"佐藤千明,池上皓三","INFLUENCE OF RATES AND DURATION OF STRESS WAVES ON RESIDUAL STRENGTH OF ADHESIVELY BONDED JOINTS AFTER SINGLE IMPACT OR REPEATED IMPACTS","THE 1999 ASME INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION","RELIABILITY,STRESSANALYSIS,AND FAILURE PREVENTION ISSUES IN ADHESIVE AND BOLTED CONNECTIONS",,,,"pp. 139-143",1999,Nov. "K,Ikegami, I,Kawai, Y,Niitsu","Experimental Investigation of Plastic Defomation Subsequest to Creep Strain at Low Temperature",,"Proceedingsw of Fourth Intemational Conference on Constitutive Laws for Engineering",,,,"pp. 260-263",1999, "K,ikegami,I.Kawai,Y.Niitsu","Experimental Investigation ofCreep Defomation of Stainless Steel at Low Temperature",,"Proceedings of theSeventh InternationalSymposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications(PLASTICITY'99)",,,,,1999, "K,ikegami, H,Matsui","Evolution of Intermal Stress of Themosetting Resin during Curing Process",,"Proceedings of 1st Intermational Workshop on Electoronics Materials and Packing (EMAP'99)",,,,"pp. 153-158",1999, "K,Ikegami, H,Kawada","Intermal stresses of epoxy resin induced bythermal history",,"Proceedings of THERMAL STRESSES '99 (Third Intermational Congress on Thermal Stresses)",,,,"pp. 203-206",1999, "池上皓三","クランプ式ホプキンソン棒を用いた複合衝撃負荷での接着強度の測定",,"日本機械学会論文集(A編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 606","pp. 341-346",1997, "池上皓三","樹脂と金属の接着接合体の硬化過程での内部応力",,"材料",,"Vol. 46","No. 7","pp. 820-825",1997, "池上皓三","接着継手強度の総合的評価のためのベンチマークテスト(第1報,突合せ,単純重ね合わせ,二重重ね合わせの継DおよびDCB試験結果)",,"日本機械学会論文集(A編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 608","pp. 174-181",1997, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Advanced Technology of Functional Adhesives",,"シーエムシー社","シーエムシー社",,,,1997, "池上皓三","微小接合部の引張試験機の試作とその強度評価",,"日本接着学会誌",,"Vol. 33","No. 11","pp. 420-425",1997, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Biaxial creep behavior of SUS 304 stainless steel at low temperature",,"Trans. Japna Soc. Mech. Engrs Ser. A",,"Vol. 62","No. 602","pp. 2319",1996, "池上皓三","相変化時における熱硬化性樹脂の粘弾性特性と硬化温度による内部応力への影響",,"日本機械学会論文集A編",,"Vol. 62","No. 596","pp. 993",1996, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Benchmark tests on adhesives strengths in butt, single and double lap joints and double-cantilever beams",,"Int. J. Adhesion and Adhesives",,"Vol. 16","No. 4","pp. 219",1996, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Mechanicl Properties of Glass Reinforced Epoxy Resin for Tensile , Compressive and Shear load at Room Temperature and at low Temperature",,"Jurnal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials",,"Vol. 21","No. 4","pp. 137-145",1995, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Viscoelastic properties and internal stress of thermosetting resin in curing process",,"Journal of the Society of Materials Science Japan",,"Vol. 43","No. 484","pp. 18",1994, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Dynamic visoelastic properties cured epoxy resin for adhesive",,"Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan",,"Vol. 30","No. 8","pp. 345",1994, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Torsional strength of adhesive shaft joints between CFRP tube and stainless steel at low temperature",,"Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan",,"Vol. 30","No. 5","pp. 192",1994, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Effect of temperature variation on plastic behavior of S25C mild steel",,"International Journal of Prossure Vessls and Piping",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 511-523",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Temperature dependency of viscoelastic deformation of resin for plastic packaging",,"Trunsactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,"No. 59","pp. 560",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Experimental investigation of cyclic plastic deformation of stainless stecl 304 at low temperature",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 59","No. 566","pp. 2427-2434",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Fracture toughness of adhesive interface for mixed modes and intertacial strength of single lap joint.",,"Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan",,"Vol. 29","No. 7","pp. 295-301",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Experimental investigution of cyclic plastic deformation of stainless steel 304 at low temperature",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 59","No. 566","pp. 2427-2434",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","A stress measuring method by polarized laser and photo-elastic modulator",,"Advances in Electronic Packaging","Advances in Electronic Packaging","Vol. 1",,"pp. 157-161",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Experimental investigation of plastic deformation of metal at high temperature",,"Plasticity and Impact Mechanics","Plasticity and Impact Mechanics",,,"pp. 52-70",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Mechanics of Adhesive Bonded Parts",,"工業材料",,"Vol. 41","No. 12","pp. 9-15",1993, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Some topics of mechanical problems in electronic packaging",,"Advances in Electrunic Packging","Advances in Electrunic Packging","Vol. 1",,"pp. 1005-1008",1992, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Tensuee strength of adhesive shaft joint between CFRP tube and stainlcss steel at low temperature",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 58","No. 554","pp. 1913-1920",1992, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Experimental investigation on plastic deformation of stainless steel at low temperature",,"Advances in continuum mechanics","Advances in continuum mechanics",,,,1991, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Application of adhesive bonding",,"日経技術図書","日経技術図書",,,,1991, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Constitutive relations of hybrid fiber reinforced plastics of GFRP/CERP and GERP/CFRP under combined stress state",,"Inelastic deformation of composite materials","Inelastic deformation of composite materials",,,,1991, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Viscoelastic behavior of resin for plastic packaging and the residual stress",,"Trans. Japan Society of Mech. Engrs. Ser A",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 532",1990, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Mechanical problems in the production process of semiconductor electron devices",,"Int. Journal of Japan Soc. Mech. Engrs. , Ser. A",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 1",1990, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Macroscopic failure conditions of hybrid laminates of fiber reinforced plastics",,"Yielding, Damage and Failure of Anisotropic Solids",,,,,1990, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Solid Mechanics-Fundamentals and Applications-",,"オーム社","オーム社",,,,1989, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Effects of complex loadings on plastic deformation of stainless steel at high temperature",,"Nuclear Engineering Design",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 114",1989, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Internal stress of resin in curing process and the effect on adhesive strength",,"Trans. Japan Soc. Mech. Engrs. Ser. A",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 510",1989, "KOZO IKEGAMI","Research and Development of New Adhesive Resin",,"シーエムシー","シーエムシー",,,,1987, "池上皓三","異方性降伏条件に関する基礎的研究",,,,,,,1969,Feb. "池上皓三",,,,,,,,,