"Nao Nakanishi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akira Ishikawa","Refinement of the micro-distillation technique for isotopic analysis of geological samples with pg-level osmium contents",,"Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research",,"Volume 43","No. 2","Page 231-243",2019,May "Satoki Okabayashi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Nao Nakanishi,Hikaru Iwamori","Fractionation of highly siderophile elements in metal grains from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites: Implications for the origin of chondritic metals",,"Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 244",,"pp. 197-215",2019,Jan. "Nao Nakanishi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akira Ishikawa","Reassessment of chemical separation techniques for isotope analysis of pg-level Os with N-TIMS","American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Nao Nakanishi","Analyses of highly siderophile elements and osmium isotope compositions in metal phases from carbonaceous chondrites for the study of the chemical evolution of the Solar System",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "中西奈央","炭素質コンドライトメタル相における強親鉄性元素及びOs同位体分析に基づく初期太陽系物質進化に関する研究",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "Nao Nakanishi","Analyses of highly siderophile elements and osmium isotope compositions in metal phases from carbonaceous chondrites for the study of the chemical evolution of the Solar System",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "Nao Nakanishi","Analyses of highly siderophile elements and osmium isotope compositions in metal phases from carbonaceous chondrites for the study of the chemical evolution of the Solar System",,,,,,,2018,Mar. "Nao Nakanishi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Satoki Okabayashi,Tomohiro Usui,Hikaru Iwamori","Re-Os isotope systematics and fractionation of siderophile elements in metal phases from CBa chondrites",,"Meteoritics & Planetary Science",,"Vol. 53","No. 5","pp. 1051-1065",2018,Jan.