"Hiroshi Osaka,Yuji Naka,Tetsuo Fuchino","A Framework to Structure Operational Documents for Chemical Processes","12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering","Computer Aided Chemical Engineering","Elsevier B.V.","Volume 37",,"pp. 167?172",2015,May "河合 浩史,関 宏也,北島 禎二,渕野 哲郎,仲 勇治","医薬品製法のライフサイクルエンジニアリングに対するシステムズアプローチ",,"化学工学論文集",,"Vol. 40","No. 3","pp. 194?200",2014,Jan. "Hirofumi Kawai,Teiji Kitajima,Tetsuo Fuchino,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka","Quality assessment support system and its use in pharmaceutical plant operations, Computers and Chemical Engineering",,"Computers & Chemical Engineering",,"Volume 59","Number 5","pp. 156-163",2013,Dec. "Kazuhiro Takeda,Hideo Saito,Yukiyasu Shiamad,Teiji Kitajima,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yuji Naka","Overview for Management of Change based on Business Process Model of Plant Lifecycle","23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering","Computer Aided Process Engineering",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 607-612",2013,June "Kazuhiro Takeda,Hideo Saito,Yukiyasu Shimada,Teiji Kitajima,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yuji Naka","Analysis of Business Flow of MOC based on Business Process Model of Plant Lifecycle Engineering","14th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries","Chemical Engineering Transactions",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 325-330",2013,May "Hirofumi Kawai,Hiroya Seki,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yuji Naka","Pharmaceutical Engineering Strategy for Quality Informatics on the IDEF0 Business Process Model",,"Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation",,"Vol. 7","No. 3-4","pp. 195-204",2012,Dec. "Hirofumi Kawai,Teiji Kitajima,TetsuoFuchino,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka","Quality Assessment Support System and its Use in Pharmaceutical Plant Operations","22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering","Computer Aided Process Engineering",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 897-901",2012,June "Tetsuo Fuchino,Yukiyasu Shimada,Teiji Kitajima,Kazuhiro Takeda,Rafael Batres,Yuji Naka","A Business Process Model for Process Design that Incorporates Independent Protection Layer Considerations","21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering","Computer-Aided Process Engineering",,"Volume 29",,"pp. 326-330",2011,May "星野智史,関宏也,仲勇治,太田順","循環行動するロボット群の渋滞に効果的な知的走行制御手法の提案",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 76","No. 770","pp. 2387-2395",2010,Oct. "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka,Jun Ota","Multi-Robot Coordination for Flexible Batch Manufacturing Systems Experiencing Bottlenecks",,"IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering",,"Vol. 7","No. 4","pp. 887-901",2010,Oct. "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka,Jun Ota","Fault-Tolerant Multi-Robot Operational Strategy for Material Transport Systems Considering Maintenance Activity",,"Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics","Fuji press","Vol. 22","No. 4","pp. 485-495",2010,Aug. "Yukiyasu Shimada,Mieko Kumasaki,Teiji Kitajima,Kazuhiro Takeda,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yuji Naka","Reference Model for Safety Conscious Production Management in Chemical Processes","The 13th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries","Proceedings 13th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, 2010",,,,"pp. 629-632",2010,June "Teiji Kitajima,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yukiyasu Shimada,Yuji Naka,Ling Yuanjin,Kensuke Iuchi,Koji Kawamura","A New Scheme for Management of Change Support Based on Hazop Log","20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering","Computer Aided Process Engineering","Elsevier","Volume 28",,"pp. 163-168",2010,June "Tetsuo Fuchino,Yukiyasu Shimada,Teiji Kitajima,Yuji Naka","Management of Engineering Standard for Plant Maintenance Based on Business Process","20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering","Computer Aided Process Engineering","Elsevier","Volume 28",,"pp. 1363-1368",2010,June "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka,Jun Ota","Autonomous Cruise Control of Circulating Multi-Robot for Congestion","IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation",,,,,"pp. 2101-2106",2010,May "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka,Jun Ota","Integrated Operational Techniques for Robotic Batch Manufacturing Systems",,"Frontiers of Assembly and Manufacturing Selected Papers from ISAM'09","Springer",,,"pp. 265-278",2010, "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,YUJI NAKA,Jun Ota","Integrated Operational Techniques for Efficient Robotic Batch Manufacturing Systems","IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing","IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing",,,,,2009,Nov. "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,YUJI NAKA,Jun Ota","Behavior Control Methodology for Circulating Robots in Flexible Batch Manufacturing Systems Experiencing Bottlenecks","IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems","IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems",,,,"pp. 5350--5356",2009,Oct. "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,YUJI NAKA","Pipeless Batch Plant with Operating Robots for a Multiproduct Production System","International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems","Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems","Springer",,,"pp. 513-522",2008,Nov. "Hiroya Seki,Satoshi Hoshino,YUJI NAKA","Constraint Control of Recycle Systems with Input Multiplicities","17th IFAC World Congress","17th IFAC World Congress",,,,"pp. 9362--9367",2008,July "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,YUJI NAKA","Development of a Flexible and Agile Multi-Robot Manufacturing System","17th IFAC World Congress","17th IFAC World Congress",,,,"pp. 15786-ー15791",2008,July "Kawamura,Yuji Naka,TESTUO FUCHINO,Atsushi Aoyama,Nobuo Takagi","Hazop Support System And Its Use For Operation","ESCAPE18 (18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering)","Compter-Aided Chemical Engineering","Elsevier","volume 25",,"pp. 1003-1008",2008,May "TESTUO FUCHINO,Yukiyasu Shimada,Masazumi Miyazawa,Yuji Naka","Business Process Model for Knowledge Management in Plant Maintenance","ESCAPE18 (18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering)","Compter-Aided Chemical Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 25",,"pp. 955-960",2008,May "Satoshi Hoshino,Hiroya Seki,Tomoya Sugimoto,Yuji Naka","Improvement of Operating Procedures through the Reconfiguration of a Plant Structure","ESCAPE18 (18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering)","Compter-Aided Chemical Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 25",,"pp. 241-246",2008,May "Nasser Ayoub,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka","A Methodology for Designing and Evaluating Biomass Utilization Networks","ESCAPE18( 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering)","Compter-Aided Chemical Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 25",,"pp. 1053-1058",2008,May "Hiroya Seki,Satoshi Hoshino,Tomoya Sugimoto,Yuji Naka","Structured Description of Operating Procedures for Continuous Chemical Processes","he 4th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes",,,,,,2007,Aug. "Yuji Naka,Hiroya Seki,Satoshi Hoshino,Koji Kawamura","Information Model And Technological Information - Infrastructure For Plant Life Cycle Engineering","ICheaP-8 The eight International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering",,,,,,2007,June "Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka","Control Structure Design for a Reactor/Separator Process with Two Recycles","8th International symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems(DYCOPS2007)","IFAC",,"vol. 2",,"pp. 117-122",2007,June "星野智史,関宏也,仲勇治","単純な知能を有したロボット群による多品種変動生産対応型システムの構築","第12回 ロボティクス・シンポジア",,,,,"pp. 70--75",2007,Mar. "Rafael Batres,Matthew West,David Leal,David Price,Katsube Masaki,Yukiyasu Shimada,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yuji Naka","An Upper Ontology based on ISO 15926",,"Computers & Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 31","No. 5-6","pp. 519-534",2007, "仲勇治,鈴木雅之,平尾雅彦,島田行恭,武田和宏,渕野哲郎,青山敦,川村継夫,梅田富雄,太田吉美,則武裕二,山室昇,頼昭一郎,澤野研","統合学入門",,,"工業調査会",,,,2006,Sept. "Nasser AYOUB,Kefeng WANG,Hiroya SEKI,Yuji NAKA","Towards sustainable electricity production from Japanese forestry residues:supply chains scenarios and paramenters estimation model",,"Journal of Life Cycle Assessement,Japan",,"Vol. 2","No. 3","pp. 212-221",2006,July "太田吉美,好永俊昭,仲 勇治,芝尾紘一,玉木悠二,川中 勉","リスク・マネジメントのための技術知識基盤の構築",,"日本保全学会",,"Vol. 5","No. 2","pp. 37-45",2006,July "Nasser Ayoub*,Ricardo Martins,Kefeng Wang,Hiroya Seki,Yuji Naka","Two levels decision system for efficient planning and implementation of bioenergy production",,"Energy Conversion and Management",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 709-723",2006, "N. Ayoub,K. Wang,T. Kagiyama,H. Seki,Y. Naka","A Planning Support System for Biomass-based Power Generation","Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Process Systems Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany",,,,,"pp. 1899-1904",2006, "Yuji Naka,Hiroya Seki,Kunihisa Tazawa,Koji Kawamura","On Information Infrastructure for Safety-conscious Design and Operation of Chemical Processes",,"Chemical Engineering Transactions",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 275",2006, "仲勇治","化学工学辞典",,,"丸善","Vol. 改訂4版",,,2005,Mar. "R.Batres,R.Martine,Y.Naka","A Matchmaking Environment for the Selection of Biomass Processing Technologies","PSE ASIA 2005",,,"Vol. CD-RM",,,2005, "Nasser Ayoub,Wang Kefeng,Takashi Kagiyama,Katsuyoshi Kameda,Yuji Naka","The Development of Cost?Emission?Labor Model for Forestry Residues Utilization Supply Chain in Japan","Proc. of 1st Japanese LCA society acadmic meeting, tsukuba, Japan (2005)",,,,,"pp. 214-215",2005, "H.A.Gabbar,A.Aoyama,Y.Naka","AOSP:Automated Solution for Control Recipe Generation of Chemical Batch Plants",,"Computers & Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 949-964",2005, "仲 勇治,青山 敦,志水章雄,浜田和久,亀田勝好,鍵山 喬,松本 巌,辻川善雄","製品ライフサイクル設計のためのモデル作成、シミュレーション環境",,"化学工学論文集",,"Vol. 31","No. 2","pp. 118-132",2005, "Yuji Naka,Takashi Kagiyama,Katsuyosi Kameda","INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE FOR PRODUCT LIFECYCLE DESIGN AND ITS OPERATION","Keynot of Socio-Economic Issues:Process System Integration II, Proc. of R'05 7th World Congress on Recovery,Recycling and Re-integration(2005)",,,"Vol. CD-RM",,,2005, "R.Batres,M.West,D.Leal,D.price,Y.Naka","An Upper Ontology based on ISO 15926","Proc. of ESCAPE16",,,,,"pp. 1543-1548",2005, "仲勇治","化学工学ハンドブック",,,"朝倉書店",,,,2004,Sept. "H.A.Gabbar,A.Aoyama,Y.Naka","AOPS:Automated Operating Procedures Synthesis for Chemical Batch Plants",,"Trans. of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers",,"Vol. 40","No. 9","pp. 968-977",2004, "R.Batres,A.Aoyama,T.Fuchino,Y.Naka,H.Sumida,Y.Shimada N.Takagi","A System Theoretic Approach to Support HAZOP Studies","Proc. of the 10th APPCHE Congr.(2004)",,,"Vol. CD-RM",,,2004, "Yoshiaki Ito,Yuji Naka","A New Generation of Production Management","Proc. of the 10th APPCHE Congr.(2004)",,,"Vol. CD-RM",,,2004, "Yuji Naka","Technological Framework for Process Safety Management","Proc. of the 10th APPCHE Congr.(2004)",,,"Vol. CD-RM",,,2004, "H.A.Gabbar,A.Aoyama,Y.Naka","Model-Based computer-aided design environment for operational design",,"Computers & Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 413-430",2004, "H.A.Gabbar,A.Aoyama,Y.Naka","Recipe formal definition language for operating procedures synthesis",,"Computers & Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 1809-1822",2004, "仲 勇治,志水章夫","PETボトルの循環系計画・運用の問題とその解決のために",,"化学工学",,"Vol. 67","No. 5","pp. 269-271",2003, "Atsushi Aoyama,Yuji Naka,Akio Shimizu","GPLS: A Modeling and Simulation System for Product Lifecycle Design",,"Proc. of FOCAPO2003",,,,"pp. 505-508",2003, "Rafael Batres,Atsushi Aoyama,Yuji Naka","A Life-cycle Approach for Model Reuse and Exchange",,"Computers and Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 26","No. 4-5","pp. 487-498",2002, "Yoshimi Oota,Toshiaki Yoshinaga,Koichi Shibao,Yuji Naka,Kimio Ohkubo,Masanori Igoshi,Katsumori Matsushima,TaeSung Yoon,Takahiko Suzuki","Construction of Technology Knowledge Infrasctructure (TECHNOINFRA)",,"Proc. of WWDU2002, International Scientific Conference on Work with Display Units, Berchtesgaden, Germany",,,,,2002, "Yuji Naka,Atsushi Aoyama,Rafael Batres","Design Rationale as an Enabling Factor for Concurrent Process Engineering",,"Proc. of WWDU2002, International Scientific Conference on Work with Display Units, Berchtesgaden, Germany",,,,,2002, "A. Aoyama,H. Sumida,Y. Kawauchi,S. Ohara,T. Fuchino,R. Batres,Y. Shimada,K. Takeda,Y. Tsuge,N. Takagi,Y. Naka","A Framework of Independent Protection Layer Design for Process Industries",,"Proc. of PSAM 6, Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, San Juan, Puerto Rico",,,"No. R&S",,2002, "Rafael Batres,Atsushi Aoyama,Yuji Naka","Representing Recipes and Procedures with PSL",,"Proc. of ESCAPE-12, Hague, The Netherlands",,,,"pp. 179",2002, "仲勇治,鍵山喬","プラスチックのライフサイクルに係わる技術情報基盤の構築",,"廃棄物学会誌",,"Vol. 13","No. 2","pp. 113-119",2002, "Fuming Chen,Yuji Naka","Calculation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Using Group Solubility Parameter Model ",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan ",,"Vol. 34","No. 4","pp. 466-471",2001, "Atsushi Aoyama,Rafael Batres,Yuji Naka","Technological Information Infrastructure for Process Industries ",,"Proc. of SSGRR 2001, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for E-Business, E-Science, and E-Education on the Internet, L'Aquila, Italy ",,"Vol. Sec. 193",,,2001, "Rafael Batres,Atsushi Aoyama,Yuji Naka","A Life-cycle Approach for Model Reuse and Exchange",,"Proc. of ESCAPE-11, 11th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Denmark",,,,"pp. 87-92",2001, "Y. Shimada,H. A. Gabbar,K. Suzuki,Y. Naka ","Advanced Decision Method for Plant Operation Support System ",,"Proc. of 10th Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries ",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 619-630",2001, "Atsushi Aoyama,Rafael Batres,Yuji Naka","Process Safety Management for Batch Process Operation",,"Proc. of ESCAPE-11, 11th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Denmark",,,,"pp. 829-834",2001, "Doel Aiordachioaie,Emil Ceanga,Robin De Keyser,Yuji Naka ","Detection and Classification of Non-linearities Based on Volterra Kernels Processing ",,"Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 497-503",2001, "Yuji Naka,Atsushi Aoyama,Rafael Batres,Masao Shimizu,Kazuhisa Hamada,Katsuyoshi Kameda,Takashi Kagiyama,Iwao Matsumoto,Masahiko Hirao,Hirokazu Hayashi","Technological Information Infrastructure for Design and Operation of Recycling Systems",,"Proc. of EcoDesign 2001, 2nd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo",,,,"pp. 996-1002",2001, "Ranajit Chatterjee,Anjian Rakshit,S. N. Bhattacharyya,Yuji Naka","A Low Cost distributed Environment for Process Instraction and Control",,"Proc. of IECON2000, Nagoya",,,,"pp. 945-959",2000, "Y. Naka,M. Hirao,Y. Shimizu,M. Muraki,Y. Kondo","Technological Information Infrastructure for Product Lifecycle Engineering",,"Proc. of 7th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering",,,,"pp. 665-670",2000, "Atsushi Aoyama,Isao Yamada,Rafael Batres,Yuji Naka","Development of Batch Process Operation Management Platform",,"Prc. of ESCAPE-10, 10th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Florence, Italy",,,,"pp. 7-10",2000, "Atsushi Aoyama,Isao Yamada,Rafael Batres,Yuji Naka","Multi-Dimensional Object Oriented Approach for Automatic Generation of Control Recipes",,"Proc. of 7th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Keystone, Colorado, U.S.A.",,,,"pp. 519-524",2000, "Ranajit Chatterjee,Anjian Rakshit,S. N. Bhattacharyya,Yuji Naka ","Implementation of a Distributed Generic Optimization Framework using a General Purpose Simulation Environment ",,"Proc. of IECON2000, Nagoya ",,,,"pp. 818-823",2000, "S. Y. Han,T. Y. Lee,T. S. Yoon,Y. Naka","Information Sharing between Process and Engineering Design Activity in CAD Environment",,"Proc. of 9th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Budapest, Hungary",,,,,1999, "仲勇治","化学工学便覧(分担)",,"丸善","丸善",,,,1999, "Rafael Batres,Yuji Naka","Process Plant Ontologies based on a Multi-dimensional Framework",,"Proc. of 5th International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD'99), USA",,,,"pp. 433-437",1999, "T. Yoon,Y. Naka,K. Shibao","Functional Modeling of Facility for Supporting Concurrent Engineering",,"Proc. of Concurrent Engineering 99 (CE99), Bath, UK",,,,"pp. 171-180",1999, "Rafael Batres,Steven Asprey,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yuji Naka","A KQML Multi-Agent Environment for Concurrent Process Engineering",,"Proc. of 9th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Budapest, Hungary",,,,"pp. 653-656",1999, "Steven Asprey,Rafael Batres,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yuji Naka","Mixture Control: Simulation-Based Operations Planning in the Presence of Quantitative Safety Constraints ",,"Proc. of 2nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES'99), Budapest, Hungary ",,,,"pp. 133-138",1999, "YUJI NAKA","Mathematical Problems in Fitting Kinetic Models-Some New Perspectives",,"J.Chem. Eng. Jpn.",,"Vol. 32","No. 3","pp. 328-337",1999, "Tetsuo Fuchino,Rafael Batres,Yusuke Takahashi,Yuji Naka","A Combined Batch Process Simulation in a Production Support Environment",,"Computers and Chemical Engineering",,,"No. Suppl.","pp. S199-S202",1999, "YUJI NAKA","Operational Design and its Benefits in Real-Time Use",,"Proc. of FOCAPO98, Snowbird, USA",,,,,1998, "仲勇治","PROSEGをもとにしたスタートアップ支援システムの構築と実施例",,"化学工学論文集",,"Vol. 24","No. 1","pp. 12-17",1998, "Yuji Naka,Rafael Batres,Tetsuo Fuchino","Operational Design and its Benefits in Real-Time Use",,"AIChE Symposium Series No. 320, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations",,,,"pp. 397-403",1998, "YUJI NAKA","A GZ-based MDOOM Test-bed for Concurrent Process Engineering",,"Computers and Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 21","No. Suppl","pp. S11-S16",1997, "YUJI NAKA","An Agent-Based Environment for Operational Design",,"Computers and Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 21","No. Suppl","pp. S71-S76",1997, "YUJI NAKA","A two-tier Methodology for Synthesis of Operating Procedures",,"Computers and Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 21","No. Suppl","pp. S899-S904",1997, "Yuji Naka,Ming Liang Lu,Hiroshi Takiyama","Operational Design for Start-up of Operational Procedures of Chemical Processes",,"Computers and Chemical Engineering",,"Vol. 21","No. 9","pp. 997-1007",1997, "YUJI NAKA","Operational Design for Start-up and Shut-down of Chemical Plants Based on a Topological Approach",,"Preprint of AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, USA",,,,,1995, "YUJI NAKA","A Concurrent Engineering Environment for Chemical Manufacturing",,"Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Concurrent Eng. , Research and Applications Progress and Perspective, Pittsburgh, USA",,,,,1994, "YUJI NAKA","Modular Approach for Start-up Operational Procedures of Chemical Plant",,"Proc. of PSE '94, Korea",,,,,1994, "仲勇治","ファジィクラスタリングによる溶媒の分類",,"日本化学会誌",,,"No. 1","pp. 74-80",1994, "YUJI NAKA","Analysis of Heat Demand and Supply in Multicomponent Distillation Systems",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 27","No. 2","pp. 188-193",1994, "仲勇治","蒸留システムの省エネルギー化とヒートポンプの適用",,"石油学会誌",,"Vol. 37","No. 3","pp. 213-225",1994, "YUJI NAKA","Optimization of the Distributed Systems by Autonomous Cooperation-Distributed Maximum Principle-",,"Preprint of DARS'94,Wakao,Japan",,,,"pp. 29-40",1994, "YUJI NAKA","Analysis of Hear Demand and Supply in Multicomponent Distillation Systems",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 27","No. 2","pp. 188-193",1994, "仲勇治","蒸留プロセスのファジィマルチモデル制御",,"ケミカル・エンジニヤリング",,,"No. 9","pp. 50-55",1993, "仲勇治","運転を基準とする設計指針",,"日本学術振興会 第143委員会ワークショップNo,11",,,,,1993, "仲勇治","化学工場生産システム構築のための技術基盤",,"化学工学",,"Vol. 57","No. 12","pp. 880-883",1993, "YUJI NAKA","Introduction to VLSI Process Engineering",,"Chapman & Hall","Chapman & Hall",,,,1993, "仲勇治","分離科学ハンドブック",,"共立出版","共立出版",,,,1993, "YUJI NAKA","Computer-Aided Process Design System for Plant Operation",,"Proc. OF IFAC Workshop, U. K.",,,,"pp. 189-195",1992, "YUJI NAKA","Multi-model control of a Distillation System Using Fuzzy Rules",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 25","No. 6","pp. 697-702",1992, "仲勇治","設計と運転の統合化",,"化学工学会第25回秋季大会",,,,,1992, "YUJI NAKA","Reliability Assuring Maintenance",,"Proc. of IFAC/IMACS Symposium, Baden-Baden, FRG",,,,,1991, "YUJI NAKA","Sensor-Based Date Reconciliation Method and Application to the Pilot Plant",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japn",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 3",1991, "YUJI NAKA","Fuzzy Multi-nodel control of a High-purity Distillation System",,"Proc. OF IFES'91, Yokohama",,,,,1991, "仲勇治","ヒートポンプ式蒸留塔の定常特性",,"化学工学論文集",,"Vol. 17","No. 1","pp. 157-165",1991, "仲勇治","パソコンで学ぶ化学プロセス",,"朝倉書店","朝倉書店",,,,1989, "Y. Naka,T. Ishikawa; I. Yamada,T. Iwata,H. Mori,Y. Naka","Handbook for Heat and Mass Transfer Operations, Vol. 2, Chap. 14 & 15",,"Gulf Publishing","Gulf Publishing","Vol. 2",,,1986, "Y. Naka,M. Nakaiwa,K. Baba,T. Takamatsu","Design of Electric Power Generation System Using Waste Heat Energy",,"Energy Conservations Management",,"Vol. 26","No. 3/4","pp. 277-281",1986, "Y. Naka,C. Tseng,E. O'Shima","Dynamic Interaction and Control System Design for Heat-integrated Distillation Systems",,"Proc. of Industrial Process Modelling and Control, Hangzhou, China",,"Vol. II","No. Session 3.3","pp. 91-96",1985, "Y. Naka,K. Baba,T. Satoh,T. Takamatsu","A Thermoodynamic Approach to Distillation System Design for Energy Conservation",,"Proc. of 3rd PACHEC, Seoul, Korea",,,,"pp. 409-414",1983, "Y. Naka,K. Kobayashi,H. Ochi,T. Takamatsu","The Effect of Valley and Ridge on Composition Profile in an Azeotropic Continuous Diatillation",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 16","No. 1","pp. 36-42",1983, "Y. Naka,M. Terashita,T. Takamatsu","A Thermodynamic Approach to Multicomponent Distillation System Synthesis",,"AIChE Journal",,"Vol. 28","No. 5","pp. 812",1982, "Y. Naka,T. Takamatsu","Design of Heat Exchanger Networks in the Heat Availability Diagram",,"Proc. of CHEMCOMP'82, Antwarp, Belgium",,,,"pp. 5.31-5.37",1982, "K. Ono,M. Harada,Y. Torita,Y. Naka,T. Takamatsu","Computer Program for Energy Analysis and Synthesis of Chemical Processes with the Available Energy",,"Proc. of CHEMCOMP'82, Antwarp, Belgium",,,,"pp. 5.39-5.51",1982, "Y. Naka,M. Nakaiwa,K. Baba,T. Takamatsu","Design of Electric Power Generation System Using Waste Heat Energy",,"Proc. of PSE'82, Kyoto, Japan",,"Vol. TS-3",,"pp. 100-105",1982, "高松武一郎,仲勇治,寺下雅之,高田康晴","熱交換プロセスの省エネルギー構成とアプローチ温度",,"エネルギー・資源",,"Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 27-32",1981, "Y. Naka,M. Terashita,S. Hayashiguchi,T. Takamatsu","An Intermediate Heating and Cooling Method for a Distillation Column",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 13","No. 2","pp. 2",1980, "Y. Naka,M. Araki,T. Takamatsu","A New Procedure for Calculating Composition Profiles in Distillation by a Matrix Method",,"Int. Chem. Eng.",,"Vol. 19","No. 1","pp. 137-145",1979, "仲勇治","非理想系溶液の蒸留分離システム構成",,,,,,,1979, "T. Takamatsu,Y. Naka,S. Tomita,H. Ochi","Determinationof Process Structures of Azeotropic Distillation System",,"Proc. of International Congress - Contribution of Computers to the Development of Chem. Eng. and Ind., Paris, France",,"Vol. Session B5",,,1978, "仲勇治,荒木幹芳,高松武一郎","マトリクス法による新しい蒸留計算手順",,"化学工学論文集",,"Vol. 3","No. 5","pp. 450-456",1977, "Y. Naka,T. Komatsu,I. Hashimoto,T. Takamatsu","Changes in Distillate Composition during Ternary Azeotropic Batch Distillation",,"Int. Chem. Eng.",,"Vol. 16","No. 2","pp. 272-279",1976, "仲勇治,小林紀久雄,高松武一郎","共沸混合物の気液平衡関係に現れるリッジ、バレイの計算法",,"化学工学論文集",,"Vol. 1","No. 2","pp. 186-190",1975, "T. Takamatsu,Y. Naka,K. Kobayashi","On the Decision of Flow Pattern of Azeotropic Distillation System",,"U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar, Kyoto",,"Vol. Session IV",,,1975, "T. Takamatsu,R. Perret,Y. Naka,K. Kowachi","System Identification and Multivariable Control of a Distillation Column",,"Proc. of Multivariable Technological Systems (IFAC), Manchester, UK",,"Vol. Session S",,"pp. S9.1-S9.5",1974, "仲勇治,小松孝寛,橋本伊織,高松武一郎","3成分共沸系回分精留塔の留出組成変化",,"化学工学",,"Vol. 38","No. 7","pp. 501-507",1974, "T. Fueno,K. Yamaguti,Y. Naka","Comparison of the Electric Spectra of Geometric Isomers. III β-Substituted Styrenes",,"Bulletin of the Chem. Soc. of Japan",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 3294-3300",1972, "仲勇治",,,,,,,,1970,