"北本朝史,桑子彰ら,他1人と共著,小澤正基","総説 -分離変換工学",,,"社団法人日本原子力学会",,,,2004,Feb. "M. Budi Setiawan,A. Kitamoto,A. Taniguchi","Evaluation on Transmutation Performance of Minor Actinides with High-Flux BWR",,"Ann. Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 443-456",2001, "A.Kitamoto,M. Budi Setiawan,A. Taniguchi","Evaluation of Recycle P&T Treatment by Using BWR to Perform Geologic Disposal",,"Prog. in Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 387-392",2000, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Opinion-Consider the Nuclear Disaster through Rumor",,"Nuclear Viewpoints",,"Vol. 46","No. 8","pp. 78-79",2000, "北本朝史","日本の原子力防災を考える",,"原子力eye",,"Vol. 46","No. 12","pp. 72-76",2000, "北本朝史","日本の原子力安全を考える(上)",,"原子力eye",,"Vol. 46","No. 3","pp. 57-61",2000, "北本朝史","日本の原子力安全を考える(下)",,"原子力eye",,"Vol. 46","No. 4","pp. 69-74",2000, "北本朝史","OPINION?原子力の風評被害を考える",,"原子力eye",,"Vol. 46","No. 8","pp. 78-79",2000, "A.Kitamoto,M. Budi Setiawan,A. Taniguchi","Evaluation of Recycle P&T Treatment by Using BWR to Perform Geologic Disposal",,"Prog. Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 387-392",2000, "北本朝史","日本の原子力防災を考える",,"原子力eye",,"Vol. 46","No. 12","pp. 72-76",2000, "A.KITAMOTO","Study on Reprocessing System by Metallurgical Fuel Cycle for Partitioning and Recycle based on ANL Concept,",,"Global' 99",,"Vol. 830",,"pp. 2",1999, "A. Kitamoto,M.Shimizu","Numerical Study on Simultaneous Production of Highly Enriched O-18, O-17 and N-15 by a Simple Cryogenic Distillation System of NO",,"Int. Conf. Stable Isotopes and Isotope Effects ",,,"No. B","pp. 19",1999, "A. Kitamoto,M. Tokiwai","Study on Reprocessing System by Metallurgical Fuel Cycle for Partitioning and Recycle based on ANL Concept",,"Global’99 ",,,"No. SNFT","pp. 830-2",1999, "A. Kitamoto,E. O-tsu","Direct Use of b- and g-ray Radiation Generated by 90Sr and 137Cs Partitioned from High Level Wastes ",,"Global’99 ",,,"No. IPTA","pp. 831-6",1999, "A. Kitamoto,M. B. Setiawan,A. Taniguchi","Recycle Transmutation to Reduce Evaluation on Transmutation Performance of Minor Actinides with High-Flux BWR ",,"Global’99 ",,,"No. SNFT","pp. 830-26",1999, "A.KITAMOTO","Recycle Transmutation to Reduce Minor Actinide for Geologic Disposal by using High Flux LWR,",,"Global' 99",,"Vol. 830",,"pp. 26",1999, "A.KITAMOTO","Concept of Optimization for Geologic Disposal combined with P&B/T(Partitioning, and Burning and/or Transmutation)Treatment in Self-Completed Fuel Cycle",,"Prog. Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 429-440",1998, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","New Concept for Partitioning and Transmutation Treatment combined with Geologic Disposal in Advanced Duel Cycle",,"GLOBAL'97",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 973-980",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","New Concept for Partitioning and Transmutation Treatment combined with Geologic Disposal in Advancef Fuel Cycle",,"Global'97",,"Vol. P-1",,"pp. Log#286",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Effective Use of Radioactive Cs-137 and Sr-90 in HLW for Quantum Generation",,"AESJ 1997-Annual Meeting",,"Vol. K52",,"pp. 540",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Conceptual Investigation on Partitioning and the Performance of Counter-current Multi-stage Extraction Process",,"AESJ 1997-Fall Meeting",,,,"pp. J13",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Optimization of P&B/T(Partitioning, and Burning and/or Transmutation)Treatment based on Three Criteria in Self-Completed Fuel Cycle",,"ICENES'96",,,,"pp. 121-132",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","A Concept of Coupled Spectrum Burning and/or Transmutation Reactor for Treatment of Minor Actinides",,"ICENES'96",,,,"pp. 321-330",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Concept of Direct Use of Sr-90 in HLW as β-source",,"AESJ of 1997 Annual Meeting",,"Vol. K52",,"pp. 540",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Conceptual Basement for Partitioning and the Perfoemance of Counter-current Multi-Stage Extraction Process",,"AESJ of 1997 Fall Meeting",,"Vol. J13",,"pp. 748",1997, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Technology at the Cross Point between P&T(Partitioning and Transmutation) Treatment and Geologic Disposal",,"12th Symposium on Radioactive Waste Research, AESJ",,,,"pp. 265-281",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Advanced Concept of Partitioning for Transmutation Treatment in Improved Geologic Disposal of HLW",,"MRS'97, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXI",,,,"pp. 156-163",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Concept on Coupled Spectrum B/T(Burning and/or Transmutation)Reactor for Treatment of Minor Actinides by Thermal and Fast Neutrons",,"Ann.Nucl.Energy",,"Vol. 233","No. 15","pp. 1239",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Concept on Coupled Spectrum B/T(Burning and/ or Transmutation) Reactor for Treatment of Minor Actinides by Thermal and Fast Neutrons",,"Ann. Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 1239-1248",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Improvement of Burning and/ or Transmutation Performance of CSR(Coupled Spectrum B/T Reactor) by B/T Fuel Adjustment",,"AESJ 1996-Annual Meeting",,"Vol. K37",,"pp. 523",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Radioactive Thermo-decomposition rate of coal under the irradiation of ┣D1137┫D1Cs with respect to reaction temperature",,"AESJ 1996-Annual Meeting",,"Vol. N1",,"pp. 665",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Maximization of Burning and/ or Transmutation(B/T) Capacity in Coupled Spectrum Reactor(CSR) by Fuel and Core Abjustment",,"AESJ 1996-Fall Meeting",,"Vol. A52",,"pp. 246",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Optimization of P&B/T(Partitioning, and Burning and/ or Transmutation) Treatment based on Three Criteria in Self-Completed Fuel Cycle",,"ICENES'96",,"Vol. P-3",,"pp. 21-32",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","A Concept of Coupled Spectrum Burning and/ or Transmutation Reactor for Treatment of Minor Actinides",,"ICENES'96",,"Vol. 3-1",,"pp. 121-130",1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Breakthrough from the Crossing Point between Partitioning for Transmutation Treatment and the Geologic Disposal of HLW",,"MRS'97, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXI, Invited Presentation, WS-IV",,,,,1996, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Grouping in Partitioning of HLW for Burning and/or Transmutation by Nuclear Reactor,",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 565-576",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Grouping in Partitioning of HLW for Burning and/or Transmutation by Nuclear Reactors",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technology",,"Vol. 32","No. 6","pp. 565",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Grouping of HLW in Partitioning for B/T(Burning and/or Transmutation) Treatment with Newtron Reactors Based on Three Criteria",,"Annals Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 22","No. 11","pp. 697",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Innovative Technology in High Level Radioavtive Waste Treatment(Pyrochemical Reprocessing of Metal Fuel System)",,"Metal Fuel Cycle Technology(Atomic Energy Soc.Japan)",,,"No. 特別","pp. 120-129",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","MA Treatment by Thermal and Fast Fission in Coupled Spectrum B/T Reactor",,"日本原子力学会「1995年春の年会」要旨集",,"Vol. J42",,"pp. 478",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Self-Completed Naclear Fuel Cycle",,"Metal Fuel Cycle Technology(Atomic Energy Soc.Japan)",,,"No. 特別","pp. 134-143",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Decomposition Rate of Coal due to Thermal & Radiational Effect under Strong Gamma Ray of Cs-137",,"日本原子力学会「1995年秋の大会」予稿集",,"Vol. J36",,"pp. 694",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Improvement of Inherent Safety Features in CSR(Coupled Spectrum B/T Reactor)for Treating MA",,"日本原子力学会「1995年秋の大会」予稿集",,"Vol. G29",,"pp. 517",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Activation Energy and Surface Creation by Composite Ultra-fine Particle under Laser Beam",,"化学工学会第28回秋季大会",,"Vol. V104","No. 1","pp. 393",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Optimization of P-T Treatment and Recycle Period on Two Step B/T Method",,"日本原子力学会「1995年春の年会」要旨集",,"Vol. J44",,"pp. 480",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Evaluation of Burning Rate of Fast Reactor and Hazard Index Potentioal for MA in Recycle B/T Treatment",,"日本原子力学会「1995年春の年会」要旨集",,"Vol. J43",,"pp. 479",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Two-Step B/T(Burning and/or Transmutation)Method for Self-Completed Nuclear Fuel Cycle with Thermal and Fast B/T Reactors,New Concept for Cost Optimization in P&B/T Treatment",,"GLOBAL'95",,,,"pp. 1925-1935",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Grouping of HLW in Partitioning for B/T (Burning and/or Transmutation)Treatment with Neutron Reactors Based on Three Criteria",,"Annals Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 697-709",1995, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Special Characteristics of Fast B/T Reactor for Minimization of High Level Waste and Hazard Index",,"SPECTRUM'94",,,,"pp. 1422-1427",1994, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Two Step Burning and/or Transmutation Treatment with Nuclear Reactor and Partioning Concept for Optimization",,"Present Status of Transmution Reserch and Development(Atom.Energy Soc.Japan)",,,"No. 特別","pp. 72-79",1994, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Two-Step B/T(Burning and/or Transmutation)Method for Self-Completed Nuclear Fuel Cycle with Thermal and Fast B/T Reactors,",,"Global Environment and Nuclear Energy Systems",,,,"pp. 311-318",1994, "ASASHI KITAMOTO","Two Step B/T Method by Thermal and Fast Reactor and Maximization of B/T Rate with Grouping of MA and LLFPs in Partitioning",,"RECOD'94",,,"No. 2","pp. 801-804",1994, "K.Takeshita,ASASHI KITAMOTO","Relation between Separation Factor of Carbon Isotope and Chemical Reaction of CO2 with Amine in Nonaqueous Solvent(共著)",,"J. Chem. Eng. Japan",,"Vol. 22","No. 5","pp. 447-454",1989,Jan. "竹下健二,北本朝史","化学交換法による向流型交換塔の炭素同位体分離性能の評価(共著)",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 29","No. 5","pp. 445-455",1987,May "北本朝史","イオン交換膜電気透析法に関する工学的研究",,,,,,,1969,