic Acids and Dipyridy Compounds through a New Supramolecular Synthon",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 66","No. 18","pp. 5987-5995",2001, "E. Fujiwara,S. Isoda,T. Ogawa,T. Kobayashi,Y. Yamashita","Effect of Molecular Symmetry and Packing Efficiency on the Epitaxial Growth Modes of Monomolecular Film on Graphite Studied by STM: the Case of 2,4,6-Tris(4,5-dimethyl-1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-1,3,5-cyclohexanetrione",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 487",,"pp. 118-126",2001, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura,K. Imaeda","Hydroxyphenyl Substituted Tetrathiafulvalene Vinylogues Affording Stable Cation Radical Salts with Unusual Crystal Structures",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 42","No. 25","pp. 4191-4193",2001, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","One-Dimensional Zigzag Chain Structures with Intermolecular Interactions Consisted of Phthalic Acid and Pyridine Derivatives",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 6","pp. 532-533",2001, "M. Akhtarzzaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","One-Dimensional Hydrogen-Bonded Molecular Tapes in 1,4-Bis[(4-pyridino)ethynyl]benzene Chloranilate",,"Acta Crystallogr.",,"Vol. E57",,"pp. o353-o355",2001, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Tetrathiafulvalene with a Fused Pyrazine Ring",,"Acta Crystallogr.",,"Vol. E57",,"pp. o307-o308",2001, "Md. Ahhtaruzzaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","4,7-Bis[(4-pyridyl)ethynyl]-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole and Its Dipyridinium Diperchlorate",,"Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 751-753",2001, "S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Novel Synthetic Approach to 5-10 nm Long Functionalized Oligothiophenes",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 119","No. 1","pp. 67-68",2001, "M. B. Zaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Linear Hydrogen-Bonded Molecular Tapes in the Co-Crystals of Squaric Acid with 4,4'Dipyridylacetylene or 1,2-Bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene",,"Acta Crystallogr.",,"Vol. C57","No. 5","pp. 621-624",2001, "M. B. Zaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Decamethyl ferrocenium Salts of Anilate Anion Derived from Bromanilic Acid, Chloranilic Acid and Cyanilic Acid",,"Inorg. Chim. Acta",,"Vol. 318",,"pp. 127-134",2001, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","The First Structure of a C1-Homobasketane Framework",,"Acta Crystallogr.",,"Vol. C57","No. 5","pp. 619-620",2001, "T. Suzuki,S. Miyanari,Y. Tsubata,T. Fukushima,T. Miyashi,Y. Yamashita,K. Imaeda,T. Ishida,T. Nogami","Single-Component Organic Semiconductors Based on Novel Radicals Exhibiting Electrochemical Amphotericity: Preparation, Crystal Structures, and Solid State Properties of N,N'-Dicyanopyrazinonaphthoquinodiiminides Substituted with an N-alkylpyridinium Unit",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 66","No. 1","pp. 216-224",2001, " A. Ohta,K. Yamaguchi,N. Fujisawa,Y. Yamashita,K. Fujimori","Preparation, Structure, and Properties of 1,3-Bis(1,4-dithiafulven-6-yl)azulenes",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 54","No. 1","pp. 377-385",2001, "M. B. Zaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","New Hydrogen Bonded Donor-Acceptor Pairs between Dipyridylacetylenes and 2,5-Dichloro-3,6-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone",,"Organic Lett.",,"Vol. 2","No. 3","pp. 273-275",2000, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Crystal Engineering in π-overlapping Stacks: Unusual One-and Two Dimensional Stacking of the pi-System in the Crystal Structure of the Cation Radical Salts of Tetrathiafulvalene Vinylogues",,"CrystEngComm",,,"No. 14",,2000, "E. Fujiwara,S. Isoda,A. Hoshino,Y. Yamashita","Substituent Effect on Epitaxy of Mono-Molecular Layer on HOPG",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 349",,"pp. 215-218",2000, "M. Uruichi,K. Yakushi,Y. Yamashita","Optical Properties and Metal-Insulator Transitions in Organic Metals (BEDT-ATD)2X(solvent) (X = PF6, AsF6, BF4; solvent = THF, DHF, DO)",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 10","No. 11","pp. 2716-2722",2000, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","One-Dimensional Supramolecular Tapes in the Co-Crystals of 2,5-Dibromo-3,6-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone (bromanilic acid) with Heterocyclic Compounds Containing a Pyrazine Ring Unit",,"CrystEngComm",,,"No. 16",,2000, "K. Suzuki,M. Tomura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Strong Electron Acceptors: Bithiazole Analogues of Tetracyanodiphenoquinodimethane (TCNDQ)",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 41","No. 43","pp. 8359-8364",2000, "E. Hasegawa,K. Iwaya,T. Iriyama,T. Kitazume,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Reaction of Ethyl 2-haloethyl-1-tetralone-2-carboxylate and Samarium Diiodide: First Example of Intramolecular O-Alkylation of Samarium Ketyl Radical by Carbon-halogen Bond",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 41","No. 33","pp. 6447-6450",2000, "K. Yakushi,M. Uruichi,Y. Yamashita","Phase Transition in Narrow-Band Organic Metals, (BEDT-ATD)2X(solvent) (X = PF6, AsF6, BF4; solvent = THF, DHF, DO)",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 109",,"pp. 33-37",2000, "K. Suzuki,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","TCNQ Analogues Composed of Heterocyclic Rings",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 102","No. 1-3","pp. 1480-1481",1999, "T. Fukushima,N. Okazeri,T. Miyashi,K. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki","First Stable Tetracyanodiphenoquinodimethane with a Completely Planar Geometry: Preparation, X-ray Structure, and Highly Conductive Complexes of Bis[1,2,5]thiadiazolo-TCNDQ",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 40","No. 6","pp. 1175-1178",1999, "M. B. Zaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Novel Supramolecular Synthon in Crystal Engineering: Ionic Complexes of 4,4'-bipyridine and 1,2-Bis(2-pyridyl)ethylene with 2,5-Dichloro-3,6-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 11","pp. 999-1000",1999, "S. Irie,S. Isoda,K. Kuwamoto,M. J. Miles,T. Kobayashi Y. Yamashita","Monolayer Epitaxy of a Triangular Molecule on Graphite,,,, 939-944 (1999)",,"J. Crystal Growth",,"Vol. 198/199",,"pp. 939-944",1999, "M. Uruichi,K. Yakushi,Y. Yamashita","Spectroscopic Study of Narrow-Band Organic Metal (BEDT-ATD)2PF6(THF) without Dimerized Structure",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 68","No. 2","pp. 531-538",1999, "Yoshiro Yamashita","Crystal Structure Control for Organic Conductors",,"Proceedings of the Second SANKEN International Symposium on Chemical and Physical Perspective for Molecular Devices",,,,"pp. 231-237",1999, "M. B. Zaman,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita,M. Sayaduzzaman,A. M. Chowdhury","A Decamethylferrocene [Fe(C5Me5)2] and Chloranilic acid (CA) Complex with Hydrogen Bonded Supramolecular Structure between CA and H2O Molecules",,"CrystEngComm",,,"No. 9",,1999, "M. Uruichi,K. Yakushi,Y. Yamashita","Temperature Dependent Reflection Spectra of Metallic (BEDT-ATD)2X(THF) (X = PF6, AsF6)",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 103","No. 1-3","pp. 2206",1999, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda","Novel TTF Vinylogues Affording Stable Cation Radicals",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 102","No. 1-3","pp. 1730-1731",1999, "H. Yamochi,S. Nakamura,G. Saito,M. B. Zaman,J. Toyoda,Y. Morita,K. Nakasuji,Y. Yamashita","Cyananilate Anion as Hydrogen Bonded Counter Ion in Conducting CT Complexes",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 102","No. 1-3","pp. 1729",1999, "S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","New Building Unit for Rigid and Coplanar Oligo-Aromatic Molecular Wires with Insulating Mantel",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 101","No. 1-3","pp. 532-533",1999, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura"," Highly Polarized Electron Donors, Acceptors and Donor-Acceptor Compounds for Organic Conductors (feature article)",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 8","No. 9","pp. 1933-1944",1998, "K. Suzuki,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","New Electron Acceptors Containing Thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine Units",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 8","No. 5","pp. 1117-1119",1998, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura,M. B. Zaman,K. Imaeda","Synthesis and Properties of Novel Tetrathiafulvalene Vinylogues",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 16","pp. 1657-1658",1998, "M. Uruichi,K. Yakushi,Y. Yamashita,J. Qin","Charge-transfer Salts of M(mnt)2(M=Ni, Pd, Pt, Au) with BDNT: Ferromagnetic Interactions in Conductive (BDNT)2-[Ni(mnt)2]",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","pp. 141-146",1998, "K. Ono,A. Adachi,K. Okita,M. Goto,Y. Yamashita","Terphenyl and Poly(p-phenylene) Derivatives Containing Fused 1,2,5-Thiadiazole Units",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 6","pp. 545-548",1998, "Y. Yamashita,K. Ono,M. Tomura,S. Tanaka","Synthesis and Properties of Benzobis(thiadiazole)s with Nonclassical p-Electron Ring Systems",,"Tetrahedron",,"Vol. 53","No. 29","pp. 10169-10178",1997, "S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","A Novel Monomer Candidate for Intrinsically Conductive Organic Polymers Based on Nonclassical Thiophene",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 84","No. 1-3","pp. 229-230",1997, "C. Kitamura,Y. Yamashita","ynthesis and Reactions of 3,3'-Dibromodihydrodipyrrins",,"J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1",,,"No. 10","pp. 1443-1447",1997, "A. Ohta,Y. Yamashita","Preparation, Properties, and Oxidation of Novel Bis(1,3-dithiole) Compounds Containing a Di(2-thienyl)methane Unit",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 44","No. 1","pp. 263-276",1997, "K. Imaeda,J. Krober,C. Nakano,M. Tomura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita,H. Kobayashi,H. Inokuchi,A. Kobayashi","Molecular Metals Based on Nonplanar Donor BEDT-ATD: Appearance of Metal-Insulator Transition by Anion or Solvent Replacement",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 296",,"pp. 205-216",1997, "T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Fukushima,T. Miyashi","Tetracyanoquinodimethanes Fused with a 1,2,5-Chalcogenadiazole Ring",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 296",,"pp. 165-180",1997, "Y. Yamashita,K. Ono,M. Tomura,K. Imaeda","Synthesis and Characterization on New Electron Donors Containing 1,2,5-Thiadiazole and 1,1-Dihydro-4,4-bi(pyridylidene) Units",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 19","pp. 1851-1852",1997, "A. Ohta,Y. Yamashita","Novel Bis(1,3-dithiole) Electron Donors by Oxidative Intramolecular Cyclization of 2,2'-Bis(1,4-dithiafulven-6-yl)-3,3'-bithienyls",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 296",,"pp. 1-18",1997, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of Novel Component Molecules with Fused Heterocycles for Organic Conductor",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 86","No. 1-3","pp. 1871-1872",1997, "Y. Yamashita, M,Tomura,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda","Novel Organic Metals Based on Nonplanar Bis(1,3-Dithiole) Donors",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 86","No. 1-3","pp. 1795-1796",1997, "C. Kitamura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Design of Narrow-Bandgap Polymers. Syntheses and Properties of Monomers and Polymers Containing Aromatic-Donor and o-Quinoid-Acceptor Units",,"Chem. Mater.",,"Vol. 8","No. 2","pp. 570-578",1996, "C. Kitamura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","New Narrow-Bandgap Polymers Composed of [1,2,5]Thiadiazolo[3,4-g]quinoxaline and Aromatic Heterocycles",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 1","pp. 63-64",1996, "K.Yakushi,J. Dong,M. Uruichi,Y. Yamashita","Spectroscopic Studies on BDNT Having a Property of One-Step Two-Electron Oxidation: BDNT0, BDNT+1, and BDNT2+,, , 284, 223-234 (1996)",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 284",,"pp. 223-234",1996, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura,K. Imaeda","Unusual Cation Radical Salts of Nonplanar Bis(1,3-dithiole) Donors Incorporating Solvent Molecules",,"Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 17","pp. 2021-2022",1996, "J. Dong,K. Yakushi,Y. Yamashita,K. Imaeda,H. Inokuchi","Electronic and Vibronic Structure of Nonplanar Organic Charge Transfer Salt m-BDNT-PF6",,"Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)",,"Vol. 195",,"pp. 611-623",1996, "M. Hirayama,T. Terasaka,M. Itasaka,T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi","ESR of the Trianion and Anion Radicals of Benzo[g][1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-b]quinoxaline-5,10-dione and Its Selenium Analogue",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 9","pp. 837-890",1995, "E. Hasegawa,H. Katagiri,D. Nakagawa,T. Horaguchi,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Electron Transfer Induced Stereoselective Cyclization of 2,2'-Disubstituted Dibenzoylmethane to anti-Cyclopropane-1,2-diol",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 36","No. 38","pp. 6915-6918",1995, "K. Imaeda,Y. Li,Y. Yamashita,H. Inokuchi,M. Sano","Temperature Dependence of Hall Mobility in a Single Crystal of Organic Semiconductor BTQBT,, , 5, 861-863 (1995)",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 5","No. 6","pp. 861-863",1995, "山下敬郎分担","新分子の世界、分子科学研究振興会編",,"化学同人","化学同人",,,"pp. 178-186",1995, "A. Ohta,Y. Yamashita","Preparation and Properties of Bis[5-(6-methyl-1,4-dithiafulven-6-yl)-2-thienyl]methanes Affording Near-Infrared Absorbing Cations by Oxidation",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 5","pp. 557-558",1995, "A. Ohta,Y. Yamashita"," Preparation and Properties of Tris(1,3-dithiole) Donors Containing Thiophene Spacer Units",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 40","No. 1","pp. 123-126",1995, "M. Karikomi,C. Kitamura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","New Narrow-Bandgap Polymer Composed of Benzobis(1,2,5-thiadiazole) and Thiophenes",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 117","No. 25","pp. 6791-6792",1995, "J. Dong,K. Yakushi,Y. Yamashita","Spectroscopic Study of Solid BDNT and Its Monocation and Dication Salts",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 5","No. 10","pp. 1735-1740",1995, "M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Syntheses and Properties of Novel Conducting Dithiolato-Metal Complexes Having Peripheral Heteroatoms and Extended p-Conjugated Systems",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 5","No. 10","pp. 1753-1754",1995, "M. Hirayama,T. Terasaka,Y. Morita,T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi","ESR of the p-Radical Formed by Photoreduction of Bis(1,2,5-selenadiazolo)tetracyano-quinodimethane in Methanol. Observation of a Large 77Se Hfs",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 11","pp. 1021-1022",1995, "V. N. Denisov,A. V. Ivlev,B. N. Mavrin,K. Yakushi,J. Dong,Y. Yamashita","Resonant Raman Scattering in Single Crystals BDNT, BDNT1+ and BDNT2+",,"Chem. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 246","No. 2","pp. 176-182",1995, "M. Hirayama,T. Terasaka,Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi,Y. Usui"," ESR of the Anion Radical of 2,6-Dithioxobenzo[1,2-d:4,5-d']bis[1,3]dithole-4,8-dione. Observation of the Satellites of 17O, 13C, and 33S and the Second-Generation Satellites due to Both 13C and 33S in Natural Abundance",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 68","No. 12","pp. 3337-3339",1995, " K. Imaeda,Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,H. Inokuchi","New Low-Temperature Organic Metals of (BEDT-ATD)2X(THF) (X=PF6, AsF6)",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 73","No. 2","pp. 107-111",1995, "A. Ohta,Y. Yamashita","Oxidative Intramolecular Cyclization of 2,2'-Bis(1,4-dithiafulven-6-yl)-3,3'-bithienyls affording Novel Bis(1,3-dithiole) Electron Donors",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 17","pp. 1761-1762",1995, "A. Hoshino,S. Isoda,H. Kurata,T. Kobayashi,Y. Yamashita","Prediction of the Epitaxial Orientaion of Ultrathin Organic Films on Graphite",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 3858-3863",1995, "M. Hirayama,M. Itasaka,T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi","The p-Trianion Radical of 2,3,6,7-Tetracyanobenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']bisdithiole-4,8-dione. Observation of ESR with 13C-Satellites in Natural Abundance",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 7","pp. 511-514",1995, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda","Organic Metals Based on Butterfly-Shaped Donor Molecules",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 71",,"pp. 1965-1966",1995, "S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Syntheses of Narrow Bandgap Heterocyclic Copolymers of Aromatic-Donor and Quinonoid-Acceptor Units",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 69",,"pp. 599-600",1995, "S. Tanaka,M. Tomura,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Characterization of Thieno[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazoles",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 37","No. 2","pp. 693-696",1994, "K. Saito,C. Sugiura,E. Tanimoto,K. Saito,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis and Properties of Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives Containing Quinoid Structures: Novel Electron Donors of Organic Conductors",," Heterocycles",,"Vol. 38","No. 10","pp. 2153-2158",1994, "K. Ono,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Benzobisthiadiazoles Containing Hypervalent Sulfur Atoms: Novel Heterocycles with High Electron Affinity and Short Interheteroatom Contacts",,"Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl.",,"Vol. 33","No. 19","pp. 1977-1979",1994, "S. Hasegawa,T. Mori,K. Imaeda,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita,H. Inokuchi,H. Fujimoto,K. Seki,N. Ueno","Intermolecular Energy-Band Dispersion in Oriented Thin Films of Bis(1,2,5-thiadiazolo)-p-quinobis(1,3-dithiole) by Angle Resolved Photoemission",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 100","No. 9","pp. 6969-6973",1994, "C. Kitamura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis of New Narrow Bandgap Polymers Based on 5,7-Di(2-thienyl)thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine and Its Derivatives",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 13","pp. 1585-1586",1994, "T. Suzuki,T. Sakimura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita,H. Shiohara,T. Miyashi","2-(Thiopyran-4'-yliden)-1,3-dithioles fused with Thiophene Units: Intramolecular S---S Interaction Affecting the Redox Properties and Molecular Geometries",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 12","pp. 1431-1432",1994, "K. Ono,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda,Y. Yamashita","Preparation and Properties of 7-(1,3-Dithiol-2-ylidene)-4-methyl-4,7-dihydro[1,2,5]-thiadiazolo[3,4-b]pyridines: Novel Donor Molecules Containing a 1,2,5-Thiadiazole Unit",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 7","pp. 899-900",1994, "M. Tomura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of the Novel Conducting Dithiolato-Metal Complexes Having Dicyanopyrazine Moieties",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 64",,"pp. 197-202",1994, "Y. Yamashita,K. Ono,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda,H. Inokuchi","Nonplanar Bis(1,3-dithiole) Donors Affording Novel Cation Radical Salts",,"Adv. Materials",,"Vol. 6","No. 4","pp. 295-298",1994, "M. Kozaki,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Preparation and Properties of Novel Polythiophenes Containing 1,3-Dithiol-2-ylidene Moieties",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 442-450",1994, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,M. Tomura","2,2'-(Cyclopenten-3,5-diylidene)bis(1,3-dithiole)s: Novel Electron Donors Undergoing Deprotonation by Oxidation",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 7","pp. 652-653",1993, "木村勝,戸田芙三夫,境野芳子,山下敬郎","有機固体化学",,"三共出版","三共出版",,,,1993, "Y. Yamashita,K. Ono,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda,H. Inokuchi,M. Sano","Dithio-derivatives of p-Quinodimethanes Fused with 1,2,5-Thiadiazoles: a Novel Type of p-Donor-Acceptor System",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 24","pp. 1803-1805",1993, "M. Bonamico,V. Fares,A. Flamini,N. Poli,Y. Yamashita,K. Imaeda","Interaction of Bis(1,2,6,7-tetracyano-3,5-dihydro-3,5-diiminopyrrolizinide) Metal Complexes with Phenazine and Derivatives. Crystal Structures of Addition Compounds of the Nickel(II) Complex with Phenazine and 5,10-Dimethyl-5,10-dihydrophenazine",,"J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.",,,"No. 23","pp. 3463-3470",1993, "S. Hasegawa,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita,H. Inokuchi,H. Fujimoto,K. Kamiya,K. Seki,N. Ueno","Molecular Orientation in Thin Films of Bis(1,2,5-thiadiazolo)-p-quinobis(1,3-dithiole) on Graphite Studied by Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy",,"Phy. Rev. B",,"Vol. 48","No. 4","pp. 2596-2600",1993, "T. Kobayashi,K. Ono,H. Suda,Y. Yamashita,H. Kato","Syntheses and Spectral Properties of Norbornadiene-Fused Heterocycles: 1,3-Diphenyl-4,7-dihydro-4,7-methanobenzo[c]-thiophene, -pyrrole, and -furan",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 66","No. 9","pp. 2707-2713",1993, "S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Synthesis of a Narrow Band Gap Heterocyclic Polymer: Poly-4,6-di(2-thienyl)thieno[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazole",,"Synthetic Metal",,"Vol. 55-57",,"pp. 1251-1254",1993, "T. Suzuki,T. Okubo,A. Okada,Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi","Benzidine Type Electron Donors Fused with 1,2,5-Chalcogenadiazole Units",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 35","No. 1","pp. 395-406",1993, "M. Tomura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Preparation and Properties of Bis[1,2,5]thiadiazolotetrathiafulvalene",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 35","No. 1","pp. 69-72",1993, "M. Kozaki,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Preparation and Properties of 7-(1,3-Dithiol-2-ylidene)-7H-cyclopenta[1,2-b;4,3-b']dithiophenes and Their Polymers",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 3","pp. 533-536",1993, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka","Crystal Structures of Cation Radical Salts of a Bis(1,3-dithiole) Donor Containing a 1,2,5-Thiadiazole Unit",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 1","pp. 73-76",1993, "Yoshiro Yamashita","Structure of the Charge-Transfer Complex of (DBTTF)(BTDA-TCNQ), K. Iwasaki, T. Ida, A. Kawamoto, A. Ugawa, Y. Yamashita, K. Yakushi, and T. Suzuki",,"Acta Crystallogr., Sect., C",,"Vol. 48","No. 11","pp. 1982-1984",1992, " K. Iwasaki,A. Ugawa,A. Kawamoto,Y. Yamashita,K. Yakushi,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi","Crystal Structures of Metallic and Insulating Molecular Complexes between Naphthaceno[5,6-c,d:11,12-c',d']bis[1,2]diselenole and 4,8-Bis(dicyanomethylene)-4H,8H-benzo[1,2-c:4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole: (TSeT)(BTDA-TCNQ) and (TSeT)(BTDA-TCNQ)(C6H5Cl)",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 65","No. 12","pp. 3350-3357",1992, "Y. Tsubata,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi,Y. Yamashita","Single-Component Organic Conductors Based on Neutral Radicals Containing the Pyrazine-TCNQ Skeleton",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 57","No. 25","pp. 6749-6755",1992, "T. Suzuki,H. Fujii,T. Miyashi,Y. Yamashita","Molecular Recognition through C-H---O Hydrogen Bonding in Charge-Transfer Crystals: Highly Selective Complexation of 2,4,7-Trinitrofluorenone with 2,6-Dimethylnaphthalene",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 57","No. 25","pp. 6744-6748",1992, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda,H. Inokuchi,M. Sano","Preparation and Properties of Bis[1,2,5]thiadiazolo-p-quinobis(1,3-dithiole) (BTQBT) and Its Derivatives. Novel Organic Semiconductors",," J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 57","No. 20","pp. 5517-5522",1992, "E. Hasegawa,K. Ishiyama,T. Kato,T. Horaguchi,T. Shimizu,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Photochemically and Thermally Induced Free-Radical Reactions of a,b-Epoxy Ketones with Tributyltin Hydride: Selective Ca-O Bond Cleavage of Oxiranylmethyl Radicals Derived from a,b-Epoxy Ketones",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 57","No. 20","pp. 5352-5359",1992, "T. Suzuki,H. Shiohara,M. Monobe,T. Sakimura,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi","Tetrathienylethylenes, a New Class of Electron Donors---Dications Twisted by 90。 Stabilized by Formation of Polymethine Units",,"Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl.",,"Vol. 31","No. 4","pp. 455-458",1992, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda,H. Inokuchi,M. Sano","4,7-Bis(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-4,7-dihydro-2,1,3-benzothiadiazoles. A Novel Type of Electron Donors Affording Organic Metals",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 3","pp. 419-422",1992, "K. Imaeda,Y. Yamashita,Y. Li,T. Mori,H. Inokuchi,M. Sano","Hall-effect Observation in the New Organic Semiconductor Bis(1,2,5-thiadiazolo)-p-quinobis(1,3-dithiole) (BTQBT)",,"J. Mater. Chem.",,"Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 115-118",1992, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,M. Tomura","Tetrathio-Derivatives of p-Quinodimethanes Fused with Selenadiazole Units: A Novel Type of Electron Donors",,"Phosphorous, Sulfur, and Silicon",,"Vol. 67","No. 1-4","pp. 327-332",1992, "Y. Tsubata,T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Tetracyanoquinodimethanes Fused with 1,2,5-Thiadiazole and Pyrazine Units",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 33","No. 1","pp. 337-348",1992, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,M. Tomura","Structure and Redox Reactions of Tricyclic Pyridinium N-Imines",," Heterocycles",,"Vol. 33","No. 1","pp. 47-50",1992, "T. Miyashi,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai","Cage Molecules in Photochemistry, Carbocyclic Cage Compounds E. Osawa and O. Yonemitsu, ed.",,"VCH","VCH",,,"pp. 365-382",1992, "H. Fujimoto,K. Kamiya,S. Tanaka,T. Mori,Y. Yamashita,H. Inokuchi,K. Seki"," Electronic Structure of Bis[1,2,5]thiadiazolo-p-quinobis(1,3-dithiole) (BTQBT) Studied by Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy",,"Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 165","No. 1","pp. 135-142",1992, "M. Kozaki,S. Tanaka,Y. Yamashita","Preparation and Properties of Poly-4-(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b; 3,4-b']dithiophene and its Derivatives ",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 16","pp. 1137-1138",1992, "T. Suzuki,H. Fujii,Y. Yamashita,C. Kabuto,S. Tanaka,M. Harasawa,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Clathrate Formation and Molecular Recognition by Novel Chalcogen-Cyano Interactions in Tetracyanoquinodimethanes Fused with Thiadiazole and Selenadiazole Rings",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 114","No. 8","pp. 3034-3043",1992, "A. Ugawa,K. Iwasaki,A. Kawamoto,K. Yakushi,Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki","Metallic Behavior Stable against Peiers Instability in the One-dimensional Organic Conductor Tetraselenotetracene-bis(1,2,5-thiadiazolo)tetracyanoquinodimethane",,"Phy. Rev. B",,"Vol. 43","No. 18","pp. 14718-14721",1991, "Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,Y. Kobayashi,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Preparation and Properties of Tetracyanoquinodimethane Radical-Anion Salts with Azaazulenium and Diazaazulenium Ions",,"Synth. Met.",,"Vol. 45","No. 2","pp. 213-220",1991, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda,H. Inokuchi,M. Sano","5,8-Bis(1,3-dithiol-2-yliden)-5,8-dihydroquinoxalines: Novel Electron Donors with Low Oxidation Potentials",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 16","pp. 1132-1133",1991, "Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,K. Imaeda,H. Inokuchi","Tetrathio-Derivatives of p-Quinodimethanes fused with 1,2,5-Thiadiazoles. A Novel Type of Organic Semiconductors",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 7","pp. 1213-1216",1991, "E. Hasegawa,K. Okada,H. Ikeda,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai","Photosensitized [2+2] Cycloreversion Reactions of Arylated Cage Compounds in Nonpolar Solvents. Highly Efficient Adiabatic Exciplex Isomerization ",,"J. Org. Chem.",,"Vol. 56","No. 6","pp. 2170-2178",1991, "K. Saito,T. Ushida,H. Fushihara,Y. Yamashita,S. Tanaka,K. Takahashi","On the Multiplicity of Carbenes Conjugated with Pyrrole and Furan Moieties: Molecular Orbital Calculation and Reaction of 2-(1-Methyl)-pyrrolylmethylene and 2-Furylmethylene with cis- and trans-Stilbenes",,"Heterocycles",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 115-122",1990, "Y. Yamashita,M. Tomura,S. Tanaka","A Facile Preparation of Tetrathiafulvalenes having Alkylthio Groups from 1,3-Dithiole-2-thiones using a High-pressure Reaction",,"J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I",,,"No. 12","pp. 3358-3359",1990, "Y. Yamashita,J. Eguchi,T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,T. Miyashi,S. Tanaka","4,7-Dimethyl-4,7-dihydro[1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-b]pyrazine, a Novel Electron Donor with a 12 p-Electron Ring System",,"Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl.",,"Vol. 29","No. 6","pp. 643-645",1990, "Y. Yamashita,Y. Kobayashi,T. Miyashi","Preparation and Properties of p-Quinodimethane Analogues of Tetrathiafulvalene,The Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors, G. Saito and K. Kagoshima Eds.",,"Springer-Verlag","Springer-Verlag",,,"pp. 387-390",1990, "Y. Yamashita,Y. Tsubata,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi,T. Mukai,S. Tanaka","Benzo[g][1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-b]quinoxaline-5,10-dione and Its Selenium Analogue. An Unusual Type of Quinones",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 3","pp. 445-448",1990, "Y. Yamashita,K. Saito,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","N-Methyl Derivatives of [1,2,5]Thiadiazolo[3,4-b]quinoxaline and the Selenium Analogues",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 30","No. 50","pp. 7071-7074",1989, "T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,C. Kabuto,T. Miyashi","Preparation, Properties, and Crystal Structure of a 1,2,5-Thiadiadiazolotetracyano-quinodimethane",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 16","pp. 1102-1103",1989, "Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi","2,2'-(5,8-Dihydroquinoxaline-5,8-diylidene)bis(1,3-benzodithiole)s. A New Type of Electron Donors",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 10","pp. 1607-1610",1989, "山下敬郎","縮合複素環を有する電子受容体および供与体",,"有機合成化学協会誌",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 1108-1117",1989, "H. Ikeda,Y. Yamashita,C. Kabuto,T. Miyashi","Unusual Cycloaddition of a Cage Ketone with Tetracyanoethylene by Irradiation of the Electron Donor-Acceptor Complex",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 29","No. 49","pp. 5779-5783",1988, "H. Ikeda,Y. Yamashita,C. Kabuto,T. Miyashi","nterception of 1,4-Radical Cations Derived from a Cage Ketone with Molecular Oxygen",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 8","pp. 1333-1336",1988, "T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Crystal Structure of Benzene-Bis[1,2,5]thiadiazolotetracyanoquinodimethane (BTDA) Complex: a Weak Charge-Transfer Complex Stabilized by Inclusion Behavior",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 13","pp. 895-896",1988, "Y. Yamashita,T. Hanaoka,Y. Takeda,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Syntheses and Properties of Dipyridylnorbornadienes",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 61","No. 7","pp. 2451-2458",1988, "M. Hirayama,A. Seki,Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi","Formation and Spin Density Distribution of the Radical Anion and Radical Trianion of Bis[diphenylpyradino]tetracyanoquinodimethane Studied by ESR",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 5","pp. 769-772",1988, "M. Hirayama,A. Seki,Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi","E.S.R. Observation of the Radical Trianion and Radical Anion of Bis(1,2,5-thiadiazolo)-tetracyanoquinodimethane",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,,"pp. 490-491",1988, "Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi","Preparation and Properties of Tetrathio-Derivatives of Quinodimethanes Fused to a 1,2,5-Thiadiazole Unit and Related Heterocycles",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 4","pp. 661-664",1988, "T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Photocyclization of Norbornadienes fused with Quinone Units",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 29","No. 12","pp. 1405-1408",1988, "Y. Yamashita,K. Saito,T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Bis([1,2,5]thiadiazolo)[3,4-b;3',4'-e]pyrazine, a Novel 14p-Electron Heterocycle with High Electron Affinity",,"Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.",,"Vol. 27","No. 3","pp. 434-435",1988, "T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi,G. Saito","A New Type of Two-Dimensional Organic Conductors: Alkylammonium Bis[1,2,5]-thiadiazolotetracyanoquinodimethanides",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 61","No. 3","pp. 483-493",1988, "Y. Yamashita,K. Hagiya,G. Saito,T. Mukai","Conductive Salts of Tropylium Ions with Tetracyanoquinodimethane Anion Radical (TCNQ-.) and Bisthiadiazolotetracyanoquinodimethane Anion Radical (BTDA-TCNQ-.),, , 61, 271-279 (1988)",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 61","No. 2","pp. 271-279",1988, "M. Hirayama,A. Seki,Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,T. Miyashi","ESR of Radical Anion and Radical Trianion of [1,2,5]Thiadiazolo-tetracyanonaphthoquinodimethane",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 1","pp. 67-70",1988, "T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai","Crystal Structure of TTF・BTDA-TCNQ Complex. A New Type of CT Complex with an Inclusion Behavior and a Multi-dimensional Structure",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 60","No. 6","pp. 2111-2115",1987, "Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,T. Mukai","Preparation and Properties of the Dianion and the Dihydro Derivative of the Bis[1,2,5]thiadiazolo Derivative of Tetracyanoquinodimethane",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 15","pp. 1184-1185",1987, "Y. Yamashita,H. Ikeda,T. Mukai","Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions of Cage Compounds. Novel Pericyclic Reactions Involving a Chain Process",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 109","No. 22","pp. 6682-6687",1987, "T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai","Preparation, Properties and Crystal Structure of 1,2,5-Selenadiazolotetracyanonaphthoquinodimethane",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 7","pp. 1192-1132",1987, "T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,Y. Yamashita,G. Saito,T. Mukai,T. Miyashi","Preparation and Crystal Structures of Tetracyanoquinodimethanes fused with [1,2,5]Selenadiazole Units",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 11","pp. 2285-2287",1987, "T. Suzuki,C. Kabuto,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai","An Anion Radical Salt of a Quinone fused with 1,3-Dithiole Units. Crystal and Molecular Structure of a Tetraethylammonium Salt of 2,6-Thioxobenzo[1,2-d:4,5-d']bis[1,3]dithiol-4,8-dione",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.",,"Vol. 60","No. 2","pp. 3459-3461",1987, "C. Kabuto,Y. Fukazawa,T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi,T. Mukai","Crystal Structures of Molecular Complexes of 2-Chloro-11,11,12,12-tetracyanoanthraquinodimethane with Benzene (1:1) and Pyrene (2:1); A Novel Type of Charge-Transfer Complexes",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 27","No. 8","pp. 925-928",1986, "Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,T. Mukai","The Synthesis and Properties of Tetracyanoquinodimethanes fused with Aromatic Rings and Heterocyclic Rings",,"Nippon Kagaku Kaishi",,,"No. 2","pp. 265-275",1986, "Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,G. Saito,T. Mukai","Novel Quinone-type Acceptors fused with Sulphur Heterocycles and Their Highly Conductive Complexes with Electron Donors ",,"J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.",,,"No. 19","pp. 1489-1491",1986, "C. Kabuto,T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Mukai","Crystal and Molecular Structure of Bis-1,2,5-thiadiazolotetracyanoquinodimethanes: A Novel Acceptor Forming Highly Conductive Complexes",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 9","pp. 1433-1436",1986, "Y. Yamashita,T. Hanaoka,Y. Takeda,T. Mukai","Preparation and Photoreactions of Bispyridylnorbornadienes",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 8","pp. 1279-1282",1986, "Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,G. Saito,T. Mukai","Preparation and Properties of Tetracyanoquinodimethanes fused with Pyrazine Units",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 5","pp. 715-717",1986, "Y. Yamashita,K. Hagiya,G. Saito,T. Mukai","Novel Tetracyanoquinodimethane Anion Radical Salts of Heterocyclic Cations Containing a Tropylium Ion Skeleton",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 4","pp. 537-541",1986, "Y. Yamashita,H. Yaegashi,T. Mukai","Orientation Selective Bond Cleavage Reactions of Biphenyl-fused 1,2-Diphenylcyclobutanes Initiated by Electron Transfer",,"Tetrahedron Lett.",,"Vol. 26","No. 31","pp. 3579-3582",1985, "Y. Yamashita,T. Suzuki,G. Saito,T. Mukai","Highly Conductive Complexes of Bis-1,2,5-thiadiazolo-tetracyanoquinodimethane (BTDA-TCNQ) with Amines",,"Chem. Lett.",,,"No. 11","pp. 1759-1762",1985, "Y. Nishizawa,T. Suzuki,Y. Yamashita,T. Miyashi,T. Mukai","The Synthesis and Properties of 11,11,12,12-Tetracyanoanthraquinodimethane and Its Derivatives",,"Nippon Kagaku Kaishi",,,"No. 9","pp. 904-909",1985,