"細見昭 黒川洸 土井健司","運行組織形態を考慮したジプニーの道路占有に関する改善方策の検討",,"土木計画学研究講演集",,"Vol. 23","No. 2","pp. 187-190",2000, "Takeshi KUROKAWA","Key factors inking CDS with implementation",,"Proceedings of Implemetation of those in urbanizing and decentralizing Asia",,"Vol. 1",,,2000, "西川亮 浜岡秀勝 黒川洸","右折直進事故が多発する交差点における危険性の評価に関する研究",,"交通工学研究発表会論文報告集",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 221-224",1999, "杉山茂 黒川洸","都市の賑わいの場としての空港ターミナル活用方法に関する研究",,"日本都市計画学会 学術研究論文集",,,"No. 34","pp. 97-102",1999, "細見昭 石田東生 黒川洸","メトロマニラにおけるジープニーの路線起終点での滞留行動に関する研究",,"土木計画学研究論文集",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 809-814",1999, "Takeshi KUROKAWA"," Japan's Recent Experiene in Addressing Urbanization Challenges",,"Proceeding of CDS Asian City Development Strategy Tokyo Conference 1999, World Band, Ministry of Construction Japan","Proceeding of CDS Asian City Development Strategy Tokyo Conference 1999, World Band, Ministry of Construction Japan","Vol. 1",,,1999, "黒川洸 小川圭一","ボトルネック交通容量を用いた所要時間予測モデルに関する研究",,"土木計画学研究論文集",,,"No. 16","pp. 991-1000",1999, "上杉知 細見昭 黒川 洸","犯罪不安感を考慮した住区基幹公園の利用選択に関する研究",,"日本都市計画学会 学術研究論文集",,,"No. 34","pp. 61-66",1999, "黒川 洸,小川圭一","ボトルネックへの流入交通量を用いた所要時間予測方法",,"土木計画学研究講演集",,"Vol. 21","No. 2","pp. 901-904",1998, "森本信次 土井健司 黒川洸","ツイン区画整理による密集市街地の整備に関する研究",,"土木計画学研究講演集",,"Vol. 21","No. 2","pp. 535-538",1998, "黒川洸 石田東生 谷口守 戸川 幹夫","開発の連担を考慮した交通影響評価の重要性の検討",,"日本都市計画学会学術研究論文集",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 85-90",1997, "TAKESHI KUROKAWA","Cost of Infrastructure Improvement on Sprawl Area -Costsaving Effect of Early Action-",,"Papers on City Planning",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 121-126",1995, "H.S.リダサン 田村亨 石田東生 黒川 洸","Analysis of Work Place and Mode Choice Behavior in Metro Manila Employing Panel Data",,"Infrastructure Plauning Review",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 413-424",1995, "谷口守 石田東生 小川博之 黒川 洸 ","Change of Commcten Modal Choice and its Relation to Urban Form",,"Infrastructure Plauning Review",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 443-452",1995, "H.S.リダサン 田村亨 石田東生 黒川洸","Introducting Panel Analysis in the Study of Travel Behavior in a Developing Country",,"Journal of Intrastructure Planning & Management",,"Vol. 470","No. 20",,1993, "TAKESHI KUROKAWA","Effects on Traffic Environment Caused by Area Wide Highway Networks",,"Express way & Automobiles",,"Vol. 36","No. 10",,1993, "TAKESHI KUROKAWA","Short Distance Transportation System in Japan",,"Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated People Morers",,"Vol. 4",,,1993, "TAKESHI KUROKAWA","Car Park Policy in Japan : Present Conditions and Themes",,"Permanent International Association of Road Congress, Yokohama Conference",,"Vol. 1",,,1993, "TAKESHI KUROKAWA","The Development of Urban Underground Space in Japan",,"International Federation for Housing & Planning, Helsinki Congress",,"Vol. 1",,,1993, "黒川洸","都市における人の発生交通に関する研究",,,,,,,1970,