"Tatsuya Katabuchi,Yaoki Sato,Karin Takebe,Masayuki Igashira,Seigo Umezawa,Ryo Fujioka,Tatsuhiro Saito,Nobuyuki Iwamoto","Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of 185Re in the keV energy region",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 61","Num. 2","pp. 224-229",2024,Feb. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira,So Kamata,Michihide Tajika,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Toshihiko Kawano","Neutron capture cross section and capture γ-ray spectrum of 88Sr in the stellar nucleosynthesis energy region",,"Physical Review C",,"Vol. 108",,,2023,Sept. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Michal Valasik,Muhammad Husamuddin,Masayuki Igashira","Measurement of neutron capture cross section and capture gamma-ray spectrum of 128Te in keV-neutron energy region","ND 2022: 15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 284",,,2023,May "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Yosuke Toh,Motoharu Mizumoto,Tatsuhiro Saito,Kazushi Terada,Atsushi Kimura,Shoji Nakamura,Huang Minghui,Gerard Rovira,Masayuki Igashira","Discovery of a new low energy neutron resonance of 89Y",,"European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei",,"Vol. 57","No. 1","p. 4",2021,Jan. "Taofeng Wang,Xiao-Ting Yang,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Zi-Ming Li,Zhi-Bo Xu,Guinyun Kim,Tae-Ik Ro,Ying-Lu Han,Li-Hua Zhu,Masayuki Igashira","Quenching of gamma(0) transition results from 2p-1h doorway mechanism by p-wave neutron excitation",,"Chinese Physics C",,"Vol. 44",,,2020,Oct. "Atsushi Kimura,Shoji Nakamura,Kazushi Terada,Taro Nakao,Kazuhito Mizuyama,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Osamu Iwamoto,Hideo Harada,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira,Tadafumi Sano,Yoshiyuki Takahashi,Cheol Ho Pyeon,Satoshi Fukutani,Toshiyuki Fujii,Takahiro Yagi,Koichi Takamiya,Jun-Ichi Hori","Measurements of the 243Am neutron capture and total cross sections with ANNRI at J-PARC",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 479-492",2019,Apr. "Kazushi Terada,Atsushi Kimura,Taro Nakao,Shoji Nakamura,Kazuhito Mizuyama,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Osamu Iwamoto,Hideo Harada,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira","Measurements of neutron total and capture cross sections of Am-241 with ANNRI at J-PARC",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 55","No. 10","pp. 1198-1211",2018,July "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Karin Takabe,Seigo Umezawa,Ryo Fujioka,Tatsuhiro Saito,M. Igashira","Neutron capture cross section of 185 Re leading to ground and isomer states of 186Re in the keV-neutron energy region","16th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS16)","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 178",,,2018,May "Chi Young HAN,Hiroshi SAGARA,Masaki Saito,Masayuki IGASHIRA","Nuclear Safety and Security Education Program at Tokyo Tech",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials Management","Institute of Nuclear Materials Management","Vol. 46","No. 1","p. 31-39",2018,Jan. "Brian Hales,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira,Kazushi Terada,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Tooru Kobayashi","Predicted performance of a PG-SPECT system using CZT primary detectors and secondary Compton-suppression anti-coincidence detectors under near-clinical settings for boron neutron capture therapy",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment",,"Vol. 875",,"pp. 51-56",2017,Dec. "Seigo Umezawa,M. Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Dominic Moraru,S. Yanagida,T. Okamiya","Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of Cs-133 and I-127","ND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 146",," 11030",2017,Sept. "Hideo Harada,Osamu Iwamoto,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Atsushi Kimura,Kazushi Terada,Taro Nakao,Kazuhiro Mizuyama,M. Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tadafumi Sano,Yuji Shibahara,Yoshiyuki Takahashi,Koichi Takamiya,Cheol Ho Pyeon,Satoshi Fukutani,Toshiyuki Fujii,J. Hori,Hiroshi Yashima","Research and development for accuracy improvement of neutron nuclear data on minor actinides","ND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 146",," 11001",2017,Sept. "片渕 竜也,Michal Valasik,井頭 政之","Te-128の550keV中性子捕獲断面積およびガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2017年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2017年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,,2017,Sept. "Atsushi Kimura,Shoji Nakamura,M. Igashira,Motoharu Mizumoto,Hideo Harada,Yosuke Toh,Tatsuya Katabuchi,J. Hori","Neutron capture cross section measurements of 120 Sn, 122 Sn and 124 Sn with the array of Ge spectrometer at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI","ND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 146",," 11031",2017,Sept. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,M. Igashira,Atsushi Kimura,Taro Nakao,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Hideo Harada,Koichi Kino,Motoharu Mizumoto,Kazushi Terada,Shoji Nakamura,Osamu Iwamoto,Kazuhito Mizuyama,J. Hori","Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of 99Tc using ANNRI at J-PARC","ND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 146",," 11050",2017,Sept. "Taro Nakao,Kazushi Terada,Atsushi Kimura,Shoji Nakamura,Osamu Iwamoto,Hideo Harada,Tatsuya Katabuchi,M. Igashira,J. Hori","Developments of a new data acquisition system at ANNRI","ND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 146",," 03021",2017,Sept. "片渕 竜也,井頭 政之,寺田 和司,木村 敦,中村 詔司,中尾 太郎,岩本 修,岩本 信之,原田 秀郎,堀 順一","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発 (7) J-PARC ANNRIを用いた高速中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2017,Mar. "木村 敦,中村 詔司,寺田 和司,中尾 太郎,原田 秀郎,片渕 竜也,井頭 政之,福谷 哲,藤井 俊行,堀 順一","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発 (4) J-PARC ANNRIを用いた243Amの中性子捕獲断面積及び全中性子断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2017,Mar. "原田 秀郎,岩本 修,岩本 信之,木村 敦,寺田 和司,中尾 太郎,中村詔司,水山 一仁,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,佐野 忠史,芝原 雄司,高橋 佳之,高宮 幸一,卞 哲浩,福谷 哲,藤井 俊行,堀 順一,八島 浩","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発 (1) AIMACプロジェクトにおける研究成果のまとめ","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2017,Mar. "中尾 太郎,寺田 和司,木村 敦,中村 詔司,岩本 修,原田 秀郎,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,堀 順一","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発 (2) カロリメータによる高精度放射性サンプル定量技術","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2017,Mar. "武部 花凛,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,関根 千加,梅澤 征悟,藤岡 諒","レニウム同位体の keV 中性子捕獲断面積及びガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2017年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2016年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2017,Mar. "Tatsuhiro Saito,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Brian Hales,M. Igashira","Measurement of thick-target gamma-ray production yields of the 7 Li( p , p ′) 7 Li and 7 Li( p , γ) 8 Be reactions in the near-threshold energy region for the 7 Li( p , n ) 7 Be reaction",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 1-7",2016,Nov. "松本 義久,井頭 政之,小栗 慶之,千葉 敏,HAN CHI YOUNG,相樂 洋","グローバル原子力安全・セキュリティ・エージェント養成(1)‐環境放射線計測フィールドワーク‐","第37回核物質管理学会日本支部年次大会",,,,,,2016,Nov. "片渕 竜也,井頭 政之,寺田 和司,木村敦,中村 詔司,中尾 太郎,岩本 修,岩本 信之,原田 秀郎,堀 順一","J-PARC/ANNRI-NaI(Tl)検出器を用いたAm-241の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2016年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2016年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,,2016,Sept. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tomohiro Okamiya,Shotaro Yanagida,Motoharu Mizumoto,Kazushi Terada,Atsushi Kimura,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Masayuki Igashira","Neutron capture cross section and capture gamma-ray spectra of 89Y","CNR*15 - 5th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 122",,,2016,June "長坂 猛,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,齋藤 辰宏,梅澤 征悟,藤岡 諒","Y-89の550keV中性子捕獲断面積およびガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2016年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2016年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2016,Mar. "中尾 太郎,木村 敦,寺田 和司,中村 詔司,岩本 修,原田 秀郎,片渕 竜也,井頭 政之,堀 順一","J-PARC/MLF/ANNRIにおけるデータ収集系開発","日本原子力学会 2016年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2016年春の年会 予稿集",,,,,2016,Mar. "Kimura Atsushi,Harada Hideo,Shoji,Iwamoto Osamu,Toh Yosuke,Koizumi Mitsuo,Kitatani Fumito,Furutaka Kazuyoshi,Igashira Masayuki,Katabuchi Tatsuya,Mizumoto Motoharu,Hori Jun-ichi,Kino Koichi,Kiyanagi Yoshiaki","Current activities and future plans for nuclear data measurements at J-PARC",,"EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A",,"Vol. 51","No. 12",,2015,Dec. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tomohiro Okamiya,Shotaro Yanagida,Motoharu Mizumoto,Kazushi Terada,Atsushi Kimura,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Masayuki Igashira","Neutron capture cross section and capture gamma-ray spectra of 89Y","Fifth international workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics (CNR*15)",,,,,,2015,Oct. "H. Makii,S. Ota,T. Ishii,Y. Wakabayashi,K. Furutaka,K. Nishio,I. Nishinaka,S.Chiba,M. Igashira,A. Czeszumska","Development of a measurement system for the determination of (n, γ) cross-sections using multi-nucleon transfer reactions",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment",,"Vol. 797",,"Page 83-93",2015,Oct. "片渕竜也,井頭政之,水本元治,寺田和司,木村敦,中村詔司,中尾 太郎,原田秀郎,堀順一,木野幸一,鬼柳善明","J-PARC/ANNRI-NaI(Tl)検出器を用いたTc-99の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"p. 681",2015,Sept. "齋藤辰宏,井頭,片渕,柳田祥太郎,梅澤征悟","BNCT用中性子源開発のための陽子-リチウム反応からのガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"p. 748",2015,Sept. "木村敦,中村詔司,寺田和司,中尾 太郎,藤暢輔,原田秀郎,片渕竜也,水本元治,井頭政之,芝原雄司,高宮幸一,福谷哲,藤井俊行,堀順一","J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI NaI(Tl)スペクトロメータを用いたGd-155,157の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"p. 682",2015,Sept. "梅澤征悟,井頭政之,片渕竜也,柳田祥太郎,岡宮朋裕","Cs-133及びI-127のkeV 中性子捕獲断面積及びガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2015年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"p. 680",2015,Sept. "Jun-ichi Hori,Hiroshi Yashima,Shoji Nakamura,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Kentaro Hirose,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Atsushi Kimura,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,Motoharu Mizumoto,Tadafumi Sano,Yoshiyuki Takahashi,Yosuke Toh","Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement on 91Zr at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI","Fifteenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS15)","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 02004",2015,June "T. Katabuchi,S. Yanagida,K. Terada,N. Iwamoto,M. Igashira","Neutron capture cross section and capture gamma-ray spectra of 138Ba in the keV-neutron energy region","Fifteenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS15)","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 02008",2015,June "Hideo Harada,Osamu Iwamoto,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Atsushi Kimura,Kazushi Terada,Taro Nakao,Shoji Nakamura,Kazuhito Mizuyama,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tadafumi Sano,Yoshiyuki Takahashi,Koichi Takamiya,Cheol Ho Pyeon,Satoshi Fukutani,Toshiyuki Fujii,Jun-ichi Hori,Takahiro Yagi,Hiroshi Yashima","Accuracy Improvement of Neutron Nuclear Data on Minor Actinides","Fifteenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS15)","EPJ Web of Conferences",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 06001",2015,June "Saito Tatsuhiro,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tomohiro Okamiya,Shotaro Yanagida,Brian Hales,Masayuki Igashira","Measurement of Gamma-Ray Spectra from a Proton-Lithium Neutron Source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy","15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR 2015)",,,,,,2015,May "D. Karadimos,Masayuki Igashira (59th author),n_TOF collaboration (127 authors)","Neutron-induced fission cross section of U-234 measured at the CERN n_TOF facility",,"Physical Review C",,"Vol. 89","No. 4",,2015,Apr. "Muhammad Husamuddin Abdul Khalil,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Yanagida Shotaro,Tomohiro Okamiya","Measurement of keV-neutron Capture Cross Section and Capture Gamma-ray Spectrum of Te-128","2015 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","2015 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,"pp. 576",2015,Mar. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Taihei Matsuhashi,Kazushi Terada,Masayuki Igashira,Motoharu Mizumoto,Kentaro Hirose,Atsushi Kimura,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Jun-ichi Hori,Takashi Kamiyama,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Shoji Nakamura,Yosuke Toh","Misassigned neutron resonances of142Nd and stellar neutron capture cross sections",,"Physical Review C",,"Vol. 91",,"pp. 037603-1 - 5",2015,Mar. "岡宮朋裕,柳田祥太郎,井頭政之,片渕竜也","Y-89のkeV中性子捕獲断面積およびガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2015年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2015年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 575",2015,Mar. "C. Paradela,Masayuki Igashira (69th author),n_TOF collaboration (158 authors)","High-accuracy determination of the U-238/U-235 fission cross section ratio up to approximate to 1 GeV at n_TOF at CERN",,"Physical Review C","American Physical Society","Vol. 91","No. 2","pp. 024602",2015,Feb. "中尾 太郎,木村敦,中村詔司,寺田和司,原田秀郎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,堀順一","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発;(5) TOF測定に用いるサンプル量の高精度決定のための技術開発 カロリーメータ","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 635",2014,Sept. "Taofeng Wang,Manwoo Lee,Guinyun Kim,Tae-Ik Ro,Yeong-Rok Kang,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi","Maxwellian Averaged Neutron Capture Cross Sections in 56Fe and 57Fe",,"Chinese Physics Letters",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 092101-1-3",2014,Sept. "E. Mendoza,Masayuki Igashira (55th author),n_TOF collaboration (139 authors)","Measurement and analysis of the Am-243 neutron capture cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN",,"Physical Review C",,"Vol. 90","No. 3",,2014,Sept. "Brian Hales,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tooru Kobayashi,Kazushi Terada,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","Experimental Test of Online Dosimetry Imaging System for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy","2014 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","2014 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,"pp. 582",2014,Sept. "柳田祥太郎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,寺田和司,松橋泰平","Ba-138のkeV中性子捕獲断面積およびガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 555",2014,Sept. "原 かおる,廣瀬健太郎,木村 敦,北谷文人,小泉光生,中村詔司,藤 暢輔,原田秀郎,後神進史,金 政浩,井頭政之,片渕竜也,木野幸一,鬼柳善明,堀 順一","J-PARC/ANNRIのクラスター型Ge検出器の応答関数","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 557",2014,Sept. "木村敦,中村詔司,寺田和司,中尾 太郎,原田秀郎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,堀順一","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発;(7) J-PARC/MLF/ANNRIにおける高精度共鳴パラメータの導出","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 637",2014,Sept. "寺田和司,中村詔司,木村敦,中尾 太郎,原田秀郎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,堀順一","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発;(4) TOF測定に用いるサンプル量の高精度決定のための技術開発 Iγ","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 634",2014,Sept. "中村詔司,岩本 修,岩本信之,木村敦,寺田和司,中尾 太郎,原田秀郎,水山 一仁,井頭政之,片渕竜也,上原 章寛,佐野 忠史,高橋佳之,高宮幸一,卞 哲浩,福谷哲,藤井俊行,堀順一,八木 貴宏,八島 浩","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発;(2) 熱中性子捕獲断面積の高精度化(放射化法)","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 632",2014,Sept. "片渕竜也,井頭政之,寺田和司,木村敦,中村詔司,原田秀郎,中尾 太郎,堀順一","マイナーアクチニドの中性子核データ精度向上に係る研究開発;(9) J-PARC/MLF/ANNRIにおける中性子捕獲断面積測定の高速中性子領域への拡張","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2014年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 639",2014,Sept. "Kazushi Terada,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Motoharu Mizumoto,Takuro Arai,Tatsuhiro Saito,Masayuki Igashira,Kentaro Hirose,Shoji Nakamura,Atsushi Kimura,Hideo Harada,Jun-ichi Hori,Koichi Kino,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi","Measurement of neutron capture cross sections of Pd-107 at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 118-121",2014,Sept. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Hiroyuki Tsuda,Kazushi Terada,Masayuki Igashira","Measurement of neutron capture cross sections and neutron capture gamma-ray spectra of 93Nb, 103Rh and 115In in keV-energy region",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 107-111",2014,Sept. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Taihei Matsuhashi,Kazushi Terada,Takuro Arai,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Kentaro Hirose,Jun-ichi Hori,Masayuki Igashira,Takashi Kamiyama,Atsushi Kimura,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh","Pulse-width analysis for neutron capture cross section measurement using an NaI(Tl) detector",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A",,"Vol. 764",,"pp. 369-377",2014,Aug. "Brian Hales,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Kazushi Terada,Masayuki Igashira,Tooru Kobayashi","Feasibility study of SPECT system for online dosimetry imaging in boron neutron capture therapy",,"Applied Radiation and Isotopes",,"Vol. 88",,"pp. 167-180",2014,June "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Brian Hales,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Masayuki Igashira,Zareen Khan,Tooru Kobayashi,Taihei Matsuhashi,Koichi Miyazaki,Koichi Ogawa,Kazushi Terada","Feasibility study on pinhole camera system for online dosimetry in boron neutron capture therapy",,"Applied Radiation and Isotopes",,"Vol. 88",,"pp. 139-142",2014,June "Kentaro Hirose,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Jun-ichi Hori,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Takashi Kamiyama,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Atsushi Kimura,Tadahiro Kin,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh","Cross Section Measurement of 237Np(n,γ) at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 48?51",2014,May "Leal-Cidoncha E.,Masayuki Igashira (59th author),n_TOF collaboration (122 authors)","Study of U-234(n,f) Resonances Measured at the CERN n_TOF Facility",,"NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 42 - 44",2014,May "Jun-ichi Hori,Shoji Nakamura,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Kentaro Hirose,Atsushi Kimura,Fumito Kitatani,Mitsuo Koizumi,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,motoharu mizumoto,Takashi Kamiyama,Koichi Kino,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi","Measurements of Capture Gamma Rays from the Neutron Resonances of 74Se and 77Se at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 128?131",2014,May "H. Makii,S. Ota,T. Ishii,K. Nishio,I. Nishinaka,K. Furutaka,Y. Wakabayashi,S. Chiba,M. Igashira","Development of Anti-Compton LaBr3(Ce) Spectrometer for Measurement of Surrogate Reactions",,"NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 361-364",2014,May "Hideo Harada,Masayuki Ohta,Atsushi Kimura,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Kentaro Hirose,Kaoru Hara,Tadahiro Kin,Fumito Kitatani,Mitsuo Koizumi,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,motoharu mizumoto,Koichi Kino,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Toshiyuki Fujii,Satoshi Fukutani,Jun-ichi Hori,Koichi Takamiya","Capture Cross-section Measurement of 241Am(n,γ) at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 61?64",2014,May "Kazushi Terada,Taihei Matsuhashi,Brian Hales,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira","Measurements of keV-neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-ray Spectra of Pd Isotopes",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 147?149",2014,May "Koichi Kino,Fujio Hiraga,Takashi Kamiyama,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Hideo Harada,Kaoru Hara,Kentaro Hirose,Atsushi Kimura,Fumito Kitatani,Shoji Nakamura,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,motoharu mizumoto,Jun-ichi Hori","Measurement of Capture Gamma Rays from 99Tc Neutron Resonances at the J-PARC/ANNRI",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 140?142",2014,May "Atsushi Kimura,Kentaro Hirose,Shoji Nakamura,Hideo Harada,Kaoru Hara,Jun-ichi Hori,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Takashi Kamiyama,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Yosuke Toh","Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Sections of 112Sn and 118Sn with J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 150?153",2014,May "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Taihei Matsuhashi,Kazushi Terada,motoharu mizumoto,Kentaro Hirose,Atsushi Kimura,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Jun-ichi Hori,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Takashi Kamiyama,Fumito Kitatani,Koichi Kino,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh","A New Signal Processing Technique for Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement Based on Pulse Width Analysis",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 398-400",2014,May "Shoji Nakamura,Atsushi Kimura,Fumito Kitatani,Masayuki Ohta,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Shinji Goko,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Kentaro Hirose,Tadahiro Kin,Mitsuo Koizumi,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh,Koichi Kino,Fujio Hiraga,Takashi Kamiyama,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Tatsuya Katabuchi,motoharu mizumoto,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Jun-ichi Hori,Toshiyuki Fujii,Satoshi Fukutani,Koichi Takamiya","Cross Section Measurements of the Radioactive 107Pd and Stable 105,108Pd Nuclei at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 143?146",2014,May "MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Hideo Harada,Shoji Nakamura,Atsushi Kimura,Nobuyuki Iwamoto,Jun-ichi Hori,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi","A Nuclear Data Project on Neutron Capture Cross Sections of Long-Lived Fission Products and Minor Actinides",,"Nuclear Data Sheets",,"Vol. 118",,"pp. 72?77",2014,Apr. "D. Karadimos,Masayuki Igashira (59th author),n_TOF collaboration (127 authors)","Neutron-induced fission cross section of U-234 measured at the CERN n_TOF facility",,"Physical Review C","American Physical Society","Vol. 89","No. 4","pp. 044606",2014,Apr. "新井拓朗,片渕竜也,水本元治,寺田和司,井頭政之,木村 敦,原田秀郎,中村詔司,堀 順一,木野幸一,鬼柳善明","J-PARC/ANNRI-NaI(Tl)検出器を用いたAm-241の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2014年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2014年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"p. 424",2014,Mar. "Taofeng Wang,Manwoo Lee,Guinyun Kim,Tae-Ik Ro,Yeong-Rok Kang,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi","Study on the keV neutron capture reaction in 56Fe and 57Fe",,"European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 1-13",2014,Mar. "Kazushi Terada,Taihei Matsuhashi,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi","Measurements of keV-neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of 105Pd",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 51","No. 5","pp. 671-680",2014,Jan. "Taofeng Wang,Manwoo Lee,Guinyun Kim,Tae-Ik Ro,Yeong-Rok Kang,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi","Measurement of neutron-capture cross section and capture gamma-ray spectrum of Pd-105(n,gamma)Pd-106 reaction",,"Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry",,"Vol. 300","No. 1","pp. 235-242",2014,Jan. "B. Hales,T. Katabuchi,K. Terada,M. Igashira,T. Kobayashi","Feasibility study of SPECT system for online dosimetry imaging in boron neutron capture therapy",,"Applied Radiation and Isotopes",,,,,2013,Dec. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Brian Hales,Masayuki Igashira,Zareen Khan,Tooru Kobayashi,Taihei Matsuhashi,Koichi Miyazaki,Koichi Ogawa,Kazushi Terada","Feasibility study on pinhole camera system for online dosimetry in boron neutron capture therapy",,"Applied Radiation and Isotopes",,"Vol. 88",,"pp. 139-142",2013,Dec. "K. Kino,M. Furusaka,F. Hiraga,T. Kamiyama,Y. Kiyanagi,K. Furutaka,S. Goko,K.Y. Hara,H. Harada,M. Harada,K. Hirose,T. Kai,A. Kimura,T. Kin,F. Kitatani,M. Koizumi,F. Maekawa,S. Meigo,S. Nakamura,M. Ooi,M. Ohta,M. Oshima,Y. Toh,M. Igashira,T. Katabuchi,M. Mizumoto,J. Hori","Energy resolution of pulsed neutron beam provided by the ANNRI beamline at the J-PARC/MLF",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A",,"Vol. 736",,"pp. 66-74",2013,Oct. "片渕竜也,木村 敦,廣瀬健太郎,中村詔司,原 かおる,原田秀郎,千葉 豪,片渕達也,寺田和司,水本元治,井頭政之","J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI NaI(Tl)スペクトロメータ及びGeスペクトロメータを用いたGd-157の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会「2013年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会 2013年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"p. 56",2013,Sept. "寺田和司,片渕竜也,水本元治,新井拓朗,齋藤辰宏,井頭政之,廣瀬健太郎,中村詔司,木村 敦,原田秀郎,堀 順一,木野幸一,鬼柳善明","J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI NaI(Tl)スペクトロメータを用いたPd-107の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会「2013年秋の大会」","日本原子力学会 2013年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"p. 55",2013,Sept. "Brian Hales,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Kazushi Terada,Masayuki Igashira,Tooru Kobayashi","Shielding Design of Prompt-Gamma SPECT for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy","2013 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","日本原子力学会 2013年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"p. 76",2013,Sept. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira,Michihide Tajika,Yuichi Nakamura,So Kamata,Kazushi Terada","Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross section and gamma-ray spectra of 142Nd","14th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics","Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics","World Scientific",,,"pp. 238-243",2013,May "Kazushi Terada,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira,Taihei Matsuhashi,Tuan Anh TRAN","Systematic Measurements of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of Pd Isotopes","14th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics","Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics","World Scientific",,,"pp. 456-461",2013,May "寺田和司,井頭政之,片渕竜也,松橋泰平","104,105,106,108PdのEn=550keVでの中性子捕獲断面積および捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2013年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2013年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 425",2013,Mar. "松橋泰平,水本元治,片渕 竜也,寺田和司,井頭政之,廣瀬健太郎,木村敦,中村詔司,藤暢輔,古高和禎,小泉光生,大島真澄,原田秀郎,堀順一,木野幸一,加美山隆,鬼柳善明","J-PARC/MLF ANNRIを用いたNd-142の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2013年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2013年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 424",2013,Mar. "片渕 竜也,水本元治,寺田和司,松橋泰平,井頭政之,廣瀬健太郎,木村敦,中村詔司,藤暢輔,古高和禎,小泉光生,大島真澄,原田秀郎,堀順一,木野幸一,加美山隆,鬼柳善明","ANNRI-NaI(Tl)スペクトロメータの高計数率測定のための改良","日本原子力学会 2013年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2013年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 423",2013,Mar. "Kentaro Hirose,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Atsushi Kimura,Tadahiro Kin,Fumito Kitatani,Mitsuo Koizumi,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Motoharu Mizumoto,Takashi Kamiyama,Koichi Kino,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Jun-ichi Hori","Cross-section measurement of Np-237 (n, gamma) from 10 meV to 1 keV at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 50","No. 2","pp. 188-200",2013,Feb. "T. Katabuchi,K. Furutaka,Kaoru Hara,Hideo Harada,Kentaro Hirose,Jun-ich Hori,Masayuki Igashira,Takashi Kamiyama,Atsushi Kimura,Koich Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Y. Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,Taihei Matsuhashi,Motoharu Mizumoto,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Kazushi Terada,Y. Toh","Nuclear Data Measurement Using the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) in J-PARC","Use of Neutron Beams for High Precision Nuclear Data Measurements",,,,,,2012,Dec. "Atsushi Kimura,Toshiyuki Fujii,Satoshi Fukutani,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Shinji Goko,Kaoru Y. Hara,Hideo Harada,Kentaro Hirose,Jun-ichi Hori,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Takashi KAMIYAMA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tadahiro Kin,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Shoji Nakamura,Masayuki Ohta,Masumi Oshima,Koichi Takamiya,Yosuke Toh","Neutron-capture cross-sections of Cm-244 and Cm-246 measured with an array of large germanium detectors in the ANNRI at J-PARC/MLF",,"JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 49","No. 11","pp. 708-718",2012,Nov. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Masayuki Igashira","Measurement of the keV-neutron capture cross section and capture gamma-ray spectrum of isotopes around N=82 region","International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolutions of Galaxies (OMEG)","AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1484",,"pp. 436-438",2012,Nov. "F. Belloni,Masayuki Igashira (58th author),n_TOF collaboration (135 authors)","Neutron-induced fission cross section measurement of U-233, Am-241 and Am-243 in the energy range 0.5 MeV <= E-n <= 20 MeV at n_TOF at CERN",,"PHYSICA SCRIPTA","IOP PUBLISHING LTD","Vol. T150",,"pp. 14005 1-4",2012,Oct. "Zareen Khan,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Koichi Miyazaki,Tooru Kobayashi,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Kazushi Terada,Taihei Matsuhashi,Masayuki Igashira,Koichi Ogawa","Feasibility Study on Pinhole Camera for Online Dosimetry in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy","2012 Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","2012 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,"pp. 380",2012,Sept. "中村詔司,木村敦,北谷文人,金政浩,小泉光生,藤暢輔,原 かおる,廣瀬健太郎,古高和禎,原田秀郎,大島真澄,片渕竜也,水本元治,井頭政之,木野幸一,平賀 富士夫,加美山 隆,鬼柳善明,堀順一,八島浩","ANNRIを用いたPd-108の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 343",2012,Sept. "寺田和司,井頭政之,片渕竜也,松橋泰平","110PdのkeV中性子捕獲断面積および捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 348",2012,Sept. "原田秀郎,太田,木村敦,廣瀬健太郎,原 かおる,大島真澄,北谷,金政浩,小泉,後神,藤暢輔,中村,古高,井頭,片渕,水本,鬼柳,木野幸一,高宮幸一,福谷 哲,藤井俊行,堀順一","ANNRIを用いたアメリシウム241の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 344",2012,Sept. "廣瀬健太郎,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村敦,小泉光生,藤暢輔,中村詔司,原 かおる,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,寺田和司,松橋泰平,水本元治,加美山,木野幸一,鬼柳善明,堀順一","J-PARC/ANNRI-NaI(Tl)検出器を用いたSn-119の中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 345",2012,Sept. "片渕 竜也,水本元治,井頭政之,廣瀬健太郎,木村敦,中村詔司,藤暢輔,古高和禎,小泉光生,大島真澄,原田秀郎,堀順一,木野幸一,加美山隆,鬼柳善明","NaI(Tl)検出器を用いたJ-PARC/MLF ANNRIでのTc-99の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 346",2012,Sept. "F. Gunsing,Masayuki Igashira (51th author),n_TOF collaboration (123 authors)","Measurement of resolved resonances of Th-232(n, gamma) at the n_TOF facility at CERN",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 85","No. 6","pp. 64601 1-17",2012,June "C. Massimi,Masayuki Igashira (67th author),n_TOF collaboration (143 authors)","Resonance neutron-capture cross sections of stable magnesium isotopes and their astrophysical implications",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 85","No. 4","pp. 44615 1-15",2012,Apr. "C. Guerrero,Masayuki Igashira (54th author),n_TOF collaboration (131 authors)","Measurement and resonance analysis of the Np-237 neutron capture cross section",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 85","No. 4","pp. 44616 1-15",2012,Apr. "寺田和司,井頭政之,片渕竜也,松橋泰平","106,108PdのkeV中性子捕獲断面積および捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 665",2012,Mar. "M. Calviani,Masayuki Igashira (55th author),n_TOF collaboration (131 authors)","Neutron-induced fission cross section of Cm-245: New results from data taken at the time-of-flight facility n_TOF",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 85","No. 3","pp. 34616 1-10",2012,Mar. "Brian Hales,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Kazushi Terada,Masayuki Igashira,Noriyosu Hayashizaki,Tooru Kobayashi","Feasibility Study of SPECT System for Online Dosimetry Imaging in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy","2012 Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","2012 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,"pp. 700",2012,Mar. "片渕竜也,宮崎皓一,Brian Hales,井頭政之,林?規託,古林 徹","ホウ素中性子捕捉療法のためのオンライン線量イメージング用ピンホールカメラの基礎研究","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 704",2012,Mar. "井頭政之,津田裕行,寺田和司,片渕竜也","Nb-93、Rh-103、In-115のkeV中性子捕獲断面積及び捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 666",2012,Mar. "木野幸一,加美山 隆,鬼柳善明,平賀 富士夫,古坂道弘,太田雅之,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村敦,金政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤暢輔,中村詔司,原 かおる,原田秀郎,廣瀬健太郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,堀順一,高宮幸一,福谷 哲,藤井俊行","中性子核反応測定装置ANNRIを用いたTc-99の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2012年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 121",2012,Mar. "R. Sarmento,Masayuki Igashira (56th author),n_TOF collaboration (132 authors)","Measurement of the U-236(n, f) cross section from 170 meV to 2 MeV at the CERN n_TOF facility",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 84","No. 4","pp. 44618 1-10",2011,Oct. "廣瀬健太郎,大島 真澄,北谷 文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉 光生,藤 暢輔,中村 詔司,原 かおる,原田 秀郎,古高 和禎,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,水本 元治,加美山 隆,木野 幸一,鬼柳 善明,堀 順一","中性子核反応測定装置ANNRIを用いた237Npの中性子捕獲断面積測定",,"日本原子力学会 2011年 秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 494",2011,Sept. "寺田和司,井頭政之,片渕竜也,Tuan Anh TRAN","104PdのkeV中性子捕獲断面積および捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定",,"日本原子力学会 2011年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 496",2011,Sept. "片渕 竜也,井頭 政之,中村 友一,寺田 和司","Nd -142の En=550keV での中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定",,"日本原子力学会 2011年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,,2011,Sept. "D. Cano-Ott,Masayuki Igashira (114th author),n_TOF collaboration (128 authors)","Neutron Capture Measurements on Minor Actinides at the n_TOF Facility at CERN: Past, Present and Future",,"JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY","KOREAN PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1809-1812",2011,Aug. "C. Guerrero,Masayuki Igashira (110th author),n_TOF collaboration (128 authors)","Study of Photon Strength Function of Actinides: the Case of U-235, Np-238 and Pu-241",,"JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY","KOREAN PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1510-1513?",2011,Aug. "Hideo Harada,Shinji Goko,Fumito Kitatani,Masayuki Ohta,Masumi Oshima,Atsushi Kimura,Yosuke Toh,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Tadahiro Kin,Mitsuo Koizumi,Shoji Nakamura,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,motoharu mizumoto,TOSHIRO OHSAKI,Jun-ichi Hori,Toshiyuki Fujii,Koichi Takamiya,Jun Goto,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Koichi Kino,Michihiro Furusaka,Fujio Hiraga,Takashi Kamiyama","Study of Neutron Capture Reactions Using the 4pi Ge Spectrometer","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2010)","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1547-1552",2011,Aug. "A. KIMURA,K. FURUTAKA,S. GOKO,H. HARADA,J. HORI,M. IGASHIRA,T. KAMIYAMA,T. KATABUCHI,T. KIN,K. KINO,F. KITATANI,Y. KIYANAGI,M. KOIZUMI,M. MIZUMOTO,S. NAKAMURA,M. OHTA,M. OSHIMA,Y. TOH","Measurements of Neutron-Capture Cross-Sections of 244Cm at the J-PARC/MLF/NNRI","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2010)","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1828-1831",2011,Aug. "C. Paradela,Masayuki Igashira (105th author),n_TOF collaboration (122 authors)","Np-237(n,f) Cross Section: New Data and Present Status",,"JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY","KOREAN PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1908-1911",2011,Aug. "D. Tarrio,Masayuki Igashira (101th author),n_TOF collaboration (122 authors)","High-energy Neutron-induced Fission Cross Sections of Natural Lead and Bismuth-209",,"JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY","KOREAN PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1904-1907",2011,Aug. "M. Calviani,Masayuki Igashira (109th author),n_TOF collaboration (127 authors)","Fission Cross-section Measurements of U-233, Cm-245 and Am-241,Am-243 at CERN n_TOF Facility",,"JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY","KOREAN PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1912-1915",2011,Aug. "J. HORI,K. FURUTAKA,S. GOKO,H. HARADA,A. KIMURA,T. KIN,F. KITATANI,M. KOIZUMI,S. NAKAMURA,M. OHTA,M. OSHIMA,Y. TOH,M. IGASHIRA,T. KATABUCHI,M. MIZUMOTO,T. KAMIYAMA,K. KINO,Y. KIYANAGI","Measurement of Neutron Capture Gamma Rays from the Resonances of 91Zr and 96Zr at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2010)","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1777-1780",2011,Aug. "Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Koichi Kino,Michihiro Furusaka,Fujio Hiraga,Takashi Kamiyama,Kiyoshi Kato,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Tatsuya Katabuchi,motoharu mizumoto,Masumi Oshima,Hideo Harada,Jun-ichi Katakura,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Shinji Goko,Atsushi Kimura,Tadahiro Kin,Fumito Kitatani,Mitsuo Koizumi,Shoji Nakamura,Masayuki Ohta,Yosuke Toh,Tsutomu Ohtsuki,Kentaro Hirose,Toshiyuki Fujii,Jun-ichi Hori,Koichi Takamiya,Satoshi Fukutani,Michihiro Shibata,Kawakatsu Yamada,Hiroaki UTSUNOMIYA","The `Study on Nuclear Data by Using a High Intensity Pulsed Neutron Source for Advanced Nuclear System' Nuclear Data Project and the Characteristics of the Neutron Beam Line for the Capture Cross Section Experiments at J-PARC","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2010)","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1781-1784",2011,Aug. "Shoji Nakamura,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Shinji Goko,Hideo Harada,Jun-ichi Hori,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Takashi Kamiyama,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Atsushi Kimura,Tadahiro Kin,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Masayuki Ohta,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh","Measurements of Neutron-Capture Cross-Sections of PalladiumIsotopes at the J-PARC/MLF/NNRI","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1773-1776",2011,Aug. "Tadahiro Kin,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Shinji Goko,Hideo Harada,Jun-ichi Hori,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,Takashi Kamiyama,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Atsushi Kimura,Koichi Kino,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Shoji Nakamura,Masayuki Ohta,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh","A 4pi Germanium Spectrometer for Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Sections by the Time-of-Flight Method at the J-PARC/MLF/NNRI","International Conferenece on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1769-1772",2011,Aug. "MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,so Kamata,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Michihide Tajika,motoharu mizumoto","Systematic Study on keV-Neutron Capture Reaction of Se Isotopes","International Conference on Nuclear Data of Science and Technology","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1665-1669",2011,Aug. "Tatsuya Katabuchi,Hai Nguyen Canh,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,so Kamata,Michihide Tajika,motoharu mizumoto","Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Section and Gamma-ray Spectra of 88Sr in the keV Energy Region","International Conferenece on Nuclea Data for Science and Technology (ND2010)","Journal of Korean Physical Society",,"Vol. 59","No. 2","pp. 1844-1847",2011,Aug. "Tatsuya KATABUCHI,Masayuki IGASHIRA,Yoshiaki KIYANAGI","Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Section of 96Zr",,"Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 48","No. 5","p. 744-750",2011,May "D. Tarrio,Masayuki Igashira (61th author),n_TOF collaboration (136 authors)","Neutron-induced fission cross section of Pb-nat and Bi-209 from threshold to 1 GeV: An improved parametrization",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 83","No. 4","pp. 44620 1-9",2011,Apr. "C. Lederer,Masayuki Igashira (60th author),n_TOF collaboration (136 authors)","Au-197(n,gamma) cross section in the unresolved resonance region",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 83","No. 3","pp. 34608 1-11",2011,Mar. "片渕 竜也,水本元治,井頭政之,木村敦,藤暢輔,中村詔司,後神進史,原 かおる,金政浩,太田雅之,北谷文人,古高和禎,小泉光生,廣瀬健太郎,原田秀郎,大島真澄,堀順一,木野幸一,加美山隆,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘,鬼柳善明","NaI (Tl) 検出器を用いたJ-PARC/ANNRIでの Tc -99 の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2011年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2011年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 613",2011,Mar. "中村 詔司,太田 雅之,大島 真澄,北谷 文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉 光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,原 かおる,原田 秀郎,古高 和禎,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,水本 元治,木野 幸一,鬼柳 善明,堀 順一,高宮 幸一,福谷 哲,藤井 俊行","中性子核反応測定装置ANNRI を用いたパラジウム107 の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2011年 春の年会","日本原子力学会 2011年 春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 614",2011,Mar. "古林 徹,高橋 実,有冨正憲,中川順達,林?規託,片渕竜也,ベングアジェラード,田中憲一,服部俊幸,井頭政之,山本哲哉,中村博雄","加速器中性子捕捉療法用液体リチウム液膜流ターゲットの開発 (1)中性子捕捉療法用中性子発生ターゲットの概要",,"日本原子力学会 2011年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 688",2011,Mar. "寺田和司,井頭政之,片渕竜也,松橋泰平","105PdのkeV中性子捕獲断面積および捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2011年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2011年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 611",2011,Mar. "原田秀郎,太田雅之,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,木野幸一,鬼柳善明,高宮幸一,福谷 哲,藤井俊行,堀 順一","中性子核反応測定装置ANNRI を用いたアメリシウム241の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2011年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会 2011年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 615",2011,Mar. "F. Belloni,Masayuki Igashira (49th author),n_TOF collaboration (118 authors)","Neutron-induced fission cross-section of U-233 in the energy range 0.5 < E-n < 20 MeV",,"EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A","SPRINGER","Vol. 47","No. 1","pp. 2 1-7",2011,Jan. "K. Kino,M.Furusaka,F.Hiraga,T.Kamiyama,Y.Kiyanagi,K.Furutaka,S.Goko,H.Harada,M. Harada,T.Kai,A.Kimura,T.Kin,F.Kitatani,M.Koizumi,F.Maekawa,S.Meigo,S. Nakamura,M.Ooi,M.Ohta,M.Oshima,Y.Toh,M.Igashira,T.Katabuchi,M.Mizumoto","Measurement of energy spectra and spatial distributions of neutron beams provided by the ANNRI beam line for capture cross-section measurements at the J-PARC/MLF",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A",,"Vol. 626-627",,"pp. 58-66",2010,Dec. "Shinji GOKO,Atsushi KIMURA,Hideo HARADA,Masumi OSHIMA,Masayuki OHTA,Kazuyoshi FURUTAKA,Tadahiro KIN,Fumito KITATANI,Mitsuo KOIZUMI,Shoji NAKAMURA,Yosuke TOH,Masayuki IGASHIRA,Tatsuya KATABUCHI,Motoharu MIZUMOTO,Yoshiaki KIYANAGI,Koichi KINO,Michihiro FURUSAKA,Fujio HIRAGA,Takashi KAMIYAMA,Jun-ichi HORI,Toshiyuki FUJII,Satoshi FUKUTANI,Koichi TAKAMIYA","Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section Ratios of 244Cm Resonances Using NNRI",,"Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 47","No. 12","pp. 1097?1100",2010,Dec. "C. Paradela,Masayuki Igashira (55th author),n_TOF collaboration (122 authors)","Neutron-induced fission cross section of U-234 and Np-237 measured at the CERN Neutron Time-of-Flight (n_TOF) facility",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 82","No. 3","pp. 34601 1-11",2010,Sept. "堀 順一,太田雅之,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,加美山 隆,木野 幸一,鬼柳 善明,平賀 富士夫,古坂 道弘","全立体角Geスペクトロメータを用いたJ-PARC/NNRIでの93Zrの中性子捕獲断面積測定",,"日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会",,,,2010,Sept. "木村敦,太田雅之,大島 真澄,北谷文人,金政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,木野幸一,鬼柳善明,高宮幸一,福谷哲,藤井俊行,堀順一","全立体角Geスペクトロメータを用いたJ-PARC/NNRIでの244Cm及び246Cmの中性子捕獲断面積測定",,"日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会",,,,2010,Sept. "片渕竜也,Nguyen Canh Hai,井頭政之,鎌田 創,田近道英,水本元治","Sr-88の510keV中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,,2010,Sept. "水本元治,片渕竜也,井頭政之,鬼柳善明","ガンマ線検出器によるJ-PARC MLF BL04 の中性子束測定及び中性子・ガンマ線場の特性試験―その2","日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2010年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,,2010,Sept. "So Kamada,Masayuki IGASHIRA,Tatsuya KATABUCHI,Motoharu MIZUMOTO","Measurements of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 77Se",,"Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 47, No. 7, p. 634?641 (2010) ARTICLE",,"Vol. 47","No. 7","pp. 634 - 641",2010,July "G. Tagliente,Masayuki Igashira (50th author),n_TOF collaboration (118 authors)","The Zr-92(n,gamma) reaction and its implications for stellar nucleosynthesis",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 81","No. 5","pp. 55801 1-9",2010,May "C. Massimi,Masayuki Igashira (50th author),n_TOF collaboration (117 authors)","Au-197(n,gamma) cross section in the resonance region",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW C","AMER PHYSICAL SOC","Vol. 81","No. 4","pp. 44616-1-22",2010,Apr. "N. Colonna,Masayuki Igashira (50th author),n_TOF collaboration (124 authors)","Neutron cross-sections for next generation reactors: New data from n_TOF",,"APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES","PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD","Vol. 68","No. 4","pp. 643-646",2010,Apr. "鎌田創,片渕竜也,井頭政之,水本元治","Se-78,80,82 の550 keV 中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 106",2010,Mar. "堀順一,八島 浩,大島 真澄,北谷 文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉 光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,水本 元治,木野 幸一,鬼柳 善明","高強度パルス中性子源を用いた革新的原子炉用核データの研究開発 (7) 京大炉ライナックを用いた関連核種の中性子捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2010年春の年会","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 98",2010,Mar. "木村敦,太田雅之,大島真澄,北谷文人,金政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤暢輔,中村詔司,原田 秀郎,古高和禎,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,水本 元治,加美山隆,鬼柳 善明,木野幸一,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘,堀順一","高強度パルス中性子源を用いた革新的原子炉用核データの研究開発 (5) 全立体角Ge 測定器を用いたJ-PARC での捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2010年春の年会","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 96",2010,Mar. "片渕 竜也,水本 元治,井頭 政之,木村敦,藤暢輔,中村詔司,後神進史,金政浩,太田雅之,北谷文人,古高和禎,小泉光生,原田 秀郎,大島真澄,堀順一,木野幸一,加美山隆,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘,鬼柳 善明","高強度パルス中性子源を用いた革新的原子炉用核データの研究開発 (6) NaI検出器を用いたJ-PARCでの捕獲断面積測定","日本原子力学会 2010年春の年会","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 97",2010,Mar. "Taofeng Wang,Manwoo Lee,Guinyun Kim,Youngdo Oh,Won Namkung,Tae-Ik Ro,Yeong-Rok Kang,Masayuki Igashira,Tatsuya Katabuchi","Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross-Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 56Fe and 57Fe",,"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B",," 268",," 440 - 449",2010,Mar. "大島真澄,太田雅之,北谷文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,加美山 隆,木野幸一,鬼柳善明,古坂道弘,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治","高強度パルス中性子源を用いた革新的原子炉用核データの研究開発 (3) 捕獲断面積測定用全立体角Ge 測定器の特性","日本原子力学会 2010年春の年会","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 94",2010,Mar. "木野幸一,加美山隆,鬼柳善明,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘,太田雅之,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村敦,金政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治","高強度パルス中性子源を用いた革新的原子炉用核データの研究開発 (2) J -PARC 捕獲断面積ビームライン","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","2010 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 93",2010,Mar. "鬼柳善明,木野幸一,古坂道弘,加美山隆,平賀富士夫,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,大島真澄,原田秀郎,木村敦,金政浩,後神進史,太田雅之,藤暢輔,小泉光生,北谷文人,中村詔司,古高和禎","中性子核反応測定装置 NNRI",,"日本中性子科学学会誌「波紋」",,"Vol. 20","No. 1","pp. 21-24",2010,Jan. "igashira,kamata,katabuchi,mizumoto","Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Gamma Rays for Se Isotopes","13th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics","AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1090",,"pp. 376-380",2009,Dec. "Tadahiro Kin,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Shinji Goko,Hideo Harada,Masayuki Igashira,Takashi Kamiyama,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Atsushi Kimura,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh","Development of a 4 pi Germanium Spectrometer for Nuclear Data Measurements at J-PARC","IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference 2009","IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record",,"Vol. 1-5",,"pp. 1194-1197",2009,Dec. "Atsushi Kimura,Kazuyoshi Furutaka,Shinji Goko,Hideo Harada,Masayuki Igashira,Takashi Kamiyama,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Tadahiro Kin,Fumito Kitatani,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Mitsuo Koizumi,motoharu mizumoto,Shoji Nakamura,Masumi Oshima,Yosuke Toh","A Dead-Time Correction Method for Multiple Gamma-ray Detection","IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference 2009","IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record",,"Vol. 1-5",,"pp. 138-143",2009,Dec. "H. Makii,Y. Nagai,T. Shima,K. Mishima,H. Ueda,Masayuki Igashira,T. Ohsaki","E1 and E2 cross sections of the 12C(α,γ0)16O reaction using pulsed alpha beams",,"Physical Review C",,"Vol. 80",,"pp. 065802-1-065802-16",2009,Dec. "Koichi Kino,Fujio Hiraga,Michihiro Furusaka,Yoshiaki Kiyanagi,Masayuki Igashira,Motoharu Mizumoto,Tatsuya Katabuchi","Design of a Collimator System of a Neutron Beam Line for Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurements","the 11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and the 15th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division","Nuclear Technology",," 168"," 2"," 317-321",2009,Nov. "HIDEO HARADA,KAZUYOSHI FURUTAKA,SHINJI GOKO,ATSUSHI KIMURA,TADAHIRO KIN,FUMITO KITATANI,MITSUO KOIZUMI,SHOJI NAKAMURA,MASAYUKI OHTA,MASUMI OSHIMA,YOSUKE TOH,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,TATSUYA KATABUCHI,MOTOHARU MIZUMOTO,MICHIHIRO FURUSAKA,FUJIO HIRAGA,TAKASHI KAMIYAMA,KOICHI KINO,YOSHIAKI KIYANAGI,Toshiyuki Fujii,Jun-ichi Hori,Koichi Takamiya","Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Sections using a 4piGe Spectrometer at the J-PARC/MLF/NNRI","Third Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the APS and JPS","Bulletin of American Physical Society",,"Vol. 54","No. 10","p. 190",2009,Oct. "KOICHI KINO,MICHIHIRO FURUSAKA,FUJIO HIRAGA,TAKASHI KAMIYAMA,YOSHIAKI KIYANAGI,KAZUYOSHI FURUTAKA,SHINJI GOKO,HIDEO HARADA,ATSUSHI KIMURA,TADAHIRO KIN,FUMITO KITATANI,MITSUO KOIZUMI,SHOJI NAKAMURA,MASAYUKI OHTA,MASUMI OSHIMA,YOSUKE TOH,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,TATSUYA KATABUCHI,MOTOHARU MIZUMOTO,Toshiyuki Fujii,Jun-ichi Hori,Koichi Takamiya","Neutron Beam Provided by the Neutron Nucleus Reaction Instrument at the J-PARC MLF","Third Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the APS and JPS","Bulletin of the American Physical Society",,"Vol. 54","No. 10","p. 190",2009,Oct. "M.Calviani,J. Praena,Masayuki Igashira (51st aushor),n_TOF collaboration (122 authors)","High-accuracy 233U(n,f) cross-section measurement at the white-neutron source n_TOF from near-thermal to 1 MeV neutron energy",,"Phys. Rev.",," C 80",," 044604-1-044604-11",2009,Oct. "TATSUYA KATABUCHI,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,MOTOHARU MIZUMOTO,KAZUYOSHI FURUTAKA,SHINJI GOKO,HIDEO HARADA,ATSUSHI KIMURA,TADAHIRO KIN,FUMITO KITATANI,MITSUO KOIZUMI,SHOJI NAKAMURA,MASAYUKI OHTA,MASUMI OSHIMA,YOSUKE TOH,MICHIHIRO FURUSAKA,FUJIO HIRAGA,TAKASHI KAMIYAMA,KOICH KINO,YOSHIAKI KIYANAGI,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,JUN-ICHI HORI,KOICHI TAKAMIYA","Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Sections Using a NaI(Tl) Spectrometer at the J-PARC MLF Neutron Nucleus Reaction Instrument","Third Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the APS and JPS","Bulletin of the American Physical Society",,"Vol. 54","No. 10","p. 190",2009,Oct. "水本元治,井頭政之,片渕竜也,堀 順一,木野幸一,鬼柳善明,加美山 隆,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘,木村 敦,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,後神進史,金 政浩,太田雅之,北谷文人,古高和禎,小泉光生,原田秀郎,大島真澄","ガンマ線検出器によるJ-PARC MLF BL04の中性子・ガンマ線場の特性試験","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会","2009 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 464",2009,Sept. "鎌田 創,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治","Se-74,76の550 keV中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. 469",2009,Sept. "C. Guerrero,Masayuki Igashira (46th author),n_TOF collaboration (115 authors)","The n_TOF total absorption calorimeter for neutron capture measurement at CERN",,"Nucler Instruments and Methods",," A608",," 424-433",2009,Sept. "片渕竜也,水本元治,井頭政之,木村 敦,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,後神進史,金 政浩,太田雅之,北谷文人,古高和禎,小泉光生,原田秀郎,大島真澄,堀 順一,木野幸一,加美山 隆,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘,鬼柳善明","J-PARC/MLF BL04におけるNaI(Tl)検出器の特性試験","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会","2009 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 466",2009,Sept. "太田雅之,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,加美山 隆,木野幸一,鬼柳善明,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘","J-PARC/MLFビームラインBL04における中性子スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会","2009 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 465",2009,Sept. "木野幸一,加美山 隆,鬼柳善明,平賀富士夫,古坂道弘,太田雅之,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治","J-PARC/MLF BL04の中性子ビームの空間及びエネルギー分布とパルス形状の測定","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会","2009 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 438",2009,Sept. "後神進史,大島真澄,北谷文人,木村 敦,金 政浩,小泉光生,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,堀 順一","京大炉LINACにおける238U中性子捕獲反応測定","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会","2009 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 468",2009,Sept. "木村 敦,大島真澄,太田雅之,北谷文人,金 政浩,小泉光生,後神進史,藤 暢輔,中村詔司,原田秀郎,古高和禎,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,加美山 隆,木野幸一,鬼柳善明","Ge検出器及び金箔を用いたJ-PARC MLF BL04ビームラインにおける中性子捕獲断面積の試験測定","日本原子力学会 2009年秋の大会","2009 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 467",2009,Sept. "片渕 竜也,Canh Hai Nguyen,井頭 政之,鎌田 創,田近 道英,水本 元治","Sr-88のkeV中性子捕獲断面積および捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定",,"日本原子力学会 2009年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 69-",2009,Mar. "水本元治,井頭政之,片渕竜也,堀 順一,木野幸一,鬼柳善明","J-PARC MLF BL04中性子・ガンマ線場特性試験に用いる中性子(共鳴)フィルターの透過率測定と共鳴パラメータ評価","日本原子力学会 2009年春の大会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "鎌田 創,井頭政之,片渕竜也,水本元治,田近道英","77Seの510 keV中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2009年春の年会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "Masayuki Igashira","Nuclear data study at J-PARC BL04;",,"Nucl. Instr. Meth",,," A600"," 332-334",2009,Feb. "S. Kamata,M. Igashira,T. Katabuchi,M. Mizumoto,M. Tajika","Measurements of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 80, 82Se","The 2008 Annual Symposium on Nuclear Data (NDS 2008)",,,,,,2008,Nov. "T. Katabuchi,N. C. Hai,M. Igashira,so Kamata,M. Tajika,M. Mizumoto","Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 88Sr","The 2008 Annual Symposium on Nuclear Data (NDS 2008)",,,,,,2008,Nov. "J. Hori,M. Oshima,H. Harada,K. Furutaka,M. Koizumi,F. Kitatani,Y. Toh,S. Nakamura,A. Kimura,M. Igashira,M. Mizumoto,T. Ohsaki,T. Katabuchi,J. Goto","Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement on 243Am with a 4piGe Spectrometer","The 2008 Annual Symposium on Nuclear Data (NDS 2008)",,,,,,2008,Nov. "田近道英,片渕竜也,鎌田 創,井頭政之","Nd-142のkeV中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会","日本原子力学会2008年秋の大会要旨集",,,,,2008,Sept. "片渕 竜也,井頭 政之,鬼柳 善明","Zr-96のkeV中性子捕獲断面積の測定",,"日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 68-",2008,Sept. "水本元治,井頭政之,片渕竜也,堀 順一,木野幸一,鬼柳善明","J-PARC MLF BL04での飛行時間法を用いたMA(マイナーアクチニド)中性子捕獲断面積測定における計数率見積もり(II)","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会",,,,,,2008,Sept. "堀 順一,大島真澄,原田秀郎,小泉光生,古高和禎,中村詔司,北谷文人,藤 暢輔,木村 敦,金 政浩,後神進史,水本元治,井頭政之,片渕竜也,木野幸一,鬼柳善明","全立体角Geスペクトロメータを用いた基底遷移法の中性子捕獲断面積測定への適用","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会",,,,,,2008,Sept. "Naoki Yamano,Jun-ichi Katakura,Kiyoshi Kato,Masayuki Igashira","Integrated nuclear data utilization system for innovative reactors nuclear data processing and utilization system","2007 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007","EDP Sciences",,,,2008,June "J. Nishiyama,M. Igashira,T. Ohsaki,G. Kim,W.C. Chung,T.I. Ro","Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of Sn-117,119",,"Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY",,"Vol. 45","No. 4","pp. 352-360",2008,June "西山 潤,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也","Sn-122,124のkeV中性子捕獲断面積及び捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会予稿集","社団法人 日本原子力学会",," 2008s"," 56",2008,Mar. "Igashira,Jun Nishiyama,Ohsaki,Katabuchi, T","Measurement of gamma-rays from the keV-neutron capture by (139)La","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 1299-1301",2008,Jan. "Mizumoto,Igashira,Ohsaki,Katabuchi, T,Oshima, M,koizumi,toh yosuke,kimura atsushi,harada hideo,furutaka,nakamura shoji,kitatani,hori jun-ichi","Neutron capture cross section measurements on 237Np with a 4 pi Ge spectrometer","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 591-594",2008,Jan. "Jun Nishiyama,Igashira,Ohsaki,Katabuchi, T","Measurements of keV-neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra for Sn and Gd isotopes","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 615-618",2008,Jan. "Oshima, M,hori jun-ichi,harada hideo,furutaka,koizumi,kitatani,toh yosuke,kimura atsushi,nakamura shoji,Igashira,Mizumoto,Ohsaki,Katabuchi, T,Jun Nishiyama","Performance of a 4 pi Ge spectrometer for neutron capture cross section measurements","International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology","INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 603-606",2008,Jan. "井頭政之","Zr-96のkeV中性子捕獲断面積の測定","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,," 83-",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Nuclear physics for the Re/Os clock",,"J. Phys. G",," Nucl. Phys."," 35"," 014015-1-014015-7",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","The measurement of the 206Pb(n,γ) cross section and stellar implication",,"J. Phys. G",," Nucl. Phys."," 35"," 014020-1-014020-6",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Neutron capture cross section of 90Zr: Bottleneck in the s-process reaction flow",,"Phys. Rev",,," C77"," 035802-1-035802-9",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Measurements of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 117, 119Sn",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,," 45"," 352-360",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Role of multiparticle-multihole states of 18, 19O in 18O(n,γ)19O reactions at keV energy",,"Phys. Rev.",,," C77"," 051303(R)-1-051303(R)-5",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Experimental study of the 91Zr(n,γ) reaction uo to 26 keV;",,"Phys. Rev",,," C78"," 045804-1-045804-11",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Measurement of neutron induced fission of 235U, 233U and 245Cm with the FIC detector at the CERN n_TOF facility","Int.Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and TechnologyNice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology",,,," 335-338.",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Neutron resonance spectroscopy at n_TOF at CERN","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology",,,," 537-542",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Simultaneous measurement of the neutron capture and fission yields of 233U","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology,",,,," 571-574",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","The 234U neutron capture cross section measurement at the n_TOF facility","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007",,,," 595-598",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Capture cross section measurements of 186, 187, 188Os at n_TOF: the resolved resonance region","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007,",,,," 599-602.",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","The neutron capture cross sections of 237Np(n,γ) and 240Pu(n,γ) and its relevance in the transmutation of nuclear waste","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007,",,,," 627-630",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Integrated nuclear data utilization system for innovative reactors nuclear data processing and utilization system","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007,",,,," 825-828",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Measurement of the 197Au(n,γ) cross section at n_TOF: towards a new standard","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007",,,," 1265-1268",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Measurement of the 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96Zr(n,γ) and 139La(n,γ) cross sections at n_TOF","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007",,,," 1303-1306",2008, "Masayuki Igashira","Improved lead and bismuth (n,γ) cross sections and their astrophysical impact","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007, ed. O. Bersillon, F. Gunsing, E. Bauge, R. Jacqmin, S. Leray","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, 2007",,,," 1311-1314",2008, "井頭政之","Se同位体のkeV中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルに関する系統的研究","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会予稿集,","日本原子力学会",," 2008s"," 55-",2008, "井頭政之","Sn-122,124のkeV中性子捕獲断面積及び捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会 予稿集,","日本原子力学会",,," 56-",2008, "井頭政之","J-PARC MLF BL4での飛行時間法を用いたMA(マイナーアクチニド)中性子捕獲断面積測定における計数率見積り","日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,," 63-",2008, "井頭政之","Se-74,76,78のkeV中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,," 81",2008, "井頭政之","Nd-142のkeV中性子捕獲断面積と捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会","日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,," 82",2008, "西山 潤,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也","Sn-120のkeV中性子捕獲断面積及び捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定",,"日本原子力学会 2007年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 69-",2007,Sept. "水本 元治,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,大島 真澄,原田 秀郎,小泉 光生,古高 和禎,中村 詔司,北谷 文人,藤 暢輔,木村 敦,金 政浩,堀 順一,後藤 淳","237Np中性子捕獲断面積測定データ解析",,"日本原子力学会 2007年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 68-",2007,Sept. "原田 秀郎,北谷 文人,大島 真澄,藤 暢輔,木村 敦,古高 和禎,中村 詔司,小泉 光生,水本 元治,片渕 竜也,井頭 政之,堀 順一,後藤 淳","全立体角Geスペクトロメータを用いた中性子共鳴ピークの核種同定",,"日本原子力学会 2007年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 72-",2007,Sept. "Masayuki Igashira","Status and outlook of the neutron time-of-flight facility",,"Nucl. Instr. Meth",,," B261"," 925-929",2007, "Masayuki Igashira","Neutron reactions and nuclear cosmo-chronology",,"Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics,",,," 59"," 165-173",2007, "MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","Measurement of the keV-neutron capture cross-sections of 156Gd and 158Gd;",,"Journal of the Korean Physical Society,",,," 50"," 1592-1597.",2007, "MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","Measurement of capture cross-sections for 165Ho(n,γ)166Ho reaction in the neutron energy region from 10 to 90 keV;",,"Journal of the Korean Physical Society",,," 50"," 1494-1498",2007, "MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","The 139La(n,γ) cross section: Key for the onset of the s-process",,"Phys. Rev.",,," C75"," 035807-1-035807-15",2007, "MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","Measurement of the keV-neutron capture cross-sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of 155Gd and 157Gd;",,"Journal of the Korean Physical Society,",,," 50"," 409-416",2007, "MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the s-only isotope 204Pb from 1 eV to 440 keV",,"Phys. Rev.",,," C75"," 015806-1-015806-9",2007, "Masayuki Igashira","Neutron capture cross sections of 186, 187, 189Os for the Re-Os chronology",,"Phys. Rev.",,," C76"," 022802(R)-1-022802(R)-5",2007, "H. Makii,Y. Nagai,K. Mishima,M. Segawa,T. Shima,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","Neutron-induced reactions using a γ-ray detector in a 12C(α,γ)16O reaction study;",,"Phys. Rev.",,"Vol. C76",,"pp. 022801(R)-1-022801(R)-5",2007, "Masayuki Igashira","Neutron capture cross sections of 186, 187, 189Os for the Re-Os chronology",,"Phys. Rev",,," C76"," 022802(R)-1-022802(R)-5.",2007, "Masayuki Igashira","Neutron-induced reactions using a γ-ray detector in a 12C(α,γ)16O reaction study",,"Phys. Rev",,," C76"," 022801(R)-1-022801(R)-5.",2007, "西山 潤,井頭 政之,大崎 敏郎","Sn-116のkeV中性子捕獲断面積及び捕獲ガンマ線スペクトルの測定",,"日本原子力学会 2006年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 60-",2006,Sept. "水本 元治,井頭 政之,片渕 竜也,大島 真澄,原田 秀郎,小泉 光生,古高 和禎,中村 詔司,北谷 文人,藤 暢輔,木村 敦,金 政浩,堀 順一,後藤 淳","237Np中性子捕獲断面積の予備測定",,"日本原子力学会 2006年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 74-",2006,Sept. "大島 真澄,藤 暢輔,小泉 光生,木村 敦,原田 秀郎,古高 和禎,北谷 文人,中村 詔司,水本 元治,後藤 淳,井頭 政之,大崎 敏郎,堀 順一","全立体角Geスペクトロメータの性能評価",,"日本原子力学会 2006年秋の大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 57-",2006,Sept. "齋藤 雅史,井頭 政之,西山 潤,大崎 敏郎","La-139のkeV中性子捕獲断面積および捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定",,"日本原子力学会 2006年秋の大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 61-",2006,Sept. "西山 潤,井頭 政之,大崎 敏郎","Sn-118のkeV中性子捕獲断面積及び捕獲γ線スペクトルの測定",,"日本原子力学会 2006年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. 39-",2006,Mar. "藤 暢輔,大島 真澄,小泉 光生,木村 敦,原田 秀郎,古高 和禎,北谷 文人,中村 詔司,水本 元治,井頭 政之,大崎 敏郎,後藤 淳,堀 順一,永井 泰樹","中性子捕獲断面積測定用全立体角Geスペクトロメータの開発",,"日本原子力学会 2006年春の年会予稿集",,,,"pp. 36-",2006,Mar. "T. Ohsaki,D. Ikenaga,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA","Measurement of Capture Gamma Rays from the 46- and 84-keV Neutron Resonances of 24Mg",,"Proc. 12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005, ed. A. Woehr and A. Aprahamian (AIP Conference Proceedings, 819, 2006)",,"Vol. 819",,"pp. 378-382.",2006, "J. Nishiyama,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,T. Ohsaki,G. N. Kim,W. C. Chung,T. I. Ro:","Systematic Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of Sn Isotopes",,"Proc. 12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005, ed. A. Woehr and A. Aprahamian (AIP Conference Proceedings,819, 2006)",,,,"pp. 579-580",2006, "A. Laptev,H. Harada,S. Nakamura,J. Hori,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,T. Ohsaki,K. Ohgama:","Distortion of Pulse-Height Spectra of Neutron Capture Gamma Rays;",,"Proc. 12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005, ed. A. Woehr and A. Aprahamian (AIP Conference Proceedings, 819, 2006)",,"Vol. 819",,"pp. 402-406",2006, "K. Ohgama,MASAYUKI IGASHIRA,T. Ohsaki:","Measurement of Gamma Rays from keV-Neutron Capture Reaction by Zr-90, 94",,"Proc. 12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005, ed. A. Woehr and A. Aprahamian (AIP Conference Proceedings, 819, 2006)",,,,"pp. 373-377",2006, "J. Nishiyama,M. Igashira,T. Ohsaki,G. N. Kim,W. C. Chung,T. I. Ro","Systematic Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of Sn Isotopes","12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005","Proc. 12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005, ed. A. Woehr and A. Aprahamian (AIP Conference Proceedings, 819, 2006)",,,,"pp. 579-580",2006, "D. Cano-Ott et al. (including M. Igashira)","Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurements at n_TOF of 237Np, 240Pu and 243Am for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste","12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005","Proc. 12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005, ed. A. Woehr and A. Aprahamian (AIP Conference Proceedings, 819, 2006)",,,,"pp. 318-322",2006, "G. N. Kim,W. C. Chung,T. I. Ro,T. Ohsaki,M. Igashira","Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Sections for Gd Isotopes in the Energy Region from 10 keV to 90 keV","12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005","Proc. 12-th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Notre Dame, IN, US, 2005, ed. A. Woehr and A. Aprahamian (AIP Conference Proceedings, 819, 2006)",,,,"pp. 133-137",2006, "Y. Nagai,T. Kobayashi,T. Shima,T. Kikuchi,K. Takaoka,M. Igashira,J. Golak,R. Skibinski,H. Witala,A. Nogga,W. Glockle,H. Kamada","Measurement of the 2H(n,γ)3H reaction cross section between 10 and 550 keV",,"Phys. Rev.",,,"No. C74","pp. 025804-1-025804-7",2006, "M. Segawa,Y. Temma,Y. Nagai,T. Masaki,T. Shima,T. Ohta,A. Nakayoshi,J. Nishiyama,M. Igashira","A Detection System for (n,n’) Reaction Studies of Astrophysical Interest",,"Nucl. Instr. Meth.",,"Vol. A564",,"pp. 370-377",2006, "M. Koizumi,A. Osa,Y. Toh,A. Kimura,M. Mizumoto,M. Oshima,M. Igashira,T. Ohsaki,H. Harada,K. Furutaka,H. Sakane,J. Hori,J. Goto,M. Sugawara,Y. Nagai,K. Kawade","Minor Actinide Neutron Capture Cross-Section Measurements with a 4π Ge Spectrometer",,"Nucl. Instr. Meth.",,"Vol. A562",,"pp. 767-770",2006, "W. C. Chung,T. I. Ro,G. N. Kim,M. Igashira,T. Ohsak","Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross-Sections for 155Gd and 157Gd Isotopes in the Neutron Energy Range from 10 to 90 keV",,"Journal of the Korean Physical Sciety,",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 835-840",2006, "K. Ohgama,M. Igashira,T. Ohsaki","Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 91,92Zr",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,,"No. 42","pp. 333-340",2005, "Y. Nagai,M. Igashira,T. Takaoka,T. Kikuchi,T. Shima,A. Tomyo,A. Mengoni,T. Otsuka","7Li(n,γ)8Li reaction and the S17 factor at Ec.m. > 500 keV",,"Phys. Rev. C",,,"No. 71","pp. 055803-1-055803-8",2005, "A. Laptev,H. Harada,S. Nakamura,J. Hori,M. Igashira,T. Ohsaki,K. Ohgama","Baseline distortion effect on gamma-ray pulse-height spectra in neutron capture experiments",,"Nucl. Instr. Meth.",,,"No. A543","pp. 502-508.",2005, " Y. Temma,M. Segawa,H. Makii,T. Shima,Y. Nagai,T. Ohsaki,M. Igashira","The Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section of 62Ni and Nucleosynthesis of Heavy Elements;","the 2004 Symposium on Nuclear Data,","Proc. the 2004 Symposium on Nuclear Data, JAERI-Conf 2005-003 (2005)",,,,"pp. 237-240",2005, "M. Segawa,T. Masaki,Y. Temma,Y. Nagai,T. Shima,H. Makii,K. Mishima,H. Ueda,M. Igashira,T. Ohsaki,T. Shizuma,T. Hayakawa","Neutron Experiment for the Re/Os Cosmochronometer","the 2004 Symposium on Nuclear Data,","Proc. the 2004 Symposium on Nuclear Data, JAERI-Conf 2005-003 (2005)",,,,"pp. 233-236",2005, "M. Igashira","The Present Status of the n_TOF Facility at CERN","the 2004 Symposium on Nuclear Data,","Proc. the 2004 Symposium on Nuclear Data, JAERI-Conf 2005-003 (2005)",,,,"pp. 118-120",2005, "A. Tomyo,Y. Temma,M. Segawa,Y. Nagai,H. Makii,T. Shima,T. Ohsaki,M. Igashira","62Ni(n,γ)63Ni Reaction and Overproduction of Ni Isotopes",,"The Astrophysical Journal,",,"Vol. 623",,"pp. L153-L156",2005, "H. Makii,K. Mishima,M. Segawa,E. Sano,H. Ueda,T. Shima,Y. Nagai,M. Igashira,T. Ohsaki","Measurement system of the γ-ray angular distributions of the 12C(α,γ)16O reaction",,"Nucl. Instr. Meth.",,,"No. A547","pp. 411-423",2005, "M. Segawa,A. Tomyo,Y. Nagai,Y. Temma,T. Masaki,T. Shima,J. Nishiyama,T. Ohsaki,M. Igashira","New Approach for Measuring the (n,γ) Cross Section of a Nucleus by a Few keV Neutron",,"J. Phys. Society of Japan",,,"No. 74","pp. 2981-2986",2005, "C. Domingo-Pardo et al. (including M. Igashira)","New Measurement of the Capture Cross Section of Bismuth and Lead Isotopes","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2004","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2004 (AIP Conference Proceedings, 769, 2005)",,,,"pp. 1521-1524",2005, "G. Aerts et al. (including M. Igashira)","Measurement of the 232Th Neutron Capture Cross Section at the CERN n_TOF Facility","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2004","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2004 (AIP Conference Proceedings, 769, 2005)",,,,"pp. 1470-1473",2005, "D. Cano-Ott et al. (including M. Igashira)","Measurements at n_TOF of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of Minor Actinides Relevant to the Nuclear Waste Transmutation","Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2004","Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2004 (AIP Conference Proceedings, 769, 2005)",,,,"pp. 1442-1445",2005,