"南正樹,篠原保二,阿藤敏行,金圭庸","ポリプロピレン繊維補強セメント複合材料の高速衝突実験",,"コンクリート工学年次論文集",,"Vol. 38","No. 2","pp. 775?780",2016,July "南正樹,篠原保二,阿藤敏行,金圭庸","高速飛翔体の衝突実験による高靭性セメント複合材料の破壊特性",,"コンクリート工学年次論文集",,"Vol. 37","No. 2","pp. 583?588",2015,July "T. Okano,S. Kitao,M. Seto,T. Atou,M. Itoh,M. Matoba,Y. Kamihara","A Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point in Heavy-Fermion Iron Oxypnictide CeFe1-xCrxPO",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"vol. 117","No. 17","pp. 17E123 1-4",2015,Apr. "Y. Sato,M. Terauchi,K. Niwase,K. G. Nakamura,T. Atou,T. Iwata","High energy-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy and soft-x-ray emission spectroscopy studies of amorphous diamond transformed from neutron-irradiated graphite",,"J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.",,"Vol. 500",,,2014,May "Hiromu Shiozawa,Seiya Inagi,Masanori Matoba,Toshiyuki Atou,Mitsuru Itoh,Yoichi Kamihara","Relations between Superconducting Transition Temperatures and Crystallographic Local Structures in Iron-based Mixed Anion Compounds",,"Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference",,"vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 012026 1-4",2014,Mar. "阿藤敏行","特集 ?高速衝突により生じる様々な現象とその応用? 特集にあたって",,"高圧力の科学と技術",,"Vol. 24","No. 1","p. 3",2014,Mar. "阿藤敏行","飛ばす -超高速飛翔体の衝突による材料組織、構造の変化-",,"未来材料","エヌ・ティー・エス","Vol. 13","No. 3"," 15",2013,Mar. "K. Nakamura,T. Atou,K. Niwase,K. G. Nakamura,A. Yoshimura,M. Tanimura,K. Kobayashi,M. Tachibana","Transparent Graphitic Tiles Synthesized from Carbon Nanowalls by Shock Compression and Rapid Quenching",,"J. Appl. Phys.",," 113",," 044313",2013,Jan. "Satoshi Okada,yoichi Kamihara,N. Ohklubo,S. Ban,Toshiyuki Atou","Physical properties of the novel layered cobalt oxyphosphide Sr2ScCoPO3,",,"J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.",," 400",," 022091",2012,Dec. "Toshiyuki Atou,Y. Sano,Masahide Katayama,SHIZUO HAYASHI","Damage Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Columns by Hypervelocity Impact","the 12th Hypervelocity impact society","the proceedings of the 12th Hypervelocity impact society",,,," 1106",2012,Sept. "K. Niwase,T. Atou,K. G. Nakamura,T. Iwata","Effect of Dose and Pressure on the Transformation from Neutron-Irradiated Graphite to Amorphous Diamond",,"J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.",," 377",," 012026",2012,Aug. "T. Atou,N. Kawai,K. Yubuta,S. Ito,M. Kikuchi","Nanofragmentation controlled by a shock-induced phase transition in mullite related ceramics and its application","THERMEC 2011","Materials Sci. Forum",,"Vol. 706-709",,"pp. 717-722",2011,Nov. "Hideo Hosono,Katsuro Hayashi,Toshio Kamiya,Toshiyuki Atou,Tomofumi Susaki","New functionalities in abundant element oxides: ubiquitous element strategy",,"Science and Technology of Advanced Materials",,"Vol. 12",,"p. 034303",2011,June "P. Beck,H. Yabuta,T. Atou,E. Quirico,Z. Yolidi-Martinez,A. Guillot,L. Bonal,G. Montagnac,B. Schmitt,G. Montes-Hernandez","Co-evolution of chondritic organics and Minerals during impact metamorphism",,"Meteoritics Planet. Sci",,"Vol. 46","No. S1","p. A16",2011,May "阿藤敏行","ムライトの衝撃誘起相変化とナノ破砕",,"セラミックス",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 369-399",2011,May "Hiroshi Takahashi,Hiroaki Koguchi,Toshiyuki Atou,HIDEO HOSONO,Ikufumi Katayama,Jun Takeda,Masahiro Kitajima,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA","Coherent optical phonons in the iron oxypnictide SmFeAsO1-x Fx (x=0.075)",,"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn",,"Vol. 80",," 013707",2011,Jan. "Hiroshi TAKAHASHI,Yoichi KAMIHARA,Hiroaki KOGUCHI,Toshiyuki ATOU,Hideo HOSONO,Ikufumi KATAYAMA,Jun TAKEDA,Masahiro KITAJIMA,Kazutaka G NAKAMURA","Coherent Optical Phonons in the Iron Oxypnictide SmFeAsO1-xFx (x = 0.075)",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",," 80",," 013707",2011, "Toshiyuki Atou,Shintaro Mukogawa,Hisamichi Kimura,Shun Itoh,Masae Kikuchi","Shock-assisted joining between metallic glass and ceramics",,"Proceedings of the Visual-JW2010",,,,,2010,Nov. "Toshiyuki Atou,Nobuaki Kawai,Shun Itoh,Kunio Yubuta,Masae Kikuchi","Instantaneous nano-order fragmentation in mullite ceramics triggered by a shock-induced phase transition",,"Jornal of Applied Physics",," 108"," 9"," 093523",2010,Nov. "Yoshinori Muraba,Satoru Matsuishi,sonun kimu,Toshiyuki Atou,Osamu Fukunaga,HIDEO HOSONO","High Pressure Synthesis of Indirectly electron-doped 122 Iron Superconductor Sr1-xLaxFe2As2 with a maximum Tc = 22 K","23rd International Symposium On Superconductivity (ISS2010)","Program & Abstract","ISTEC",,,"pp. 163",2010,Oct. "H. Hosono,T. Atou,T. Kamiya,Y. Matsumoto","Special Issue of STAC-3",,"Materials Science and Engineering B",," 173",,,2010, "Yoshinori Muraba,Satoru Matsuishi,Sung-Wng Kim,Toshiyuki Atou,Osamu Fukunaga,Hideo Hosono","High-pressure synthesis of the indirectly electron-doped iron pnictide superconductor Sr1-xLaxFe2As2 with maximum Tc = 22 K",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW B (RAPID COMMUNICATION)",,"Vol. 82",,"p. 180512(R)",2010, "Nobuaki Kawai,Toshiyuki Atou,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA,KEN-ICHI KONDO,K Yubuta,Masae Kikuchi","Shock induced disproportionation of mullite (3Al2O3-2SiO2)",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 106",," 023525",2009,July "K Yubuta,Teruhisa Hongo,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA,KEN-ICHI KONDO,Toshiyuki Atou,Masae Kikuchi","Intergrowth microstructure of MnF2 subjected to shock compression",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Vol. 89",,"p. 323-330",2009,Feb. "Toshiyuki Atou","Dynamic deformation and fracture of Mullite (3Al2O3?2SiO2) ceramics under hypervelocity impact",,"International Journal of Impact Engineering","Elsevier","Vol. 35",," 1612-1615",2008,Oct. "Nobuaki Kawai,Yosuke Harada,Manabu YOKOO,Toshiyuki Atou,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA,KEN-ICHI KONDO","Dynamic deformation and fracture of mullite (3Al2O3/2SiO2) ceramics under hypervelocity impact",,"International Journal of Impact Engineering",,"Vol. 35",,"p. 1612",2008,July "阿藤敏行","2. 第15回アメリカ物理学会凝集体物質の衝撃圧縮に関する分科会(2007 APS-SCCM)報告",,"高圧力の科学と技術",,"Vol. 18","No. 1","pp. 81-82",2008,Feb. "Toshiyuki ATOU,Nobuaki KAWAI,Kazutaka NAKAMURA,Ken-ichi KONDO,Syunichi ITO,K Yubuta,Masae KIKUCHI","TEM observation of dispropornation of Mullite and Sillimanite under shock compression","Shock compression of condensed matter","AIP conference Proceedings","American Institute of Physics","Vol. 955",,"pp. 143-146",2007,Dec. "Teruhisa Hongo,Ken-ichi Kondo,Kazutaka Nakamura,Toshiyuki Atou","High pressure Raman spectroscopic study of structural phase",,"J Mater Sci",,"Vol. 42",,"pp. 2582-2585",2007,Oct. "Teruhisa Hongo,KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA,Toshiyuki Atou,Masae Kikuchi,Kunio Yubuta,Shun Itoh,Keiji Kusaba,Kiyoto Fukuoka,Ken-ichi Kondo","Phase transition of MnF2 driven by shock compression at pressure of up to 33 GPa",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW B",,"Vol. 76",,"pp. 104114(6 pages)",2007,Sept. "KAZUTAKA NAKAMURA,Nobuaki Kawai,Toshiyuki Atou,Shun Ito,Kunio Yubuta,Masae Kikuchi,Kazutaka. Nakamura,Ken-ichi Kondo","Aligned Nanocrystalline Fragmentation of Mullite under",,"Advanced Materials",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 2375-2378",2007,Aug. "Kunio Yubuta,Teruhisa Hongo,Toshiyuki Atou,Kazutaka Nakamura,Ken-ichi Kondo,Masae Kikuchi","High-resolution electron microscopy of microstructure of MnF2 subjected to shock compression at 4.4 GPa",,"Solid State Communications",,"Vol. 143",,"pp. 127-130",2007,May "Toshiyuki Atou","The amorphization and disproportionation of mullite (3Al2O3 2SiO2) under shock compression",,"AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 845","No. 1","pp. 248-251",2006, "Toshiyuki Atou","Phase transition of MnF2 by shock compression up to 33 GPa",,"AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 845","No. 1","pp. 224-227",2006, "Toshiyuki Atou","Micromosaic formation in laser-irradiated Si probed by picosecond time-resolved x-ray diffraction",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 74","No. 22","pp. 224301",2006, "Toshiyuki Atou","Template synthesis of arrays of one-dimensional gold nanowires standing on a carbon film",,"Chem. Lett.",,"Vol. 35","No. 12","pp. 1352-1353",2006, "Toshiyuki Atou","Characteristics of a bulk high-critical temperature superconductor fabricated by the shock compaction method: Possible use as a highly sensitive magnetic sensor",,"J. Phys.",,"Vol. 43","No. 1","pp. 1389-1392",2006, "阿藤敏行","衝撃圧縮により誘起される多彩な構造と組織の変化 透過型電子顕微鏡の衝撃回収実験への応用-",,"高圧力の科学と技術",,"Vol. 15","No. 3","pp. 3,238-246",2005, "Toshiyuki Atou","Ag injection to Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy superconductor by shock-loading",,"J. Physique IV",,"Vol. 123",,"pp. 145-149",2005, "Toshiyuki Atou","Characterizations of the surfaces of shocked-Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O particles for a magnetic sensor",,"J. Vac.Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. A23","No. 4","pp. 1010-1012",2005, "Toshiyuki Atou","Flyer acceleration by pulsed laser and its application to shock-recovery experiment on MnF2",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1",,"Vol. 44","No. 7A","pp. 5006-5008",2005, "Toshiyuki Atou","Electronic transition of cobalt monoxide under high-pressure",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. L1281-L1283",2004, "Toshiyuki Atou","Anisotropic grain connectivity in shock consolidated MgB2 buld samples",,"Supercond. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 799-803",2004, "Toshiyuki Atou","Interaction of Separated Ferromagnetic Domains in a Hole-Doped Manganite Achieved by a Magnetic Field",,"Phys. Rev. Lett.",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. 047204-1-047204-4",2004, "Toshiyuki Atou","Shock wave consolidated MgB2 bulk samples",,"Physica, C",,"Vol. 412-414",,"pp. 619-622",2004, "Toshiyuki Atou","Shock-Compaction of Nd-System Superconductor Particles",,"Advancecd Material Science and Technology",,"Vol. 5","No. 1","pp. 38-39",2003, "Toshiyuki Atou","Magnetization distribution in the meixed-phase state of hole-doped manganites",,"Nature",,"Vol. 423",,"pp. 965",2003, "阿藤敏行","Grain size dependence on Cr-W alloy by shock compression method",,"J. Advanced Sci., SOCIETY OF ADVANCED SCIENCE",,"Vol. 15","No. 1/2","pp. 43-47",2003, "Toshiyuki Atou","Behavior of magnetic domains in La0.46Sr0.54MnO3 during the ferromagnetic phase transformation studied by electron holography",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 212406",2002, "Toshiyuki Atou","Electron microscopy studies of microstructures in β-Ga2O3 single crystals",,"Mat. Res. Bull.",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 769-774",2002, "阿藤敏行","Orbital ordering as the determinant for ferromagnetism in biferroic BiMnO3",,"Phys. Rev., B",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 064425",2002, "Toshiyuki Atou","Infrared reflectance and electrical conductivity of β-Ga2O3",,"Phys. Status Solidi A",,"Vol. 193","No. 1","pp. 187-195",2002, "Toshiyuki Atou","Crystal growth of Bi2(Sr,Nd/Sm)2CuOy and their superconductivity",,"J. Cryst. growth",,"Vol. 229",,"pp. 369-400",2001, "Toshiyuki Atou","Cathodluminescemce of undoped β-Ga2O3 single crystals",,"Solid State Commun.",,"Vol. 120",,"pp. 455-458",2001, "Toshiyuki Atou","Shock-induced phase transition of cobalt monoxide",,"Science and Technology of High Pressure, Proceedings of AIRAPT-17","Universal Press, Hynderabad, India",,,"pp. 241-244",2000, "Toshiyuki Atou","Phase transitions of MnO to 137 GPa",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 87","No. 9","pp. 4153-4159",2000, "Toshiyuki Atou","X-ray diffraction study of cobalt monoxide under high-pressure",,"Science and Technology of High Pressure, Proceedings of AIRAPT-17","Universal Press, Hynderabad, India",,,"pp. 491-494",2000, "Toshiyuki Atou","Shock compression of transition metal oxides",,"Science and Technology of High Pressure, Proceedings of AIRAPT-17","Universal Press, Hynderabad, India",,,"pp. 212-217",2000, "Toshiyuki Atou","Structure determination of ferromagnetic perovskite BiMnO3",,"J. Solid State Chem.",,"Vol. 145",,"pp. 639-642",1999, "Toshiyuki Atou","Microtexture of shock reaction of niobium and silica",,"J. Mat. Res.",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 3169-3174",1999, "Toshiyuki Atou","Equation of state on NiO studied by shock compression",,"J. Phys. Chem. Solids",,"Vol. 60","No. 4","pp. 509-514",1999, "阿藤敏行","High-Pressure Phase Transition of Cobalt Monoxide Due to Electronic Transition",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. L7-L9",1999, "Toshiyuki Atou","Preparation of α-MnO2 with an Open Tunnel",,"J. Solid State Chem.",,"Vol. 144",,"pp. 136-142",1999, "Toshiyuki Atou","Shock-induced phase transition of MnO and several other transition metal oxides",,"Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1997","AIP Press, New York",,,"pp. 151-154",1998, "Toshiyuki Atou","Synthesis and Characterization of (Bi, AE)MnO3 (AE = Ca, Sr) System",,"Solid State Ionics",,"Vol. 108",,"pp. 193-199",1998, "Toshiyuki Atou","High-pressure synthesis of alkali metal-transition metal compounds- A new class of intermetallics",,"Rev. High Pressure Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 1049-1053",1998, "Y. Syono,H. Chiba,T. Atou","Ferromagnetism in the (Bi, Sr)MnO3 Solid Solution Synthesized under High Pressure",,"J. Magnetics Soc. of Japan",,"Vol. 22","No. S1","pp. 52-54",1998, "T. Atou,H. Faqir,M. Kikuchi,H. Chiba,Y. Syono","A new high pressure phase of bismuth oxide",,"Mat. Res. Bull.",,"Vol. 33","No. 2","pp. 289-292",1998, "Toshiyuki Atou","Pressure effect on synthesis of TlSr2Ca2Cu3Oy and TlSr2Ca3Cu4Oy",,"Rev. High Pressure Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 1046-1048",1998, "E. Ohshima,T. Atou,M. Kikuchi,Y. Syono","Stabilization of Tl-Sr 1223 phase by high-pressure synthesis and Mo- and Re-substitution for Tl",,"Physica C",,"Vol. 282-287",,"pp. 827-828",1997, "M. Hasegawa,T. Atou,L. J. Parker,J. V. Badding","High-pressure synthesis of an alkali metal-transition metal Laves phase KAg2",,"J. Solid State Chem.",,"Vol. 130",,"pp. 311-315",1997, "L. J. Parker,M. Hasegawa,T. Atou,J. V. Badding","High pressure synthesis of alkali metal-transition metal compounds",,"Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 693-704",1997, "H. Chiba,T. Atou,Y. Syono","Magnetic and Electrical properties of Bi1-xSrxMnO3: Hole-doping effect on ferromagnetic perovskite BiMnO3",,"J. Solid State Chem.",,"Vol. 132",,"pp. 139-143",1997, "Toshiyuki Atou","High pressure synthesis of alkali metal-transition metal compounds",,"Advanced Material '96","NIRIM, Tsukuba",,,"pp. 163-167",1996,Dec. "L. J. Parker,T. Atou,J. V. Badding","Transition element-like chemistry for potassium under pressure",,"Science",,"Vol. 273",,"pp. 95-97",1996, "T. Atou,M. Hasegawa,L. J. Parker,J. V. Badding","Unusual chemical behavior for potassium under pressure: Silver-potassium compounds",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 118",,"pp. 12104-12108",1996, "T. Atou,J. V. Badding","A high resolution laboratory-based high pressure x-ray diffraction system",,"Rev. Sci. Instrum.",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 4496-4500",1995, "T. Atou,J. V. Badding","In situ diffraction study of the formation of rhenium hydride at high pressure",,", J. Solid State Chem.",,"Vol. 118",,"pp. 299-302",1995, "T. Yamasaki,Y. Ogino,K. Fukuoka,T. Atou,Y. Syono","Grain size dependence of hardness of metal-TiN nanocomposite materials prepared by mechanical alloying and shock consolidation",,"Mat. Sci. Forum",,"Vol. 179-181",,"pp. 647-652",1995, "H. Hikosaka,T. Atou,K. Kusaba,T. Suzuki,K. Fukuoka,M. Kikuchi,Y. Syono","Charactarization of EuBa2Cu3Oy synthesized in shock processes",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 1506-1509",1995, "Toshiyuki Atou","Shock-induced phase transition of scandium sesquioxide: Geometric factor governing high pressure transition in rare earth sesquioxides",,"High Pressure Science and Technology-1993","AIP, New York",,,"pp. 331-334",1994,Dec. "阿藤敏行","動的および静的圧縮法による希土類酸化物の圧力誘起構造相転移の機構に関する研究",,,,,,,1994,Mar. "M. Kikuchi,E. Ohshima,M. Kikuchi,T. Atou,Y. Syono","Synthesis and structure of Ba4CaCu2Oy(CO3)",,"Pysica C",,"Vol. 232",,"pp. 263-268",1994, "Toshiyuki Atou","Shock compression of VH0.50, NbH0.75 and TaH0.50: A comparative study",,"High Pressure Science and Technology-1993","AIP, New York",,,"pp. 861-864",1994, "阿藤敏行","Estimation of impact stress by piezofilm stress gauge",,"J. JSTP",,"Vol. 36","No. 416","pp. 1029-1032",1994, "S. Nakajima,M. Kikuchi,T. Atou,M. Kikuchi,Y. Syono","Effectiveness of high-pressure synthesis of bulk high-temperature superconductors of Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O system",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 1863-1864",1994, "M. Kikuchi,T. Atou,H. Hikosaka,K. Fukuoka,Y. Syono,N. Kobayashi,S. Kawamata,K. Okuda","Oriented bulk consolidation of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O by shock-loading method",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 6525-6529",1994, "T. Yamasaki,Y. Ogino,K. Morishita,K. Fukuoka,T. Atou,Y. Syono","Formation of amorphous Ti-Si powdered alloys and their shock consolidation",,"Mat. Sci. Eng. A",,"Vol. 179/180",,"pp. 220-223",1994, "H. Taguchi,Y. Fukai,T. Atou,K. Fukuoka,Y. Syono","Shock compression of NbH0.75 and TaH0.50 to 210 GPa",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 49","No. 5","pp. 3025-3029",1994, "阿藤敏行","Preparation of Fe-TiN nanocomposite-powders and their consolidation",,"J. Society Powder and Powder Metallurgy",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 324-327",1993, "阿藤敏行","Preparation of Ti-Si amorphous powders and their shock consolidation",,"J. Society Powder and Powder Metallurgy",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 943-946",1993, "Toshiyuki Atou","Phase change in solids during shock loading and unloading",,"Shock Waves","Springer, Tokyo",,,"pp. 121-128",1992, "Toshiyuki Atou","Pressure-induced phase transition in rare earth sesquioxides",,"High-Pressure Research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences","Terra/AGU, Tokyo/Washington D.C.",,,"pp. 469-475",1992, "Toshiyuki Atou","Pressure effect on the superconducting transition temperature of Tl-based high-Tc superconductor (2212)",,"Advanced in Superconductivity","Springer, Tokyo",,,"pp. 141-144",1991, "T. Atou,K. Kusaba,K. Fukuoka,M. Kikuchi,Y. Syono","Shock-induced phase transition of M2O3 (M=Sc, Y, Sm, Gd, and In) -type compounds",,"J. Solid State Chem.",,"Vol. 89",,"pp. 378-384",1990, "M. Kikuchi,Y. Syono,N. Kobayashi,T. Oku,E. Aoyagi,K. Hiraga,K. Kusaba,T. Atou,A. Tokiwa,K. Fukuoka","Shock-induced superconductivity of Tl2Ba2CuO6",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 57","No. 8","pp. 813-815",1990, "T. Atou,K. Kusaba,Y. Tsuchida,W. Utsumi,T. Yagi,Y. Syono","Reversible B-type - A-type transition of Sm2O3 under high pressure",,"Mat. Res. Bull",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 1171-1176",1989,