"Ryo Kawasaki,Hideo Konishi,Junki Yukawa","Equilibria in Bottleneck Games",,"International Journal of Game Theory",,"Vol. 52","Issue 3","pp. 649-685",2023,Sept. "Keisuke Bando,Ryo Kawasaki","Stability Properties of the Core in a Generalized Assignment Problem",,"Games and Economic Behavior",,"Vol. 130",,"pp. 211-223",2021,Nov. "Ryo Kawasaki,Jun Wako,Shigeo Muto","Cooperative Games (von Neumann-Morgenstern Stable Sets)",,"Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science","Springer",,,,2020, "Keisuke Bando,Ryo Kawasaki,Shigeo Muto","Two-sided Matching with Externalities: A Survey",,"Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan",,"Vol. 59","No. 1","pp. 35-71",2016,Jan. "Ryo Kawasaki,Takashi Sato,Shigeo Muto","Farsightedly Stable Tariffs",,"Mathematical Social Sciences",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 118-124",2015,July "Ryo Kawasaki","Roth?Postlewaite Stability and von Neumann?Morgenstern Stability",,"Journal of Mathematical Economics",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 1-6",2015,May "Ryo Kawasaki","Maximin, Minimax, and von Neumann-Morgenstern Farsighted Stable Sets",,"Mathematical Social Sciences",,"Vol. 74",,"pp. 8-12",2015,Mar. "Hirofumi Yamamura,Ryo Kawasaki","Generalized Average Rules as Stable Nash Mechanisms to Implement Generalized Median Rules",,"Social Choice and Welfare",,"Vol. 40","No. 3","pp. 815-833",2013,Mar. "Junnosuke Shino,Ryo Kawasaki","Farsighted Stable Sets in Hotelling's Location Games",,"Mathematical Social Sciences",,"Vol. 63","No. 1","pp. 23-30",2012,Jan. "Yoshio Kamijo,Ryo Kawasaki","Dynamics, Stability, and Foresight in the Shapley-Scarf Housing Market",,"Journal of Mathematical Economics",,"Vol. 46","No. 2","pp. 214-222",2010,Mar. "Ryo Kawasaki","Farsighted Stability of the Competitive Allocations in an Exchange Economy with Indivisible Goods",,"Mathematical Social Sciences",,"Vol. 59","No. 1","pp. 46-52",2010,Jan. "Ryo Kawasaki,Shigeo Muto","Farsighted Stability in Provision of Perfectly eLumpyf Public Goods",,"Mathematical Social Sciences",,"Vol. 58","No. 1","pp. 98-109",2009,July "Ryo Kawasaki","Stability and Foresight in Economic Situations",,,,,,,2009,June