"M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,Mehdi Amini","In-Flight Excavation of Slopes with Potential Failure Planes",,"Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,",,,,,2016,June "宮田 凱斗,ピパットポンサー ティラポン,テチャウォンサコン タナチョート,竹村次朗","基礎の沈下を受ける盛土内のアーチ効果","第50回地盤工学研究発表会",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Thanachote Techawongsakorn,Akihiro Takahashi,Thirapong PIPATPONGSA","Effect of different alignment of faults to the slope stability",,"第50回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 815-816",2015,Sept. "トウチ サムポワ,ピパットポンサー ティラポン,竹村 次朗","The relationship between electrical conductivity of soil and salinity in northeastern Thailand","第50回地盤工学研究発表会",,,,,,2015,Sept. "Tomohide Takeyama,Aki Ikeda,Eiki Nakayama,Moriyuki Taya,ICHIZO KOBAYASHI,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Hideki Ohta","Microscopic image of meta-stability of clays",,"Geomechanics from Micro to Macro",,,,"pp. 727-732",2014,Sept. "T. Pipatpongsa,J. Nakamura,C. Borely,M.H. Khosravi","Numerical lower bound limit analyses of sand heap subjected to basal settlement with hysteretic reversals","The 14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (14IACMAG)",,,,,,2014,Sept. "S. Touch,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Pongpanlarp","Groundwater modeling of pressure effect on deep open-pit mining against floor heaving at the Mae Moh mine, Thailand","The 14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (14IACMAG)",,,,,,2014,Sept. "S. Touch,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","3D geological modelling and geotechnical characteristics of Phnom Penh subsoils in Cambodia",,"Engineering Geology","Elsevier","Vol. 178",,"pp. 58-69",2014,Aug. "S. Touch,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,T. Takeda","Exploring of field hyperspectral bands of grain reflectance of rice suffering from soil salinity in the northeastern Thailand","The 49th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","第49回地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 141-142",2014,July "T. Pipatpongsa,L. Tang,M.H. Khosravi","Active earth pressure distribution acting on rigid retaining walls undergoing horizontal translation","The 49th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","第49回地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 1247-1248",2014,July "T. Techawongsakorn,R. Ouch,T. Pipatpongsa","Unsymmetrical failure mechanisms of undercut slope with planes of discontinuity","The 49th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","第49回地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 1865-1866",2014,July "R. Ouch,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,B. Ukritchon","Effect of shear pin arrangement to the failure mechanisms of undercut slope","第17回応用力学シンポジウム",,,,,"pp. 39-40",2014,May "T. Pipatpongsa,H. Hirai","A simple model experiment of undercut slope using 10 yen coins inclined along the bedding plane","第17回応用力学シンポジウム",,,,,"pp. 71-72",2014,May "竹山智英,ピパットポンサーティラポン,太田秀樹","滑らかな降伏曲面を持つ構成モデルのメタスタビリティー特性","第17回応用力学シンポジウム",,,,,"pp. 41-42",2014,May "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Matsushita,Maho Tanaka,S. Kanazawa,K. Kawai","Theoretical and experimental studies of stress distribution in wedge-shaped granular heaps",,"Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica","Elsevier","Vol. 27","No. 1","pp. 28-40",2014,Mar. "S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi,T. Ishigaki","Shear strength and breakage of disturbed snail fossils adjacent to the preservation zone in the Mae Moh coal mine",,"Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment",,"Vol. 73","No. 1","pp. 95-107",2014,Feb. "T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,J. Takemura","Physical model of a rigid retaining wall under translation mode and its variation of arch action in backfill material with interface friction","The 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG2014)","Proceedings of the the 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2014","CRC Press/Balkema","Vol. 2",,"pp. 923-929",2014,Jan. "Rithy Ouch,Ukritchon Boonchai,T. Pipatpongsa","Numerical studies of slip test of moist sand block sliding on Teflon sheet","The 6th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC) and the 6th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC)",,,," CE7","pp. 1-10",2013,Nov. "S. Touch,P. Pongpanlarp,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura","Underground water in open pit mining at the Mae Moh mine Thailand","The International Conference on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program of NRCT, JSPS, and ERDT",,,,,"pp. 173-176,",2013,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Pongpanlarp,P. Doncommul","Site visits to underground water treatment facilities of the Mae Moh mine in Thailand","The International Conference on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Water Environment for Asian Core Program of NRCT, JSPS, and ERDT",,,,,"pp. 78-84",2013,Nov. "S. Touch,C. Borely,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,T. Takeda","Exploring of field hyperspectral bands of rice canopy suffering from soil salinity in the northeastern Thailand","The 6th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC) and the 6th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC)",,,," CE12","pp. 1-13",2013,Nov. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura","Interface shearing resistance properties between moist silica sand and surface of materials investigated by direct shear apparatus","第10回地盤工学会関東支部発表会",,,,," CD-ROM 材料4-5",2013,Oct. "ピパットポンサーティラポン,森村浩明","タイ王国チェンマイ大学との共同研究活動",,"東工大クロニクル","東京工業大学広報センター",,"No. 491","p. 3",2013,Oct. "T. Pipatpongsa,H. Hirai","Simple model tests for an undercut slope using closed-packs of 10 yen coins inclined along a bedding plane","The 4th Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development","Proceedings of the 4th Tokyo Tech - KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development",,,,"pp. 139-144",2013,Oct. "S. Touch,C. Borely,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,T. Takeda","Exploring of field hyperspectral bands of rice leaves suffering from soil salinity in the northeastern Thailand","第10回地盤工学会関東支部発表会",,,,," CD-ROM 環境2-6",2013,Oct. "T. Pipatpongsa","Statically admissible stress solutions in gravitating loose earth of wedge and valley with plane slopes inclined at angle of repose",,"Granular Matter","Springer","Vol. 15","No. 5","pp. 645-659",2013,Oct. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura","Experimental analysis of earth pressure against rigid retaining walls under translation mode",,"Geotechnique","ICE Publishing","Vol. 63","No. 12","pp. 1020-1028",2013,Sept. "T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,J. Takemura","Physical modeling of arch action in undercut slopes with actual engineering practice to Mae Moh open-pit mine of Thailand","The 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE18)","Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE18)",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 943-946",2013,Sept. "C. Borely,T. Pipatpongsa","Passive limit of stresses in conical sand valley","The 5th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2013)","Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 116",2013,Aug. "T. Techawongsakorn,T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,Cyril Borely","Failure mechanism of undercut slope with planes of discontinuity","The 5th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2013)","Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 43",2013,Aug. "S. Touch,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,T. Takeda","Assessment of the effects of soil salinity to rice crop in northeastern Thailand","The 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 2215-2216",2013,July "S. Kitakata,W. Wu,S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,P. Boonpramuk","Particle crushing progression of snail fossils under compression observed by audible frequency measurement","The 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 875-876",2013,July "T. Techawongsakorn,H. Hirai,M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa","Slip mechanisms and interface shear strength between moist silica sand and acrylic plate","The 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 895-896",2013,July "L. Tang,M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura","Nonlinear and hysteretic responses of pressure gauges in a sand chamber due to loading and unloading processes","The 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 48th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 519-520",2013,July "S. Touch,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,T. Takeda","Variation of leaf area index of rice investigated in paddy fields suffering from soil salinity in northeastern Thailand","The 18th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE18)","Proceedings of the 18th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE18)","Engineering Institute of Thailand","Vol. 1"," GTE","pp. 209-216",2013,May "ピパットポンサーティラポン,江頭竜一","タイの企業および大学との産学連携活動",,"東工大クロニクル","東京工業大学広報センター",,"No. 487","p. 7",2013,May "T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","Chapter 13: Threshold of friction stabilizes self-weight transmission in gravitating loose sand heaps",,"Geotechnical Predictions and Practice in Dealing with Geohazards","Springer",,,"pp. 199-213",2013,May "Dedi Apriadi,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Loading path dependence and non-linear stiffness at small strain using rate-dependent multisurface hyperplasticity model",,"Computers and Geotechnics","Elsevier","Vol. 49",,"pp. 100-110",2013,Apr. "M.H. Khosravi,J. Takemura,T. Pipatpongsa","Centrifugal modeling of undercut slopes subjected to pseudo-static loading","The 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering","The 10th CUEE conference proceedings",,,,"pp. 523-532",2013,Mar. "T. Pipatpongsa,D. Apriadi,S. Likitlersuang","Numerical implementation of the modified Cam Clay model with non-linear stiffness at small-strain using multisufrace hyperplasticity framework","The 62nd National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","第62回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集",,,," OS21-19",2013,Mar. "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeyama,Atsushi Iizuka,H. Ohta","Central pressure drop induced by passive arch action of materials prone to liquefaction underneath embankments due to basal settlement","The 62nd National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","第62回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集",,,," OS20-05",2013,Mar. "H. Hirai,M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa","Geometrical shape of arch formed by collapse of undercut slope","The 62nd National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","第62回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集",,,," OS13-04",2013,Mar. "W. Wu,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa","Observation of crushing of snail fossils under compression with audible frequency measurement","The 62nd National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","第62回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集",,,," OS13-02",2013,Mar. "S. Thay,Suched Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Monotonic and cyclic behavior of Chiang Mai sand under simple shear mode",,"Geotechnical and Geological Engineering","Springer","Vol. 31","No. 1","pp. 67-82",2013,Feb. "S. Touch,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,T. Takeda","Variation of pH and Electricity Conductivity Investigated in Paddy Fields of Northeastern Thailand","Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development","Proceedings of the Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development","Kasetsart University",,,"pp. 180-184",2012,Nov. "ピパットポンサー ティラポン","インドネシアの大学と企業との産学連携活動",,"東工大クロニクル","東京工業大学広報センター",,"No. 481","pp. 11-12",2012,Nov. "S. Touch,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Phnom Penh subsoil cross-sections produced from 3D ground model","The 7th Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering Student Conference (AOTULE 2012)","Conference Proceedings of AOTULE 2012",,,,"p. 157",2012,Nov. "S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,P. Doncommul","Site investigation and shear strength of Mae Moh snail fossils in Thailand","The 7th Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering Student Conference (AOTULE 2012)","Conference Proceedings of AOTULE 2012",,,,"p. 158",2012,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,K. Ozawa,P. Pongpanlarp,P. Doncommul","Field Visits to Groundwater Treatment Facilities of the Mae Moh Mine in Thailand","Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development","Proceedings of the Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development","Kasetsart University",,,"pp. 70-73",2012,Nov. "S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa","Comparison of self-similar elastic solutions between wedge and notch problems loaded by self weight","The 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2011)",,,,,"pp. 53-54",2012,Oct. "M.H. Khosravi,A. Majdi,J. Takemura,T. Pipatpongsa","A comparison of rotary and ODEX drilling methods in alluvial deposits of Kheirabad earth dam of Iran for grouting purposes","Geo-Kanto 2011","第9回地盤工学会関東支部発表会発表講演集",,,," 構造4-10",2012,Oct. "S. Thay,P. Pongpanlarp,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi,J. Takemura","Investigation of surface moisture of mae moh snail fossils near a pond collecting surface run-off in catchment area",,"Proceedings of the 5th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC), the 5th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC) and the 3rd Seminar on Asian Water Environment (Asian Core Program of JSPS, NRCT and ERDT)","Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology",,," ACORE-25",2012,Oct. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Doncommul","Investigation on strength properties of lignite at the Mae-Moh open-pit mine","The 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)","Proceedings of the 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)",,,,"pp. 65-66",2012,Oct. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Thay,Thanachote Techawongsakorn,N. Mungpayabal","Basic consideration of using hollow plaster cylinders for indicating the axis of major principal stress in soft rock surface","The 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)","Proceedings of the 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)",,,,"pp. 49-50",2012,Oct. "S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,N. Mavong","Crushing pressure of Mae Moh snail fossils using oedometer and grain size distribution analyses","The 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)","Proceedings of the 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)",,,,"pp. 55-56",2012,Oct. "L. Tang,T. Pipatpongsa","Effect of angle of repose on meta-stability of antlion’s nests","The 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)","Proceedings of the 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)",,,,"pp. 57-58",2012,Oct. "S. Touch,T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeda","Soil salinity investigation in paddy fields of the northeastern region of Thailand","The 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)","Proceedings of the 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (5th TJIA 2012)",,,,"pp. 87-88",2012,Oct. "T. Pipatpongsa,MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN KHOSRAVI,JIRO TAKEMURA,Dionysios STATHAS,Cheowchan Leelasukseree","Cohesive arch action in laterally confined block of moist sand placing on an inclined bedding plane","The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS2012)",,,,,"pp. 1378-1387",2012,Oct. "C. Leelasukseree,T. Pipatpongsa,M. H. Khosravi,N. Mavong","Stresses and a failure mode from physical and numerical models of undercut slope lying on inclined bedding plane","The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS2012)",,,,,"pp. 1295-1304",2012,Oct. "S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi,P. Doncommul","Direct shear strength of snail fossil deposited outside the preservation area in Mae Moh coal mine","The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS2012)","Proceedings of the 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium",,,,"pp. 262-270",2012,Oct. "S. Thay,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi","Measurements of vertical pressure profile beneath a planar valley of loose sand and its estimation based on self-similar solution of elliptic equation system",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2 (Applied Mechanics)","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 68","No. 2","pp. I21-I32",2012,Sept. "S. Thay,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi","Physical model of surcharge loading to the intersecting ridge between two slopes","The 2nd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (IS-Hokkaido2012)","Advances in Transportation Geotechnics II","Taylor & Francis Group",,,"pp. 749-754",2012,Sept. "T. Pipatpongsa","Statically admissible stress fields in loose sand heaps under the closure of polarized principal axes","The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2012)","Abstract book","China Science Literature Publishing House",,,"p. 246",2012,Aug. "Ning Guo,S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi,Jidong Zhao","A physical model of pressure profile beneath a planar sand valley",,"Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 21",2012,Aug. "S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,N. Mavong","Crushing sound analysis of snail fossils under compressive loading using audible frequency measurement","The 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2012)","Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 34",2012,Aug. "L. Tang,T. Pipatpongsa","Consideration of stress distribution in an antlion's nest using advantage of angle of repose","The 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2012)","Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 33",2012,Aug. "S. Touch,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Phnom Penh subsoil cross-sections produced from 3D ground model","The 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2012)","Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 32",2012,Aug. "S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,P. Doncommul","Site investigation and shear strength of Mae Moh snail fossils in Thailand","The 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2012)","Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 31",2012,Aug. "T. Matsushita,T. Pipatpongsa,N. Mungpayabal,P. Wattanachai","Possible use of hollow plaster cylinders for indicating the axis of major principal stress in soft rock surface","The 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 853-854",2012,July "S. Thay,Rewadee Wangsa,T. Pipatpongsa,P. Doncommul,A. Takahashi","Shear strength of disturbed Mae Moh snail fossils measured by direct shear box test under constant load","The 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 707-708",2012,July "Samphors Touch,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Phnom Penh subsoil cross-sections produced from 3D ground model","The 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 89-90",2012,July "T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,Dionysios STATHAS,JIRO TAKEMURA","Effect evaluation of tensile strength to a critical width of undercut slope aligned with a bedding plane","The 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 777-778",2012,July "L. Tang,S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Iizuka","Weight transmission in conical sand pits stored in a rectangular bin","The 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 636-364",2012,July "北方秀平,松下忠己,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,マヴォング・ナロンサック","可聴周波数測定を用いた圧縮による貝類化石の破砕音分析","第47回地盤工学研究発表会","第47回地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集",,,,"pp. 705-706",2012,July "S. Thay,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,S. Leungvichcharoen","Development of physical models for investigating stress distribution in loose sand stored in rectangular bin","The 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Proceeding of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Engineering Institute of Thailand"," CD-ROM"," GTE021","page 1-12",2012,May "C. Leelasukseree,N. Mavong,M. H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa","Physical and numerical models of undercut slope lying on steeply inclined bedding plane","The 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Proceeding of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Engineering Institute of Thailand"," CD-ROM"," GTE045","page 1-12",2012,May "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Matsushita,B. Vardhanabhuti","Taylor series solutions of stress profiles in mound of loose sand inclining at angle of repose","The 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Proceeding of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Engineering Institute of Thailand"," CD-ROM"," GTE049","page 1-10",2012,May "Rewadee Wangsa,J. Wongsiriworakul,N. Mungpayabal,T. Pipatpongsa,P. Wattanachai","Residual shear strength of Mae Moh clay seam measured by multiple reversal direct shear box test under constant load","The 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Proceedings of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE17)","Engineering Institute of Thailand"," CD-ROM"," GTE012","page 1-10",2012,May "M.H. Khosravi,L. Tang,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Doncommul","Performance of counterweight balance on stability of undercut slope evaluated by physical modeling",,"International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering","J. Ross Publishing","Vol. 6","No. 2","pp. 193-205",2012,Apr. "Iizuka, A.,Kawai, K.,Nomura, S.,Tachibana, S.,Ohno, S.,Pipatpongsa, T.","The role of unsaturated geomechanics in desertification due to salt damage","The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils","Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 31-44",2012,Mar. "S. Thay,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi","Principal stress trajectories in planar sand ditch under the closure of polarized principal axes","The 61st National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","Proceedings of the 61st National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","Science Council of Japan",,," GS01-02",2012,Mar. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura","Pseudo-static analysis of passive arch action in undercut slopes against earthquake","The 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE)","Joint Conference Proceedings: The 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE)","Center of Urban Earthquake Engineering",,,"pp. 665-672",2012,Mar. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa","Efficiency evaluation of implicit stress update algorithm for various forms of the original Cam-clay model",,"Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan","Science Council of Japan","Vol. 60",,"pp. 215-223",2012,Feb. "S. Thay,T. Ishigaki,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi","Determination of crushability of Toyoura sand using direct simple shear tests under high compression","Geo-Kanto 2011","Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2011","地盤工学会関東支部",,,"pp. 163-166",2011,Nov. "S. Thay,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa","Development of physical models for studying load transmission in loose sand ditch","The 4th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (4th TJIA 2011)","Proceedings of the 4th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Thai Students’ Association in Japan under the Royal Patronage",,,"pp. 53-54",2011,Nov. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,N. Mavong,P. Doncommul","Investigation on shear strength of shale at the Mae Moh open-pit mine","The 4th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (4th TJIA 2011)","Proceedings of the 4th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Thai Students’ Association in Japan under the Royal Patronage",,,"pp. 51-52",2011,Nov. "唐 麟,タイ ソクサン,ルアングビィッチャルアンサシコン,ピパットポンサー ティラポン","蟻地獄の生息場所調査および巣穴の安息角測定","第8回地盤工学会関東支部発表会","第8回地盤工学会関東支部発表会発表講演集","地盤工学会関東支部",,,"pp. 185-188",2011,Nov. "M. H. Khosravi,L. Tang,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Doncommul","Physical model tests of an undercut slope on moist sand stabilized by counterweight balance","International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011)","Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011)",,,,"pp. 669-676",2011,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,S. Likitlersuang,N. Mungpayabal,H. Ohta","Investigation of mechanical properties of clay seam in bedding shears of the Mae Moh open-pit mine of Thailand","International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011)","Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011)",,,,"pp. 209-214",2011,Nov. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Doncommul","Alternative coal mining method with lesser energy and environmental load","The Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering, Dean's Meeting & Students' Academic Forum","Abstract proceedings",,,,"p. 12",2011,Oct. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Doncommu","Alternative coal mining method with lesser energy and environmental load","The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2011)","Proceedings of the 3rd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 66",2011,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,A. Iizuka,H. Ohta","Static pressure distribution beneath granular wedges sloped at angle of repose","International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Seoul 2011)","Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 924-932",2011,Aug. "S. Thay,T. Matsushita,T. Pipatpongsa","Snail fossils protection and energy development constraint in open-pit mine","The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2011)","Proceedings of the 3rd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop",,,,"p. 78",2011,Aug. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi,J. Takemura","Arch action over an excavated pit on a stable scarp investigated by physical model tests",,"Soils and Foundations",,"Vol. 51","No. 4","pp. 723-735",2011,Aug. "S. Siriteerakul,T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeyama","Analytic solutions for stresses in an inverted conical sand valley with principal axes polarized everywhere",,"46th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society","Vol. 46",,"pp. 351-352",2011,July "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeda,S. Fujikawa,M. Inoue","Investigation of soil salinization in the northeastern part of Thailand after the 2010 Thai big floods",,"46th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society","Vol. 46",,"pp. 2141-2142",2011,July "S. Thay,M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Takahashi","Weight transmission in planar sand ditch stored in a rectangular bin",,"第46回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 351-352",2011,July "松下忠己,唐麟,ヘイン・ソクビル,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン","長方形板上の堆積砂丘の自重による分布荷重伝達","第46回地盤工学研究発表会","第46回地盤工学研究発表会","地盤工学会","Vol. 46",,"pp. 349-350",2011,July "M.H. Khosravi,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura","Experimental analysis of failure zone behind retaining walls under active translation mode","第46回地盤工学研究発表会","46th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","地盤工学会","Vol. 46",,"pp. 1355-1356",2011,July "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Soksan,S. Likitlersuang","Basic scheme of implicit stress update algorithm under hyperplasticity: Multiple spring models","第16回計算工学講演会","第16回計算工学講演会論文集","Japan Society of Computational Engineering and Science","Vol. 16",," CD-ROM (E-5-5)",2011,May "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa","Stress update algorithm for the original Cam-clay model considering the form of yield function on its performance","The 60th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","第60回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集","日本学術会議",,," OS02-15",2011,Mar. "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeyama","Analytic solutions for stresses in loose planar sand valley with principal axes fixed everywhere","The 60th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics","第60回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集","日本学術会議","Vol. 60",,,2011,Mar. "T. Pipatpongsa,Katsuyuki Kawai,A. Iizuka","Saline soil problems in the northeastern part of Thailand and development of a computing tool for inter-organization collaboration","The 21st Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development","The Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development",,,,"pp. 227-228",2010,Dec. "T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Pongpanlarp,P. Doncommul","Field investigation of dumping areas in the Mae Moh open-pit lignite mine of Thailand","Geo-Kanto 2010","Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2010",,,,"pp. 189-190",2010,Nov. "S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa,N. Hemathulin,T. Chompoorat","Shear strength parameter of Mae Moh clay seam under simple shear condition","The 23rd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering","Proceedings of the 23rd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 339-342",2010,Nov. "太田 秀樹,松岡永憲,ヘンソクビル,ピパットポンサーティラポン","潜在的土石流発生源の地下水特性","第7回地盤工学会関東支部発表会","第7回地盤工学会関東支部発表会発表講演集",,,,"pp. 368-371",2010,Nov. "M.H. Khosravi,Oliver James Carlton,T. Pipatpongsa,J. Takemura,P. Doncommul","A preliminary study of moving-pit excavation for environmental load reduction in open-cast mining","The 3rd ASEAN Conference on Civil Engineering & 3rd ASEAN Conference on Environmental","Proceedings UP ICE Centennial Conference on Harmonizing Infrastructure with the Environment featuring the 3rd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference and the 3rd ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference","University of the Philippines Diliman",,," GEO_11",2010,Nov. "Soksan Thay,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Akihiro Takahashi,Suched Likitlersuang","Chiang Mai sand response from constant volume and constant vertical load direct shear test","The 3rd ASEAN Conference on Civil Engineering & 3rd ASEAN Conference on Environmental","Proceedings UP ICE Centennial Conference on Harmonizing Infrastructure with the Environment featuring the 3rd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference and the 3rd ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference","University of the Philippines Diliman",,," Paper ID: GEO_7",2010,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeyama,Tadaki Matsushita,Shinichi Kanazawa","Derivation of Airy stress function for a planar sand heap under the closure of polarized principal axes","Geo-Kanto 2010","Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2010",,,,"pp. 35-38",2010,Nov. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa,N. Mungpayabal,H. Ohta","Shear strength parameters of clay seam in the Mae Moh open-pit mine of Thailand","Geo-Kanto 2010","Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2010",,,,"pp. 10-13",2010,Nov. "Soksan Thay,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Akihiro Takahashi,Suched Likitlersuang","Chiang Mai sand behavior in constant volume direct shear test","Geo-Kanto 2010","Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2010",,,,"pp. 195-198",2010,Nov. "M.H. Khosravi,Y. Ishii,J. Takemura,T. Pipatpongsa","Centrifuge model test on compacted sand slopes undercut by in-flight excavator","Geo-Kanto 2010","Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2010",,,,"pp. 136-139",2010,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,A. Iizuka,H. Ohta","Statics of loose triangular embankment under Nadai’s sand hill analogy",,"Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids","Elsevier","Vol. 58","No. 10","pp. 1506-1523",2010,Oct. "T. Pipatpongsa","Arch shapes and principal stress trajectories in planar heap of dry sand","IS-SHANGHAI2010","Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-SHANGHAI 2010)","CRC Press","vol. 1",,"pp. 407-413",2010,Oct. "S. Siriteerakul,T. Pipatpongsa","Analytic solutions for stresses in conical sand heaps with constant stress ratio hypothesis","The 12th International Summer Symposium","Proceedings of the 12th International Summer Symposium","Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"pp. 163-166",2010,Sept. "C. Leelasukseree,M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,N. Mavong","Investigation of load transfer mechanisms due to undercutting at toe of slope resting on sliding plane by using 3D elastic analyses","The 12th JSCE International Summer Symposium","Proceedings of the 12th International Summer Symposium","Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"pp. 195-198",2010,Sept. "T. Pipatpongsa,Cheowchan Leelasukseree,M.H. Khosravi,Narongsak Mavong","Arch action in granular media placing along an oblique plane across an undercut pit examined by computer simulations","Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2010 Annual Meeting","JSCE Annual Meeting 2009",,,,"pp. 783-784",2010,Sept. "Soksan Thay,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Constant volume monotonic response of reconstituted sand under direct simple shear","The 12th JSCE International Summer Symposium","Proceedings of the 12th International Summer Symposium","Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"pp. 175-178",2010,Sept. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa,Noppadon Mungpayabal,H. Ohta","Basic parameters of clay seam in a bedding shear zone of the Mae Moh open-pit mine of Thailand","The 12th JSCE International Summer Symposium","Proceedings of the 12th International Summer Symposium","Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"pp. 175-178",2010,Sept. "S. Thay,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Dynamic properties of Chiang Mai sand using the cyclic direct simple shear test","The 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 327-328",2010,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,Sirikul Siriteerakul","Analytic solutions for stresses in conical sand heaps piled up with perfect memory",,"Journal of Applied Mechanics JSCE",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 343-354",2010,Aug. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa","Admissible stress fields for a semi-infinite planar heap of granular medium possessing self-weight in loose condition",,"Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering","Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers","Vol. 4","No. 8","pp. 1261-1272",2010,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng","Granular arch shapes in storage silo determined by quasi-static analysis under uniform vertical pressure",,"Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering","Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers","Vol. 4","No. 8","pp. 1237-1248",2010,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeyama","Stress analysis of planar slopes inclined at the angle of repose with fixed principal axes","The 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 305-306",2010,Aug. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa,Hideki Ohta","Stability assessment of rainfall-induced landslides slipped along clay seam","The 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 1737-1738",2010,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Siriteerakul","Numerical analysis of admissible stresses in conical sand heap deposited in loose condition","The 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 307-308",2010,Aug. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa","Arching effect in retaining walls under translation mode with surcharge","The 45th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 1279-1280",2010,Aug. "平田昌史,ピパットポンサーティラポン,飯塚敦,太田秀樹","下負荷面・上負荷面を考慮した関口・太田モデルの特異点処理法","第45回地盤工学研究発表会","第45回地盤工学研究発表会講演集","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 231-232",2010,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,Prajuab Doncommul,Noppadon Mungpayabal,PITIWAT WATTANACHAI","Shear strength parameters of clay seam placed between underburden layers of rock masses in the Mae Moh open-pit mine","The 15th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Thailand",,"Engineering Institute of Thailand",," GTE61"," CD-ROM",2010,May "T. Pipatpongsa","Particular stress distributions in granular wedges under Coulomb friction inequality","the 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM II) and the 12th International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC XII)","AIP Conference Proceedings","AIP Conference Proceedings","Vol. 1233"," 1","pp. 471-476",2010,May "T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,Cheowchan Leelasukseree,Narongsak Mavong,J. Takemura","Slope failures along oblique plane due to sequential removals of propping portion in physical model tests","The 15th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Thailand",,"Engineering Institute of Thailand",," GTE60"," CD-ROM",2010,May "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,H. Ohta,T. Takeyama","Analysis of groundwater influence and destabilized mechanisms of the Guinsaugon rockslide","The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference","Proceedings of the 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference","Taiwan Geotechnical Society","Vol. 1",,"pp. 307-310",2010,May "S. Heng,H. Ohta,T. Pipatpongsa,M. Takemoto,S. Yokota","Constant-volume direct box-shear test on clay-seam materials","The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference","Proceedings of the 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference","Taiwan Geotechnical Society","Vol. 1",,"pp. 83-87",2010,May "Dedi Apriadi,Suched Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Yuanita","Pre-consolidation pressure dependence of mixed hardening multisurface hyperplasticity model",,"Proceeding of the 2nd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference",,,,"pp. 288-297",2010,Mar. "V. Muangsin,A. Ruangrassamee,T. Pipatpongsa","Development of a tsunami warning system for Thailand","International Workshop on “The Indian Ocean Tsunami: 5 years later”",,"the Social-Ecological Resilience Project under Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)",,,,2010,Mar. "H. Ohta,T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,S. Yokota,M. Takemoto","Significance of saturated clays seams for the stability of rainfall-induced landslides",,"Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment","Springer Berlin / Heidelberg","Vol. 69","No. 1","pp. 71-87",2010,Feb. "T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta,Atsushi Iizuka","Analyses of pressure distribution using arching criteria in 2D sand heaps",,"Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan","Science Council of Japan","Vol. 58",,"pp. 41-48",2010,Feb. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa,S. Tachibana,B. Vardhanabhuti","Spatial distributions of safety factor against sliding in loose heap of sand","Geo-Kanto2009","Geo-Kanto2009","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 104-109",2009,Nov. "S. Kanazawa,K. Kawai,A. Iizuka,S. Ohno,S. Tachibana,T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeyama","A finite element simulator for mechanical behavior of unsaturated earth structures exposed to evaporation and moisturization","UNSAT-ASIA2009","Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils",,,,"pp. 711-717",2009,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,Prajuab Doncommul,Narongsak Mavong","Excavation problems in Mae Moh lignite open-pit mine of Thailand","Geo-Kanto2009","Geo-Kanto2009","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 459-464",2009,Nov. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,Cheowchan Leelasukseree,P. Wattanachai","Failure mechanisms in arched excavation of sloped earth using model test","Geo-Kanto2009","Geo-Kanto2009","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 241-246",2009,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,A. Ruangrassamee,Veera Muangsin,T. Aoki","Development of tsunami database in Thailand through supercomputing research collaboration","The 20th Annual Conference the Japan Society for International Development","The Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference, the Japan Society for International Development","国際開発学会",,,"pp. 168-171",2009,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,S. Heng","Granular arch shapes under criterion of silo effect","Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009","Proceedings of the APCMM2009","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers"," JSME No.09-202",," general sessions: a202",2009,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,Shinichi Kanazawa,Atsushi Iizuka","Stress propagation in semi-infinite planar heap of granular medium possessing self-weight in loose condition","Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009","Proceedings of the APCMM2009","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers"," JSME No.09-202",," general sessions: a196",2009,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,M.H. Khosravi,Shinichi Kanazawa,Suched Likitlersuang","Effect of the modified Cam-clay yield function's form on performance of the Backward-Euler stress update algorithm","The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering","Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 509-514",2009,Oct. "Dedi Apriadi,Suched Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa","Non-linearity and recent stress history behaviour in overconsolidated clay predicted using multisurface plasticity","The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering","Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 499-502",2009,Oct. "T. Pipatpongsa,H. Sokbil,P. Wattanachai,Suched Likitlersuang","Stress distribution in storage silo under uniform vertical pressure","The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering","Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 535-540",2009,Oct. "T. Pipatpongsa,Shinya Tachibana,Barames Vardhanabhuti,Suched Likitlersuang","Error in Nadai (1963) 's distribution of stress in gravitating loose earth inclined at the angle of repose","The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering","Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 515-520",2009,Oct. "M. H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,S. Kanazawa,A. Iizuka","Effect of yield function’s form on performance of the backward-Euler stress update algorithm for the original cam-clay model","The 11th International Summer Symposium, JSCE","Proceedings of the 11th International Summer Symposium, JSCE","JSCE",,,"pp. 161-164",2009,Sept. "T. Pipatpongsa,Dedi Apriadi,Suched Likitlersuang,H. Ohta","Consistent integration for Iwan spring model under multisurface hyperplasticity framework","JSCE Annual Meeting 2009","第64回年次学術講演会公演概要集","JSCE",,,"pp. 1281-1282",2009,Sept. "Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Sokbil Heng","Modeling of self-weight transmission in prismatic granular heaps using continuum mechanics approach","The 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium","The 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium",,,," CD-ROM: APT2009/154",2009,Sept. "T. Pipatpongsa,H.Ohta","Theoretical analyses of arch action and stress distribution due to bin effect in storage silo of granular media","The 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","The Proceedings of the 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","The Japansese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 353-354",2009,Aug. "河井克之,野村瞬,大野進太郎,ピパットポンサー ティラポン,橘伸也,金澤伸,飯塚敦","耐塩害性地盤構造及び塩害地盤浄化手法の検討",,"土木学会応用力学論文集",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 421-428",2009,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,A. Iizuka,H. Ohta","Rationale for coefficient of earth pressure at rest derived from prismatic sand heap",,"Journal of Applied Mechanics JSCE",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 383-394",2009,Aug. "M.H. Khosravi,T. Pipatpongsa,A. Majdi,H. Ohta","Critical grouting pressure prediction in Iran Kheirabad rock mass based on fracture mechanics approach","The 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","The Proceedings of the 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 445-446",2009,Aug. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa,H.Ohta","Stress analyses of central pressure dip phenomenon underneath two-dimensional sand heaps","The 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","Proceedings of the 44th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 351-352",2009,Aug. "野村瞬,河井克之,大野進太郎,ピパットポンサー ティラポン,橘伸也,金澤伸一,飯塚敦","気候条件に伴う塩害の被害及び対策","第44回地盤工学研究発表会","第44回地盤工学研究発表会講演論文集","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 913-914",2009,Aug. "D. Apriadi,S. Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","On the numerical implementation of hyperplasticity non-linear kinematic hardening modified cam clay model",,"Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore","Taylor & Francis"," Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering","No. 2:3","pp. 187-201",2009,Aug. "Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Heng Sokbil,HIDEKI OHTA,Atsushi Iizuka","Analyses of pressure distribution under 2D sand heap by considering arching effect","NCTAM2009","NCTAM2009","Japan Society of Civil Engineers",,,"pp. 391-392",2009,June "T. Pipatpongsa,B. Vardhanabhuti","Analyses of coefficient of lateral earth pressure in wedge-shaped granular mound based on Jaky’s (1944) hypothesis","The 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering","Proceedings of the 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE14)",,"Volume GTE",,"pp. 147-152",2009,May "T. Pipatpongsa,Dedi Apriadi,Suched Likitlersuang","Consistent integration scheme for kinematic hardening multisurface hyperplasticity: One dimensional motivation","The 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering of Thailand","Proceedings of the 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE14)","Engineering Institute of Thailand","Volume GTE",,"pp. 89-96",2009,May "T. Pipatpongsa,MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN KHOSRAVI,H. Ohta","Backward-Euler stress update algorithm for the original Cam-clay model with vertex singularity","International Symposium on Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation (IS-Kyoto 2009)","Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation","CRC Press",,,"pp. 179-184",2009,May "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Takeyama,H. Ohta,A. Iizuka","On the vertex singularity of the Sekiguchi-Ohta model",,"Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan","Science Council of Japan","Vol. 57",,"pp. 89-94",2009,Feb. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,H. Ohta","Statics of granular media in wedge-shaped heap",,"The 6th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development",,,," GEO-7",2009,Jan. "T. Pipatpongsa,Shinya Tachibana,H. Ohta","Statics of granular media in wedge-shaped mound",,"Geo-Chiangmai","CI-Premier",,,"pp. 269-274",2008,Dec. "Dedi Apriadi,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","Artificial neural networks-based attenuation function for subduction zone earthquake","Geo-Kanto 2008","Geo-Kanto 2008","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 342-347",2008,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,S. Heng,H. Ohta","Plasticity analysis of granular media reposed in wedge-shaped heap","Geo-Kanto 2008","Geo-Kanto 2008","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 319-324",2008,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Aoki,A. Ruangrassamee,V. Muangsin","New discipline of collaborative research crossing borders through supercomputing infrastructure","the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008)","在日タイ留学生協会",,,"pp. 93-94",2008,Nov. "MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN KHOSRAVI,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","Interpretation of process of Ko-consolidation by randomized inhomogeneous strains","the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008)","在日タイ留学生協会",,,"pp. 153-154",2008,Nov. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","Stress analysis of granular media confined in long vertical column","the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008)","在日タイ留学生協会",,,"pp. 151-152",2008,Nov. "Dedi Apriadi,W. Sengara,P. Sumiartha,T. Pipatpongsa","Finite element simulation of natural soft clay deposit response due to earthquake","the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008)","在日タイ留学生協会",,,"pp. 61-62",2008,Nov. "金澤伸一,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,竹山智英,橘伸也,飯塚敦","陰解応力積分法を導入した地盤構成式の検討","第5回地盤工学会関東支部発表会","第5回地盤工学会関東支部発表会","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 350-355",2008,Nov. "S. Heng,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","Jaky’s inconsistent assumptions on stress analyses in sand heap and storage silo","Geo-Kanto 2008","Geo-Kanto 2008","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 331-336",2008,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,K. Hashimoto,N. Otsuki","Outlooks of Tokyo Tech educational field trip in Thailand","the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008)","在日タイ留学生協会",,,"pp. 177-178",2008,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa,T. Moriizumi,T. Kitahara,T. Shimura,H. Kunieda,A. Nishihara","Educational drive of Tokyo Tech toward human resources development in Thailand","the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference","Proceedings of the 1st Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference (1st TJIA 2008)","在日タイ留学生協会",,,"pp. 175-176",2008,Nov. "Suched Likitlersuang,Dedi Apriadi,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","An application of continuous hyperplasticity model to the response of normally consolidated clay under direct simple shear",,"Proceeding of the 6th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference",,,,"pp. 332-338",2008,Oct. "Dedi Apriadi,Suched Likitlersuang,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","Numerical implementation of hyperplasticity nonlinear kinematic hardening modified Cam clay model",,"the 21st KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering",,,,"pp. 436-439",2008,Oct. "MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN KHOSRAVI,A. Majdi,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","A fracture mechanics approach for hydraulic fracturing in situ stress measurements","The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium","The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium","JSCE",,,"pp. 153-156",2008,Sept. "T. Pipatpongsa,H. Sokbil,H. Ohta","Analysis of stresses in wedge-shaped granular mound","The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium","The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium","JSCE",,,"pp. 483-484",2008,Sept. "MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN KHOSRAVI,A. Majdi,T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta","Critical pressure prediction in rock grouting by using the fracture mechanics principles","JSCE Annual Meeting 2008","第63回年次学術講演会公演概要集",,,,"pp. 483-484",2008,Sept. "Dedi Apriadi,Suched Likitlersuang,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Hideki Ohta","Hyperplasticity modelling of normally consolidated clays in simple shear","The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium","The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium","JSCE",,,"pp. 101-104",2008,Sept. "青木孝憲,大野進太郎,竹山智英,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,太田秀樹","密度の相違を考慮した砂の構成モデルとそのパラメータの決定法",,"第43回地盤工学研究発表会講演論文集",,,,"pp. 397-398",2008,July "平田昌史,竹山智英,Pipatpongsa Thirapong,飯塚敦,太田秀樹","関口・太田モデルの特異点における負荷判定法",,"第43回地盤工学研究発表会講演論文集",,,,"pp. 289-290",2008,July "ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,大野進太郎,飯塚敦,太田秀樹","静止土圧係数の解析","第43回地盤工学研究発表会","第43回地盤工学研究発表会講演論文集","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 265-266",2008,July "Sokbil Heng,Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Katsumi Ohkubo,Seiya Yokota,Masaru Takemoto,HIDEKI OHTA","Apparent c`-intercept induced by capillary action","第43回地盤工学研究発表会","第43回地盤工学研究発表会講演論文集","地盤工学会",,,"pp. 255-256",2008,July "T. Pipatpongsa,K. Nishina,Hidetsugu Akita","The trial distant Japanese course between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Walailak University",,"NECTEC Technical Journal","NECTEC","Vol. 8","No. 19","pp. 274-280",2008,June "Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Tomohide Takeyama,HIDEKI OHTA,Atsushi Iizuka","Domain of metastability at the corner of the Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第57回理論応用力学講演会","第57回理論応用力学講演会",,,,"pp. 355-356",2008,June "Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,HIDEKI OHTA","How can we describe strain changes due to isotropic consolidation by using the original cam clay model?","The 13th National Convention on Civil Engineering of Thailand","Proceedings of the 13th National Convention on Civil Engineering of Thailand",,"Volume GTE",,"pp. 96-101",2008,May "Tsugihiro SHIMURA,Thirapong PIPATPONGSA","Discussion on influence of Japanese investment and cooperation to Thai society by students from Thai, Japanese and other neighboring countries -JAYSES: Japan-Asia Young Scientist and Engineer Study Visit; the official event to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Japan-Thailand diplomatic relations","The 10th International Conference on Thai Studies",""Sciece and Society" Panel of the 10th International Conference on Thai Studies",,,,"pp. CD-ROM",2008,Jan. "Shintaro Ohno,Tomohide Takeyama,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Atsushi Iizuka,Hideki Ohta","Analysis of embankment by nonlinear contractancy description","the 13th Asian Regional Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering","Proc. of the 13th Asian Regional Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering",,,,"pp. 1097-1100",2007,Dec. "Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Tsugihiro SHIMURA","Effect of Japanese technologies to Thai industries by students' viewpoints","Thai Student’s Association in Japan","the 2nd Thai-Japanese Student Exchange Meeting (TJSE2007)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 71",2007,Nov. "太田秀樹,飯塚敦,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,竹山智英","オリジナル・カムクレイと修正カムクレイの比較―故きを温ね,新しきを知る?",,"第4回地盤工学会関東支部発表会発表講演集",,,,"pp. 455-460",2007,Oct. "石垣 勉,尾本 志展,竹山智英,ピパットポンサーティラポン,飯塚 敦,太田秀樹","土/水連成解析を用いた道路アセットマネジメント支援の試み",,"土木学会応用力学論文集","土木学会","Vol. 10",,"pp. 971-982",2007,Sept. "HIDEKI OHTA,Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Tomohide Takeyama,Shintaro Ohno,Atsushi Iizuka","Comparison of original and modified Cam clay models extended for Ko-consolidated clays",,"Proceedings of the Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society’s First International Conference on Soil & Rock Engineering",,,,,2007,Aug. "Tomohide Takeyama,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Atsushi Iizuka,Tomihisa Mizuta,Shintaro Ohno,Hideki Ohta","Soil/water coupled FE simulation of field performance of 5 embankments placed on homogeneous clay",,"Proceedings of the Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society’s First International Conference on Soil & Rock Engineering",,,,,2007,Aug. "杉田芙紗子,飯塚敦,河井克之,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン","地球環境問題の階層的整理と砂漠化問題の位置付け","第42回地盤工学研究発表会","第42回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 1-2",2007,July "大野進太郎,竹山智英,飯塚敦,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,太田秀樹","関口・太田による弾粘塑性構成モデルにおける負荷判定の改良","第42回地盤工学研究発表会","第42回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 261-262",2007,July "竹山智英,大野進太郎,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,飯塚敦","弾塑性構成モデルのMetastability特性とその定量化","第42回地盤工学研究発表会","第42回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 263-264",2007,July "Sokbil Heng,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Hideki Ohta","Stability of soft clay slopes along Mekong river","第42回地盤工学研究発表会","第42回地盤工学研究発表会講演論文集",,,,"pp. 1923-1924",2007,July "Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Tomohide Takeyama,Shintaro Ohno,Atsushi Iizuka,HIDEKI OHTA","Substepping schemes for the numerical integration of the Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第42回地盤工学研究発表会","第42回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 265-266",2007,July "Shinya Tachibana,Atsushi Iizuka,Katsuyuki Kawai,Ichizo Kobayashi,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Hideki Ohta","Numerical investigation on the failure criterion of normally consolidated clays",,"International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics","John Wiley & Sons","Vol. 31","No. 6","pp. 809-833",2007,May "Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Tomohide Takeyama,Hideki Ohta,Atsushi Iizuka","Coefficient of earth pressure at-rest derived from the Sekiguchi-Ohta model","the 16th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Geotechnical Innovations in Practice, Tsunami and Debris Flow","Proceeding of the 16th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference",,,,"pp. 325-331",2007,May "Shinya Tachibana,Atsushi Iizuka,Katsuyuki Kawai,Ichizo Kobayashi,Thirapong Pipatpongsa,Hideki Ohta","Inhomogeneous deformation developing in a clay specimen","the 16th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Geotechnical Innovations in Practice, Tsunami and Debris Flow","Proceeding of the 16th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference",,,,"pp. 289-295",2007,May "太田秀樹,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン","海岸防災に関する国際連携","国際開発学会第8回春季大会","国際開発学会第8回春季大会報告論文集",,,,"pp. 47-50",2007,Mar. "ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,飯塚敦,河井克之","タイ東北部の塩害調査と「ジグソー・ピーシス作戦」",,"土と基礎",,"Vol. 55","No. 3","pp. 22-24",2007,Mar. "ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,飯塚敦,河井克之","タイ東北部における塩害と地盤変状シミュレータを用いた国際協力の可能性",,"神戸大学都市安全研究センター",,,"No. 11","pp. 43?49",2007,Mar. "Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Tomohide Takeyama,Hideki Ohta","Accuracy assessment of implicit integration for Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion","JSPS International Symposium on Environmental Engineering","JSPS International Symposium on Environmental Engineering and the Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering (SIDE 2006)",,,," CD-ROM",2006,Dec. "T. Pipatpongsa","Taiwan`s key elements of success","1st Thai-Japanese Student Exchange Meeting (TJSE2006)","Thai Student’s Association in Japan",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 47",2006,Nov. "太田秀樹,大野進太郎,飯塚敦,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,竹山智英","異方圧密粘土を想定した弾塑性構成モデルの破壊条件とKo条件の理論式","第3回地盤工学会関東支部研究発表会(Geo-Kanto 2006)","地盤工学会",,,,"pp. 309-312",2006,Nov. "竹山智英,太田秀樹,飯塚敦,ピパットポンサーティラポン,大野進太郎","関口・太田モデルにおける特異点処理法",,"第3回地盤工学会関東支部研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 312-313",2006,Sept. "太田秀樹,大野進太郎,飯塚敦,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,竹山智英","異方圧密粘土を想定した弾塑性構成モデルの破壊条件とK0条件の理論式",,"第3回地盤工学会関東支部研究発表会講演集,",,,,"pp. 309-312",2006,Sept. "藤川和彦,飯塚敦,河井克之,ピパットパンサー・ティラポン","物質移動を考慮した不飽和土/水連成問題の数理モデルと有限要素解析手法",,"土木学会応用力学論文集","土木学会","Vol. 9",,"pp. 377-384",2006,Sept. "青木孝憲,大野進太郎,太田秀樹,飯塚敦,Pipatpongsa Thirapong","陰解積分アルゴリズムの境界値問題への適用性の検討","第41回地盤工学研究発表会","地盤工学会",,,,"pp. 319-320",2006,July "飯塚敦,竹山智英,大野進太郎,ピパットポンサーティラポン,太田秀樹","関口・太田による弾・粘塑性モデルにおける応力緩和項へのマクローリン展開の適用","第41回地盤工学研究発表会","第41回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 315-316",2006,July "大野進太郎,青木孝憲,飯塚敦,太田秀樹,ピパットポンサーティラポン","拡張下負荷面を導入した弾粘塑性モデルの陰解積分アルゴリズム","第41回地盤工学研究発表会","地盤工学会",,,,"pp. 317-318",2006,July "Sandra G. Catane,Hillel B. Cabria,Cristituto P. Tomarong,Jr.,Ricarido M. Saturay,Jr.,Mark Albert H. Zarco,Winston C. Pioquinto,(P.Thirapong和訳)","フィリピン南レイテ州セントバーナードでの急速岩すべり・土石流",,"土と基礎",,"Vol. 54","No. 5","pp. 33-34",2006,May "HIDEKI OHTA,T. Pipatpongsa,T. Omori","Traditional education about tsunami hazard in Japan","International Symposium on “Tsunami Reconstruction with Geosynthetics – Protection, Mitigation and Rehabilitation of Coastal and Waterway Erosion Control”","Asian Center for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics",,,,"pp. 43-50",2005,Dec. "HIDEKI OHTA,T. Pipatpongsa,T. Omori","Public education of tsunami disaster mitigation and rehabilitation performed in Japanese primary schools","Joint Working Group on “Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation (JWG-DMR)”","Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 141-150",2005,Dec. "T. Pipatpongsa,Shinya Tachibana","Corner mode in the Sekiguchi-Ohta model","Research Group 3, 2005 Workshop and Meeting on “Safety & Stability of Infrastructures Against Environmental Impacts”","JSPS Core University Program on Environmental Engineering",,,,"pp. 147-159",2005,Dec. "大野進太郎,竹山智英,飯塚敦,Pipatpongsa Thirapong,太田秀樹","地盤動態解析の基礎理論","地震工学研究レポート","21世紀COEプログラム「都市地震工学の発展と体系化」",,"Vol. 96",,"pp. 35-46",2005,Nov. "T. Pipatpongsa","Nanotechnology in Taiwan",,"Thailand's Semiconductor Electronics Journal",,"Vol. 278-279",,"pp. 230-238, 224-230",2005,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa","Taiwan's key elements of success",,"Thailand Trade and Economic Office (Taipei)",,,,"pp. 1-222",2005,Aug. "Hideki Ohta,Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Toru Omori","Japanese tradition of tsunami disaster mitigation and rehabilitation","Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Prevention and Rehabilitation 3-4 August, 2005, Graha Santika Hotel Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia","Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering combined with 9th Yearly Meeting of the Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering",,,,"pp. 204-208",2005,Aug. "竹山智英,大野進太郎,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,飯塚敦,太田秀樹","陰解積分法を用いた関口・太田による弾・粘塑性モデルに対する応力更新アルゴリズム",,"第40回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 573-574",2005,July "保広将尚,竹山智英,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,太田秀樹","応力更新陰解積分法を用いた土/水連成弾塑性有限要素プログラムの開発","第40回地盤工学研究発表会","地盤工学会",,,,"pp. 407-408",2005,July "大野進太郎,飯塚敦,太田秀樹,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン","下負荷面を導入した弾塑性構成モデルの陰解積分アルゴリズム","第40回地盤工学研究発表会","地盤工学会",,,,"pp. 411-412",2005,July "古村隆博,ピパットポンサー・ティラポン,竹山智英,太田秀樹","数値微分による弾塑性剛性係数の導出と有限要素解析への適用","第40回地盤工学研究発表会講演集","第40回地盤工学研究発表会講演集",,,,"pp. 409-410",2005,July "Pipatpongsa, T.,Iizuka, A.,Kobayashi, I.,Ohta, H.","Consistent tangential tensor in regard to rate-independent Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第38回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 1125-1126",2003,July "Yuttapongtada, Y.,Pipatpongsa, T.,Iizuka, A.,Ohta, H.","FEM for the Sekiguchi-Ohta model considering non-smooth yield surface","第38回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 285-286",2003,July "Pipatpongsa, T.,OSAKABE, K.,Iizuka, A.,Kobayashi, I.,Ohta, H.","Stress update algorithm for rate-independent Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第37回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 331-332",2002,July "Pipatpongsa, T.,OSAKABE, K.,Iizuka, A.,Kobayashi, I.,Ohta, H.","Consistent tangential moduli for rate-independent Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第37回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 329-330",2002,July "Pipatpongsa, T.,YUTTAPONGTADA, Y.,Iizuka, A.,Kobayashi, I.,Ohta, H.","Interpretation of Koiter’s associated flow rule to the corner of the Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第37回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 351-352",2002,July "Thirapong Pipatpongsa","Finite element analysis of an anisotropic soil model with non-smooth yield surface using implicit integration algorithms",,,,,,,2002,Mar. "T. Pipatpongsa,A. Iizuka,I. Kobayashi,H. Ohta","FEM formulation for analysis of soil constitutive model with a corner in the yield surface",,"Journal of Structural Engineering JSCE",,"Vol. 48A",,"pp. 185-194",2002,Mar. "Mark Albert H. Zarco,Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Hideki Ohta","An improved implicit integration algorithm for the Sekiguchi-Ohta constitutive equation",,"The 3rd Japan-Philippine workshop on Safety & Stability of Infrastructures Against Environmental Impacts",,,,,2002,Mar. "Mark H. Zarco,Thirapong PIPATPONGSA,Hideki Ohta","Sekiguchi-Ohta plasticity: Implicit integration of constitutive equations using a nonlinear elastic stress predictor",,"Third Japan-Philippine Workshop on Safety and Stability of Infrastructure against Environmental Impacts",,,,,2002,Mar. "Pipatpongsa, T.,Kobayashi, I.,Ohta, H.,Iizuka, A.","Implicit finite element implementation of an anisotropic soil model","第51回理論応用力学講演会","Sciece Council of Japan",,,,"pp. 211-212",2002,Jan. "Pipatpongsa, T.,Kobayashi, I.,Ohta, H.,Iizuka, A.","The vertex singularity in the Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第56回土木学会全国大会","Japanese Society of Civil Engineers",,,,"pp. CD III-B341",2001,Oct. "Pipatpongsa, T.,Ohta, H.,Kobayashi, I.,Iizuka, A.","Integration algorithms for soil constitutive equations with a singular hardening vertex","Proceeding of the Third International Summer Symposium","Japanese Society of Civil Engineers",,,,"pp. 201-204",2001,Aug. "T. Pipatpongsa,A. Iizuka,I. Kobayashi,H. Ohta,Y. Suzuki","Nonlinear analysis for stress-strain-strength of clays using return-mapping algorithms",,"Journal of Applied Mechanics JSCE",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 295-306",2001,Aug. "Pipatpongsa, T.,Ohta, H.,Kobayashi, I.,Iizuka, A.","Associated plastic flow at the intersection corner of plastic potential functions in soil mechanics","第36回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 935-936",2001,June "Pipatpongsa, T.,Ohta, H.,Kobayashi, I.,Iizuka, A.","Dependence of Ko-value on effective internal friction angle in regard to the Sekiguchi-Ohta model","第36回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 937-938",2001,June "T. Pipatpongsa,H. Ohta,A. Iizuka,M. Hashimoto","Effects of some parameters on braced-excavation of soft clay by numerical studies","Proceedings of the International Symposium (IS-Yokohama 2000)","AA Balkema",,,,"pp. 351-356",2000,Sept. "Pipatpongsa, T.,HIDEKI OHTA","Return-mapping algorithm for Sekiguchi-Ohta model","Proceeding of the Second International Summer Symposium","Japanese Society of Civil Engineers",,,,"pp. 229-232",2000,Aug. "Thirapong Pipatpongsa,HIDEKI OHTA","Application of F.E.M. to excavation of soft clay","Proceeding of the First International Summer Symposium","Japanese Society of Civil Engineers",,,,"pp. 205-208",1999,Aug. "Thirapong Pipatpongsa,HIDEKI OHTA,Atsushi Iizuka,Yamakami, T.,Hashimoto, M.","Application of F.E.M. to excavation of soft clay","第34回地盤工学研究発表会","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,,"pp. 1629-1630",1999,July "ピパットポンサーティラポン","FEMを用いた軟弱地盤の掘削解析",,,,,,,1999,Feb.