"Shinji Mizuno,Noriyoshi Sukegawa,Antoine Deza","An enhanced primal-simplex based Tardos' algorithm for linear optimization",,"Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan",,,,,2018,Apr. "Shinji Mizuno,Noriyoshi Sukegawa,Antoine Deza","Small degenerate simplices can be bad for simplex methods",,"Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan",,,,,2017,Oct. "Shinji Mizuno,Noriyoshi Sukegawa,Antoine Deza","A primal-simplex based Tardos' algorithm",,"Operations Research Letters",,"Vol. 43","No. 6","pp. 625-628",2015, "A. Deza,S. Onn"," Solitaire lattices",,"Graphs and Combinatorics",,"Vol. 18","No. 2","pp. 227-243",2002, "D. Avis,A. Deza:","On the solitaire cone and its relationship to multi-commodity flows.",,"Mathematical Programming",,"Vol. 90","No. 1","pp. 27-57",2001, "A. Deza,K. Fukuda,D. Pasechnik,M. Sato"," On the skeleton of the metric polytope",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science",,"Vol. 2098",,"pp. 125-136",2001, "D. Avis,A. Deza","On the binary solitaire cone",,"Discrete Applied Mathematics",,"Vol. 115","No. 1"," 3-14",2001, "D. Avis,A. Deza,S. Onn "," A combinatorial approach to the solitaire game",,"IEICE Transactions",,"Vol. E83","No. A","pp. 656-661",2000, "* A. Deza,K. Fukuda,D. Pasechnik,M. Sato "," Generating vertices with symmetries",," Proc. of the 5th Workshop on Algorithms and Computation",,,,"pp. 1-8",2000, "A. Deza,M. Deza,V. P. Grishukhin "," Fullerenes and coordinations polyhedra versus half-cubes embeddings",,"Discrete Mathematics",,"Vol. 192",,"pp. 41-80",1998, "A. Deza,M. Deza,K. Fukuda "," On skeletons, diameters and volumes of metric polyhedra",,"Lecture Notes in Computer Science",,"Vol. 1120",,"pp. 112-128",1996, "DEZAANTOINE","Metric polyhedra: combinatorial structure and optimization",,,,,,,1996, "A. Deza,M. Deza "," Skeletons of some polytopes related to the n-cube",,"Operations Research 94 Springer-Verlag",,,,"pp. 81-85",1995, "A. Deza,M. Deza","The combinatorial structure of small cut and metric polytopes",,"World Scientific",,,,"pp. 70-88",1995, "A. Deza"," On lower bound for general convex polytopes",,"Mathematica Japonica",,"Vol. 40","No. 2","pp. 371-380",1994, "A. Deza,K. Fukuda: "," McMullen's conditions and some lower bounds for general convex polytope",,"Geometriae Dedicata ",," 53",,"pp. 65-173",1994, "A. Deza,M. Deza "," On the skeleton of the dual cut polytope",,"Contemporary Mathematics",,"Vol. 178",," 101-111",1994, "A. Deza,M. Deza "," The ridge graph of the metric polytope and some relatives",,"Polytopes: Abstract, Convex and Computational NATO ASI Series",,,,"pp. 359-372",1994, "DEZAANTOINE"," Double description method for convex polytopes",,,,,,,1990,