"Yu Terada,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Takuya Isomura,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Objective and efficient inference for couplings in neuronal network",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",," 2019",,"pp. 124010(1-14)",2019,Dec. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Semi-Analytic Resampling in Lasso",,"Journal of Machine Learning Research","Journal of Machine Learning Research","Vol. 20","No. 70","pp. 1-33",2019,Apr. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno,Masato Okada,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Statistical mechanical analysis of sparse linear regression as a variable selection problem",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",,,,"pp. 103401",2018,Oct. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Accelerating Cross-Validation in Multinomial Logistic Regression with L1-Regularization",,"Journal of Machine Learning Research","Journal of Machine Learning Research","Vol. 19","No. 52","pp. 1-30",2018,Sept. "Yu Terada,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Takuya Isomura,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Objective and efficient inference for couplings in neuronal networks","NeurIPS 2018","Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31",,,,"pp. 4976--4985",2018,Sept. "Tatsuro Kawamoto,Masashi Tsubaki,Tomoyuki Obuchi","Mean-field theory of graph neural networks in graph partitioning","NeurIPS 2018","Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31",,,,"pp. 4366--4376",2018,Sept. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Shiro Ikeda,Kazunori Akiyama,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Accelerating cross-validation with total variation and its application to super-resolution imaging",,"PLoS ONE",," 12"," 12"," e0188012(1-14)",2017,Dec. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Sei Suzuki,Kazutaka Takahashi","Complex semiclassical analysis of the Loschmidt amplitude and dynamical quantum phase transitions",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 95",,"pp. 174305",2017,May "Ulisse Ferrari,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Thierry Mora","Random versus maximum entropy models of neural population activity",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 95",,"pp. 042321",2017,Apr. "Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Makoto Uemura","Approximate cross-validation formula for Bayesian linear regression","54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing","2016 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton)",,,,,2017,Feb. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Kei Tokita","Relative species abundance of replicator dynamics with sparse interactions",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",,"Vol. 2016",,"pp. 112502(1-28)",2016,Nov. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Hirokazu Koma,Muneki Yasuda","Boltzmann-machine learning of prior distributions of binarized natural images",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ)",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 114803",2016,Oct. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Kei Tokita","Multiple peaks of species abundance distributions induced by sparse interactions",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW E",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 022312(1-5)",2016,Aug. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Sampling approach to sparse approximation problem: determining degrees of freedom by simulated annealing","2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)","Proceedings of 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)",,,,"pp. 1247-1251",2016,Aug. "Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Masato Okada,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Sparse approximation based on a random overcomplete basis",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",,"Vol. 2016",,"pp. 063302(1-30)",2016,June "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Cross validation in LASSO and its acceleration",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment","IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA Medialab srl","Volume 2016",," 053304(1-36)",2016,May "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Sparse approximation problem: how rapid simulated annealing succeeds and fails","International Meeting on High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science (HD3-2015)","Journal of Physics: Conference Series","IOP","Vol. 699",,"pp. 012017(1-12)",2016,Apr. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Simona Cocco,R?mi Monasson","Learning probabilities from random observables in high dimensions: the maximum entropy distribution and others",,"Journal of Statistical Physics",,"Vol. 161",," 598",2015,Aug. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,R?mi Monasson","Learning probability distributions from smooth observables and the maximum entropy principle: some remarks","STATPHYS-KOLKATA VIII","Journal of Physics: Conference Series",,"Vol. 638",,,2015,Aug. "中西(大野) 義典,小渕智之,岡田 真人,樺島祥介","過完備基底を用いた歪有圧縮の統計力学的解析 (情報論的学習理論と機械学習 情報論的学習理論ワークショップ)",,"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報","一般社団法人電子情報通信学会","Vol. 114","No. 306","pp. 119-126",2014,Nov. "Kazutaka Takahashi,Tomoyuki Obuchi","Zeros of the partition function and dynamical singularities in spin-glass systems","International Meeting on ''Inference, Computation, and Spin Glasses'' (ICSG2013)","Journal of Physics: Conference Series",,"Vol. 473",,,2013,Dec. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Hikaru Kawamura","Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional XY spin glass focusing on chiral and spin order",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 87",," 174438",2013,May "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Kazutaka Takahashi","Dynamical singularities of glassy systems in a quantum quench",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 86",," 051125",2012,Nov. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Hikaru Kawamura","Spin and chiral orderings of the antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice and their critical properties",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 81",," 054003",2012,Apr. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Kazutaka Takahashi","Partition-function zeros of spherical spin glasses and their relevance to chaos",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 45",," 125003",2012,Mar. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Kazutaka Takahashi,Koujin Takeda","Statistical mechanical analysis of hierarchical random code ensemble in signal processing",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 44",," 085002",2011,Feb. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Kazutaka Takahashi,Koujin Takeda","Replica symmetry breaking, complexity, and spin representation in the generalized random energy model",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 43",,,2010,Nov. "竹田 晃人,小渕智之,高橋 和孝","統計力学的手法に基づく階層的ランダム符号の性能解析",,"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IBISML, 情報論的学習理論と機械学習 = IEICE technical report. IBISML, Information-based induction sciences and machine learning","一般社団法人電子情報通信学会","Vol. 110","No. 265","pp. 231-238",2010,Oct. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Masayuki Ohzeki","Zero-temperature complex replica zeros of the ±J Ising spin glass on mean-field systems and beyond","International Symposium on Nanoscience and Quantum PhysicsnanoPHYS'09","Physica E","Elsevier","Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 786-789",2010,Aug. "Yoshiki Matsuda,Markus Muller,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Tomoyuki Obuchi,Antonello Scardicchio","Distribution of partition function zeros for the ±J model on the Bethe lattice",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 43",," 285002",2010,June "Tomoyuki Obuchi","Role of the finite replica analysis in the mean-field theory of spin glasses",,,,,,,2010,Mar. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Weight space structure and analysis using a finite replica number in the Ising perceptron",,"Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment",,"Vol. 2009",,"pp. P12014-",2009,Dec. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Complex replica zeros of ±J Ising spin glass at zero temperature",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical","IOP","Vol. 42","No. 7","pp. 075004(1-27)",2009,Jan. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Hidetoshi Nishimori,David Sherrington","Phase diagram of the p-spin interacting spin glass with ferromagnetic bias and a transverse field in the infinite-p limit",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ)",,"Vol. 76",," 054002",2007,May