"木村康孝,佐藤大地,Asimananda Mallick,三上貴正","セメントペースト試験体の曲げ強度に及ぼす若材齢時の拘束条件の影響","日本建築学会大会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集",,"Vol. A-1",,"pp. 21-22",2014,Sept. "Asimananda Mallick","A Study on Very Early-age Volume Deformation of Mortar","Japan Society for Material's Science","Japan Society for Material's Science","Japan Society for Material's Science",,,,2010,Oct. "Asimananda MALLICK,Takamasa MIKAMI","ON BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EARLY-AGE VOLUME CHANGE OF MORTAR","The 10th Japan/Korea Joint Symposium on Building Materials & Construction","Proceedings of the 10th Japan/Korea Joint Symposium on Building materials & Construction",,"Vol. 1","No. 1028","Page 145 - 148",2010,Sept. "MALLICK ASIMANANDA,MIKAMI TAKAMASA","ON BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF VERY EARLY-AGE VOLUME DEFORMATION OF MORTAR","Annual Meetting, Architectural Institute of Japan","Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meetting Architectural Institute of Japan","ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN","Vol. 1","No. 1477","Page 953 - 954",2010,Sept. "Asimananda MALLICK,TAKAMASA MIKAMI","On Basic Characteristics of Very Early-age Volume Deformation of Mortar",,"日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集. A-1, 材料施工","一般社団法人日本建築学会","Vol. 2010",,"pp. 953-954",2010,July "MALLICK ASIMANANDA,TAKAMASA MIKAMI","ON BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF VERY EARLY-AGE VOLUME CHANGE OF MORTAR","International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technologies (ICBEST 2010)","International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technologies (ICBEST 2010)","National Research Council Canada","Vol. 1 of 2","No. Track 3; Material & Components","pp. 279-287",2010,June "Asimananda MALLICK,TAKAMASA MIKAMI","Quantitative Analysis of the Volume Change of Early Age Concrete","Annual Meeting; Architechtural Institute of Japan - 2008","Technical Paper of Annual Meeting; AIJ-2008","Architechtural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 873-874",2008,July "Asimananda Mallick,TAKAMASA MIKAMI","Volume Change of Early Age Concrete","2007年度大会(九州)","Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectual Institute of Japan","Architectual Institute of Japan","Vol. A-1",,"pp. 303-304",2007,Aug. "Asimananda Mallick,Takamasa Mikami","Volume Change of Early Age Concrete","The 6th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia","Proceedings Volume 2 of the 6th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 1281-1284",2006,Oct. "ASIMANANDA MALLICK,TAKAMASA MIKAMI","VOLUME CHANGE OF EARLY AGE CONCRETE","The 8th Japan/Korea Joint Symposium on Building Materials & Construction","Proceedings of 8th Japan/Korea Joint Symposium on Building Materials & Construction","The 8th Japan/Korea Joint Symposium on Building Materials & Construction","Vol. 1","No. 5","Page 25 - 28",2006,Sept. "Asimananda Mallick","On Volume Change Prediction of Early Age Concrete",,,,,,,2006,Sept.