"Saiful Hadi Masran,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","A Study of Educational Mismatch Among Malaysian Tertiary Education Graduates","31st JASID Annual Conference","Conference Proceedings of 31st JASID Annual Conference",,,"No. 2","pp. 697",2020,Dec. "Jerome Silla,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Analysis of intangible-tangible cultural heritage interdependency and threats affecting intangible cultural heritage transmission: Case of Luang Prabang, Laos","31st JASID Annual Conference","Conference Proceedings of 31st JASID Annual Conference",,,"No. 2","pp. 695",2020,Dec. "Masaaki Ishihara,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Analysis of the chronological changes on ponds and wetlands in World Heritage using GIS: Case of Luang Prabang, Lao People’s Democratic Republic","31st JASID Annual Conference","Conference Proceedings of 31st JASID Annual Conference",,,"No. 2","pp. 694",2020,Dec. "Yuji Hirai,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada,Sukhbaatar Javzan","Localization of instruments to measure the diffusion of teacher portal use among lower secondary school teachers in Mongolia","31st JASID Annual Conference","Conference Proceedings of 31st JASID Annual Conference",,,"No. 2","pp. 693",2020,Dec. "Yamamoto, Y.,Yamaguchi, S. Y.","Relationships between ICT Implementation at Schools and Factors Related to Transformational Leadership: A Case of primary school in Mongolia",,"International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT)",,"Vol. 15","No. 2","pp. 45-61",2019,June "Sukhbaatar, J.,Yamaguchi, S.","Evaluating the impact of the project “Sustainable use of ICT for improving the quality of primary education in rural Mongolia","63nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society","63nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society",,,,,2019,Apr. "Shengru Li,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Javzan Sukhbaatar,Jun-ichi Takada","The Influence of Teachers’ Professional Development Activities on the Factors Promoting ICT Integration in Primary Schools in Mongolia",,"Educ. Sci.",,"Vol. 9","No. 2","p. 78",2019,Apr. "Hirai, Y.,Yamaguchi, S.,Sukhbaatar, J.,Takada, J.,Li, S.","Teachers’ interpretation of the innovative use of ICT in Mongolian lower secondary school contexts","63nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society","63nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society",,,,,2019,Apr. "Yiqiong Mai,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Li, S.","Study on Self-Regulated Learning Processes for Professional Development using ICT: A Case of Primary School Teachers in Mongolia","63nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society","63nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society",,,,,2019,Apr. "Yamamoto, Y.,Yamaguchi, S. Y.","ICT implementation and Factors Related to Transformational Leadership: A Case of Mongolian Primary School","the 29th Annual Conference of The Japan Society for International Development (JASID)",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Li, S.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J","The Influence of Interactive Learning Materials on Self-Regulated Learning and Learning Satisfaction of Primary School Teachers in Mongolia",,"Sustainability",,,"No. 10","p. 1093",2018,Apr. "Li, S.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Understanding factors affecting primary school teachers’ use of ICT for student-centered education in Mongolia.",,"International Journal of Education and Development using ICT [Online]",,,"No. 1","p. 14",2018,Apr. "Yamaguchi., S.","Policy Review on ICT Master Plan in Education in Bhutan",,,,,,"pp. 1-20",2018,Mar. "Hirai, Y.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Relationship between communication channels among teachers and the diffusion of teachers’ ICT use in rural Mongolian education","62nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Li, S.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Sukhbaatar Javzan","The effects of interactive learning materials on self-regulated learning and learning outcome in the case of Mongolian primary school teachers","62nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Yukiko Yamamoto,Yamaguchi, S.","Relationships between ICT implementation at school level and factors related to transformative leadership: A case of Mongolian primary school","62nd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Shinobu Yamaguchi","Evolution of Teacher Education in Environmental Education and Contribution to Education 2030",,"the Analysis Paper for Science Council of Japan",,,,"pp. 1-25",2017,Nov. "Ceelia, L.,Takada, J.,Hanaoka S.,Yamaguchi, S.","Impact of tourism growth on the changing landscape of a world heritage site: Case of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR",,"Sustainability",,"Vol. 9","No. 11","pp. 1996",2017,Oct. "S. Yamaguchi","Comparative Analysis on 21st Century Skills in Education in Asia and the Pacific","SDG2030 Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education",,,,,,2017,July "Poong Y.S.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Analyzing Mobile Learning Acceptance in the World Heritage Town of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR",,"Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects","Springer","Vol. 40",,,2017,Apr. "Poong, Y.S.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Investigating the drivers of mobile learning acceptance among young adults in the World Heritage town of Luang Prabang, Laos.",,"Information Development",,,,,2016,Mar. "山口しのぶ,高田潤一,榎本直子","アジア・太平洋地域10カ国における「21世紀型スキル」育成のための教員の指導力を高める取り組みの比較分析成果報告書",,,,,,,2016,Mar. "Poong, Y.S.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Investigating the Factors of Promoting World Heritage Site Preservation Awareness in Least Developed Country: Case of Luang Prabang, Lao P.D.R.","the 26th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development","Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development",,,,"pp. 257-260",2015,Nov. "Li, S.,Orgilmaa, L.,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Factors affecting Mongolian primary school teachers’ perception on use of ICT for student-centered education","the 26th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development,","Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development",,,,"pp. 16-19",2015,Nov. "Tsogtsaikhan Oyun,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Development of Instrument to measure ICT skills of primary school teachers in Mongolia","The 24th Japan Society for International Development Annual Conference",,,,,"pp. 514-517",2013,Dec. "Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada,Sukhbaatar Javzan,John Auxillos","Mixed-Methods Impact Study of One Laptop Per Child Initiative: A Case of Khovd Province in Mongolia,","The 24th Japan Society for International Development Annual Conference",,,,,"pp. 85-88",2013,Dec. "Yew Siang Poong,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Possibility to Use Mobile Learning to Promote World Heritage Site Preservation Awareness in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR: A Readiness Study","XXIV International CIPA Symposium","ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences",,"Vol. II-5/W1",," pp. 247-252",2013,Sept. "矢野晶太郎,Orgilmaa Luvsandash,Seregelen Ika Sukhbaatar,山口しのぶ,高田潤一","モンゴルの小学校における情報技術の導入と「子供中心の指導法」の関係についての分析:都市部と地方の学校を事例として","国際開発学会第14回春季大会",,,,,"pp. 138-139",2013,June "Yew Siang Poong,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Mobile Learning to Promote World Heritage Site Preservation Awareness in Least Developed Country: Perception Analysis among Higher Education Students in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR","JASID 14th Spring Conference",,,,,"pp. 230-233",2013,June "Yew Siang Poong,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Promoting World Heritage Site Preservation Awareness: Gender Differences on Mobile Learning Perceptions","JASID 23rd National Conference",,,,," Poster-4",2012,Dec. "Kenta Yokoi,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Application of Virtual Reality (VR) Panorama for Townscape Monitoring in the World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang","JASID 23rd National Conference",,,,," Poster-3",2012,Dec. "Orgilmaa Luvsandash,Shotaro Yano,Seregelen Ika Sukhbaatar,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Analysis on ICT use to Promote Student Centered Approach: Case of Scratch software program","JASID 23rd National Conference",,,,," 2-2",2012,Dec. "John Auxillos,Orgilmaa Luvsandash,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","ICT Use in Primary Education: The Case of the One Laptop Per Child Initiative in Mongolia","JASID 23rd National Conference",,,,," Poster-11",2012,Dec. "Yew Siang Poong,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Promoting World Heritage Site Preservation Awareness: Gender Differences on Mobile Learning Perceptions","JASID 23rd National Conference",,,,," Poster-11",2012,Dec. "小野寺純子,山口しのぶ,高田潤一","モンゴルの小学校におけるICT導入の現状:バヤンホンゴル県の事例より","国際開発学会第23回全国大会",,,,,,2012,Dec. "Yew Siang Poong,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Elucidating Initial Perceptions of Mobile Learning to Promote World Heritage Site Preservation Awareness in Luang Prabang, Lao P.D.R.","11th International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems (IWIPS)",,,,,,2012,Sept. "Yew Siang Poong,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Development of Knowledge Management System to Promote Knowledge Transfer: Evaluating Evernote Service in the World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR","JASID 13th Spring Conference",,,,,,2012,June "Yew Siang Poong,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Introducing mobile learning for promoting World Heritage Site preservation awareness: Assessment of mobile usage behavior of undergraduate students in Luang Prabang","JASID 13th Spring Conference",,,,,,2012,June "矢野晶太郎,Sergelen Ika Sukhbaatar,山口しのぶ,高田潤一","モンゴルの小学校における教材開発への Scratchプログラムの導入- 3県を事例として","国際開発学会第13回春季大会",,,,,,2012,June "矢野晶太郎,Sergelen Ika Sukhbaatar,山口しのぶ,高田潤一","モンゴルの小学校における教材開発への Scratchプログラムの導入- 3県を事例として","国際開発学会第13回春季大会",,,,,,2012,June "矢野晶太郎,Seregelen Ika Sukhbaatar,山口しのぶ,高田潤一","モンゴルの小学校における教材開発への Scratchプログラムの導入- 3県を事例として","国際開発学会第13回春季大会",,,,,,2012,June "Ceelia Leong,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Analyzing the Change in Built Environment of World Heritage Site: Case of Luang Prabang, Lao P.D.R.","JASID 22nd National Conference","JASID 22nd National Conference",,,,,2011,Nov. "Tetsuro Okumura,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","”Introducing Technical Knowledge Management System in development project"","JASID 22nd National Conference",,,,,,2011,Nov. "小野寺純子,山口しのぶ,高田潤一",""モンゴルにおける教員研修のためのICT導入の背景と傾向に関する分析”","国際開発学会第22回全国大会",,,,,,2011,Nov. "Tetsuro Okumura,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Introducing Technical Knowledge Management System in development project ~A Case in World Heritage Site in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR~","JASID 22nd National Conference","JASID 22nd National Conference",,,,,2011,Nov. "莫日根達来,山口しのぶ,高田潤一",""モンゴルの小学校教員トレーニングにおけるWebベースインタラクティブ教材開発”","国j再開発学会第12春季大会",,,,,,2011,June "Tetsuro Okumura,Ceelia Leong,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Analysis on Sustainability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Application ~Database Management of World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang, Lao P.D.R.~","JASID 12th Spring Conference","JASID 12th Spring Conference",,,,"pp. 137-138",2011,June "Tetsuro Okumura,Ceelia Leong,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi",""Analysis on Sustainability of Fee and Open Source Software(FOSS)Application-Database Management of World on Sustainability of Fee and Open Source Software(FOSS)Application-Database Management of World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR-”","JASID 12th Spring Conference",,,,,"pp. 137-138",2011,June "Dalai Morigen,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Web-based teacher training: Analysis from prototype development","55th Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society","55th Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society Conference Proceedings","Comparative and International Education Society",,,,2011,May "Junko Onodera,Shinobu Yamaguchi","ICT use in primary schools: Comparative analysis of 5 rural provinces","55th Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society","55th Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society Conference Proceedings","Comparative and International Education Society",,,,2011,May "Rasmy Sitthirath,Souvalith Phompadith,Keovanny Savatvong,Ceelia Leong,Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Application of Free and Open Source Database Management System for Heritage Management in Luang Prabang, Lao P.D.R.","3rd Joint International Conference on Information & Communication Technology, Electronic and Electrical Engineering",,,,,,2010,Dec. "小野寺純子,山口しのぶ,高田潤一,莫日根達来","モンゴルの教育現場におけるICT導入の現状と課題ー地方5県における現状比較分析より","国際開発学会第20全国大会",,,,,,2010,Dec. "Pierre Anthony Joven,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Characterization of Groundwater Development Potential of Agusan del Norte, Philippines","3rd Joint International Conference on Information & Communication Technology, Electronic and Electrical Engineering",,,,,,2010,Dec. "CEELIA LEONG,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Geo-analysis on Changing Trend of Buildings in World Heritage Site, Luang Prabang of Lao P.D.R",,"第21回国際開発学会全国大会報告論文集","国際開発学会",,,"pp. 229-230",2010,Dec. "Leong.C,Takada.J.,Yamaguchi.S","Introducing GIS (Geographical Information System) to monitor development in World Heritage Site of Developing Country: Case of Luang Prabang, Lao P.D.R",,"3rd JICTEE Annual Conference Proceedings",,,,,2010,Dec. "小野寺純子,山口しのぶ","モンゴルの学校におけるICT導入の現状:FTI-ICTイニシアチブ・ベースライン調査結果より",,"日本比較教育学会 第46回大会発表要旨集","日本比較教育学会",,,"p. 129",2010,June "Pierre Anthony Joven,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada","Use of GIS for Groundwater Development Potential: Characterization of Agusan del Norte, Philippines","JASID 11th Spring Conference",,,,,,2010,June "堀田泰司,潘建秀,山口しのぶ","ASEAN+3におけるACTS(ASEAN Credit Transfer System)を使ったアジア口頭教育権の発展の可能性",,"日本比較教育学会 第46回大会発表要旨集","日本比較教育学会",,,"p. 82",2010,June "Shinobu Yamaguchi","Higher Education System and Credit Transfer System in Asia",,"Research on ACTS(ASEAN Credit Transfer System)and Comparative Study on Asian Nations","MEXT",,,"pp. 183-196",2010,Mar. "Yamaguchi, S.,Dondov, B.","First Track Initiatives: ICT introduction into teaching in Mongolia","54th Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society","54th Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society","Comparative and International Education Society",,," CD-Rom",2010,Mar. "堀田泰司,潘建秀,山口しのぶ","ACTS(ASEAN Credit Transfer System)と各国の単位互換に関する調査研究",,"文部科学省先導的大学改革推進経費による委託研究調査報告書",,,,"pp. 183-196",2010,Mar. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Leong, C.","Application of ICT and GIS in the World Heritage of Luang Prabang","Asian Academy for Heritage Management","Journal of Asian Academy for Heritage Management","Asian Academy for Heritage Management",,,"pp. 45-48",2009,Dec. "Takada, J.,Yamaguchi, S.,Leong, C.","GIS Development in World Heritage Sites in Developing Countries ? Prevent from becoming “Heritage in Danger”: Case of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR","The Japan Society for International Development, 20th Annual Conference","The Japan Society for International Development, 20th Annual Conference Proceedings","The Japan Society for International Development",,,"pp. 306-310",2009,Nov. "山口しのぶ,小野寺純子,矢野智子","教育改革と学校長のスキルデヴェロップメントの重要性:モンゴル初等・中等教育におけるアセスメント調査より","第20回国際開発学会全国大会","第20回国際開発学会全国大会報告本文集","国際開発学会",,,"pp. 215-219",2009,Nov. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Onodera, J.,Yano, S,Dondov, B,Konishi, Y","FTI-ICT project in Mongolia ‘Level-up’ training on advanced level of ICT for primary school teachers: Monitoring Report",,,,,,"pp. 1-88",2009,Nov. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Dondov, B.,Konishi, Y","Baseline Survey on FTI-ICT project in Mongolia ‘Level-up’ training on advanced level of ICT for primary school teachers",,,,,,"pp. 1-36",2009,Oct. "山口しのぶ","ボロニアプロセスの高等教育機関へのインパクトに関する考察:欧州3国の比較","第45回日本比較教育学会全国大会","第45回日本比較教育学会全国大会要旨集","日本比較教育学会",,,"pp. 88-89",2009,June "Shinobu Yamaguchi,Junko Onodera,Regsuren BAT-ERDENE,KHISHI GBUYAN","Training Needs Assessment for School Principals in Mongolia: Preliminary Findings","53rd Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society","53rd Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society Conference Proceedings,CD-R","Comparative and International Education Society",,,,2009,Mar. "Shinobu Yamaguchi","Application of distance learning materials in rural Mongolia","53rd Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society","53rd Annual Conference on Comparative and International Education Society Conference Proceedings, CD-Rom","Comparative and International Education Society",,,,2009,Mar. "Shinobu Yamaguchi","Needs Assessment for School Principals in Mongolia",,"Survey Report for UNESCO","UNESCO, Beijing",,,"pp. 1-111",2009,Mar. "Shinobu Yamaguchi","Interpretation of quantitative data and qualitative data in the context of rural Mongolia: Case of application of ICT to promote basic education","Mongolian Academic Forum",,,,,,2008,Dec. "Takada, J.,Yamaguchi, S.,Leong, C","Geographical Information System (GIS) and Regional Development* Potential Problems and Feasible Solutions","The Japan Society for International Development, 19th Annual Conference","The Japan Society for International Development, 19th Annual Conference Proceedings","The Japan Society",,,"pp. 350-353",2008,Nov. "山口しのぶ","ラオスにおける文化遺産地域開発と人材育成","第六回東・中央アジア歴史都市会議:東・中央アジアの歴史遺産と環境保全をめぐる政策フォーラム",,,,,,2008,Nov. "Yamaguchi, S.","Impact of International Cooperation of Universities in Asia: Cases of Joint Degree Courses","the Mongolian Academic Forum",,,,,,2008,Oct. "Yamaguchi, S.,Leong, C.,Takada, J","Impact of ICT Introduction in World Heritage Site","the World Organization of United Cities and Local Government: Regional Section of Euro-Asia",,,,,,2008,Oct. "Leong,Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Assessment of Local Condition of GIS Use in Sustainable Development: A Case of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR","44th ISOCaRP Congress","44th ISOCaRP Congress, Conference Proceedings,CD-Rom",,,,,2008,Sept. "Yamaguchi, S.","Methodologies for needs assessment in Mongolia: Strategies and Options","National Seminar for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology",,,,,,2008,Aug. "Yamaguchi, S.","Internationalization Policy of Japanese Universities: Case of Tokyo Institute of Technology","JSPS-NSF Symposium",,,,,,2008,June "山口しのぶ","モンゴル僻地における遠隔教育教材の導入に関する考察:国連人間安全保障基金プロジェクトからの教訓","日本比較教育学会 第44回大会","日本比較教育学会 第44回大会発表論文収録","日本比較教育学会",,,"pp. 322-323",2008,June "Martins. R.,Yamaguchi, S.","Sustainability promotes equity in Mongolia: Analysis on sustainable factors in rural teacher training","Comparative and International Education Society 52nd Annual Conference","Comparative and International Education Society 52nd Annual Conference proceedings",,,,,2008,Mar. "Yamaguchi, S.,Baterdene, R.,Enkhtuya, N.","Enhancing Equity in Rural Education in Mongolia","Comparative and International Education Society 52nd Annual Conference","Comparative and International Education Society 52nd Annual Conference proceedings",,,,,2008,Mar. "Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada,Yushi Kawaguchi","Introduction of ICT to rural town of Lao PDR: analysis on social and cultural impact Application to World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang","Comparative and International Education Society 52nd Annual Conference","Comparative and International Education Society 52nd Annual Conference, Conference proceedings",,,,,2008,Mar. "Rasmy Sitthirath,CEELIA LEONG,Shingo Enoki,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Application of ICT for Promoting Sustainable Development in World Heritage Sites: Case of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR","The 1st Joint International Conference on Information Communication Technology (JICT 2007)",,,,,"pp. 11-18",2007,Dec. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","ICT Introduction to Luang Prabang: Needs Assessment and Summary of Result","Symposium on Application of Information Communication Technology",,,,,,2007,Dec. "高田潤一,山口しのぶ,川口雄嗣","ラオス人民民主主義共和国ルアンパバーンにおける世界文化遺産の持続的開発のための情報通信技術の応用","第18回国際開発学会全国大会","第18回国際開発学会全国大会報告本文集","国際開発学会",,,"pp. 333-336",2007,Nov. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Analysis Paper on Promotiong Sustainable Development in Mongolia",,"UNESCO Education Sector e-publication","UNESCO",,,"pp. 1-55",2007,Oct. "Jun-Ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi,Akinori Nishihara","Distribution of Graduate School Lectures via International Satellite -Satellite - Case Study with Thailand Case Study with Thailand","I","IEICE Technical Report","IEICE",," SAT2006-44, pp.,","pp. 165-167",2007,Sept. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Kawaguchi, Y.,Leong","Promoting Economic and Regional Development: Case Study in the World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang","9th World Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities","9th World Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities, Conference Proceedings",,,,,2007,June "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.","Promoting Sustainable Development in Education through UNESCO Development Project in Mongolia",,"Final Report for ACCU International Exchange Program under the UNESCO/Japan Funds-in-Trust for the Promotion of International Cooperation and Mutual Understanding",,,,"pp. 1-39",2007,Apr. "Jun-ichi Takada,Shinobu Yamaguchi","Introduction of Distant Learning Materialsinto Teacher Training in Rural Mongolia","JSPS International Symposium on Sustainable Development in East Asia","JSPS International Symposium on Sustainable Development in East Asia",,,,,2007,Mar. "Shinobu Yamaguchi,Jun-ichi Takada,Nobuo Ooka","ICT introduction to promote the regional development - Case Study in the World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang",,"JSPS International Symposium on Sustainable Development in East Asia",,,,,2007,Mar. "山口しのぶ,高田潤一","モンゴル国における教員研修プログラムへの遠隔教育メディアの導入","第17回国際開発学会全国大会","第17回国際開発学会全国大会報告本文集",,,,"pp. 104-107",2006,Nov. "Yamaguchi, S.,Vaggione, P.,Takada, J","“ICT Application to World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang”","Asian Approaches to Conservation","Research Conference Proceedings on “Asian Approaches to Conservation”, the UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy",,,,"pp. 111-124",2006,Oct. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Ooka, N.,Kawaguchi, Y","Application of Information and Communication Technology to Promote Sustainable Development, A Case Study: Town of Luang Prabang, Lao PDR","42nd ISOCaRP Congress","42nd ISOCaRP Congress",,,,"pp. CD-ROM",2006,Sept. "山口しのぶ,西原明法,高田潤一,三輪眞木子","ICTを活用した国際連携:東京工業大学からタイの高等教育機関への衛星講義配信の事例",,"メディ ア教育研究",,"Vol. 3","No. 1","pp. 35-41",2006,Sept. "Yamaguchi, S.,Onodera, J.,Yano, S","Training Needs Assessment for School Principals and Teachers and in Mongolia: A Case of Three Gobi Desert Aimags","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference, Conference proceedings",,,,"pp. *",2006,Mar. "Yamaguchi, S.,Baterdene,Onodera, J","Open Source Software Use in Developing Countries: A Case of Informatics Education Project in Mongolia","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference, Conference proceedings",,,,"pp. *",2006,Mar. "山口 しのぶ","世界文化遺産地域における持続可能な開発に関する研究",,"国立民族学博物館調査報告",,,"No. 61","pp. 153-165",2006, "Jun-ichi TAKADA,Akinori NISHIHARA,Shinobu Yume YAMAGUCHI","Distribution of Graduate School Lectures via International Satellite - Case Study with Thailand","JC-SAT 2006","Technical Report of IEICE",,,,"pp. 190-192",2006, "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Sagawa, J.,Haneda, K.,Braga, B.","End of the Year Report: Rehabilitation of Boarding Schools and Provision of Refresher Training Course for Headmasters and Teachers in the Dzud affected Gobi Desert Provinces in Mongolia",,"UNESCO Beijing office",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 1-92",2005,Dec. "山口しのぶ","世界文化遺産地域開発と保存:維持可能な開発をめざして","国際開発学会「開発と文化」研究部会第8回研究会",,,,,"pp. *",2005,Nov. "山口しのぶ,矢野智子,佐川純子","モンゴル初等・中等教育における学校長、教員の再教育ニーズアセスメントについて:新教育法導入に際しての現状分析",,"第16回国際開発学会全国大会報告本文集",,,,"pp. 174-177",2005,Nov. "山口しのぶ,佐川純子","途上国の教育現場におけるオープンソースソフトウェア導入についての考察",,"第16回国際開発学会全国大会報告本文集",,,,"pp. 82-85",2005,Nov. "大岡信夫,山口しのぶ,高田純一,阿部順一,Huynh Thi Thanh Trieu","世界文化遺産地域の開発に貢献する情報通信技術(ICT)の導入?ラオス国ルアンパバーンにおける事例",,"第16回国際開発学会全国大会報告本文集",,,,"pp. 88-91",2005,Nov. "山口しのぶ,大岡信夫","ラオスの世界遺産プロジェクトの問題を議論する","国際開発学会第8回開発と文化研究部会",,,,,,2005,Oct. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Ooka, N.,Abe, J.","ICT contribution to promote sustainable development, Case study in the World Heritage site of Luang Prabang","8th World Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities","8th World Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities, Conference Proceedings",,,,"pp. *",2005,Sept. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Vaggione., P.","Role of Knowledge Kiosk and its Application in Luang Prabang","the Local Heritage Committee of Luang Prabang",,,,,"pp. *",2005,July "Yamaguchi, S.,Sagawa, J.","ICT Use for Education: Open Source vs. Proprietary Software","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference, Conference proceedings",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 16",2005,Mar. "Yamaguchi, S.","Providing Distance Education in Asia: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference","Comparative and International Education Society 2005 Annual Conference, Conference proceedings",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 19",2005,Mar. "Yamaguchi, S.,Mochizuki, M.,Ooka, N.","Information Management at La Maison du Patrimoine, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR","the Ministry of Information and Culture",,,,,"pp. *",2005,Jan. "Yamaguchi, S.,Takada, J.,Tanaka, A.,Haneda, K.","Progress Report: Rehabilitation of Boarding Schools and Provision of Refresher Training Course for Headmasters and Teachers in the Dzud affected Gobi Desert Provinces in Mongolia",,"UNESCO Beijing Office",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 1-86",2004,Dec. "山口しのぶ","High-ContextとLow-context:教育のグローバル化における文化と社会",,"東京工業大学第二回学術国際情報センター国際シンポジウム",,,,,2004, "Yamaguchi, S","Educational Technology for Community Capacity Building: Lessons from Case Projects",,"Comparative and International Education Society 2004 Annual Conference, Conference proceedings",,,,"pp. *",2004, "Shinobu Yamaguchi","Grassroots Assistance in China",,"Case Method Teaching Materials, the University of Washington’s Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs",,,"No. D","pp. 89~93",2003, "Shinobu Yamaguchi,HIROO NIIYAMA,Akinori Nishihara,CHITOSHI MIKI,HIROMITSU MUTA,MINORU NAKAYAMA,Jun-ichi Takada","Human Resources Development with Information Technology: Simultaneous Satellite Lecture Provision for Tokyo Institute of Technology and Asian Institute of Technology",,"Regional Conference on Digital GMS",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 313~317",2003, "山口しのぶ","High-ContextとLow-context:教育のグローバル化における文化と社会",,"東京工業大学第二回学術国際情報センター国際シンポジウム",,,,,2003, "Shinobu Yamaguchi","Globalization of Higher Education: The Case of Tokyo Tech in Thailand",,"Conference Proceedings of the 9th International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Common Ground Publishing",,"Vol. 1",,,2002, "山口しのぶ","High-ContextとLow-context:教育のグローバル化における文化と社会",,"東京工業大学第二回学術国際情報センター国際シンポジウム",,,,,2002, "山口しのぶ","High-ContextとLow-context:教育のグローバル化における文化と社会",,"東京工業大学第二回学術国際情報センター国際シンポジウム",,,,,2001, "山口しのぶ","High-ContextとLow-context:教育のグローバル化における文化と社会",,"東京工業大学第二回学術国際情報センター国際シンポジウム",,,,,2000, "山口しのぶ","Economic and Basic Education Development in China: A Case of the Province of Jiangsu",,,,,,,1998,