"Yoshiyuki Okuda,Kenji Ohta,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Kei HIROSE,Yasuo Ohishi","Anomalous compressibility in (Fe,Al)[bearing bridgmanite: implications for the spin state of iron",,"Physics and Chemistry of Minerals",,"Vol. 47",,,2020,Sept. "Kei Hirose,Shoh Tagawa,Yasuhiro Kuwayama,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Guillaume Morard","Hydrogen Limits Carbon in Liquid Iron","AGU Fall Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Yoshiyuki Okuda,Kenji Ohta,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Kei HIROSE,Takashi Yagi,Yasuo Oishi","Effect of spin transition of iron on the thermal conductivity of (Fe, Al)-bearing bridgmanite",,,,,,,2019,June "Kei Hirose,Shoh Tagawa,Yasuhiro Kuwayama,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Guillaume Morard,Yasuo Ohishi,Hidenori Genda","Hydrogen Limits Carbon in Liquid Iron",,"Geophysical Research Letters","American Geophysical Union","Vol. 46"," Issue 10","pp. 5190-5197",2019,May "Shunpei Yokoo,Kei Hirose,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Shoh Tagawa","Melting Experiments on Liquidus Phase Relations in the Fe]S]O Ternary System Under Core Pressures",,"Geophysical Research Letters","American Geophysical Union","Vol. 46"," Issue 10","pp. 5137-5145",2019,Apr. "Yoshiyuki Okuda,Kenji Ohta,Takashi Yagi,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Tatsuya Wakamatsu,Kei HIROSE,Yasuo Oishi","The effect of iron and aluminum incorporation on lattice thermal conductivity of bridgmanite at the Earth's lower mantle",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"vol. 474",,"pp. 25-31",2017,June "I. Kupenko,C. McCammon,R. Sinmyo,V. Cerantola,V. Potapkin,A. I. Chumakov,A. Kantor,R. Rueffer,L. Dubrovinsky","Oxidation state of the lower mantle: In situ observations of the iron electronic configuration in bridgmanite at extreme conditions",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 423",,"pp. 78-86",2015, "C. Prescher,L. Dubrovinsky,E. Bykova,I. Kupenko,K. Glazyrin,A. Kantor,C. McCammon,M. Mookherjee,Y. Nakajima,N. Miyajima,R. Sinmyo,V. Cerantola,N. Dubrovinskaia,V. Prakapenka,R. Rueffer,A. Chumakov,M. Hanfland","High Poisson's ratio of Earth's inner core explained by carbon alloying",,"Nature Geoscience",,"Vol. 8","No. 3","pp. 220-223",2015, "I. Kupenko,C. McCammon,R. Sinmyo,C. Prescher,A. I. Chumakov,A. Kantor,R. Rueffer,L. Dubrovinsky","Electronic spin state of Fe,Al-containing MgSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle conditions",,"Lithos",,"Vol. 189",,"pp. 167-172",2014, "R. Sinmyo,G. Pesce,E. Greenberg,C. McCammon,L. Dubrovinsky","Lower mantle electrical conductivity based on measurements of Al, Fe-bearing perovskite under lower mantle conditions",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 393",,"pp. 165-172",2014, "Ryosuke Sinmyo,Elena Bykova,Catherine McCammon,Ilya Kupenko,Vasily Potapkin,Leonid Dubrovinsky","Crystal chemistry of Fe3+-bearing (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite: a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study",,"Physics and Chemistry of Minerals",,"Vol. 41","No. 6","pp. 409-417",2014, "R. Sinmyo,K. Glazyrin,C. McCammon,I. Kupenko,A. Kantor,V. Potapkin,A. I. Chumakov,R. Rueffer,L. Dubrovinsky","The influence of solid solution on elastic wave velocity determination in (Mg,Fe)O using nuclear inelastic scattering",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 229",,"pp. 16-23",2014, "C. Prescher,C. Weigel,C. McCammon,O. Narygina,V. Potapkin,I. Kupenko,R. Sinmyo,A. I. Chumakov,L. Dubrovinsky","Iron spin state in silicate glass at high pressure: Implications for melts in the Earth's lower mantle",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 385",,"pp. 130-136",2014, "V. Potapkin,C. McCammon,K. Glazyrin,A. Kantor,I. Kupenko,C. Prescher,R. Sinmyo,G. V. Smirnov,A. I. Chumakov,R. Rueffer,L. Dubrovinsky","Effect of iron oxidation state on the electrical conductivity of the Earth's lower mantle",,"Nature Communications",,"Vol. 4",,,2013, "Catherine McCammon,Konstantin Glazyrin,Anastasia Kantor,Innokenty Kantor,Ilya Kupenko,Olga Narygina,Vasily Potapkin,Clemens Prescher,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Alexandr Chumakov,Rudolf Rueffer,Ilya Sergueev,Gennady Smirnov,Leonid Dubrovinsky","Iron spin state in silicate perovskite at conditions of the Earth's deep interior",,"High Pressure Research",,"Vol. 33","No. 3","pp. 663-672",2013, "Ryosuke Sinmyo,Kei Hirose","Iron partitioning in pyrolitic lower mantle",,"Physics and Chemistry of Minerals",,"Vol. 40","No. 2","pp. 107-113",2013, "I. Kupenko,L. Dubrovinsky,N. Dubrovinskaia,C. McCammon,K. Glazyrin,E. Bykova,T. Boffa Ballaran,R. Sinmyo,A. I. Chumakov,V. Potapkin,A. Kantor,R. Rueffer,M. Hanfland,W. Crichton,M. Merlini","Portable double-sided laser-heating system for Mossbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction experiments at synchrotron facilities with diamond anvil cells",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",,"Vol. 83","No. 12",,2012, "Ryosuke Sinmyo,Kei Hirose,Shunsuke Muto,Yasuo Ohishi,Akira Yasuhara","The valence state and partitioning of iron in the Earth's lowermost mantle",,"Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth",,"Vol. 116",,,2011, "Ryosuke Sinmyo,Kei Hirose","The Soret diffusion in laser-heated diamond-anvil cell",,"Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors",,"Vol. 180","No. 3-4","pp. 172-178",2010, "Shigehiko Tateno,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Kei Hirose,Hideo Nishioka","The advanced ion-milling method for preparation of thin film using ion slicer: Application to a sample recovered from diamond-anvil cell",,"Review of Scientific Instruments",,"Vol. 80","No. 1",,2009, "‘¾“c Œ’“ñ,œA£ Œh,V–¼ —ljî,¬–ì“c ŽéX],´… ŽÆ","ƒŒ[ƒU[‰Á”MŽ®ƒ_ƒCƒ„ƒ‚ƒ“ƒhƒZƒ‹‚ð—p‚¢‚½(Mg,Fe)SiO_3ƒ|ƒXƒgƒyƒƒtƒXƒJƒCƒg‘Š‚Ì“d‹C“`“±“x‘ª’è",,"‚ˆ³—͂̉Ȋw‚Æ‹Zp = The Review of high pressure science and technology","“ú–{‚ˆ³—ÍŠw‰ï","Vol. 18","No. 3",,2008,July "Kenji Ohta,Suzue Onoda,Kei Hirose,Ryosuke Sinmyo,Katsuya Shimizu,Nagayoshi Sata,Yasuo Ohishi,Akira Yasuhara","The electrical conductivity of post-perovskite in Earth's D" layer",,"Science",,"Vol. 320","No. 5872","pp. 89-91",2008, "Ryosuke Sinmyo,Kei Hirose,Daisuke Nishio-Hamane,Yusuke Seto,Kiyoshi Fujino,Nagayoshi Sata,Yasuo Ohishi","Partitioning of iron between perovskite/postperovskite and ferropericlase in the lower mantle",,"Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth",,"Vol. 113","No. B11",,2008, "Ryosuke Sinmyo,Haruka Ozawa,Kei Hirose,Akira Yasuhara,Noriaki Endo,Nagayoshi Sata,Yasuo Ohishi","Ferric iron content in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite at deep lower mantle conditions",,"American Mineralogist",,"Vol. 93","No. 11-12","pp. 1899-1902",2008, "R. Sinmyo,K. Hirose,H. S. O'Neill,E. Okunishi","Ferric iron in Al-bearing post-perovskite",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 33","No. 12",,2006, "K. Hirose,R. Sinmyo,N. Sata,Y. Ohishi","Determination of post-perovskite phase transition boundary in MgSiO3 using Au and MgO pressure standards",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 33","No. 1",,2006,